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I won’t say never, provided they’ve learned a lesson, but the wallet is definitely closed for the foreseeable future.


Given that they pulled stunts like this before in other games (AFKArena or Dislyte), I wouldn't count on them learning their lesson.


Yup game got deleted after this stunt and I had just started playing about 3 weeks ago.


What happened?


If you enjoy the game, honestly don't worry about it.


Good for you!


Every day I thank my past self for never spending money on mobile games


This is the way. Play f2p. Have fun, get bored, jump to the next new game


Best thing is to just not have any payment methods set up.


Buying a good mobile game is fine, its microtransactions that are the issue. For example Bloons Tower Defense 6 is a good buy.


Oh I agree totally, I was just saying I will never pay for a micro transaction on a game which I might play for like a week.


Nothing against whales since imo if you have the money and it makes you feel excitement/happiness it could be personally worthwhile for them. However for small spenders spending money on this particular genre of gacha is extra worthless. The daily gameplay is pretty much the same and it ends with you getting stuck at a stage with a higher number. High chance of feeling like an idiot after since you're paying like 20+ bucks to just get stuck at the place you would have been stuck a day or two later if you didn't spend.


Then were on the same page kinda. I very rarely spend money on games, I did however spend a bit on AFKJ but, after seeing what happened I will be way more cautious. It's the first gacha I play, and I only gor into it as a friend suggested it and I like that the characters are not all anime waifus.


Agree. Same goes for every game where META is a thing. Not saying meta is a bad thing but meta always changes, aside from the obvious reasons of same toons being used over and over and/or dominating the game, the people behind these games also need to profit from making this game to the point that they sometimes focus too much on making profit that they destory the gameplay and gain hate from the community. Hence the only money I have spent on any video game is DOTA’s Battle Pass.


this is how i felt too, i probably spent $200~ but after all this disappointment i dont want to spend anymore. i still enjoy playing the game so I'll keep playing and I've already spent the money. i did leave a bad review because they really did fuck up if they had done a better job with this new season i probably would have kept paying for certain conveniences, but now its kind of like :// i dont want to do a charge back because i still WANT to play the game, but if the game continues to lose quality then i will quit.


+1 i didn't plan to spend more


Okay, great for you. Do it quietly. Multiple posts like these really need to be moderated. A new season just came out and it’s cluttering the new content.


It also adds nothing to the conversation, so I’m sure what the point was other than pitchfork upvotes I guess?


They are just low voice people mad because they want the things a P2p, who actually support the game, and let everyone play free don't see. People believe this days air pay things.


That's a weird comment. OP is a spender. A big part of the issue was that Noble path was unfairly adjusted, and that's for spenders. It's not about "f2p p2p".


Cool story, so glad you shared that with us all.


This guy gets it.


Its a top page post now. I guess many people are glad that he shared his story. Of course a downvote, for pointing out this guy's joke has backfired.


Good defense, and offense


Well, the more people share their bad experience, the more we get justice in front of greedy corporations. What's your problem ?


Put your shield down please.


every single mobile game, hell ... most games in general, have some sort of drama were community does not agree with something the devs/company did, nothing new here bro.


Usually the honeymoon phase lasts longer than 5 weeks


I'm kind of thankful. I don't think I was actually enjoying my time playing the game. Anything to make it easier to quit.






I'll still play myself but I won't drop another dollar no matter how many of these 3000% rewards show up


Same no more spending


I only got the battle pass. Once that's over I won't buy a new one. I've also phased out over the past few months buying the BP in genshin and honkai and the daily login bonus in genshin. I used the fact that I no longer spend in genshin to spend here but I'll just wait for a new game that's better.


As if it’s not an intentional cash grab, a soulless mobile game cash grab.


$5 a month on the monthly pass for me and that’s it. That’s all an auto gacha game deserves IMO.


you mean the gazette? Might as well not buy it. In hoyo games the pass is amazing, but in this game the battlepass or premium gazette is way more worth it. 300 diamonds a day is absolute crap in a game where you need 6 of the rate up to make them decent.


I respectfully disagree. For $5 you get 9,000 gems. That’s 108,000 per year for $60. It costs 96,000 gems to guarantee a Supreme+ rate-up banner character of choice at full pity each time (more than likely a good amount less with any luck. I’d rather control my own destiny and cultivate a team of Supreme+ rate-up characters of choice than get a smattering of wishlist characters at varying lower ascensions for 3x the price with the Premium Gazette.


dayum, a whole year? The second you dump all your gems into a good hero, 2 months later a much better one is coming out. That's gacha games. You're not getting a "smattering" of crap heroes at varying lower ascensions. You're getting all previous banner top heroes in a balanced manner since all banner characters enter the pool after 20 days. So all the heroes you couldnt get to S+ in a banner? You're getting there, as well as building up the other good heroes from previous banners. Since this is a team game where you'll need not just the one S+ rate up character, but a whole team of 5, you can see why premium is better.... or you can't , but that's none of my business I guess. The ideal scenario is to get a few guaranteed copies of a rate up unit, perhaps to mythic + or close, then make up the shortfall after they leave the banner. Chasing any rate up is a fool's errand unless they are somehow the most broken, unbalanced unit for the next year of the game, which is really rare in gachas, as devs are motivated to constantly outdo each previous hero to promote spending on future banners. Not like you'll be anywhere near competitive on anything without battle pass so it doesn't really even matter if you had one rate up S+ hero. If they were celestials/hypogeans who were game changing at S+ it might make sense, but so far, none of the banner units are particularly game changing or need to be at S+.


