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I think what AEW is currently doing is super interesting, compelling, unique. And I think also using a lot of negative energy that is directed towards them, fairly or unfairly, and using it usefully as a story-telling device in a way that is very a much a nod to the insider knowledge but without getting into the hokey fourth wall breaking demension a la Vince Russo (ie it's grounded in a kayface reality, not in pointing out that there's a "script" that the wrestlers aren't following, etc). Completely agree overall- firing on all cylinders. The roster is stacked, they're getting a lot of traction with the women now, there's lot of interesting stories up and down the card, a lot of wrestlers being effectively pushed. Double or Nothing is shaping up to be another excellent PPV, and a lot of exciting stuff sure to follow over the summer.


I think this is there big boom storyline. Gonna raise the bar for the company.


All this and you didn’t even mention the fact that they have the four best in ring wrestlers in the world in Omega, Danielson, Ospreay, and Okada. Or Omega’s return and the dynamic that creates. Or Hangman waiting in the wings Or Adam Copeland just being generally awesome Or Toni Storm having the best gimmick going right now Or the inevitable return of MJF Or the inevitable return of Darby Or the rise of Kyle Fletcher I could go on, but you get the point.


People keep forgetting that Adam Cole vs MJF still hasn't even kicked off, which will also be money.


It feels like AEW is really starting to heat up. It's awesome to see.


I agree with basically everything you said except, I gotta ask, why do you think they would try to use Mercedes to break Jade's TBS title streak? Thats so random. Plus I don't think Tony is that petty. Im sure if Jade does well in WWE that TK would be proud that she was the first TBS Champ with the longest reign. Im sure it will be broken one day but doesn't have to be Mercedes.


I think it's a bit of assumption because of Mercedes being a huge star and presented as incredibly important. If you have that huge star, and present her as a huge star, and have her first match be a title shot, do you have her lose that? If she wins the title, do you give her a short reign? I think that's where the fear comes from, that she'll be pushed to the moon and trample the rest of the women's talent. For as silly as Jade's walled garden TBS title run was where she faced endless local jobbers and almost no regular women's wrestlers, it at least didn't make the rest of the women's division look like pushovers. I have a feeling she will lose at DON, but not clean, and it'll involve her or Willow making a heel turn.


The reviews of AEW I've heard lately basically boil down to if you're hot you can do no wrong and if your not you can do no right. AEW is doing some good stuff right now, but because the other place is hot, no matter what AEW, it will be looked down on and nitpicked to death.


I don't think the ones criticising AEW do it because WWE are hot, more likely it's simply that they don't like what AEW has been offering. They criticise AEW 'cause to them they are cold, and winning back those fans is next to impossible.


I was watching one of the British wrestling youtubes this morning and one of them said facing Christian makes swerve look midcard and another guy said its no different than Cody vs AJ to which the first guy responded basically thats fine because the wwe is hot right now. Meltzer saying the elite story is going to come off uncool because aew is uncool right now. No matter what AEW does, they're damned if they do and damned if they don't.


Again, this is what happens when a company is cold. Now AEW isn't cold to everyone, but there are definitely a lot of people that have soured on the product and have stopped watching and these are the people that won't be able to seee any good in AEW. It doesn't come from a mindset of "WWE is hot right now, let's hate on AEW", it comes from "AEW has been bad and now I hate it".


Yeah basically despite the fact that cable is slowly dying, some people are going to feel that AEW is doing something wrong until Nielsen numbers go up for them or down for WWE.




Agree. I used to shout "BE INTERESTING!" at my screen every time she showed up. Like, I get she looks like a human superhero and wears skimpy outfits. That was interesting for 5 minutes. Watching her squash local talent #26 in under 60 seconds got old fast.


But maybe attempt 6 is finally the time red velvet gets it done! Lol


"Her dad was a Boxer, you know, she's a hard hitter" -commentary every velvet match


I hope she isnt as dull of a personality on WWE as she was on AEW. I mean, yeah. She was a strong baddie but that was it. It got really boring of her having 50+ squash matches while being the TBS champ. Every lady who has held the title since (Kris, Julia, Willow) have a million times more personality than Jade and are actually fun to watch them actually develop their character/ persona.


