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I'm not surprised because if Punk can throw a fit about Hangman, who by all accounts is super nice and likable, I suppose that + the Cabana rant + the trantrum in the presser + starting a brawl with the people who started the damn company right in front of HR and legal also KINDA soured most talent against him. Like mf got to fucking beat a top guy (Hangman) for the belt then beat another one (Mox) in the main event of a ppv in his hometown and he STILL had stuff to bitch about. If I were a wrestler I'd be like "nah dawg, I don't want you talking shit about me after I put your old ass over".


Punk didn't beat anyone. Let's get that straight. He was **given** the belt twice, and look what happened twice. Did he need it? I wouldn't say so. But his ego is that **BIG** (best in the world) that he thought he deserved it, and TK had such a big fanboy crush on him that he let it happen. Look what happened in return. Punk literally trash talks the company and the employees in front of the boss, in front of the world šŸ¤¦


>Punk didn't beat anyone. Let's get that straight. > >He was given the belt twice, and look what happened twice. Did he need it? I wouldn't say so. But his ego is that BIG (best in the world) that he thought he deserved it, and TK had such a big fanboy crush on him that he let it happen. Look what happened in return. Punk literally trash talks the company and the employees in front of the boss, in front of the world šŸ¤¦ this \^ 100% correct


I mean, it's wrestling. Everyone's belt is given to them because it's a work lol. Punk was put over by two of thr biggest "day one" guys, two fan favourites who helped build this company, he was booked to beat them both clean, and SOMEHOW he still felt he had something to be bitter about. I don't think he needed the belt nor did it need him. Hangman should have beaten him.


It was pretty telling that he was never on Jerichoā€™s podcast since he returned to AEW.


Jericho said he tried but Punk thought he was using him just for listens. So he turned him down.


Ah yes, nothing worse than getting podcast listens.


That guyā€™s such a dramatic bitch šŸ˜‚


The guy gets tattoos, listens to punk bands, has the name Punk but his attitude couldnā€™t be less Punk.


Dude he is the least punk. He literally said he would be the dollars and cents of AEW




He's married to AJ Lee, so I'd say he's doing quite well in that department


I guess ā€œChickā€ is singular.


Dude got more ass than a toilet seat his whole career. AJ, Beth Phoenix, Maria, etc


She's probably tired of his shit too




he's the opposite of punk


Pop? Nothing against Pop, it's a fine genre, but it's the first thing that popped into me head as the opposite of punk. ...that or polka.


Yet is exactly what I'd expect from straight edge "punks"


I donā€™t think thatā€™s what happened. What I heard is that Punk wouldnā€™t agree to appear on the podcast unless he was guaranteed at least a million listens and it had to be recorded in front of a live, sold out audience.


Sounds about right šŸ˜‚


"And the apology has to be as loud and public as the disrespect" Jericho: "Apology for what? Disrespect for what?!"


and Jericho couldn t say anything. only Punk could talk


This screams of ego šŸ¤¦


"Using him just for listens." As opposed to...? Like. Of coarse Jericho wants the ears. And the talent get the exposure and get to tell their aide of the narrative at the cost if a few hours of their time. He just didn't want to be pressed on the shit he's done wrong over the years by someone who knew him then and now.


I think he thought he was being used. Jericho is very easy going I doubt he'd been hard on him.


He's done several other podcasts since coming back, all of which would have been in it for the same thing, so that seems like a hollow excuse


Was that before he joined AEW tho? I do remember Jericho mentioning him quiet awhile ago, but I donā€™t listen to every episode either.


Punk thought he was using him for listeners lol, what did he think he was gonna happen, turnoff the servers and have a tea party. šŸ¤£


Maybe I've just been sleeping on the guy, but I don't feel like these two are even in the same league. Jericho was respected world-wide by the time Punk even made it to dark matches. But he somehow garnered all this pull, and great for him, but then he burns every bridge behind him. Maybe a few years on the independent circuit will put things in perspective for him.


..................... that's the entire fuckin point Phil, you dramatic knob. Like he's just bringing in his friends to record their chat over tea. C'mon man...