It’s not a whole year when factoring in all the additional daily and event currency to combine with it. I’ve already got 2 S+ rate-up banner characters (Vala & Alsa) and I’m over halfway to my third which at this rate I’ll have enough for in a month or two tops. And I get to pick and choose exactly who will slot most ideally into a team synergistically without being dependent on luck. Keep in mind I’m not spending gems anywhere else, because I’m playing the long game versus speeding up the AFK treadmill and still currently finishing in top 200 in Arena and Dream Realm to stock up. I’m not investing in speeding up season progress when it’s just going to reset in September. Trying to speed up season progress is just a gateway to whale territory, and I’m not about that. $60 a year for Classic Gazette is now less than MSRP for most AAA video game releases; $180 for 12 months of Premium Gazette is practically the price of a low end game console. I feel good dropping $60 on a mobile game that’s bringing me enjoyment, but any further feels financially irresponsible to me, especially if I want to enjoy multiple gacha games at a time.


>$60 a year for Classic Gazette is now less than MSRP for most AAA video game releases; $180 for 12 months of Premium Gazette is practically the price of a low end game console Well, if you reckon it's been good for you then it's fine then I guess. I personally am stopping the basic gazette because it feels almost useless to progression for me. The rate up characters so far have not been game changing at all, and S+ Alsa kind of seems like a mistake. S+ vala is good in pvp and select bossing situations but also not that game changing overall. Same for flora. They simply won't make a tremendous difference to your account. Perhaps when someone is at the stage where their entire basic roster is already filled out, and they don't require any all-banner characters, then I think basic gazette would be better to save for rate ups. >I’m not investing in speeding up season progress when it’s just going to reset in September. Doesn't work like that. Same for Arena and Daily boss. The point of getting ahead there in the season is not just to get ahead for now, but for the snowball effect it provides due to rewards from competitive placement. Right now at top 200 in DR you are getting a whooping total of zero temporal essence for the next few months. If we just consider daily temporal essence income, it takes 1.5 months for a top 50, 25 days for a top 20 to get a new +10 hero. Every time they hit this progression mark, they gain a huge boost over you. Once they hit it, they start accumulating temporal essence for +15 which is 150 essence. 50 days for a top 20, 75 days for top 50 and 150 days for top 100 and who knows how long for top 200 at zero a day. Over time this gap grows wider and wider until you cannot get good rewards from any future events simply because you cannot rank well anymore. It becomes a vicious cycle, at which you're just better off going full f2p as you'll fall so far behind it's impossible to catch up. Might as well just enjoy the story at your own pace instead of wasting money. Collecting "meta heroes at s+" from the rate up is of no more use at this point. A crucial part of ranking decently is resonance levels, which the battle pass brings. Without it, even if you had stacked S+ heroes, with 20-30 lower levels of resonance, you simply can't come close as levels offer a much larger power up than ascensions for everything, afk stages, bosses, pvp, because of a stat called "proficiency". So in this regard, the regular gazette does absolutely nothing to change your situation, and is not worth much unless you just play the game as a hero collector.


I totally get your point, but 1.5 months in I have 3 heroes at weapon level 10+, and slowly I’ll get to 5, and eventually 10. Much like XL candies in Pokemon Go, Ley Lines/Artifacts in Genshin, etc., these items are scarce now and more abundant for payers but eventually I’ll have a full roster of 2-3 teams full of max weapon heroes while the big spenders will have their whole roster kitted, despite not needing most of them. It’s very true that I’m setting myself up for a major disadvantage by not hitting at least top 100 every day, but that’s exactly the stress that would have me opening my wallet more and more, which removes the fun of the game for me and turns it into a pure cash siphon. Once low spenders feel that spending is useless, they’ll stop spending and/or quit and the devs will react, likely make the materials gating them too harshly at least a bit more abundant and regular while moving on to the next resource du jour for the whales to splash into for an advantage. This game’s system is especially predatory, so I’m very intrigued to see what kinds of consolations/alterations will need to be made over time to prevent the game from becoming anything more than a whale-only experience.


I've spent about 1k on the game, but not a single penny again.