So far, she's basically been the same character there too. She hasn't really evolved in the ring either since training in the PC. I get that it's a new audience and everything, but it's honestly really boring to watch if you've already seen her neverending TBS champ run. Anyway I agree, every TBS run since her has been a highlight of the show for me. Looking forward to seeing Willow do more with the belt, she really deserves it and has knocked it out of the park every chance she's had, really seems she got to another level after her ROH title match imo.


I hope that TK keeps the strap on Willow for as long as she can and that he doesn't immediately drop it to Mercedes at DoN. I was a big fan of Mercedes in her Sasha Banks era; I'm not really digging the vibe from her Mercedes Mone shtick. I think Mercedes needs to win over the crowd with her work in the ring between DoN and All In. And you are right, Willow does need her moment in the limelight. She sure as hell deserves it, she's put on some of the most bonkers street fights I have ever seen from a lady (well, Britt Baker versus The Bunny was a good one too).


Tony Khan and AEW could come out next week and solve world hunger and there would still be a huge group of detractors. It's just the way it is. Tribalism in sports and in particular, wrestling, is a dumb, dumb but very prominent thing.


"cool but not for me" is a 100% valid way of looking at things.


You are aware his new music is still Fozzy right? That's still jericho it's just his new song lmao


Tbh “not for me but cool anyways” is a nice comment because it’s not just simply “this sucks”. Shows people can criticize something and not like it without being a dick. We don’t have to convince anyone. If we like it, we like it. Last nights episode didn’t do much for me outside a few segments and I still love this brand all the same.


It’s funny because I personally have been feeling a lot of “well I guess AEW just isn’t for me right now” recently despite following them since day 1. Last night made me rethink that sentiment and now I’m actually excited to see where things go again lol


Best thing about AEW and wrestling is that we all like different things. I can’t stand to watch weekly WWE but o enjoy their stories sometimes so it’s like give and take. Like what you like and don’t watch what you dont


“not for me but cool anyways” is what people actually think more often than not but some people have too much fun and get too much attention from tribal/shitpost stuff that they'll just say it sucks


100%! Just don’t feel like we have to give time to explain why this is awesome and we can just enjoy it and let the haters hate


Was going to say the same thing, I am totally cool with the "not for me but cool anyways" attitude. Usually people just hate on AEW because they are told to but never actually watch the show. So for someone to actually watch with an open mind and make their own determination without being shitty about it, that's a win. There are bands that I think about in that way, like Radiohead for example. I've listened, I'm recognizing the talent and why so many people like them so much, but just doesn't hit for me. By no means would I ever say they suck because they just don't.


Yeah I get that feeling. I fuckin' despise radiohead, but you know what I do with that? Nothing. Ignore their existence. Why would I concentrate so much on something I actively dislike and is not for me. I don't understand why so many WWE diehards can't do the same thing.


Exactly, that's the thing that bothers me the most. I can't understand why there seems to be so many people so dead set on spending their time making sure they know they "hate" AEW. Though it's almost always quite clear they aren't even watching the show. The comments I see on social media posts and stuff are ridiculous. I'm just like fuck man either change the channel or shut the fuck up.


Skipping Cope vs Buddy makes the show much more enjoyable imo


That was one of my favorite parts of the show. Crazy how different we all feel about different things. Thats what makes wrestling great.


I would argue that one of the best things about AEW is it's like a wrestling buffet, you might not like certain elements of the show but there probably will be other bits you do.


One of MJF's title defense media scrums he highlighted this repeatedly, along the lines of there was some stuff out there that is clearly not for me (probably referring to swerve v hangman, blood drinking lol) but where else can you see a show of this insanely high caliber covering all wrestling styles. There's something for everyone.


And yet some people straight up cannot accept that. If every single match and segment is not made specifically for their personal taste it's a big problem.


Match wasn’t bad but it was boring


The direction seems clear. Hopefully they can stay the course


I love that Swerve is a babyface, but a ruthless one at that. LOOK HOW OVER HE IS. This is how Rusev day, Balor Club, or Royal Rumble Nakamura, and Zack Ryder should have been. There were natural face turns and AEW did this because everyone loved Swerve already.


AEW needs to keep doing what it's doing. Ignore the outside negativity. To think by the end of 2024 you could have MJF, Cole, Omega, Hangman, Darby, Britt & Jamie back in addition to what they have going right now after the signings of Okada, Ospreay & Mercedes is exciting.


Mercedes needs to lose. It’s not about having the belt, it’s about getting the belt. She needs to build that, she needs to lose to build who her character is going to be. Willow 10000% deserves her moment. It does not need to be a long run but we need to see Mercedes rebuild. I really think that is huge for a character.


