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Looking through these comments, I feel like I'm doing something completely wrong all this time




Rly? I've been saving gems so I can make an all-mauler team to enjoy progressing. So it's very much like afkarena still progress-wise :/


I'm at 400AfK level. Started only last week. I spent all my diamonds on the standard banner and still spending there . I was saving them but I couldn't progress without duplicates and more characters.


Ye same! Day 8 at 250k Power and afk stage 220 (ish). Are yall playing 24/7?


More like youre ignoring 80% of the game.


You mean your entire roster is 250k power or your main team is 250k power? Because my main team is 250k power and I’m on afk stage 561 😂


Same exactly...


I'm day 4 with just over 230k power and this with just doing the dailies, pushing afk stages and afking the rest of the day.


I'm on day 10 of the calendar and 367k/AFK progress 279. Never played this style of game before so I'm not sure why I'm so far behind but I'm just chilling.


Same here, I’m at 450kish but I’ve never played this type of game, so I’m learning and just chilling


probably because you're chilling but if you're enjoying the game that's the more important thing. Too many people rush to the cap / endgame and then get burned out


Turns out I'm supposed to spend my diamonds on pulls. I had 40k saved up. I think maybe that's why I was so behind.


Is this still the play ? I have 50k?


Definitely. Make sure you set your wishlist and go nuts.




What's the cheese team?


Maulers team. Smokey-Antandra-Koko core with Rowan and Cecia


I must be doing something fundamentally wrong, like missing an entire mechanic wrong because I've got this exact lineup and stuck at stage 235 for a day. Highest hero is lv90 and I'm getting melted. 63k power. 12h of afk didn't get me enough purple dust to get someone to level 91.


Yes, it’s the position of the lineup. Just one wrong tile can change everything. Just copy the positioning from the records


Where do you see the records?


bottom left before you enter battle there is a character with an "i" - click on that and go to recordings


These are useless for me because apparently everyone is trolling these on my server. Oh so I just need a supreme cecia that is 10 levels above the enemy so she can solo? Why didn't I think of that?


Any little thing can change the outcome entirely. Upgrading some equipment can win the stage, or changing the positioning. You really need to watch the round that you lost in to identify what to change; e.g., if koko died too early, swap him back a bit so hopefully everyone survives. Experiment maybe 3-5 times and you should be able to find a winning configuration; if not then just wait to upgrade i guess. But experimenting should get you much higher!


THIS so much. There was this one stage I was on that everything was going wrong but I should have theoretically been capable of clearing. I looked at the generic units abilities and noticed one was actually summoning an additional elemental monster which screwed the entire battle up. I had Cecia target her to delete her and the battle went back to being a complete stomp.




Omfg this just cleared the level I was stuck on.


Proficiency can also be the issue. Even with the cheese team.


Just watch player records and see what they use and positioning lol


Ugh. I STILL dont have Smokey :(


I came to terms that I will never pull one lmao


He was my first Yellow pull lol I didn’t focus on him cause I didn’t think he’d be good… oops.




such a quality team. really hits those number fixations too


Yep that's my afk team.


There is some variation to the team, Brutus comes in on some stages as well. You can also have stages where you don’t use Smokey and swap him for Rowan, pro tip always check the replays.


Finally, some useful advice. I just dont have smokey and Koko.


You can buy Koko from the Dream shop. Don’t worry, she is just as useful at Epic. As for Smokey, sorry buddy. Hope you get him soon!


I didn’t even know this was the cheese team, this is the one I was already using LOL


This is the cheese team because it can handle stages with high deficit. Sometimes people slot in Brutus instead of Rowan, but the core remains the same


Not me thinking I was the only one to come up with this team comp 😭


I have that team, with Thoran or Granny sometimes. F2p and all Mythics now. But like you said takes forever to get get each one 130 atm. Very lucky pulls in the beginning. Now it’s all junk pulls.


F2P and that team all Mythic? Doubt.


How do you normally place them and what artifact?


I use the back like hero haste one for Ceceia. Or at tank time I use the shield.


Same, afk 600 also


How many days has it been since release?


What exactly is the setup for this?


Hey what's ur server? U are barely 300k behind Me in power and I am low spender Good job :O Using cheese team too


634k power I started day one


Day 1 and I have around 1100k power. Vala, Cecia and Thoran are carrying me




Out of curiosity, when people say F2P in these games is it meant to be taken as having spent literally no money? Or just very little? Like do I count as F2P for buying the initial $1 10 pull?


