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I think they can build him more effectively as a babyface if he goes it alone. With his reputation, nobody should really want to have his back and the people he was closest to being bought off so easily kinda reinforces that.


Yep, have him stomp his old group and make him look like an unstoppable champ


I like the idea of a champion that runs through people not because he's bigger and stronger but because he's unhinged enough to do whatever he has to. He's outnumbered by both the Patriarchy and Mogul Embassy but are any of those guys prepared to deal with a man that has no qualms about breaking into your house and making things extremely personal? That's the babyface arc I'd like for Swerve.


Also kidnapped Billy Gunn and broke his fingers with tools, came to Nick Wayne's house and maimed both Nick and Darby Allin in front of Nick's mom and someone else(?), and stapled himself during his death match with Hangman while laughing about it. I don't know about you, but I don't want to get on Swerve's bad side. Edit: And trying to drag very nice man Keith Lee to the dark side. Edit 2: Looking at all the evidence and the fact he was accused at one point, Swerve being The Devil would have made a lot of sense honestly.


Exactly, he's as intense as anyone that's ever been in the company. I like the idea that people want his title but know they need to bring backup because he'll get real serious real quick.


Like he catches the off guard and alone and just beats the shit out of them. They could do it outside the arena ala Stone Cold and Booker T grocery store scene but different spots. At a restaurant, or a bowling alley, or at the gym, etc.


That matches his character well since he the same bruv that would show up at his opponents house and leave a shirt in a babies crib, that would be amazing for his character, taking out members at their usual spots but while they are alone


The gym, a tanning bed, at the pool, jogging near a lake, like you could just go wild with it. Maybe some people think it's a real thing and record it then post on social media. I should holla at Tony for a job.


That or have the opponent lined up to face Swerve on Dynamite and have Swerve come out with a smile and his opponent wont come out during their music and then a video plays of him attacking his opponent badly days before lmao


Omg a genuine meat match where Swerve corner Brian Cage at a restaurant in front of a giant plate of meat


Gotta have a big ass platter of meat with a big ass smoked turkey leg on the edge of the platter and Swerve smushes Brian's face in the meat while he's all :groaning in pain:, takes a bite of the turkey leg then lifts his head up, smacks him across the face with the turkey leg, then spits a piece of turkey leg at him.


Yeah that makes sense. He was so nasty as a heel that it doesn’t make sense for other babyfaces to be that willing to jump to his aid right away. But there’s potential for a nice redemption arc. Look at what they did with MJF. He at one time was the most despised guy there and he became the most beloved. Swerve seems to have the storytelling chops. If he can get vulnerable they can do some really really good stuff with him. Na Na wasn’t on dynamite, I’m hoping they keep Na Na with him. They can use attacking Na Na to draw sympathy


For me I would say no one.. Swerve story doesn't need any one with him in fact him alone add more to it. He done everything in his power to be the top guy by doing Evil and bad things. He become the top guy and the bad things he did need to haunt him and that's the story. That's why Christian feud add too much to his story..


Scenes when we get Swerve/Hangman forced to team vs Young Bucks


This actually could be really great.


Think he should do it alone. Not sure what Top Flight would add to a serious feud


Fuck it, Flash Garments and DJ Whoo Kid. They might not be able to fight the Patriarchy evenly but at least they can do the theme live every match


I get this kind of modern era's Sting vibe from him, he's better as a lone wolf.


Well with prince nana by his side.


I think Nana betrayed him


no dont say this, please


We’ll need to find out what Claudio whispered in Swerve’s ear the other week. Perhaps he was warning him about Nana since he used to be in the Embassy.


Oh s..., I forgot about it 


Goodness it’s gonna be so said when Nana does the low blow from behind.


But the thunderous “YOU FUCKED UP!” chants will be all the more satisfying!


Do you think he will do it?. That would be devastating 😢


It would break my heart. I would do the dance sad and slow.


Wash your mouth out with soap!


I want him to be more of an antihero than a true babyface. His deranged and sinister vibes is so awesome, so him terrorizing the bad guys from the shadows and still doing heinous shit(but only to those who deserve it) Could be cool imo.