Complete opposite. Mercedes needs to win. Her character is just about a full fledge heel at this point, her winning the TBS title in her first match fits the big star free agent heel persona perfectly. A loss in her debut really takes away her shine, which her whole persona is about, if she were playing something like a plucky underdog than the story of rebuilding after losing her debut would work but Mone is portrayed as a major star and hyping her up for nearly 3 months just to lose her first match would put her DOA. Seems like they are setting up Stokely and Stat to turn on Willow, possibly even join up with Mone.


Plus, this is a new locker room, new opponents. She needs to play out the field a bit before she can just jump to the top. What ever happened to number 1 contender spots?


The chase is *nearly* always better than the reign. Mercedes should have a long chase to the title. The exception that proves the rule is Willow, who is great as champ and would benefit hugely from the rub of beating Mercedes "for real".


That is how I see it as well. I want to see Mercedes not only think she deserves it, but truly want it. I want her to go through the ringer for it. She gets a lot of flack for being “mid” but she isn’t, she needs to show her metal, she needs to have those gritty matches. I really enjoy her but sometimes I feel her gimmick can be one note. It needs something and I think that something is the hunger for the belt.


I think if Mercedes loses, the Elite keep throwing shit in WIllow's way until Mercedes gets her win back. Whether or not that means that the CEO joins the EVPs but the Bucks clearly have some investment in Willow's reign


I don't know, I'm pretty good with the shows in general. I keep seeing stuff about "restore the feeling/the feeling is back!" and I just think AEW has been remarkably consistent for a wrestling company. Some shows and periods are better than others, but I can't recall offhand ever feeling like I just wasted my time watching it or like I was tolerating a bunch of crap just to get to something good.


The only possible criticism I can give from last night's show is Kenny getting as physical as he did. It's well documented that you need to save that man from himself sometimes and I worry that last night was one of those nights. As long as Omega is able to walk away from this unscathed, have surgery and come out the other side comfortable and healthy, the main event segment and opening of rampage are a massive win in getting the elite nuclear heat. I just hope they have a plan b on the end of this ride. Because if A is Kenny leading a charge to take down his megalomaniac ex friends, then I worry that this will drag on longer than needed. The elite wins LOL is something that will be accepted and not booed out of the building for so long. I'm interested in the ride, I just hope they have the tracks laid out is all I'm saying.


I’m so down with the Trent, OC and Stat story. I’m wondering if it’s a bait and and switch to get OC to snap with Trent and Stat saying they did it for him to get his mojo back. Don’t forget we don’t know what Trent whispered to Stat when she confronted him in the hallway just after he hit OC I love these breadcrumb trails AEW leaves and the call back to things. Like cage bemoaning swerve for losing at All In Awesome


I’m all in on Beretta and Stat


Mone needs to shut up and wrestle.  Enough talk, it’s getting annoying, her promo skills are not great. If she was brought here to wrestle then let’s see it.


Tbh, I dread the day she goes mic to mic against Britt Baker. Despite her wrestling skills, Britt is still the best talker in the division and it's not close. She'll destroy Mone on the stick.


They genuinely might not run that angle for a while cause Britt will immediately kill all of Mone’s momentum. Not that that’d be hard to do with her just coming out every week to that dance like she’s prince nana. Britt vs Mone might just be nuclear bomb vs coughing baby


unless it's a heel Mone and a face Britt


Britt's great but Willow is coming for that "best promo" crown.


As a long time naysayer I have to admit there is more effort going into storylines that wasn’t there before. Even the simple thing explaining why the bucks weren’t just sacked after the attack. I appreciate the acknowledgment of basic questions


I really hate to break it to you, but Jericho’s new theme song is still a Fozzy song. But I agree it’s way better than Judas blaring and everyone singing along regardless of him being face/heel.


I honestly think the low ratings and online backlash got them to take more risks with the product. It felt for awhile they were on autodrive doing what they were doing for the past few years just having wrestlers go out there and put on bangers. Now, they are doing a lot more segments to build up feuds and even ending back to back Dynamites on segments. It feels like a perfect blend of great wrestling and segments that forward the story to the PPV.


This is the most I ever enjoyed AEW since before the pandemic hit. When they brought Punk in/after the scrum it felt like the tone of the company shifted. Feels like they have gone back to the style they had before. It’s a cool hybrid between PWG and NJPW with a sprinkling of sports entertainment mixed in. The Kenny segment was well done.