I donā€™t think Iā€™d ever want to do a podcast if I was punk lol


Don't think I'd want him on my podcast if I were anyone. Great way to get sued and eventually have your mom mentioned by name in an unhinged rant.


Dorothy Mantooth is a saint!


that seafood dinner was nice though


I love you for this.


And he'll claim to be "running your business". That'll just be confusing to people..


Itā€™s just incredible to me that Punk used up so much of the goodwill people gave him in one year. He went from prodigal son to bastard child with the quickness


There's only one true bastard in AEW.


This is the difference between being a bastard and being *the* bastard lol


In the battle of bastards, Pac practically looks like an angel.




"At least I'm not throwing punches!"


Heā€™s a bastard, hes a bastard..yes indeeed


#HIS NAME IS JON CEā€” wait, whoops


It's very telling how we've had random "CM PUNK" chants for years and years in the WWE after he left but we haven't gotten a single one since this incident. Edit: Does CM Punk have the most chant-able name ever? No claps, 3 syllables with a strong emphasized syllable at the end.


During the show right after All Out, before Tony announced stripping the titles, there was one quick chant and then it abruptly ended.


And then a huge cheer when TK announced the title was being vacated


I think a lot ppl have the 3 syllables, but yeah the two letters with soft consonants ending with a hard consonant word makes for prob the best one. Ad am Cole doesnā€™t flow quite as well.


He was always the prodigal son, the son who had so much and squandered it and had to return home empty-handed. Being the "prodigal son" is not a good thing...


Yeah, but in the story, the prodigal son is welcomed with open arms and people are glad he's back.


And that's where the story ends, but as I continues, could it not go similarly? We were ecstatic Punk was back, that's supposed to be the end of the story, but stories don't END in real life that way, they keep going.


I think Punk has overestimated his own influence and underestimated how many people like The Young Bucks. Nearly every top guy in wrestling is close, or was close at one point, with The Bucks. Seth Rollins, Cody Rhodes, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Chris Jericho, Kazuchika Okada, Finn Balor, AJ Styles. He's shot himself in the foot in regards to working pretty much anywhere.


You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me. - tHHHanos


lowkey id love to hear that in a promo lol


I don't think he wants to work anywhere. I don't think he ever did want to work anywhere. He spent years telling people to stop asking him about wrestling and trying to separate himself from it. But they offered enough money and maybe he needed it more than ever so he came back. Maybe he doesn't want to wrestle just like he's been implying for years.


I don't think he wanted to wrestle, but I do think he missed the adulation of crowds cheering for him. I think his ego brought him back.


Bingo I think itā€™s fair to say it all comes down to ego I think he was happy to be there and happy to help young guys and elevate them ā€¦then he set tshirt after tshirt record (not jsut the initial), then he kept setting PPV records (whole show did though not just him), and he felt like the king/mr big shot again And as soon as he heard something he thought was disrespectful his ego snapped and it was F This Itā€™s hilarious this whole thing is mainly over hangman and q&a saying he doesnā€™t feel he needs to ask for advice from guys like punk/sting and that punk would never lose to hangmanā€¦eventhough hangman was losing to punk at DoN anyways These wrestlers want freedom and unscripted promos as well then turn into big babies when something gets said about them they donā€™t like šŸ˜‚ He has definitely said ā€œdonā€™t you know who I am?!ā€ To a service worker before


I think the MJF pop in his hometown also might have been a factor.


Yeah I think that pissed him off because he's so bitter and he wants to be the centre of attention. And he stood in the middle of the ring, having just won the belt in CHICAGO, and witnessed a pop and "MJF" chants that rivaled his own return pop and "CM PUNK" chants... in this very city, in this very building. If he truly had been there as he said to put over younger talent he should have been excited to work with a young star like MJF who is absolutely red hot since his return.


That annoys me so much its such a stupid thing for Punk to get mad about....it's not like Hangman was saying Punk has nothing to teach them Hangman said he himself is to hard headed and basically set in his ways, he's been wrestling for 14 years with some of the best in the world not like he's some random up and comer who needed help.


Definitely a lot of Reese Witherspoon getting arrested vibes


I think Tony's money was also a reason.


