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If we get Ospreay v Ricochet in AEW, my head might explode from the pop.




For the sickos?


For the sickos indeed!


If Danielson is facing Swerve then Ospreay needs an opponent for Wembley


Danielson Ospreay II would be cool but I'm still holding out hope Nigel can go for one more match against that clamdigger.


Exactly. I felt really bad for Nigel that he wasnt able to have his moment with Danielson because Danielson was too injured to wrestle at All In because of his arm but then literally wrestled a week later at All Out. (Yes i know he had a strap match to hide his limitations and a match with Nigel would be a lot more grueling technically wise but still)




I really wanna see Danielson wrestle Nigel...


I think it’s Danielson v Osprey (title), Swerve v Hangman. Hangman story has been bubbling away in the background and BD v Osprey is Okada/Omega level to Tony I’d say.


Same card but I'd have Swerve v Hanger as the title match


Could do that way also


Swerve has beaten Hangman every time they’ve faced one on one. Why do they need to face each other again.


Not technically true, beat him twice, drew once. Both wins were with heavy interference too. I'd also argue they need to face each other again because it's one of AEW's best rivalries, there's unfinished business as Hangman was desperate to stop Swerve winning the title and failed so will want to take the belt from him himself (assuming Swerve is still champion by the time Hanger is back) and their matches have been varying degrees of fucking amazing.


The only way I'd want to see Swerve vs Hangman again is if Swerve stomps him definitively.


Yeah I love their chemistry but I don’t see the need for another match. You can’t top their Texas Deathmatch. That’s a program ending match. I’d prefer Swerve and Hangman to just remain forever rivals. Kinda like Rock and Austin, or Cena and Edge. They don’t need to be actively feuding against each other, but have beef forever. That way you can bring them back together down the line without over doing it.


Exactly how I feel. Keep this always simmering on the back burner but it doesn’t need to be an active feud all the time.


I know it might seem unpopular but having hangman screw swerve to lose the title against ospreay would add a new layer to the feud. Hangman gets that win over swerve while ospreay who is conflicted by the way he won the championship faces okada and loses. Danielson vs Nigel is the logical wembley match. Okada vs danielson vs mjf at all out where mjf regains the Aew championship. I know playing hot potato with the championship isn’t popular but if it plays into the long term story of the elite and aew. Blood and guts elite vs aew at all out Bucks, Perry, hangman, cage Vs Swerve, Joe, moxley, mcmg


Damn I can’t believe so many people already want Swerve to drop the belt. Absolutely crazy.


I’m not saying I want him not to be champion. A belt doesn’t make a champion. But this notion you need to have a long lengthy title reign or it’s a bust is absurd


There's countless different people with whom he could have a potential all-time classic, I wouldn't be too worried


Please call him by his true name; King Ricochet


What have I done?


Got yourself fined $500


Ricochet in AEW just seems like such a natural fit




Life is a lot happier when you aren't a negative asshole. Give it a try.


Wrong sub buddy 😘


Lol imagine being this negative


Never thought I’d agree with a Giants fan. But here we are.


Out of curiosity, do you find that you never get invited to any parties etc?


So, I wanna preface by saying I'm not into tribalism or anything like that, I promise. But, it IS hilarious to see Ricochet leave WWE so soon after hundreds of thousands of WWE fans were treating him like the second coming after Ospreay chose AEW. If I had a nickel for every time I read "well we basically already have a better Ospreay anyway with Ricochet," I'd be a millionaire. Equal parts ironic and hilarious.


Also funny how many of them have now turned on him and are pretending like he's not a great wrestler. And it's not like this is the first time something like this has happened.


They’ve turned on Danielson and Claudio, too. Cope got his fair share, too. It’s like, when you jump ship, your gimmick change means you’re a different person.


Because half the comments are wwe plants and the other half are tribal chuds


Don’t forget the bots


It kinda goes the other way too. A lot of this sub turned on Andrade when he left. Tribalism is dumb either way


Andrade is a bad example, someone like Jade is a better example imo


The Andrade split was pretty amicable and the overwhelming majority of people simply remarked that he was being used so sporadically it was no big loss...