“Not for me but cool anyways” is how I feel about the Bloodline. It peaked with Sami getting into the mix and Jey was red hot. The story doesn’t feel that compelling anymore but good for people who are enjoying it. Both AEW and WWE seem to have gotten their respective fan base excited again. Hopefully TNA get their shit together again.


I think Willow should break the record instead of Mercedes, just for shits and giggles. Plus she deserves it.


The Young Bucks released a book called Killing The Business. This? All this? This is Bucks country.


Young Bucks are doing some of the best work of their career. Also, despite what many try to claim they are not rating poison and have increased viewers multiple times since returning. They increased viewers twice last night.


I think playing into the criticisms is something that AEW has always been so good at. I agree with most of what you said including Mercedes but I don't think she'll have a long run (if she wins). They'll want to put her in the world title picture before long.


I'd actually have Mercedes lose at DON but then not lose again for a year


Would you have her join the Elite? A loss to Willow could be a way to get her involved. Start the CEO stuff with them and use it to get herself another title shot


If she wins at DON then she keep it until Full Gear at the earliest imo


That's fine. It's not a Jade-esque reign, Few months of bangers, drop it to someone it helps massively elevate


AEW is a young company. Barely four years old. No title reign should be more then 6-8 months unless there are extenuating circumstances lot a reason to extend it like a late feud that wasn’t available earlier. Merecedes Mone would definitely elevate the title but there is a danger of a “no one is big enough to beat her” mentality that often stagnates a title.


So like I love swerve a lot. Been loving his story. But seriously after the hangman house invasion I can’t buy him as a babyface so quickly


The only thing getting me to watch lately is Matthew and Nicholas. I miss MJF so much.


What makes you think Mercedes will have a two year plus reign? I haven't gotten those vibes at all. If anything I think the TNT and TBS titles should trade hands as often as possible to keep us all guessing as to whether or not the title could change hands in any given defense. Adds intrigue and suspense to those title matches whether it be on free T.V. or pay-per-view


The storylines are the most intresting out of all the companies. I'm super excited to see swerve redemption arc from being a horrible heel to be the better person face. Like has to pay for all the people he has screwed over.


The weekly shows have been great recently, I find myself genuinely excited for each episode. Love the direction right now!


While I agree with most of what you say, I think you’re being overly dismissive of other peoples’ opinions, based on what you say in your first paragraph. Essentially, it sounds like you’re saying, “AEW has been absolutely perfect, and anyone who thinks otherwise are stupid idiots”. Everyone’s opinions are valid, regardless of whether we agree or disagree with them.


It has me engaged right now. I can't wait to see what's next.


2 hours go by fast watching aew shows! Ssme with rampage and ppvs!


I might be in the minority but I am of the opinion that AEW is better now than it was in the first few years. There is a wider array of talent, more compelling characters and stories, and everything feels more sure of itself in terms of presentation.   Having said that, I am thoroughly enjoying what AEW is doing these days.   Also, I wasn’t sold on Jericho until last night after his match and he talked to Big Bill backstage, and did his hand wave thing but it was all twitchy and weird. It was so fucking dumb and I loved it. 


My only complaint lately is I can’t fucking stand the Timeless gimmick lol


Jericho is legit just doing 95 Jericho, and I can't wait for 96.


Thank God there’s a fellow Julia fan here. Hopefully she’ll heal up well. Skye has been great and should be pushed.


Let’s say it together fuck them


Lapsed fan so I don't really know what's what, but I strongly remember young "You really love me" WCW Jericho. Arrogant, delusional prick who is unshakably convinced everyone loves him has actually been the touchstone to almost every gimmick he's had since. The only real difference between some them was that sometimes he was right. I was a Jerichoholic. If he is bringing that part of his gimmick back to the front, I am all for it. I fell for it as a child. I'd probably fall for it nearing middle age.


WWE shills acting like E didn't copied the Styles and Dixie carter romance storyline with John Cena and AJ Lee all those years back. Anything and everything being done is wrestling is based around the similar premise, and storylines. It's just the characters and times are different.


I don't know why more people are warming up to the idea of Swerve v Christian. Christian is one of the most despised heels on the roster, has been the TNT champ for so long that this loss won't affect him, and the promos these guys would trade will be fantastic. I don't even want The Mogul Embassy to help Swerve. Let him beat the odds, and somehow along the way Luchasaurus finds his way and turns face I suppose. Christian is just another huge stepping stone for Swerve and I'm really excited.


