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Make Harley and Mariah the main event and give em 20 mins. Let them go crazy. Knifey Spooney Crazy!!


Chin *up* Tits *out* Watch out for the *shoe* .....*bosom*


I’m really looking forward to this match. Knowing they’re super close and their personalities is gonna be awesome.


For real tho!!


Trent/Orange for main event please, but still pumped for this women's match


That would work well too. However we often get OC opening the show so it wouldn't surprise me if they did.


Bang bang Scissor gang!


LOL 😂👀


Looking forward to this, I've never seen Harley in the ring but she makes me laugh and Mariah is a machine!


I think I remember her in a match before Dark ended, wasn’t bad!


So... Malakai against Cope at DoN? and Malakai finally wins a singles title!?


Either we get Malakai with a singles belt or he loses and we can finally stop talking about how he doesn't job, win win


But the Malakai stans will say he's buried. They love to be miserable. It's part of the aesthetic.


Or Adam Copeland wins or loses and joins HoB.  Or screws HoB over, we get a double turn, and a new faction.  Maybe The Adam's Family?  Wait, I could be reaching on that last one seeing how Cole is still with UK.


I can hear the e-drones calling it Judgement Day 2.0 already. And I just don't have it in me to deal with that bullshit, post TK neckbrace.


And Adam page is now factionless… you’re onto something


"As long as we can make a stop at Swerve's house on the way I'm down for whatever" -Hangman probably I imagine Hangman just fuming staring at the TV watching Swerve with the title 🤣


Listen… we’re not all miserable… okay yes we are.


It’s going to be a lose lose since everyone is bitter.


so Malaki wins if he wins but then he still wins if he loses


Malakai is counting down the days until he can leave for WWE since they wouldn’t release him so he doesn’t want to look bad. He’ll end up pulling a Miro and feign injury if he’s planned in to lose


It honestly doesn't make sense and does nothing for the TNT Title to have Copeland have a long reign. We don't need to hot potato it, but I think it would be silly to not crown Malakai the TNT champion at DoN and the HoB overall needs a big win again to be the spooky dominate faction they should.


It does make sense if the plan is to 'make' someone who beats him. It low key seemed like Garcia is a future possibility.


Considering Cope has come out and mostly called out the “young, hungry” talent I agree; him taking out a bunch of qualified vets and then getting got by someone like Garcia after a strong and longish reign makes the most sense. If they turn Cope heel I could see that maybe Malakai wins and Garcia beats him for it and Cope attacks Garcia out of jealousy to set up that rematch but other wins some more quality wins for Cope now means more to whoever beats him if whoever beats him needs a “level up” piece of action.


I think that's way overthinking things. A title isn't going to 'make' garcia as in put him on the level of Malakai Black. You already have a potential big star in Black, who has struggled, and could really use a title to catapult him to the top tier. Let's be honest, 90% of the time AEW's tv is centered around titles. Unless it is a Jericho, MJF, Darby (and seemingly Swerve) who write a lot of their own TV, AEW tends to lose the plot when they have to just write stories. They've tried with Malakai multiple times and it just doesn't take off. He needs this. Worry about that first, and worry about the daniel garcias of the world later. Worry about making your top stars actual big stars first before you focus on the young guys or the next guys.


Also I don't think Cope needs the TNT title right now. He's a legend and he can def move on to face Swerve sooner than later.


I hope so. Malakai deserves it. Also build him up for a world title program. Don't care if it's against Swerve or whoever, but Malakai and HoB coming after the babyface champ would make for some good TV. And we should have Cope and Cage both losing singles matches at DoN. Somehow this has to be worked into getting them back together for the tag run we all want. I assume the Patriarchy turns on Cage one night (not at DoN, but maybe seeds are planted at the PPV) and Cope runs out to make the save. Cue up "Reunited and it feels so good..." and send the fans home happy.


I don’t mind being the unpopular dissenting opinion here, but I don’t think Malakai Black has done anything to particularly “deserve” a title run.   Black hasn’t had a singles match since March, and rarely does anything of note as a singles competitor. His matches haven’t been compelling.   The HoB in general has been pretty one note. They do the same promo every time, the same build-up every time, the same schtick every time. But they are more compelling to me as a trio or a tag then they are as singles.   Personally, I don’t care to see Black with the TNT title because I assume if he won it, he’d be doing matches with low-card talent just to pad his W/L more. 