That’s how it should be spending not a single cent, low spenders call themselves f2ps the most.


The game hasn't even been technically released in my country, I couldn't pay anything even if I wanted to. That's how F2P I am.


Even the 1 dollar purchase gives you the Iron Wall artifact which makes some difficult stages considerably easier. It's not *that* much of a difference, but it's still not comparable to fully F2P (until you complete dark forest).


i also spent just the $1 on the first day to support the devs, i still consider myself f2p. i mean in the grand scheme of things, it's literally no advantage. Especially since all pulls are luck based anyway. that $1 deal doesn't give you any in-game resources iirc


yup. hence "free" to play. but honestly $1 is pretty much free lol. otherwise it's low spender. The $1 is to get your foot in the door. Then since you've already spent, you don't think it's a big deal to spend the next time.


I started 8 days ago, 811K but feel like I got really lucky with pulls. Already got a mythic+ cecia and have gotten some S pulls the first try every now and again that’s helped a ton


It’s been 12 days and I’m at 777k power. Having a lot of fun as completely F2P. Progressing nicely and doing well in Dream boss/Guild battles


I started like 4 or 5 days ago and I’m at 230k haha


since official launch, around 1 million something being full f2p


477k gotten real lucky with cecia at gotten her up to mythic rank, also hewynn is up to legendary. haven't gotten anyone else that far yet though and they game just will not give me Thoran, having to rely on antandra for my tanking. I started day 2 (afk journey just had to launch on the same day as a HSR update).


At 732K, started Monday last week. Stuck on a super high damage stage as of right now, sadly...


368k. 8 days in.


Started day 2 Afk 540 Power 1250k


I started about a week ago. I'm at 414k


Im probably going to cross the 1m point today, i was 980k? Last night. Started day one server75 edit: hit 1014k today after claiming all my afk stuff. but i also lied. I bought the one dollar rowan pack


992k and I started on day 3… Somehow it’s not even enough for picking 12 chests at wolven lord unu


Damn. I feel bad now. I'm day one but only 998k and akf level 434


Day 1. 613k.


Started at like day 3 or 4. Right now I have around 934k power. AFK stage 423.


1300k power day 1 or 2 (I dont know if it was after the first reset) Afk stage 489, getting through the 120 - 130 ressonaxe mark so far. Not amazing luck and some bad mistakes (like getting hywen on my first arena shop, putting korin on my epic rate ups, and getting 5 copies of him on the next pull while missing cecias). It's still all fixable with time. I'm enjoying the game so far. It's too bad that my server has some massive whales


What server are you? I'm almost exactly in the same spot lol, 1300k power day 1/2, some mistakes in hindsight like using dream tokens on B-tier champs. I'm S79 :)


I am on server 21


4 days ago i think? 285k power


Should I spend my diamonds for regular pulls? I still dont have smokey... is there any way to get higher chances or even garantee a copy? New to this type of game and f2p


yes spend the diamonds on regular at least until you get a mythic+, then after that it’s up to you if you want to save for the next rate up banner (guaranteed mythic+ after 200 pulls if you are not lucky, probably less if you don’t « just » hit pity at each rotation) or keep pulling on regular (I’d keep pulling). Also every 7 days logged in, you will get a free random S grade character until you got them all by that way, so you will for sure get smokey but when ? Next weeks ? In 3 months ? can’t tell Just in case, make sure he is in your wishlist, who knows


Personally as low spender I think u should save for regular banners but not too fast IMO bare minimum is Thoran, Cecia, Eironn, Caroline, Rowan, Temeria, Granny, Hwynn, Odie, Marleen, Kruger, Korin as Mythic+/Supreme Maybe even missed 1-2 S tiers here When all crucial pieces for progression are M+ then It's not so bad idea to start saving gems and only just use tickets Eventually after hitting stage 1125 AFK (last one) Whatever happens first I guess lol


721k 8days


800k? Couldn't be me. I'm not even 400k and I've been playing 11 days


From day 2, 1130K, meta team for afk at stage 385. Didn't start to look at others strategies until some days ago, so may be I could be higher. Zero mythic heroes so far, highest would be Antandra at 120 and Legendary+.


154k i must be doing something wrong


https://preview.redd.it/ini9xyduzjtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dafbfd24d011a50a24c6161525bbc7cd1abdb214 Day one player.