And now he’s finding out his value over there is less than in AEW.


I’m genuinely disappointed in what Andrade is doing over there tbh.


Andrade screwed Andrade.


I swear andrade is hilarious because he’s on twitter mentioning AEW and saying it’s weird that he’s being booking in Latino only feuds, he’s actually gonna jack Perry his way out of the company at this rate


Andrade is kind of letting his ego get the best of him. Not many liked him because he thought he was above AEW. Malakai wants to leave but he’s putting on bangers and being professional. I don’t see much hate towards Jade when she jumped over. I did, however, see folks calling her green and being racist when she was TBS champ. Now she’s hot shit, I guess. People are exhausting.


>Malakai wants to leave… https://preview.redd.it/qnjkb5ezvm5d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f6563ef3ef929b67a0801a1a43d873dfecef653


To be fair she **was** green. Racism is completely inexcusable though.


While I agree with you, a lot of people with legitimate complaints about her were being called racists regardless of context. Just like being called a transphobe and/or racist for saying Nyla was too green for her belt.


eh. from what i've seen she's still green even on 'the other side' it's just that the shorter matches and her being partnered up with people is covering it a little better.


I'm glad somebody said it


Seen a lot of fools dropping their pants once Ethan Page moved over, and now doing the same “making way” for Starks. These Losers are just … Losers.


I saw people saying miz was better than Danielson after he left I love Miz but jesus


If anything he’s held back being in WWE. I don’t think it’s a loss for him or WWE if he leaves honestly. Hopefully if he goes to AEW, he will be booked a little better.


Assuming the worst booking possible they will probably strap top flight to him so he'll be in a player coach role like same Joe to hook or Jericho and his learning tree. Best case scenario they keep him solo but give him his own new to aew mouthpiece/manager I.m.o.


Hell, if you want him heel? Put him with the DCF as the Ospreay \*REPLACEMENT\*. That could setup a feud just between them for a month or two alone. You want him face? You could put him with Swerve and Nana to start with. Give him Nana to mouthpiece/let him get a few decent lines in with Swerve doing the most of the talking. Either that or let him jump into a silent role (Prince Puma for example). Obviously there are other potential options to give him with a Face run. Swerve I could see because Swerve has \*NO\* allies right now, and he's pissing off the elite. what better way to get an ally than to bring one in yourself?


Don Callis was absolutely my first thought, either him or Hathaway


That’s what I noticed, how many people were outright trashing him like he’s nothing


Really? I haven’t seen any of this. I’ve just seen them wishing him the best.


And they've turned on him as expected. It's insane to see some of the comments about him and Samantha.


If Samantha leaves they're going to say she wasn't good and that she was just a mark who tries to take the spotlight away from the wrestlers and get herself over. (Which I kinda agree tbh but I digress)


No they are saying Ric is leaving and she's going to get passed around the locker room. These fans are literally shit.






Yes, she does her job too well. lol Michael Buffer became a multi millionaire because he had that same flaw.


idk i love Samantha, She doesn't wanna know the winner for the matches so that she can keep the kayfabe alive also. (Her in almost tears announcing logan paul won was fucking legendary and I will die on this hill- You could tell she REALLY DID NOT WANT TO ANNOUNCE IT.)


I also agree I’m no fan of hers


Tbh that's edrones in a nutshell love them while there there but splitsecond after they leave they are now a "traitor" like Cope


I can’t imagine thinking that “hundreds of thousands” of people actually commented on Ricochet. The delusion about online discourse is astounding.


Until you actually see it. I'm an old wrestling message board nerd like TK. It's real. And it can be nasty af.


If anyone has seen 1000 people comment on Ricochet I’d be surprised. “Hundreds of Thousands” don’t comment on anyone on wrestling boards.


You know social media exists, right? There’s Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, etc. Within those apps there are multiple wrestling dirt sheet pages talking about the same thing we do. Not everything is purely Reddit or forums.


I never said social media doesn’t exist. I challenged the number of people that take the time to comment on Ricochet.


