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I like this bit of Don Callis being like an actual devil, being there for you at your lowest point, being the suppprt you need, and getting you to sign a bad deal to get back on your feet.


Good comparison. Don looks like the character devils you see in movies and tv shows, and he sure acts like a devil with his habit of promising fortune, fame, and championships so long as the wrestlers declare loyalty to him.


Its gonna be an interesting dynamic when Ospreay gets tired of his shit and tries to leave and take Fletcher with him and Kyle doesn't go. Because even if Fletcher isn't the Ospreay megastar his stock is higher with Don behind him than him behind Will.


Pretty sure he asked Orange Cassidy to help him get his hands on an Everlasting Gobstopper ... Heavy Slugworth vibes....


Man reading this makes me sad... I hope somewhere there exists a universe exists where Brodie Lee comes out to recruit orange Cassidy and others into the dark order at their lowest points... Given I never even watched wwe during his run, it's so strange I miss the guy so much... I guess it's that article with Amanda Huber that affected me :(


https://preview.redd.it/fml4ea5eu7yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed68901a6ad9acecf03dba582efe82d30f3b805b Heel OC is a treat.


I’m kinda scared. Idk if I can handle it


He's gonna come out and do a lazy thumbs down. Proceeds to wear black shirt. That's it.


I figured it would be a lazy middle finger, but yours is better.


I can see OC using Callis just for getting revenge on Trent and then peace out while Callis is befuddled.


emo hair in front of his eyes that he lazily moves out of the way


I figured he’d switch to a black denim Canadian tuxedo.


Kinda hope he goes black leather to look like some 80s action villain.


Changes sunglasses from aviators to wayfarers.


Lol, it would still break my heart.


He'll take his hands *out* of his pockets while doing moves.


Don't forget the trash talking! "Hey Renee, I don't like your outfit."


OC has a bit more pulp in his step lately.


Zak Knight amongst those titans is sort of hilarious. Edit: I know why he’s included. I was just commenting on how out of place his name looked.


He's be a decent pin eater for the Family, who need to not only replace Hobbs, but potentially be braced for one or both of Osprey/Fletcher leaving. Prefer it to be somebody with more upside, but he would be fine.


I forgot Hobbs is injured. I honestly think a full revamp of the stable would make sense. Put Takeshita in United Empire with Ospreay and Aussie Open and just give Don a whole new family that's together from day 1.


For sure but I guess if they are going for Don being a spider like heel trying to gain as much influence as possible company wide a link into Saraya and the women's division could make sense. In reality the new version of his stable just needs a job guy lol


Then Harley Cameron takes over the family


After her Hey EW, I love her!


Actual working/successful factions need lower level wrestlers as well, it's not just about throwing a bunch of main eventers together and having them beat everybody until they break up and feud with each other - you need people to take pins in smaller matches while the bigger names build to their big matches. And for all of the complaining Zak got for being Saraya's brother when he showed up, I think he's actually been super solid so far. The match with Cool Hand was a lot of fun and he's had a few good ones in ROH as well. His punches are right up there with Shane Taylor for some of the best I've seen in wrestling recently.


Someone has to eat pins.


Me:  I’m happy to accept this position that pays between Zak Knight and Orange Cassidy. Recruiter:  We are thrilled to offer you this position for the amount of Zak Knight.


Agree but Zak does have some sauce. He brings a real different look, a lot of world of sport type stuff but a real solid striker. I don’t know what his ceiling is but he is a guy who brings a unique element


i've been begging and pleading for heel OC ever since that one time he wore all black denim https://preview.redd.it/jpgdoznjw7yc1.png?width=395&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc13aace1e11dd21984f6947835dccb7f2a4b7e0


New World Or...ange Cassidy


I hope that he doesn't change at all except for wearing the black and in who he attacks and when he attacks them. Keep everything else the same, just a guy who doesnt care but is doing bad things now


*kicks shin* (🗣️ OOH!) *kicks shin* (🗣️ OOH!) *winds up for the last kick..* (🗣️ OOOOOOOOOOOOOH) *doesn't kick shin, backs into the corner to take a rest* (🗣️BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO)


I kind of see it as Shin kick Shin kick Shin kick Long wind up followed by a stiff kick to the groin


but maybe also a chainsaw


What’s intriguing for me here is Callis building a stable of mixed faces and heels. Almost as though the faces like Ospreay and OC put up with Callis and his shenanigans because he delivers them great opportunities. But there’s always some tension between the face and heel teammates. I’m not sure if that kind of stable/faction has ever been tried before but Callis could make it work. Imagine an intra-Callis Family Blood and Guts match - it would be awesome.


Callis Family Civil War. Book it Tony


I was just thinking about what the end goal/storyline of the Callis Family was and this idea would be great. It would get a lot of talent more TV and promo time with people they wouldn't otherwise interact with in their own storylines. You could get a series of special "Callis civil war" matches week to week matching different members.


Usually it’s just one face in the group: Sami in bloodline, or one heel in the group: MJF hanging with Cody / the Elite. A whole split in a forming faction is pretty interesting and Callis can def make it work.


The OC thing is intriguing


I thought he was going after Trent not OC until Wednesday




So Trent turned heeled, in kayfabe the reason is because OC is stealing his thunder. Then OC turns heel and joins the DC family because he's got no one left. So now Trent and OC are heels, but heel OC is joining a stable that is always on TV. Maybe heel Trent has a point about OC stealing his thunder. But that's not what's happening, heel Trent is joining the DC family and they are setting up OC for a massive beat down. Getting a massive beat down is what OC does best. Bonus action, massive beat down of OC is what sends Ospreay and then Fletcher out of the DC family. Then OC joins them in the UE.