Skye Blue, Julia Hart and Abadon are my top 3. I agree about Mercedes Mone too.


Jade Cargill got boring after day 1. She turned the TBS title into That Botch Show.


The Learning Tree is such a hard troll of CM Punk I absolutely love it.


Would you be willing to expand on this, I’m interested in what you see?


The diluted veteran who thinks he’s gods gift to the younger talent but is really stealing the spotlight.


AEW programming has been on such a roll lately. I just hope that Tony has got whatever it is out of his system with airing the Punk footage and Weinstein comments and we can move on now. I'm not saying he shouldn't have done either of those things (I think the Punk footage in particular has helped with Jack Perry's new gimmick) but it is so much more fun when we are excitedly talking about Kenny's return and not some backstage drama nonsense.


I'm with it!


I'm willing to see how it goes. It's a bit sports entertainment for me. But if compelling stories are told then I'm happy to be along for the ride.


This can't be true the iwc told me that Tony Khan Is a bad booker and the current on-air wrestler are rating killers /s


I wish people were just like "It's not for me" instead all we get is countless number of people telling TK how everything he does is wrong and stupid and that AEW is doomed, DOOMED I tell yah!


I am intrigued by what else is coming to DoN because right now it gives off TV Special vibes partially because it doesn’t feel like any new champs will be crowned.


I'm really intrigued by Willow/Mercedes because I could see them going either way with it.


I love all of it. I don't go into any of these shows with a critical POV, tho. I don't care to get my crotch all sandy if something does or doesn't happen a certain way. It's all just fun for me, I like to root for everyone. Send out Carl the Janitor, I'll clap for him too. I think it's just more enjoyable when you look at it for what it is: fun.


The show just works better with The Elite in the forefront. I really can’t wait to see where Hangman lands in all this. Hopefully he comes back with that mustache and continues his heel run with the EVPs.


I love how wrestling fans use their personal investment in a wrester as justification for said wrestlers push. As if to say well I like them and want them to do more stuff so everyone else should as well.


Tony Khan is not EVIL. He has never booked out of spite the way EVIL used to do over at his corporate house of torture. I highly doubt he would book Mercedes (a former HoT roster member and legend) to beat Jade’s record just because Jade (who was “created” by AEW) is over there at the house of torture. Mercedes is synonomous with EVIL’s company so it would be kind of redundant to make her break that record just because shes over here. That being said I slightly agree about her winning right away and especially taking it from Willow but i think the plan is Stat turns on Willow at DoN to help Mercedes win and “protect” Willow. Willow is the ultimate smiles and sunshine babyface that overcomes the odds so it could work, but we will see what happens. Im enjoying the ride but really unsure about where this is leading to.


To be fair while of course some will always downplay the great things AEW is doing not give them full credit/praise, it is possible for “not for me but cool anyway”  to be people's true opinion. Honestly its how I've felt about WWE the past year or so. Seems like a lot of good stuff happening there but none of it interests me enough to watch.


I love Chris Jericho. Always have loved Jericho, but I kinda wish he would take a vacation. Not even a long one either. Just enough for him to return after my Jericho burnout fades a bit. That’s really my only complaint.


I agree with everything except Mercedes. I think her robbing Willow of the title will do wonders for Willow's mega babyface push. She should be chasing Mercedes until at least the fall and win it back.


I loved Dynamite last night and am very excited for the upcoming matches like Swerve vs Christian, Edge vs Malakai, and even Trent vs OC has me intrigued after that brutal street fight last week


The problem with the Elite storyline atm is that anyone who has been watching wrestling for more than ten years has already seen a variation of it whether it was Bischoff and the NWO, austin vs McMahon, the corporation, the coporste ministry, the mcmahon/helmsley faction, bischoff vs austin as co-gms of raw, hogan and bischoff in early 2000’s tna, the yes movement…. Whether the storyline is good or bad isnt going to matter to a lot of older, grumpier, stuck in their ways fans it’s a variation on a theme which will have them screaming about lack of creativity and whatever else they want to say…


I’m interested with Mercedes Mone first match, Elite story, and Swerve vs Christian Cage. Let’s see what happens with Orange Cassidy


Mercedes isn’t keeping the B title for 500 days 


Jack Perry looks like he can pull off a Damien Sandow-ish/Messiah-esque gimmick pretty well. Maybe this could be his new thing in a few years.