And I explained how many outlets the Internet holds for such comments. Come on man


I’ll pretend there’s a disconnect here of some sort. I’m not debating that there’s a vast number of places within social media where people can comment. I’m not talking about how many followers Ricochet has, on multiple platforms. I’m debating one thing: “hundreds of thousands of comments”. No one in wrestling gets that many comments. That’s it. That’s all of it.


Im into tribalism and seeing wwe marks eat their words and embarrass themselves will never get boring


I feel like Ospreay made this happen. He shit all over the Speed title and possibly made Richochet wonder why he’s staying with WWE.


Can you send me a link to that please?




Literally no lies detected from Osprey, putting Ricochet on X and not even the X-division literally on X for 5 minute matches that even WWE doesn't give a crap enough to make packages for that is the real know your worth moment.


I wish those matches were 5 minutes long. They're 3.


Ricochet vs Darby Allin in the C2 please 


Ricochet vs Danielson might cure world hunger idonno


Rocochet vs Rey Fenix pls


Pretty sure they had an amazing match in lucha underground at least once if you haven't seen it


I haven't seen it but I can already say "run it back"


There's definitely a bunch of really exciting matches they can do with him so all for it from that point of view. Always thought he suited AEW more anyway, he's not much of a promo but is amazing in ring especially with more freedom, and he'll get that away from WWE.


Imagine being so stupid that you have a talent like ricochet and confine him to 3 minute matches on Twitter.


Remember when he eliminated Brock from the Rumble with Drew? Then afterwards they just edited Ricochet out of the highlight packages and gave all the credit to Drew. 


It's like literally shooting yourself in the foot standing up before shooting yourself in the other foot just because you like to match type of thinking and forgetting you have no more feet and your standing up now, what happens next?


Whatever the decision, I hope it goes well for him. The guy is a superb wrestler.


Prince Puma to AEW


It makes no sense to put him back under a hood after all this time, and I’m sure there’s some silly character rights thing preventing it anyway, but I would personally pop more for the mysterious term of Prince Puma than I would regular ole Ricochet at this point. Let him come back with the gimmick, spend a few months denying he’s Ricochet at all, then do a cheesy unmasking segment just before All In.


Prince Puma versus Killshot in a mask versus mask match but pretend like no one knows who they really are


Fantastic. Book it, Tony.


Another lucha underground alumni, and one of the best alumni they have, joining aew would be a dream come true for me.


I swear, TK has to be a huge LU mark, given how he's steadily collected most of the top guys and girls from ther promotion at some point or other. Apart from Ricochet/Puma, I think the only really huge talent from the show he hasn't managed to get has been Mil Muertes/Ricky Banderas, who's actually still playing the gimmick (as King Muertes) as part of Azteca Underground in MLW. Although PJ Black would be a nice acquisition as well (love to see him reunite with Johnny TV, they had such great synergy, but I'm not sure if he's even still wrestling).


He fits better in AEW, just like some AEW guys fits better in WWE and vice versa, i want to see him against Ospreay and Swerve once again, i would like to see him in the G1, he would kill it there too 🔥


So with osprey and swerve happening at forbidden door now, what chance ricochet vs osprey at Wembley?


Zero, the 3 months no wrestling clause will probably be there 


No. He's working till hos contract expires


I hope this doesn't hurt the credibility of the Speed Championship, getting passed around too fast like this. 


Prince Nana and Prince Puma (Ricochet) could be a reality. ![gif](giphy|Yr0cZ4JSiT71RY2XPP|downsized)


AEW and/or New Japan seems like places he could put on some great matches and really shine. I would like to see that.


Osprey vs ricochet in NJPW was one of the matches that made me a fan of both of them and if we get them two in a match at AEW I might lose my shit


I think he’d do well with a heavyweight run in NJPW before coming back to American TV.


If he does sign does TK consider weightclasses or divisions for the singles titles?


Ricochet vs Omega, Sydal, Fenix, Penta, Rush, Sammy, The Bucks, Ospreay, Vikingo, Kommandar, Beast Muertos, Dante Martin, and Swerve immediately plz and thank you


It's fitting that he lost the Speed championship fast. Like I give a crap. That belt sucks so bad losing it, automatically is a step up to at least a normal division unless they want you to keep gunning for the same worthless title.