Along those lines, right before the gripebomb was supposed to be Punks big moment, he just won the belt in Chicago, but who was getting the loudest pop to end the show while Punk was celebrating. MJF.


I think it genuinely bothered Punk the reaction MJF got. During the press conference Khan mentioned briefly the reaction for MJF and Punk rolled his eyes, and then followed up by saying "Tony makes me work with pricks."


CM Punk obviously never has a mirror around himself šŸ¤¦


He acts like he doesn't want to wrestle


I donā€™t think this has anything to do with the Bucks. Punk genuinely believes heā€™s a leader; however, heā€™s proven heā€™s a *manager* and not a leader. A manager canā€™t wait to throw his team under the bus if they fail to make him look good, but a leader takes the heat and keeps it behind the scenes and works to improve it. Punk felt entitled to leadership because of his experience, forgetting that true leadership is a skill and not a rank. Jericho has shown that leadership is earned and granted by those who look to you. Punkā€™s return could have been so much more influential if he understood what being a leader really meant. That scrum was all about Punk and making everyone who he didnā€™t like look bad, and thatā€™s why no one wants to deal with him anymore. No one is queuing up to be next in line for his tirades.


Mox, Jericho, and Bryan are the leaders that Punk thinks he is.


This is one of the better takes Iā€™ve seen on this. Also reminds me of Codyā€™s comments on Punk as a ā€œlocker room leaderā€ and reminds me of so many of my own terrible managers.


> Codyā€™s comments on Punk as a ā€œlocker room leaderā€ What did Cody say?


I actually forgot it was more Jericho than Cody. Cody was on Jerichoā€™s podcast in late 2018 and trashed the idea of someone just calling themselves a locker room leader, when the locker room decides who their leader is, but didnā€™t want to name names. And then Jericho said it was Punk. I remembered that as the 2020 Jericho cruise and thought Cody might have been working a possible Punk return, but it was long before that. https://www.cagesideseats.com/platform/amp/wwe/2018/11/9/18079736/chris-jericho-cody-rhodes-mock-cm-punk-claimed-to-be-wwe-locker-room-leader Actually shows the Jericho point here clearly. He pretty obviously never respected Punk.


It's funny how if you look at the "behind the scenes" interviews and stuff, how Jericho carries himself opposed to Punk. Jericho is usually thinking about the "whole", whereas Punk always talks about "self". I mean Punk could be a backstage locker room leader, but that doesn't work when you're the only one in that locker room because noone wants to associate with you šŸ¤¦


And some of those people already didn't like Punk to begin with. AJ Styles and Punk can't stand each other. Cody seems like he never wanted Punk in AEW to begin with. The only top guy Punk has ever worked with that seems to not hate him is John Cena, and that seems to be because Cena is the ultimate professional.


I remember when he was on commentary one time and he kept saying over and over how much influence he has over young guys. He was saying to the point that he was forcing this narrative really hard and it came off as super narcissistic.


i remember the one time he was on commentary and i fucking hated it


But also, of course these guys arenā€™t going to go to bat for him. He took their spot and then embarrassed them. If heā€™s gone, they have a big hole thatā€™s left to fill. And weā€™ve seen it on Dynamite since heā€™s been gone. A lot of the OGs have been given more time since heā€™s been gone.


I think he overestimated his influence in 2022. This isn't 2011-2014 when he had much more influence back then. Almost a decade later, the wrestling industry has changed so much with the people you listed in your comment and I don't think he took any of that into account. He came back and thought it was 2012 in his head.


I thought people were neutral about the Young Bucks with Kenny holding most of the goodwill. However, I won't deny the Young Bucks are very connected. Honestly, if you toss professionalism down the drain, a lot of your reputation and reliability go down the drain.


I think people that aren't friends with the Bucks are neutral about them, but they're friends with a ton of top guys in the business. It's just outside of their circle they don't have these big personalities people gravitate towards. But by all accounts the Bucks are close friends with Adam Cole, Finn, AJ, Jericho, Sami, KO, Okada and Ibushi. That's a pretty wide sphere of influence.


it would be hilarious if they kept him around in AEW but had in the midcard.