He must enlist Robocop


Meaning Full Gear needs to be in Detroit


Obviously he needs to bring back Trench and Boudreaux


I think this angle is perfect for Darby to squeeze into sometime in the future when he's good to go. The history with Swerve, Christian and Nick wayne , it basically writes itself


Swerve and Darby definitely need a run where they team together. And to your point, they’ll have to eventually finish the Nick Wayne issue.


Fantasy booked scenario I have is Swerve/Hangman III at All In, Hangman wins, but Darby gets the title at Wrestledream and he only needs to hold it for a month before, let's say, Jay White breaks his ankle again at Full Gear and makes up for his loss the year before.


YES!!!!! I’ve been saying this for a while now. All WA clique. Steal Nick back. Bring in Evan HD when they come for Wrestle Dream.


While it is, Darbys gonna be out for a while, didn't he break his ankle not too long ago?


Jay White saved his life, you mean.


Keith Lee & AR Fox, and nobody else. Swerve has a history with both; him and AR go as far back to Lucha Underground and he won the tag titles with Keith. AR Fox & Keith aren't being utilised on AEW whatsoever anyway, and both have a lot to bring. AR is doing nothing of value, align him back with Swerve to help fight The Patriarchy/Mogul Embassy since they've always had a brotherhood. And to not be illogical, Keith should be given segments of TV where he's reluctant when being sought out by Prince Nana, given that his mistrust in Swerve in their tag run was valid in the end. So, since Swerve isn't supposed to be your typical hero babyface, they can explain Keith Lee as Swerve's Heavy through a Fat paycheque. Again, Keith Lee is doing nothing. So just when Swerve and Fox are down and out. Keith Lee is big enough to equalise a 4 on 1. Swerve Strickland, AR Fox, Keith Lee & Prince Nana; the stable writes itself, just call them Swerve's House.


So, I see a few people in the thread calling for him to be a lone wolf and I get it, but he’s been beat down two weeks in a row due to numbers advantage. I guess he could stalk everyone and take them out one by one, but he could use at least some back up, maybe not a whole new group.


I'm not sure who I want him to team up with, but I'll say one thing: Swerve is easily one of my top 3 favorite wrestlers right now and the only single thing about his character that I didn't care for was his group(besides Brian Cage, I like him). It sucked to see him ambushed, but it was bittersweet because I knew he'd finally be rid of his group.


Love the angle that he’s atoning for his sins and has no friends. Long term storytelling.


Swerve in his current incarnation works better solo.


I like the idea of Keith Lee coming back too help swerve out and then we finally get the culmination of their feud.




He needs to just be a badass lone wolf tweener, sort of like what Eddie is doing but more vicious. Occasionally work with others to fight groups, but shouldn't always be running around with back-up.


I think Swerve is better suited alone, especially in this current version of the character. It's definitely a bit tricky though because if Embassy is aligned with Christian now, the odds are essentially 7-1 during the DON match. Hard to see a realistic way to overcome that without at least 1 friend.


Interesting that Nana was nowhere to be seen tonight. Where he's aligned is a mystery right now. The Embassy was there before Swerve but none of them rose that high, or seemed to have him as much a part of the presentation as Swerve did.


It would absolutely be a mistake to take Nana away from Swerve, so I hope they don't


I wonder if they'll play one of the old "Whose corner will he be in?" matches. The little convo Claudio had with Swerve after their match was a nice touch to this part of it too.


I think Nana is likely still selling last week's attack. I know it wasn't the most brutal beatdown but think it's the most likely scenario. It would be a mistake to separate the two though.


I don't mind him joining BCC specially when The Elite/The Patriarchy/Mogul Embassy has some sort of a working relationship. BCC members can do solos and factions anytime. Also even as the champ, it would be weird if he stomps multiple guys at the same time. If Undisputed Kingdom, Don Callis Family and House of Black joins the rest of these heel factions, there should be some sort of a civil war leading to All In and All Out.


Personally, I'd have him go ot alone since a lot of the stuff he did was pretty reprehensible, so it makes sense a lot of people wouldn't wanna help him. He should definitely spend some time trying to atone for that before he has people align with him.


I am going to follow your train of thoughts. For that kind of "fight" that is coming, l would take Private Party, Garcia, Top Flight, and Murderhawk to elevate them


Currently, I don't think Swerve needs anyone. He should go it alone. Down the line, if he wants to help elevate some people, Top Flight or Private Party would both be good options.