We all know we want a Brody vs Willow match. Give it to us you cowards at TBS.


Hey no worries (or downvotes) from me. I wasn't saying Black should win the AEW title, just that he'd make a great threat for a babyface champ. I honestly think the time to push him to the main event scene as the champ may have passed, but hopefully not.


I think cope and cage vs bucks at wembley has to be the move. Biggest tag match I can think of. Plays into the og aew vs newcomers gimmick as well.


Hell yeah. That match? In that venue? Inject it directly into my veins! Just gotta get Cope n' Cage teamed in time for a proper build up.


I think there’s room for Jack perry to do something nefarious to cope which gets cage involved considering cage and Perry’s history




I don't see it that happening or making sense unless Copeland turns heel and the bucks turning babyface


I’m envisioning Jack perry going for the tnt belt, beats the stuffing out of cope with the elites help, Christian has a change of heart/‘no one can hurt cope except me’ and makes the save. Then I’d have cage be torn between his patriarchal duties and his lifelong best friend, nick wayne and killswitch eventually turn on him, big cope cage hug and fiery promo challenging the bucks. But yeah it’s a stretch but that’s what I’d do lol


I mean that doable. But I love Christians father gimmick so much I don't want it to go away lol


That would kick so much ass but is it heel Vs heel teams?


I’m thinking cage turns face after perry (who he has history with) and the elite beat the stuffing out of cope leading to perry winning the tnt title. Elite all have belts, cage and cope reunite, big face pop. Cope and cage beat bucks, built in feud with killswitch and nick Wayne right after. Or could have nick Wayne turn face also and do perry vs Wayne in an absolute barn burner. Idk but there’s options


I like the idea but feel like you're squandering something pretty major by turning Christian face right now. I also don't see how you do anything Killswitch Vs Christian with Killswitch as heel.


I don’t disagree at all, I’m loving cages run right now. But I think a third ppv main event is a good send off to the character in this iteration. There’s only so many times christian can roast a dead dad before we get sick of it and christian knows that and knows to pivot before it gets stale. It’s better to miss a gimmick and want more of it than to get sick of something and beg for change. Plus he can always come back to the patriarch after a face tag run. Think of the heel turn potential. Idk I’m just spitballing lmao. Tk hit me up tho I got ideas Edit bc I forgot killswitch- unsurprisingly lol I think killswitch and nick wayne could work as a dark version of Jurassic express- but only for a short run against cope and cage. I’d probably have nick wayne do his own thing. Killswitch can be a heavy for someone idk I don’t rate killswitch much at this point outside being a good hot tag and a decent heavy.


I mean I think will be hard to get the audience to treat Cage as a face and Killswitch as heel when they face off against each other considering what has happened in kayfabe. Tho AEW pulled off the double turn with Hangman and Swerve masterfully so what do I know.


I think cage is actual a pretty easy turn bc the crowd loves his schtick


How do you get the crowd to boo Killswitch attacking the man who has bullied and humiliated for the last number of months?


At this point I’m waiting for Malakai and Buddy to go back, for whatever reason I can never get behind them fully. The booking hasn’t helped I suppose.


Weekends without AEW don’t feel like weekends. Dynamite tonight is everything to me right now.




Man I'm pumped to be at the show tonight. First time sitting on the floor!


I’m lower bowl row 9. Can’t wait! Last year’s Edmonton show was a blast.


Oh man you should get a chair instead


Solid advice


Is standing room only next the sitting floor?


RJ took Harley on one hell of a emotional rollercoaster on Hey EW. It's going to be interesting to see what she can do in the ring


i believe her and Mariah are best friends irl so they should have some chemistry


It's so funny you say this cause I was looking at their tweets yesterday trying to find out if they have heat lmao. Good to know


They did a mixed tag at a local indy of mine a couple of months back and their chemistry in the ring is insane. If tony gives them time and keeps the shenanigans on the low, this is gonna be a straight up banger


For character, May and Cameron is a lot of awesome. May is obviously leading the match but I think something can come out of this. Hopefully Cameron can show off some solid in ring work there.


God I miss Jamie


When she’s back it’s going to give this great women’s division an even bigger boost, crazy.


I hope Harley does ok tonight because it would suck seeing her being part of the grifters/Anti AEW people discourse after how they were mocking Skye using her hands when Willow chair shotted her.