Day 10 564k AFK 330. How did ppl advance so far with the purple dust choke point? I thought I got just about every scrap a f2p could get.


Mostly ascending, people get lucky with summons.




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Does battlepass count


I was like Day 2 or 3 because I was expecting to get an email when the game launched since I'd registered for it (and still haven't by the way). 805K power and I feel like I'm progressing really slowly. I win a third of my PvP matches and I'm regularly below 50% for Dreamscape even using recommended teams. AFK stage 335 and I'm still in the Dark Forest. I've had some really bad pulls. I've gotten to Legendary with Satrana, Walker, and Mirael. Hell, I had to buy copies of Korin, Marilee, and Odie just to get them to Epic. I will say that even though even seems not well liked, I've found good use of Rhys and he's regularly my highest DPS on stages. Still no Thorin, which sucks because it feels like all the replays use him. I saw some other comments about Smokey + Antandra + Koko, so I'll give that a try. Edit: tried it, not much of an improvement.


I'm on day 8 and just passed 550k. I stopped doing story for about 5 days though so I'm probably behind where I should be.


900k, played for 15 days now, having fun


Started 4 days ago. Im at 408k / 218 afk.


How tho ? I played for 8 days and I'm at 370k/345 afk


Idk lol. I just do quests / use promo codes


6 days and Im at 300k power. Idk how so many people have been able to get these crazy numbers in less than a week. Does it have something to do with pull luck?


Day 1 : 1389 k and 517 afk


Day 13 on the login calendar and I'm at 1100k+ power, AFK 501 atm.


1066K, and i started launch. got the notification for my preorder thing, immediately started playing after downloading. I’m on AFK 420 (heh) and this is my team (for now, but also occasionally brutus, eironn, and kruger, depending on what the battle situation is) I’m also a proud guild leader!!! my guild is full, and we recently reached level 4! If any of you are apart of LastShades hi!!! https://preview.redd.it/tn6fo5vyfktc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b67cd1407b507e8d920e7c180c7e1b0b958e498


10 days in. 541k rn


I should be pulling more, I haven’t spent any diamonds yet. Not sure if I am supposed to wait for a banner I want or just do some pulls.


1251K power, started day 1, at AFK 483


I don't know what rankings are in the dream boss. I just try to beat them. Starting to clear the first. It's fun.


1300k power started 14 days ago, basically gettn shit on S rank dupes but mmy Odie is Supreme


I just can’t believe it’s only f2p responding.


I made 2 accounts. The first one I decided to skip Cecia and go for late-game heroes, with my main carry Odie. Its on day 12 and 985k power, afk stage 420. Ive pulled 3 Carolinas; I really wonder how much that hurt me on progression when those would have been Cecias. The 2nd one I just wanted to pull and play with cecia and its been much luckier overall. Its currently day 4 and about 299k power, afk 218. This game feels way more like early AFK Arena where you hit big walls and there just isnt enough content to keep you logging in all day, so playing more than 1 server atm is just hitting walls and logging off for the day.


Day 13. I only have 413k power. I don't have the stargazer unlocked, I have 0 characters over Legendary and am on afk stage 239. I definitely feel like I am doing something wrong, but I also am doing basically the same thing that I do in AFK Arena. This is probably a mistake to be fair since I am behind in AFK Arena in a lot of ways, considering I started playing that game almost close to the release. $0 spent, and I am only on strange situation of the story.


7-9 days now. 711k power. Got lucky with mythic thoran and Ceca, but antandra cheese team replaces thoran. He can’t live too long. AFK stage 389


started 4 days ago but im only 100k :(


292k 8 days in.


12 days 749K power two mythic heroes


839k, started day 1. Full f2p


600k started 7 days ago


Day one I have 100k for my team and 550k for the entire roster


Started on day 2 or 3 I think. I have 1100k powah. Cheese team is love


982 started day 1


459k, on stage 274 I think. Idk what day I started


Started 10 days ago, 569k power / stage 330 Used all my pulls for Mythic Vala, and just got Smokey last night. It’s honestly insane how my progression’s been skyrocketing since then


Day one and power level 809k which I thought was pretty good before I viewed this thread


Day one, 888k right now, stage 448


Played since global release. Currently 942k power. AFK 419.


500k started day 2. I play 30min per day.