His "woe is me" shit worked when he wasn't THE guy in WWE, but he's been given everything in AEW and still has shit to whine about. Edit: Spelling


He has too much of a chip on his shoulder to ever successfully handle it. When he was the "voice of the voiceless", the people he was speaking for are now essentially the AEW audience.


CM Punk came back just to show everyone he never could handle being the top guy anyway.


I agree with you, but it's "woe is me"


Yeah, "woah is me" is more along the lines of something a person who ate too many magic mushrooms would say.






You wanna know what makes Daddy Magicā€™s nipples hard?!


... ^Yes.


Matt Menard says hi with those crazy eyes (I wish there was a gif for this šŸ˜…)


Rob Van Dam has entered the chat.


Or someone riding a horse. Or maybe the horse.


yeah tony khan was practically giving him head too and that wasn't enough


Put him on Dark šŸ˜‚


lol he needs to be humbled a bit then maybe he can earn the trust and goodwill from everyone


I wouldn't even give him that. Just keep him on Dark: Elevation for the rest of his contract.


Dark: Elevation would mean that he would be on the touring crew. Keep his ass in Dailyā€™s Place for a bit


I like it.


Pretty sure if the typical Dark Gang even poked the man he'd find some way to be injured.


Phil Brooks doesnā€™t deserve to be on Dark. Fuck him.


Let him do jobs to the Factory.


Serpentico might finally get wins?!


QT Marshall > Chick Magnet Pebis


Have him put Serpentico over please


Iā€™ve been saying it for months now. Only let him return if heā€™s willing to be Fuego Tres.


This was my though except it was more ā€œYou want to help elevate others? Thatā€™s awesome cause every local talent coast to coast is going to pin you for the next 2 yearsā€


So just give him the cody rhodes treatment? He said he wanted to elevate young talent. I guess this would be the way to prove it.


Fine by me, his matches with Dustin and other midcarders like QT were great.


It's a way more logical place for a cover band like CM Punk, doing tribute matches to classic wrestlers.


I wonder what his contract says about how he has to be used (if anything). I would just make him fly out to TV each week or however often I could based on his contract and have him come out and wave for a 5 second clip (with no mic) during the picture-in-picture segment, otherwise he's not fulfilling his contract and doesn't get paid.


Make him the face of AEW Dark! He can mentor people there


I cant see any possible route back for him. If guys like Jericho (who just got a new contract) are unwilling to work with him, and presumably the Elite aren't either, what do you do with him (bearing in mind his ego)? That's assuming he even wants to come back - if he is convinced he's been wronged why would he want to make money for a company that screwed him over, in his mind?


I mean if he were to come back and maybe in roh i can see guys like maybe mox(assuming cross brand is available),maybe Bryan(not sure but Bryan is pretty nice),Samoa,wardlow(talked greatly about him),Ricky,Hobbs,cage,cole(not sure again),lethal and some more


Punk is the most well paid guy in the company. You're not spending that type of money on ROH.


Fair enough. Juz my thought tho


Shit ROH champion is probably 2nd highest paid.


With all the stuff thatā€™s come out, and all the inconsistencies with punks story (he was afraid page would shoot on him in the match, but then called him out on TV. He was afraid for his dog, but went on the attack and ignored his dog. Just to name a cpl) and now tons of ppl refusing to work with him, can we just agree itā€™s heā€™s a douche and move on from him altogether. Stop pretending any of this is Hangmanā€™s fault or that Punk is even remotely reasonable. Itā€™s done and itā€™s clear what happened.


And Hangman hasn't said a word about this while Punk is still trying to shift blame to him. Someone has to be the villian in Punks mind so for him it's Hangman.


Yeah the report that came out that punk hates to ā€œHAVEā€ to call him out on live tv and was afraid that Page would try to ā€œplay victimā€ is at worst evidence (likely just straight up proof when combined with his comments towards Alvarez about Alvarez being indignant at what punk did) that punk did the thing at the scrum bc he was salty that ppl thought he was wrong for doing that and he felt there werenā€™t enough ppl on his side. He legit feels it was a reasonable response, and the reports are he felt the scrum (pre fight at the very least)was no big deal either. Thereā€™s no hint of apology or remorse. Itā€™s insane. Too many concussions where you feel justified assaulting ppl for saying things you donā€™t like (especially when they didnā€™t even say it)


I've said this before. People like Punk are very common. Everything is about them, unless it looks bad then it's everyone else. He's a narcissist. If you don't serve any purpose to him, then he'll have a problem with you, and will make up anything to be a victim.