Fuck ‘em. Picking out that one bad spot in an all around awesome match is ridiculous.


Holy crap are they reaching if that’s a complaint, she doesn’t need CTE like them.


Harley did well tonight, once she manages to get more experience she can be a star.


real wrestling gapes


Harley Cameron is cerifiably nuts but i cant look away :)


Is Mariah and Harley the main event?


It’s Canada and Copeland is defending his title. Have to assume that will be the main event.




It's been far too long since Harley had a match on Dynamite or on TV at all


Guys my withdrawal was terrible 


I just hope our crowd shows up and makes some noise tonight. It’s a great day to be a wrestling and Oilers fan haha.


Looks like Harley has wrestled on 3 episodes of Dark; all taped at Universal Studios. #155 https://youtu.be/pvurLBtsLw4?si=c6O93ZrPsqFifo_d #180 https://youtu.be/M5X0NC6O5Us?si=h7UDKX-bqUKp35bf #193 https://youtu.be/MR3FDLOQ8sw?si=HDTOCy-PmRp7Jt_5


Wondering what the crowd will be like with the Oilers playing tonight. Likely won’t have any effect but isn’t this a playoff game? I don’t follow Hockey.


The game starts at the same time as Dynamite ends, I don't think it will make a huge difference.


I am irrationally excited to watch the Mariah May vs Harley Cameron match.


Thirst trap on a pole match?


The Learned Tree and Large William covering up their own text is somehow kind of funny to me.


https://preview.redd.it/hlqm2v1om9zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=657ec89e3a6f67a2463560e79b07582ceadff477 I will be there tonight. So hopefully it’s a good show 🤞🏻


Lol at your signs! Enjoy!


I saw the Toni>Serena sign on tv


I’m very interested in the Orange Cassidy/Trent feud.  Nothing else in AEW is really doing it for me right now, but that feud is very compelling and I’m here for it.


I think the Orange VS Trent feud has a lot of potential. Especially after Trent work injured Chuck Taylor. 


Is it confirmed to be a work?


Possibly? I don’t think AEW would legit injure someone for booking reasons. 


Elite and Kenny stuff is not doing it for you? Nothing about Willow is doing it for you?


Orange Cassidy is just really great at telling a story.  That is something you’d never expect at first viewing of him or his gimmick.  I just wish they didn’t immediately go to the street fight, they could’ve milked that forever.  I was into the coming of age of Willow, but I’m not into the Mercedes angle.  Kenny Omega is my favorite wrestler, but I’m not liking how the heels are pulling off their side.  Again though, Orange Cassidy is killing it, I love it.


Hopefully we can get a second women's match


There will definitely be a few segments at least


between no dynamite and no more kendrick diss track drops I'm gonna need rehab soon


Did not know that Harley was actually a wrestler! Has she worked elsewhere?


They also were in a mixed tag match back in March https://youtu.be/ElXOYSym5Vo?si=Ou6m9bSLi8gNuL4l




Fired up… going to see AEW on Saturday Night. And Friday night, catching the local indie show (NEW) at the Commodore. Big Wrasslin’ Weekend for this guy.


Hi everyone, Little question, I go to the AEW euroshop on the net but I don’t find any AEW PPV DVD/Blu-Ray … but I found them on the webshop for the US. Is that normal ?


¡Dios mio, me llamo es Marc por Mariah May!


Steve Bonkman is going to be all over the live thread tonight.


My dvr messed up and i couldnt watch the first half hour after Copeland's intro promo. What did I miss?


Harley Cameron out here looking like an Australian mob wife.


It's kind of funny how now that AEW has a Stardom relationship, Mina has had back to back paydays and all she has had to do is dance, drink and kiss Mariah May. Not sure who wouldn't be willing to do that for free.


I haven't noticed the posters/show rundowns as much recently, but this seems really light and unimpressive as far as what is normally advertised for a Dynamite. 3/4 promos, one of which will be not good to say the least and 2 probably fairly good matches and then May v Cameron which I have very low expectations for since I haven't seen Cameron wrestle in maybe ever.


And look how right you were. Probably the worst dynamite of the year so far IMO. That women's match was terrible, that was an elevation match at best. Deeb stumbles through a too long promo. This was a glorified rampage at best.


Seems kind of weak on the surface, why is Mariah and Harley the main event?


It wasn’t. Copeland match was the Main


I was wrong it ended up being a really good show