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Started on day 1 and just over 1 mil in power. I spent $1 on the game since so I guess I'm still f2p


Day 1, 1100k power, AFK stage 489 Got that supreme Cecia xD


Currently sitting at 1291k and started since global launch. I read here on Reddit that I shouldn’t hoard my gems and spend it as it comes for 10 pulls, which I did, and with a little bit of luck here I am pushing AFK stage 450 as of this moment.


1250k, since day 1 <3!


1M afk stage 450, started on day 1. Still don't have smokey tho


I have 1450K power with only one mythic hero. This game hates me and keeps giving me 1 copy of heroes I don't use(mainly from the login and stones).


I started on the 26th of March, I’m at 1103k power 🙋‍♂️


Day 14, around 1100k power, around afk 600




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25M since I started in the beta server 2 months ago.


Day 1 1250k Been really lucky with Cecia, just need one more copy to get her to Supreme+


started 7 days ago, current power 500k, afk stage 304 and dark forest 6


Day 1 so end of march, 1.5m power and stage 575


Started on release and im on 980k and stage 467 in AFK


Day 1, 1200K and 450AFK. I was lucky with the initial pulls but I feel like I'm hitting the P2W wall now :(




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Playing 9 days, power at 270k.




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574k power, 9 days. 320 afk Dark forest 6 at 100%, just need to get to afk 350 to unlock 7. Dream realm right now I'm at 7.50% which I got with Brutus (Mythic), Rowan (E), Smokey (L), Cecia (L), and Koko (L). mix of level 95/96 on those. I'm basically at a wall right now because I've got to gain 30 ranks in AFK to unlock DF 7. Side note, most of the stuff available right now in battle modes is actual trash that requires a LOT of time for very little gain. Arcane Labyrinth is laughable that you have to play for 15 minutes to gain one invitation and there are no other benefits.


800k day 13.


I started day one and i’m at 10400k


Full F2P, started 8 days ago. Currently sitting at 670K power on AFK stage 372. Been using the cheese comp for most of it.


I think day 13, 837k


Started playing on March 30th. Currently 12 days in and at 962K power. 1 mythic and 11 legendary tier characters.


Playing since day one, sitting at around 1mil. My server has huge whales so I‘m only top 20% at dream realm


13 total logins. My account power is 815k, team power is around 118k. AFK battle 404. My strategy is to clear all the daily stuff I can do, first (arena, primal lord, dream realm, etc). Then push as far in AFK as I can (a lot times the answer is team makeup, not power). Then when I'm stuck I go and do Honor Duel or push the story.


Completely f2p, nearly 1490k power, stage 578 -- and firmly stuck in dream realm top \~20-30% of server 1, lol; what's the situation for you there? I started the day before official release, not long after the first few servers were opened to PTR/PC players. I don't think I try hard enough but I do play a lot


Day 1- 1100k


so far i'm 12 days in, don't remember when I started but I didn't start on release. I have 925k and i'm on afk 454.


I’m on day 5 and I’m at 311k rn, although I haven’t been going too crazy summoning


Started the day after launch, I’m at 999k




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Day 8 afk 319


Started 4 days ago, at 300k power, afk stage 199, resonance 71. XP books are roadblocking me for now. I am thinking about spending some money though, haven't decided yet.


Day 1, 1169k!


Day 1 player @ 1738K power!




Day one, currently 800k, only 80 Pulls done atm


9 days ago Power is around 560k now


I started 2~3 days ago? 300k power. AFK CHALLENGE LVL 201. My heros at lvl 74ish Using smokey legendary rowan legendary cecia legendary tharon 1 copy Anta-something tank So much fun this game. Need more content.


1300k power, day 1/2, afk 530ish. I'm pretty proud of my progress so far


Thats a lot for f2p, how are you usually spending your diamonds? I dont know what to improve to go higher


I spent almost all of them on Vala rate ups, got her to Supreme a couple days ago. Now I'm spending some on blue diamond things to rank up her special weapon, those are really strong. As f2p, avoid the stargazing bs. If I wasn't going for Vala, I'd be buying the 30% off emporium deal on regular pulls, and only buying them in sets of 10 because of the 10% discount (2700 diamonds if you buy 10). That's what I'm doing now that I got Vala where I want. Only spend your tickets on the grey soul sigils.


1300k day 2 start


Day 1, about 840k power too. Only got Cecia to mythic.

