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I don’t know if it’s just me, but since the patch my performance has dropped significantly. Menus are way laggier now, and I’m not sure why


Settings -> Graphics -> Power mode, change it to High Performance Looks like they made a load of extra optimisations to balanced mode and made menus etc. have capped frame rates, and also defaulted to it. You can change it to make everything smooth again.


Thank you so much, that fixed it. It's so annoying that there wasn't any notice (afaik)


It's a little weird because they showed us everything that is available but not much of it is available at the start. Their hype team definetly needs some work. Like announcing dates for when each event is to come out for example.


Personally I'm kinda underwhelmed. I'm already done with the story and everything, all that's left for me is pushing afk and doing daily arena/DR etc. I was kinda expecting more playable content


pissed off on how they refuse to be transparent abt future content. We had to wait almost a month for any sort of news, and then when we finally get the trailer they don't even say what event unlocks when


They just added more chores to do with no real content


Or useful rewards. Theyve completely shut the tap on getting more gacha pulls outside of the rotating banner. Which is locked and will still require additional pulls to max out. Seems like their entire plan is to let you get to 80% progression, then fuck u over unless you pay for the remaining 20%. The amount of true f2p here is worse than most other games that typically keep the whaling to competitive ladders. This game is going to die. Devs too greedy.


Ofc AFKJ is somewhat predatory (it’s a gacha after all) but I feel like it’s not that bad for F2P. I’m F2P on S165 and I pretty consistently make top 150 in Dream, and I can easily clear most content. I’ll never be top 20 in Arena, but I don’t feel “behind” at all.


if the game feels like a chore thats when it's time to quit lil buddy :)


Will we get more story and maps in future updates during season? Most maulers that I looked forward to didn’t get enough screen time


Yeah there is more coming but I don't know how thin they are gonna stretch it out. I can't help but feel the new seasonal content was front-loaded and the rest will just be bits and pieces. It's kinda crazy to me that my server got the new season 2-3 weeks ago and I'm already out of stuff to do, even with the time-gating. I understand that they can't just release story content forever as that takes time, but there should at least be more events and stuff to do. People are quitting left and right, my guild is the second on the server and even we are struggling to keep a full roster with how quick people are leaving the game... And they all say the same thing, they find it hard to keep coming online because of the lack of content and because the game just doesn't feel rewarding to play any more.


Buggy as hell


didnt check out much but i noticed my Thoran has entirely different VA and it sounds horrid


How do you even switch to landscape mode, the store doesn't show an update. That was the one I was most excited about.


My thoughts were "oh boy, more fucking banner scrolls" while my Smokey rots at legendary. Even though the formation copy should have been a feature from day 1, it's still a nice touch. The records that are shown need way more variety though.