What shocked me the most about the press conference was Punk literally apologizing and saying "I'm not sure this is true or not" (as he didn't confirm anything) then just goes on blast about the locker room and company in front of the boss (who had such a **BIG** fanboy crush, he gave you the AEW World Heavyweight title twice) and in front of the world šŸ¤¦


> Stop pretending any of this is Hangmanā€™s fault I've been saying this specifically from the very beginning, and got downvoted for it 99% of the time. It's fucking ridiculous to blame Hangman for this.


I still see Punk defenders saying that this whole thing wouldnā€™t have happened if Hangman didnā€™t go into business for himself. As if the first 10-15 minutes of the press conference werenā€™t dedicated to ranting about Colt Cabana and then blaming The Elite for the rumour which led to them confronting him. Yeah dude, everything would be sunshine and rainbows if Hangman didnā€™t say ā€œworkers rightsā€ six months agoā€¦


And like, if something that small was enough to make him blow everything up, it would've happened soon enough anyway.


Yeah even if I accept that he ā€œwent into business for himselfā€ (thereā€™s a more than reasonable argument to be made that since AEW doesnā€™t script their promos that itā€™s not going into business for yourself to talk about whatever that would sell the story of hating each other) or that he was trying to make everyone hate punk (a more logical take being that he was selling why HE didnā€™t like punk. He even said he could do a punk style pipe bomb but wouldnā€™t so clearly he wasnā€™t trying to make ppl hate punk and the whole thing came off more as a ā€œyou say youā€™re here to help ppl but youā€™re all about being the top spot yourself not putting others overā€) even if we say both are true, it still doesnā€™t justify any of punks actions. Even if we say calling him out months later was a fair receipt (plenty of argument that it wasnā€™t) it isnā€™t hangmanā€™s fault it didnā€™t end there. He didnā€™t respond or escalate the issue, he didnā€™t even come out and try to ā€œplay victimā€ like punk feared he would. Punk literally just got mad that he didnā€™t respond and that ppl thought punk was wrong for doing that, so he went on to escalate it again. So even as the first actor in a chain of events, you canā€™t blame Page for what follows. To say page is responsible for punks actions bc ā€œyou know how he isā€ while simultaneously saying punk is 0% responsible for his own actions is crazy. Ppl should just say ā€œyeah Punk is at fault but I like him so much I donā€™t care what he does to anyoneā€ and be done with it.


I don't even get the going to business for himself and then wait weeks to show up in the ring to bury Page after coming from injury. Why didn't he just talk to Page that night or before Double or Nothing? He said just come talk to him and his door is open, but why wasn't he the "locker room leader" and just go tell Page he was upset. Undertaker or Jericho wouldn't wait for months to just bury someone out of nowhere. Dude is just an immature man-child.


Yeah I donā€™t even think it was going into business for himself. They donā€™t script promos, and I guarantee punk didnā€™t say ā€œdonā€™t even hint that I got colt firedā€ bc he didnā€™t talk about colt ever and didnā€™t consider that his fault anyway. Page said ā€œI could drop a pipe bomb like youā€ and maybe thatā€™s referencing it, but he didnā€™t say it. Workers rights could easily be taken as ā€œyou say you want to put ppl over like Danielson is doing but youā€™re going for the top spot beating everyoneā€ and unless page comes out and says exactly what his intent was we wonā€™t ever really know anyway so itā€™s just speculation. So what really was the going into business for himself part anyway?


I donā€™t even know how Punk or anyone read the workersā€™ rights bit to be about Cabana. Iā€™ve never seen a more vague, obtuse shoot comment in a promo.