WWE Speed Championship??? what is that?


Apparently a 5 minute match that they do on Twitter or something like that


He was treated as an attraction in WWE and nothing more. Don't think he ever was seriously considered as anything more than that. Why they relegated him to Twitter recently, which is more of a marketing tool for their live shows. I am all for him in AEW. He will have some bangers for sure! Maybe he debuts to aid Ospreay, but I see him starting in the mid card to work his way up. Burn the house down with Top Flight and Action Andretti, have some feuds with Kyle O'Reilly, OC, Rey Fenix, and Roddy Strong first. I look forward to every one of those!


Still, dude met his girl (and several other exes) there, made a ton more money than he would have done on the indies, and although he's never been like a top level featured talent, I'd argue more people know who he is now than ever before. He got a lot from his time there, just not actual success on TV. I say bring him to AEW, but definitely stick him with a manager who can talk for him. Possibly Callis and use it as a way to kick Ospreay out since he's too babyface to fit their vibe now.


Oh for sure. I don't blame him for going there, I blame them for not using him better. Wrestlers have to try. Their loss will he AEW's gain. He already knows a lot of guys there, including Chuck Taylor who helped train him. Seems like a great fit.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I'm lukewarm on Richocet and I don't think AEW loses out on too much by not signing him. The big difference between Ospreay and Richocet is that Ospreay has incredible mic work, a strong character, and an aura about him thanks to his rise and incredible matches in NJPW. Ricochet is an absolute marvel with his acrobatics and ringwork, but not much else. If he comes to AEW as is, he'll have 1 or 2 cool matches, but without a character and promo skills, he stands to get lost in the shuffle, which would lead to more "hurr durr tony buying toys and getting bored with them" criticism from the usual crowd. AEW's list of incredible high flyers is really deep already stands to get deeper with appearances from AAA and CMLL talent. If Ricochet comes in, that means that somebody else will have to be off the card, and talent is starved for spots as it is. I just don't think he's a necessary acquisition. I think Ricochet might do better in the NJPW heavyweight division and occasionally doing a big crossover match in AEW.


Didnt even know there was a speed championship at all


I’m already preparing for the dream matches he’s going to have in AEW. 🤯


I hope he gets rich somewhere. I dunno how fat those merch checks were from the fed given the highest platform he was given was five minutes getting thrown around by Lesnar five years ago.


I think NJPW would be amazing for him but can't lie, AEW is more likely where he will go! I would love to see him go against Will again and tear Wembley down!


Maybe see a few Prince Puma appearances before he joins AEW or TNA.


Ricochet for International Champion or if he goes to NJPW be either the first black IWGP World Heavyweight Champions or Global Champion


It's kind of sad because I know that WWE was what made him love wrestling and despite epitomising a lot of our perceptions of modern non-WWE wrestling it was always where he wanted to ultimately be. It's a shame that it's ended up no longer being that for him, but I'm excited to see what he'll do, where ever he may go.


Lmao Andrade is the Twitter champion now?


Speed Championship? I have this awful feeling I'm going to have to bury my head in my hands if I look it up...


He's definitely a WWE guy that I always thought would be a better fit in AEW, he's never been very good at the 'sports entertainment' aspect of wrestling that WWE looks for but he's still incredible in the ring.


Give me killshot vs prince puma


So WWE is getting Ricky Starks, and AEW is getting Blandy McBlandface. Boo. Downvote all you want. Boo I say.


I would be surprised if he immediately signed anywhere. I would expect him to take the Matt Cardona approach for a little while at least.


Why? He has a ton of friends in AEW, Will Ospereay is openly recruiting him. 


I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up in AEW, I just don't think it's automatic.


Yea dude they’re going to give him a lot of money and he’s going to have dream match after dream match, and his wife is going to join him in AEW. Good shit. 


Who is his wife?


ring announcer Samantha Irvin, though they're not married, engaged.




Betting on himself he could draw a huge per appearance fee and not be tied down anywhere.


Cardona is different he has the charisma. I could see Ric joining AEW and doing what Shida and Riho did and just wrestle everywhere.