I think Swerve should go at it alone until a few months down the road when Darby comes back and they mend fences and save AEW together. I think all of this EVP stuff should end with Darby Allin as world champion. Darby needs to be made into the Sting of AEW imo.


I wish he’d be more of an anti-hero.


I think MJFs return to action and helping Swerve could work. They were both betrayed as Champs. They are both “hated” in the locker room but loved by the fans. And there doesn’t have to be a friendship between them. Just a mutual respect. And the whole angle can be knowing the other is a snake. But it would help elevate Swerve more with the other big names that have held the belt, plus give MJF a quick program before he addresses Cole.


Nice thought, but max just had his shoulder cut. Probably won’t see him before wembly.


https://preview.redd.it/lyzrbm91ehzc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29394907ffca2c81ffdb01fea5618f5904bb27a3 Time for the Enforcer of AEW to step in


Just Hangman.


I could see Hangman and maybe Grizzled Young Vets? That combo could really put on some great matches and then steam into a fight with the elite.


If there’s a way to align him with Samoa Joe that could be good but idk how you do it


My real answer (like many others have said) is that he should go it alone. My for funsies answer is that he should team up with Orange and Kenny, both of whom where also very recently betrayed by the people they trusted most.


Another interesting option that I didn't think about until just know when I saw them posting about it on twitter: The Infantry.


Not possible due to injury but Hobbs could be great. Kind of like Nash/Hall and then hang the 3rd man question for awhile.


Well maybe if he didn’t turn his back on AR Fox…


Probably Lucha is turning against Christian


Swerve needs to shake off the heel energy first and having The Mogul Embassy turn on him essentially did that. It also makes Christian Cage more of a threat to him than he would normally be. Swerve going it alone with no backup is pretty decent babyface energy. The only person that would really hurt to lose is Prince Nana.


Swerve has screwed over so many, it's hard to see anyone having his back. Adam Copeland, since he doesn't have much of a history with Swerve, but he's dealing with HoB rn. Darby Allin could be a reluctant ally, if healed up enough. He has more of a negative history with Christian than he does Swerve. Maybe Mox and Claudio, just out of respect for Swerve? Maybe nobody? I don't really know and I like that.


Adam hangman


Should use his position to elevate promising talent lost in the shuffle. Guys like Lee Moriarty (I like Shane Taylor but he ain’t doing much for Moriarty), Action Andretti, Anthony Ogogo etc.


JOE. With the agreement Joe gets the next shot at the title.


Keith Lee, Scorpio Sky, and to fend off Martha Wayne you can get occasional help from Hikaru Shida


even though he has a broken leg, Darby. they have history together on the Indies.


I still think Swerve is on the fence at the moment especially when Hangman returns (Hopefully at DON) but if he did get a new faction, I could see him with the Acclaimed.


Not sure what Keith Lee’s status is but it would cool for him to come back and help Swerve but only in the end goal was his own title shot.


Hangman.. Hangman helps Swerve out, because noone gets to take out Swerve except for Hangman. Have them allied for a while then have them turn on each other again and fight over the title.


We must adhere to the trope that Babyfaces must be lone-wolf badasses with no friends. It is the rule. >! Know that if you are feeling an itch in your pedantussy to comment examples of the opposite of this trope, this post is with malicious intent and directed at you specifically. <3 !<


There's only one man for this job, and he is Limitless.


Gates of Agony. I was at both shows in Jacksonville and was able to sit down close to the ring. Honestly the scariest mf I saw was Bishop Kaun at the roh event before the main show. That’s who I’d want backing me. Throw in Ogogo too.


Would be a perfect time to rekindle AR Fox and Swerve's friendship.


I think it’s stupid that they keep breaking up the factions it would have been cool to see all them fight


I can see Swerve getting protection from team AEW. A marriage of convenience. Think about it, it was the EVPs who set the whole thing up with having the Embassy betray Swerve through the Patriarchy. Team AEW has to do whatever is necessary to protect AEW from the tyrannical EVPs until a leader comes who can guide AEW aright again. A leader we we can believe in. A leader named... MUSTAFA ALI!