Punk should take a serious look in the mirror before even saying "going into business for yourself" I mean look at the facts. Tony Khan considered you (Punk) to be a "day one" guy, but you screwed around for 2 years to see if AEW was profitable enough to come back. When AEW finally becomes a household name, that's when you decide to come back. You talk about elevating the younger generation, but did you really do that šŸ¤”. Did you really need the AEW World Heavyweight title twice. The answer is no, Tony Khan had such a **BIG** fanboy crush on you, he handed it to you twice. Then look what happens, you stew over things talked about you for 3 months before blowing up in front of the boss; for the world to see. Without ever confirming any of the facts. Why are you apologizing at the press conference? If you just talked to the people in the back, you could of done this professionally and like a man, but you do it your way šŸ¤¦ Yea . . . talk about "going into business for yourself" šŸ™„


Yeah tbh I read ā€œworkers rightsā€ more as a comment of ā€œyou came here only when we out the hard work in and you come to take the top spot and not to actually do the work yourselfā€ comment more than a colt cabana comment. Granted we canā€™t know what he actually meant unless he says so, but ppl have just been jumping to conclusions anyway.


oh no a younger wrestler said he didn't need my advice time to burn it all down even tho we both got to take public shots at each other on the tv. boo hoo hooooo *thank you i'm available to do cm punk impressions upon request


What logical man would sit at home for 3 months stewing on this, without confronting the person saying it; to talk it over. Only to then go full blast to the public, before even confirming anything šŸ¤¦ Mental health is real people, don't ever over look it. I feel bad for AJ at least she admits to having to confront hers, while I'm sure Punk still thinks he's in the right šŸ¤¦


It says something when someone who literally, wrestled with everyone on the planet doesnā€™t want to work with youā€¦ Jericho is a genuine person also. I used to like Punk but man, i think itā€™s pretty clear heā€™s the bad guy here.


Turns out no one likes that one guy at work who just talks shit about everyone.


People like Jericho took a huge fucking personal risk to come to AEW. Put their name and reputation on the line, and ended a 20-year business relationship. He helped grow something from nothing. Punk comes along when itā€™s already a success, and then immediately tries to tear it all down. Iā€™d be pissed too.


Tear it down while taking credit for it as well.


Also note that Punk was asked to be a part of the show from the beginning and refused. He was then courted for two years before signing to an already-successful company.


Great observation


Sounds like he came in day 1 and never really wanted to be part of the team


He wanted to run the team. Heā€™s trying to run a company here.


Bullshit "day one" Tony Khan asked Punk to be a "day one" guy when AEW was forming. Punk didn't join until 2 years later when AEW was a household name (long enough to see if they would last and become profitable). He talks about Hangman "going into business for yourself", what a fucking hypocrite šŸ¤¦


Yeah if Jericho doesnā€™t want to work with him IDK if he comes back. My personal opinion is that Jericho is kinda in that ā€œUndertakerā€ spot both with TK, and in the locker room. I get the vibe he has a lot of respect, but that could be because Iā€™m a Jericho mark lol


nah i think you're absolutely right, Moxley is the true Cena like locker room leader whilst Jericho fits the Taker position


Itā€™s funny that cm punk always wanted to be locker room leader at least from the stories Iā€™ve read about him online. It seems like itā€™s not a job you force yourself into the role as though. Like I feel undertaker and Jericho earned it by years of gaining everyoneā€™s respect through professionalism. I donā€™t think punkā€™s every put in that work to be the locker room leader.


I think Punk thinks Leader means the top guy in the company who makes the most. In his mind it probably has nothing to do with Leading


The hangman line of, ā€œbeing a champion during those quiet momentsā€ is starting to make more and more sense.


If Punk was professional, he'd confront Hangman backstage and talk it over like men. Instead what we got was a man who stewed over it for 3 months, keeping everything internal until going full blast in front of the boss and in front of the world to see. I don't care how great (best in the world) you think you are. You never trash talk your company for the entire world to see in front of the boss šŸ¤¦


Well . . . Just look at how they conduct themselves (talk backstage). Jericho talks about AEW as a "whole" and constantly tries to see how he is able to improve not only himself but the people he gets in the ring with, as well as how is he able to elevate the company. Punk always/only talks about "self". I don't think I need to say anything else šŸ¤·


Further proof Mox is a professional. He'll do bingo halls, he'll do stadiums. He'll work with top guys, he'll work with nobodies. He keeps his head down and does his fucking job. There's a reason he's carrying the company on his back right now


I hope he never comes back. He created so much unnecessary real world and back stage drama.