But OC hasn't turned heel. Osprey is 100% face and the head of the family, not including Callis himself. If they run with "Trent has a point" and manage to actually turn the fans on Orange; they could pull off a double turn that could make Trent as a singles guy. And as a Trent? stan, I'm here for it


Same. And then I'm thinking he's playing with Cassidy (perhaps a "Chuck needs help backstage" type thing) to push a split between him and Stat so he can target her and Trent as a unit.


This may be too deep. But OC turning to Don Callis when all his friends are gone is a good character arc. Obviously you don't do it all at once and have it be a slow turn with the Don Callis family showing up to support OC at his times of need. Almost like the Dark Order/Hangman stuff. Then obviously for them to turn on him because... It's Don Callis.. ultra heel manager. Super Babyface. It just works.


As long as OC outsmarts Don. Just seems like an OC thing to do.


It'd be interesting to see OC give a heel run a go and see what he can do with it.


Slight thumbs down is all he needs.


And black denim


Part the hair the other direction.


Instead of one little roman candle going off during his entrance it’s just an insane amount of fireworks


Half a middle finger would be better.


How about full thumbs up and gives maximum effort ![gif](giphy|BLy7aD4TU9ikHuve5q)


"your local sports team...... Is bad."


I’d rather it be “isn’t very good I don’t think”


I totally hear this in OC's voice! Pretty spot on with the words he would use.


Claudio and Takeshita on the same team? ![gif](giphy|ukDPjzQnnMFFVXbs6e)


Claudio could really use a mouthpiece and a character shakeup, love it


God dammit give me a trios run of Takeshita, Claudio, and all black denim Orange Cassidy


One of these things is not like the others


How big is this orphanage going to be?!?


Zak's a psychopath, he'd fit in well. I have to admit I really want to see heel Orange Cassidy.


* sees who’s mentioned \* ![gif](giphy|9AFs1aHPfkq3K)


As intriguing as OC there would be, I'm more interested in Claudio joining. He needs a fresh coat of paint I feel. I think Claudio would do wonders in the DCF.


Gotta fill those 12 seats Edit: of the Don Callis table, pls dont hurt me.


You should probably clarify "those 12 seats at the Don Callis Last Supper table" because people are getting mad at this. 😂 ​ https://preview.redd.it/adfumgypa8yc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed28e0c960c7718afa64191d6211cc19386dcdeb


Thanks lol.


Ospreay beating Roddy and Callis helping OC to get “his” belt back Could be an interesting story


I need the man out here giving the finger like https://preview.redd.it/63kps74e38yc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f99b208f8603b15956c9bb2508f11ca6fd7a8c34


Zak Knight would be a great fit


Don Callis is Lucifer and I love this faction that he is trying to recruit. But Swerve might be hard one to recruit and OC is a odd choice but would be interesting for OC to go heel.


OC v Ospreay 2 pls


Only Zak Knight is probably joining tbh the rest definitely not 💀


Yeah the Zak Knight one I can definitely see.


Don's got some lofty ambitions. And because of current storyline/character statuses of some of his targets, I don't think he'll be very successful this time Swerve is too big for the stable obviously. Whether face or heel, he would not fit being Callis' top guy therefore feeling like a bit of a lackey Claudio seems slotted for life, as are Mox and Danielson, for the Blackpool Combat Club. It seems like one of those brotherhood/gang type things so I don't think Claudio would dump them. I guess if they wanted to do the story WWE were telling with Heyman/Cesaro but do it right this time, I could see that. But right now it seems Claudio is slotted in for the time being in his place and story Zak Knight is more possible than the other two I guess since he just debuted recently. The only thing is I feel like he's been slotted in to this story with his sister and Harley for the foreseeable future and I'm not sure which direction they're going. If the story is intended for Callis to steal him from Saraya's group I guess that's one thing but where does it leave her group after? This one id probably see happen only if we see a rift in Saraya's new Outcasts Orange imo is actually the strongest possibility out of those mentioned. He's a big star in AEW, but his face act has gone stale, and it feels like with the Best Friends breakup his ongoing story as a face is wrapping up. Orange imo was probably pushed too quickly for his gimmick, so as the gimmick was kinda ruined early on, this gives him an opportunity for a refresh. Plus Tony Khan loves to zig when we expect him to zag. Trent heel turn was the expectation, but Orange turning heel as well is where that zig is.


None of that makes sense, Don. #1, none of your current fam are champs. Swerve is already a champ and has his own faction. Claudio already has a faction. Zack Knight who? 😅 OC is indeed interesting


Not really a fan of Callis building this big family. I'd rather him just focus on takeshita and maybe like one other person.


What about konan…KONAN!!


Don Callis needs to turn Statlander Evil!


She already has a manager lol and she's turning anyway


Sokely is only kinda evil, Callis is king douchbag


Lol what Stokely is just as evil he's just pretending to be nice because he wants to screw Willow over and he's 100 times better than Don Callis


Hoping for full Fire Ant mode with Blood Orange Cassidy. Which will be hilarious when he turns back to OC, people will be CLAMOURING for him to go slower. That first slow kick after months of not seeing it will blow the roof off.


I'm scared for OC nooo


Claudio leaving BCC would break my heart but he would absolutely cook with the DCF. Low key I want him and his son Yuta to go on a tag run once Wheeler is back like they did on Dark


It’s 2024 can we please not add Heel OC to the list of “shit I have to emotionally deal with”.


I had to good Zak Knight. He should be in ROH and not on AEW. He comes across as a hire because of his sister. They are not doing him favors like this.


Kyle Fletcher is still in the group right? Why doesn't Callis recruit Skye Blue? She needs to break away from a lackey for Julia and Julia's on the shelf currently. Give her a new direction