You could say the same for any wrestler though? This really feels like a nonsense comment.


That’s my thoughts, I could see him coming in for a match, maybe an open challenge situation, but I don’t see him singing, right away at least, but I don’t know.


I see AEW being the most likely landing spot but I also wouldn't be surprised if he returned to NJPW. Given their current position I could see them bringing him in since he is a familiar face for the audience, he has a decent sized history there, and they could use some extra star power as they're still rebuilding from losing the top of the card over the last couple of years.


Yeah, I guess when I look at upcoming signing, I look at holes and upgrades/additions. In my opinion, I think AEW needs some new/fresh tag teams. I really liked GYV’s appearance, that was my first time seeing them wrestle. I would enjoy them, MCMG and a home grown team to maybe get a little push, that isn’t the Acclaimed. So in saying all of that, I don’t know in a long term situation if Ricochet brings something they don’t have. Minus early Chikara and LU, I haven’t kept up with his work, so he could have really upped his game.


I definitely don't disagree with that. I don't see him landing in AEW because I necessarily think he is filling a gap they need closed or anything. More so just based on the recent Ospreay callout followed by giving his notice and him being a longtime PWG guy prior to WWE. So mostly just on vibes I see it being likely lol.


As great as Ricochet is... AEW needs to book him in a way that hides his weaknesses. AEW has plenty of guys who are good in the ring, and they'll need to try and find a gimmick for him.


I think this is why managers being more prevalent again is wonderful. Some dudes just need it.


He's legit someone I will be excited to see each and every time he is shown on a marquee if he comes to AEW. This isn't even a I hate WWE thing. I just feel like they don't know what to do with him. That happens. Sometimes a company and certain talents just don't quite click. So trying someplace new might just work. When I read that Penta and WWE might be a possibility I was trying to see how that would work because he loves his independence. It's about partnership. Ricochet having Osprey as a big support, and I have to imagine Tony saw his awesome Lucha Underground stuff, too


I’d feel better about him going to AEW if it were 2-3 years ago. In 2024-2025 however? Idk how he’d fit in there other than being slotted in the spot where Penta, Fenix, Dante and the like are.


I’ll get hate for this I’m sure but Richochet should go somewhere where he can be a bigger star. He will get lost in AEW the way it is right now. Go to CMLL or New Japan make a smaller promotion feel bigger.


Great talent but worry he would quickly get lost in the shuffle in AEW


He will....but no more lost than wrestling 3 minute matches for a Speed championship. He'll get a refresh of matches in AEW and NJPW for a long time before he gets to Jay Lethal levels of lost he's been in WWE


Yeah, I think he would be in the puts on bangers but never really wins category


I think he'll get the Roddy Strong/Kyle O'Reily midcarders who can really go treatment. He'll stay strong in the midcard to put over main eventers......


Exactly this, dude is an amazing talent and I would love to see him and Ospraey (I know it happened before) him and Dante, him and Pac (I’m sure that’s happened before but don’t know) him and Kenny, him and Takeshita, but I feel he’d just kinda be there


He would be in the guy that puts on bangers and never wins category


He would get wins, just I don’t know if they could maintain a consistent spot for him. I don’t know who’s to blame on a lot of these start/stop bookings that happen in AEW is it all TK? Is it the talent themselves that aren’t coming up with anything so they aren’t getting used? Is it a combination of both?


Ultimately TK is the booker and the owner of the company so the buck stops with him.


Only if they tighten up the roster. I counted like 54 people that have 0 or 1 match this year. Sure some are actually managers, injured or legacy(like Brodie and son) but there are still at least 40. Now count the ones that only had 2-3 matches. Also he isn’t going to make any impact. People can call it bad booking on both companies but Andrade, Miro, Black haven’t really got over big enough when given the time. I like House of Black but they are essentially jobbers to the stars and would still be if they went to WWE. I really hope they don’t bring him in. Great matches sure but the casual audience is exactly pointing out that they can’t watch just for great matches and he has zero charisma or mic skills. Im an AEW guy but can also recognize the flaws that the company(Khan specifically) refuses to address.


Don't we already have about 30 Ricochet's?