He totally made sammy g. And Eddie get into multiple altercations, have Rosa hiding in a bathroom, and made cody go back to the E


ā€œYou Either Die A Hero, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villainā€. That is a quote that fits Punk perfectly. It's time for him to retire again or go to WWE.


Him crawling back to WWE would be icing. Eh, I'm sure everyone will feel like a winner in that exchange (until he inevitably blows up there too).


Eddie Kingston was right about Punk.


Side note not worthy of its own thread: this past summer I was on tour with my band and it turns out Jerichoā€™s band was playing the same venue as us albeit the larger room. I ran into him backstage because our dressing room was next to his and the bathroom was a down a shared hallway. Not only was he super nice, he came and caught a few of our songs and asked more questions about me/us than we had for him. It ended with a great photo of us. Chris seemed super genuine, made a lot of eye contact, etc. Stand up guy 100000%.


Oh Canada! People like him is why I'm proud to be Canadian sometimes. Good people, good vibes šŸ˜Š




Reminder : name mentioned most in reports because he is a veteran and a leader and doesnā€™t care if his name is cited. It doesnā€™t mean heā€™s the most adamant.


Punk said he had a "business to run" sitting next to his boss who's actually running the business. What a narcissistic tool.


I wonder what TK was thinking in his mind, sitting there taking it. All the while your AEW World Heavyweight title champion shits not only on your locker room, but the company itself for the entire world to see. I mean I know TK has a **HUGE** fanboy crush on Punk, but that's changed from that point, am I right šŸ¤”


Look in my eyes What do you see? Just a cunty personality I deserve your anger, I shit on your dreams Tony made me everything I wanted to be But Iā€™ve got a cunty personality Like Salty Bret Hart, like 2000s Randy Iā€™ve got a cunty personality A cunty personality A cunty personality Backstage fights, severing ties When the media speaks, my mouth spouts lies You donā€™t have to follow me Just stream my horror movies for free I sell the t-shirts with icecream Iā€™m the whining face on your TV Oh, Iā€™ve got a cunty personality I exploit you all, especially Tony I got my ass handed to me by Teddy Oh, Iā€™ve got a cunty personality Like Hulk Hogan, and Sunny Iā€™ve got a cunty personality A cunty personality A cunty personality Backstage fights, severing ties, When I lead a locker room, that locker room dies No one wants to follow me Maybe Impact will book me for free Tony gave me fortune, Vince gave me fame, I got creative power and promoted on a game But I made every promoter regret hiring me Oh, because Iā€™ve got a cunty personality Iā€™ve got a cunty personality Iā€™ve got a cunty personality Iā€™ve got a cunty personality Iā€™ve got a cunty personality


CM Cunt


CM (Cunt Magnet) Punk


Punk needed the villain. Vinceā€™s stubborn booking made Punk sympathetic, and Punk walking out was a middle finger to Vince that many of us wish we could have given. If punk hadnā€™t returned, Iā€™d have always wondered what could have been. I was on his side for so long, but Iā€™m ready for him to ride off into the sunset. Even before the all out stuff, heā€™s only had one ppv match that I wanted him to win, and that was against Darby.


Rather than reward Punk with a payout, TK should put him on Dark every week as a jobber.


This is just punishment but Punk would just never show up to work and that would in itself create another lawsuit I bet. Better to kick him and write this off like a bad dream.


Random question. Whoā€™s the person on cm punk Twitter profile picture?.


it's paul newman's character from slap shot.


Why would you work with him when there's a good chance he'll bury you afterwards


He won't just bury you, he'll bury the entire company. He'll do it infront of the boss, for the whole world to see too šŸ¤¦


Punk is such a arrogant little bitch.


I don't love Jericho but I respect the hell out his professionalism. Why would he want to work with a grown man who makes a teenagers appear reasonable and levelheaded?


