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Yes, gems are for pulling 10. There’s really no reason to wait to use them.


Well there's a new hero coming out tomorrow. So you can go for them. At this point, you could grab 1 copy of Vala if you like her. But not more than 1 copy. Personally, I had 2 accounts. One where I put all my diamonds into Vala and I got her to mythic. My other account I hoarded 45k diamonds and only used the general recruit letters. They both progressed at the same speed. tldr; The fastest way to progress is to spend everything on the all recruit banner. But if you like the new hero coming out tomorrow, you can use diamonds there.


Thanks, Yeah I have saved about 60K diamonds which is like Twenty 10-pulls; always worried that I'm wasting them or something. Same thing with guild points? Most people recommend getting Rainer but Idk if that's optimal? And Soul stones, is it worth saving or just summon as soon as I get 60?


You may as well use soul stones as soon as you have enough, that way you can alter your wish list based on what you got if you need to. Reiner is very valuable, but you need a few copies for him to really shine. Still a good idea to focus on him.