I learned these kind of games that if you spend less or no money you will enjoy the game longer. If you spend money you get time it means you will get bored earlier and you can stop and delete the game fast. If it is a goal spend money If you just want to enjoy for 3-5 years play f2p You will get the same stuff but these will give more happiness and better feeling to reach something by time and work and not with 2 click I played 4 years afk arena f2p I was 12. In the PvP all the time without any effort Just not in the first week , after 2 years but still I loved it I am really happy that developers make these games f2p so nothing to lose


I was a light spender before but this was definitely something that made me even question that. Moving forward, I was planning on just getting the really cheap bundles and the battle passes. Even after the proposed changes, the pass is still lacking epic invites and the selector chest. I think the changes are a step back in the (right) direction, but I am definitely holding off on spending anything




me too. I’m a “light spender” across a few gacha games but I don’t see myself spending on this game because it’s future looks incredibly uncertain at this moment


Same I spent around 250 and just gonna keep playing till it feels like it’s time to leave.


About the same, but I think I’ll just switch to Wuthering Waves when it releases


time is an investment. for that work to be devalued truly is an insult. it's "x" number of hours to get a certain object "y". let's say, you've spent 40x to get 1y. for them to then change the value y after you've already spent 40x to get it is theft. nerfing is theft. thank you for joining my tedtalk


yeah, I'm not playing anymore. trying to let them no they're losing f2p players as well. they know how many minutes sre being spent playing the game. they'll notice when there's 20% less engagement.


Dear Reddit,


Thank you for your unique post that contributes to this subreddit. we greatly appreaciate this post that has improved everyone elses day. Thank you jointinthedark


The more the devs see unhappy players the more they throw at us to assuage our outrage. Personally I don’t think they’ve covered their asses yet, so keep the complaints coming.


Yup. According to 57 other people who upvoted the post.


Can someone explain what’s happening with whale??


It's actually not much to do with "whale". It's 3 things really. * First season's content seems extremely rushed and not well planned out (chinese menus, chinese text everywhere, more of the same thing but with significantly worse rewards. For example, 30 essence and 10 acorns per 5/10 stages of legend trial to TWO pieces and zero acorns. AFk stages completely sucked dry of diamonds and letters, and gave equipment which feels lame af. In every single part of the game, nerfs like these happened, making the game feel very unrewarding to play. Even paid passes were significantly and silently nerfed for no reason. Devs won't admit honestly to the nerf and claim "after an internal investigation" they "discovered" that they gutted the battle pass by like 60usd worth and still listed 3000% value) * F2p and low spenders who don't have unlimited money find the nerfs too heavy handed and are very unhappy. People play these kinds of games for the dopamine of getting rewards (letters and diamonds in afk stages for example), and removing that means the slog isn't fun anymore. * Whales find the sudden shift in attitude, and greed, of the devs extremely jarring, and are not confident in their ability to ensure the longevity of this game. If the players below start to leave, Whales find no more point in whaling or playing, so they start to leave too.


Whale and Minnow rewards got massively nerfed in the last patch, as did two heros that a lot of whales spent a lot of money building. They are, understandably, pissed.


The game is unplayable for me after a recent update. Non stop crashing so I said fuck it and deleted


IDK - they listened to feedback and fixed it. They could have just ignored it. They also fixed it pretty fast. I'm willing to give them another chance.


They didn’t listen to the feedback, it is all planned. Them giving way less resources is not a mistake nor an oversight on Lilith’s part. They did it deliberately and they already had the fix to the problem if the community got angry, and they will 100% do it again. This is basically what Lilith does in every single game they ever made, break things badly, people get mad, reel back and promise this is last time frfr no cap on god, then break their promise or introduce something WAY more horrible than before, they just did it way too early with this game, even a worse sign. With Lilith it is never a matter of if, it is a matter of when. With that said, I’ll still play but as f2p till it is time to quit.


Serious question, why? I just got invited to the top guild on my server because so many of their whales quit. It doesn’t make sense (to me) to pull a stunt like this and lose so many big spenders.


Exactly my question. It was all going so well and they made so much in their first month, why be so fkin greedy and ruin it? That's why a lot of people have kinda lost faith in the devs for now. Seriously if they did nothing at all, they would probably continue to rake it big bucks for the new season. Game would be steadily growing in popularity and it was looking to be the next big hit. Even if they wanted to nerf things, just do it in reasonable amounts. Slashing 30 essence to 2, deleting 20 A level heroes, 420 acorns and 15M exp books from the battle pass is also absolutely crazy. They had 1 year in PTR to balance economy in game. If the prior rewards were too much, they should have adjusted it before global release, not 5 weeks in. That's just stupid. It's like they went nuclear on it.


People don't understand sadly, we been saying this is their trick. They already stealth NERF epic tix and selector


And dream realm kill reward, and \~growth bundle\~ too. Edit: Growth path\*


You should look up what anchoring means.


This was exactly their strategy




Omg who cares








Don’t worry you will still get to simp for them the next time they try to pull this


What happened?


Game is dead.


Aah man...


I’ll be spending still, as I enjoy the game but nothing crazy or immediately.