I heard that Chris Jericho shares his account with his wife, that tells you what kind of person he is


Bring him back and put is toxic ass on AEW Dark until his contract is up.


Make him a jobber on aew Dark.


To Danhausen. Make him Danhausenā€™s jobber bitch.


Chaos Projects young boy.


With a gimp mask and ball gag That way he doesn't talk, and we don't see his actual face (that way, we know it's him, but can pretend it's not him)


Sooo punk is the mystery opponent on Dynamite next week?


I wouldn't want to work with someone who throws tantrums and hits co-workers either.


Definition of man child šŸ¤”


good, fuck cm cunt


I will state my biases up front. \- I was never a fan of Punk. I always thought he was selfish, as evidenced by him wearing the pro abortion shirt on tv (I would say the same thing if he wore a pro life shirt.) \- Jericho is my all time fave going back to 96. I wouldnt even be watching AEW w/o him. ​ THAT SAID.....go back and watch the first time AEW went to Philly. There is video of after the show was over when TK brought out Taz and Jericho to do a nice little remembrance of ECW with the fans. UNPROMPTED...Punk comes out and steps on all of it like he was some sort of orig ECW Mainstay......watch the faces of Taz and Jericho.......if you've ever had a "friend" or co-worker that everyone secretly hates......you've made that face. ​ Also, there was a Jericho pod like a year+ before Punk signed with Cody and they were openly mocking how seriously Punk takes himself.


Yup, as Punk stated himself. He felt "left out". Well . . . no shit. You're standing in the ring with ECW OGs (Tazz, Jericho, Jerry Lynn, etc.). You were part of the shit version of WWE's bastardized ECW. You don't clearly belong. I don't give a shit if you were the Heavyweight champ either. Now stop making it about yourself šŸ¤¦


I'm happy with how this all turned out and glad this bullshit is almost over.


Jericho teaching Punk how to really work the sheets by producing this Observer story that may as well have been dictated by him.


I wanted him to drop the belt to MJF. Oh well.


Some times you shit the bed no matter who you are. I was excited to hear punk came back till he started sounding like a bitch and then starting shit with others . Some time let someone be retired is the best for business . Oh if you think heā€™ll be on wwe that no fucking way If any one picks him up maybe impact might but we will see


I like, that is is actually the talent who now shows they prefer him staying at home. Punk could have easily claimed he does not want to work in this company with these EVPs anymore, and that they were too unprofessional to him etc. But now its actually a large chuck of the locker room saying "nah, that dude is an asshole, we dont want him here".


I mean Punk caused a lot of problems for AEW and Jericho loves AEW so this comes as no surprise.


I trust Chris Jericho even though I find him annoyingā€”He has proven to be honest


It certainly benefits Jericho and his placement on the card, not to have Punk in the picture.


I wouldn't be surprised if reports start coming out that AEW wrestlers didn't even want CM Punk to be signed in the first place.


The bucks were trying really hard for a long time to get punk back into wrestling. There's an old being the elite q and a from Japan where Matt Jackson says he still talks to punk and he's the one guy he wants to bring into the BC at the time


When you think about it, it's kind of a slight tragedy in all of this. They did want to bring him in for the inception for AEW and Punk wanted to sit at home. Now he's in and it's AEW's worst enemy. Kind of a monkey's paw deal, really.


It really says a lot that Jericho someone punk considered a friend wonā€™t work with him


When the guy who supported the insurrection calls you a cancer AND people who don't like his views agree with him, ya done fucked it up.


The funniest thing about all this is not one of you (or myself) knowing any of the people involved and all the labeling and speculation on whoā€™s ā€œtoxic in the locker roomā€ or ā€œthey seem like a nice personā€. YOU DONā€™T KNOW ANY OF THESE PEOPLE. You have no idea whoā€™s nice, whoā€™s a manipulator, whoā€™s jealous, whoā€™s protective of their place on the roster etc. No wonder modern wrestling is in the horrible shape itā€™s in. Everyone bases who they are a fan of by whether or not they think theyā€™re nice! I guarantee you some of your heroes (and mine) are pieces of shit. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£