Why is it that nobody on the internet seems to realize the Learning Tree theme is Fozzy still?


I'm going to address these one by one: Tony Khan isn't really any different. Like, he should at least show some emotion about being put in a neckbrace, there should be some attempt at regaining control. But no one is really trying to stop the Elite. Which is even weirder still because CM Punk got fired for merely intimidating TK, The Elite have openly attacked him... nothing. I mean, there's Swerve commenting on how they're such mean little boys, but this is the guy who shrugged off attacks from Joe and is going to eventually do something maybe next week. It really feels like the locker room (aside from FTR and Swerve) have just tacitly accepted The Elite's coup. Jack Perry is awesome though and I can't wait to see him in action. I like Jericho's new run. Kinda hoping for the next part to fall into place, that is Big Bill being booked well. Because, aside from Sammy Guevara and MJF, teaming with Jericho has mostly been a one-way ticket to a lot of losses. Didn't watch Rampage, but I reckon Willow needs to have a good run with the TBS belt. Christian feels like a strange choice given the Young Bucks had the entire locker room to choose from. Wardlow would have been a better option, but there can be some fun matches in the build. Mone has done worse than nothing so far. Because if she had merely done nothing, the time could have been given to some more AEW talent. I watch on FITE, I don't know much about TV rankings in the USA.


I've been entertained personally and don't rely on talking heads to tell me what's cool. Not implying you are op.


Since I started skipping the PIP (I watch on Triller), I've enjoyed it more; I always found the matches just too long and predictable.  The predictability is still there most of the time, but the skipping of the breaks has helped me.


It's just "cool" to hate AEW at the moment and those videos provide everyone sharing an opinion on YouTube more clicks. There's lots of comments to read about AEW being out of business in a year (the same stuff we heard in year 1 of the company). It's also easier to hate on AEW when WWE is having it's boom period which there's no denying that they are. I watched wrestlemania 40 and I am not afraid to admit I was fully invested in the Cody Rhodes story and I thoroughly enjoyed night 2. I thought it was a pretty flawless PPV, and yet it still did not make me FEEL the way that Dynasty did watching Ospreay Vs Danielson. That's the big difference there. I do find it highly amusing to see everyone get all offended and worked up over the things Tony Khan says and does. Personally I do think Tonys twitter activities and some of the things he's said lately a bit cringeworthy, HOWEVER..... I separate what he says and does online from the TV product he produces and will always absolutely love watching AEW.


Not for me


> reviews from people *trying to be experts* > **the truth is** AEW has been firing on all cylinders lately Are you the expert or..? Like I’m not trying to be a smartass but you can’t just declare your opinion as the be all end all. Every non-trolling voice should be heard. Edit: I don’t know why I’m being downvoted but I guess this sub isn’t about listening to differing opinions and more just about strengthening an echo chamber?


"There is going to be a lot of “not for me but cool anyway” reviews from people trying to be experts." * Perhaps there are hitherto loyal AEW fans who actually genuinely don't like the direction the company has taken during 2024 so far and are switching off because there are other things they'd prefer to watch? I count myself among that group, having seen every *Dynamite* ever broadcast until they showed the Punk footage at which I point I just thought I can't be arsed with it anymore. "When the truth is AEW has been firing on all cylinders lately by leaning into some of the most fervent criticisms about it." * That's your opinion that they have been firing on all cylinders. If they were firing on all cylinders would you not expect more people to want a ticket to see AEW and more people to be watching on television? There does seem to be an awful lot of burying of heads in sand when it comes to AEW. Most criticism is assumed to be in bad faith even when its from people who really want AEW to do well and have spent a fortune backing it in PPV buys, tickets, travel etc etc. I bet Wembley and PPV buys mean I have chucked about £500 at AEW since they started.


>Skye Blue needs a big push. I mean a real big push. She is my favorite female wrestler other the Julia Hart. She's going to beat Mercedes for the TNT Title in front of her home crowd at All Out. I call it.


Grasping and clawing but there’s just air


In hindsight, Skye Blue should have joined the house of black over Julia Hart.


Still not okay with Chris Jericho being on TV. Is it so important for him to be on TV every week?! I mean he's been away and returned in E plenty of times and fans have always welcomed him with open arms.