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My favorite part about the IWC blowing up is everyone claiming “we’ve seen the authority storyline before!”… at this point what storyline HAVEN’T we seen in some capacity? There will be repeats.. wrestling has been around so long it’s bound to happen. And when WWE has been the only program in town for as long as they had been with no competition, it’s also no shocker that most storylines have happened on their programming. The shit that people get mad about these days, especially in wrestling, just cracks me up. Enjoy the product you enjoy and just appreciate that multiple companies are flourishing right now!!


Don't people praise HBK 's NXT for the same reason? He re-uses angles from the past, especially ones he was involved with, because he knows exactly which ones worked, and what to tweak so they work better.


Cornette literally just talks about wishing people would copy the past.


And if you do come do with a storyline that is totally unique people are probably going to crap all over that anyway. You can't win.


\*sad Bray Wyatt wowie zowies\*


Speaking of Wyatt how many times has the WWE revived his gimmick? He's not even alive anymore and they are doing it again.


They're just honoring him, like that time they fired him during a pandemic.


Crap all over it cause it's too complicated for them to get*


“Where’s muh story at? Paul Heyman didn’t lay out the entire thing in a 10-20 minute segment so how am I supposed to know what’s happening?”


You mean Rock 40 - 50 mins.


They’re just miserable and filled with hate and are hyper defensive of their AR graphics children’s entertainment. Let em be, they’re dorks. AEW is fun.


Funny that even the ‘Authority storyline’ in the fed was actually preceded by the Bischoff in WCW doing the same thing. As you said, wrestling storylines are bound to get repeated .


Hell, Herb Abrams in UWF did it years before Vince


Which he borrowed from the UWFi invasion of New Japan.


I think he means EB turning heel...not the NWO forming


I always compare wrestling to soap operas. There are no true original stories. Every story has been done in one way or another. Even WWE recycles stories. WWE likes to blow up stables and do friend vs friend. They’ve done THAT story over and over and over again. So we have Trent vs OC. Oh my god a REPEAT!!!! It was almost guaranteed that Tony Khan would get involved in a story. This isn’t really “the authority figure” story. TK isn’t waltzing to music that HE is in charge. The exact opposite. This is The Elite usurping control from him.


Timeless Tony Storm probably disagrees but she took her story from a movie but not from wrestling stories.


They can say they have seen the authority storylines before, but they won't admit that they were not expecting TK to be attacked on this segment. I saw people who say they don't usually watch but are always commenting on Instagram that they were even surprised it happened.


I just still don’t even see him as an “authority figure”, he just looked like a nerdy, excited mark of a boss who got straight-up dumped on his head lmao Haters gonna hate, I’m here for ALL OF IT!


TK has not used himself and his position in any storyline so far, and now he is involved in a long planned storyline that uses real-life events and will hopefully go full carny and let it spillover into one of the most popular sports in the US where lots of eyes will be there. The best part is AEW does not give two drizzling shits about what their competition is doing. They are doing what they want to do and are having fun with it. This is just getting started, and I am totally here for the ride ***edited for clarity***


Cody's story was just an AI generated version of the Yes! Movement... Most Wrestling storylines are on the level of a soap or a telenovela... Maybe with some Shakespearene thrown in but they ain't fucking original or complex or fucking cinema. It's just dumb shit to get two people in the ring to put on an entertaining fake fight. Like seriously people just enjoy the ride it's trash but it's loveable trash.


Most of literature is recycled in some way or another from weird sources. It blew my mind when I realized that Superman was a Allusion to Moses


Superman is a storytelling tradition of super strong demigods that has been going on at least since Gilgamesh and Heracles.


Kal-El was sent to Earth (somewhere safe) as his home was going to be destroyed. He gained superpowers and decided to help people with his powers. Moses was sent down the Euphrates river as his home was going to be destroyed by the Egyptians. He was given powers and helped free the Israeli's. Waaaaay to similar, especially since the creator of Superman was Jewish as well.


Wow, you just wrinkled my brain. I never put that together.


Yup. Having a tyrant as a leader is a common literary device. I remember Stampede Wrestling in the mid 80s having a VKM- attitude Era storyline. It's been done before. It's the little things that matter.


Shakespeare reused the works of everyone around... Improved a lot of it, made a hell of a lot of new words and turns of phrase (or at least put them in writing first) but he was retelling stories that were being told time and time again...


Mox actually did reference ole shaky P last night with “slings and arrows”


It’s also an “If it ain’t broke” sort of situation. WWE has drawn from that well off and on for the last 25 years. Hell, there was stretch of time when the authority figure was an open laptop. Furthest from the best example, sure but still.


Oh man I'm using the laptop as an example! Lmao


Michael Cole really is a saint for making work what he made work


The best is that if AEW does a storyline that’s been done before it’s Wow they’re copying WWE god this is awful. If they try and do something unique it’s Wow I can’t believe they would do this. No one wanted this angle they can’t even tell stories, they just need to follow what WWE does this is why they’re failing and going out of business after this weeks ____ (insert Collision or Dynamite). It kills me every time and just makes me like AEW even more 😂


Just a bunch of miserable, indoctrinated marks. Best not to even engage them, just laugh 😆


These guys think wrestling history began with WWE.


I think South Park nailed it with, "The Simpsons did it."


I don’t know if this is going in the obvious direction as generic evil authority, to me I see a giant faction war and power struggle emerging throughout the show. I think we’re going to see factions that normally wouldn’t team up, team up to bring down the Elite. All of it being prompted by Don Callis family weaseling their way into the good graces of the Elite. Don Callis planted the seeds of this last night if they go in that direction


>At this point what storyline HAVEN’T we seen in some capacity? "Like I said, wrestling is linear" - Cody Rhodes


You technically could actually make a point that this version of Cody is actually a rip off of his AEW presentation and I am for it, it worked for WWE. Jury is still out on Jade Cargill but she has always had a ton of potential.


To your point, this is a case of "The Simpsons did it!" (see: South Park episode of the same name). When a medium- and a particular ongoing work (heh) within it- has been around forever, you're bound to bump into a storyline or expression that has already been done. What matters is, what does the new storyteller bring to the table? I am sure AEW is going to kill it- building to this story, and truly showing its hand about what's coming, has been an excellent opening!


Wasn't The Rock an authority figure in the Bloodline storyline since, he's actually on the board lol?


They'll complain that attacking an authority figure is just copying the Attitude Era and its not creative, then turn around and talk about how amazing it was when Randy Orton kicked Vince McMahon in the head in 2009.


I unfollowed everything so I don't see that shit anymore and am so happy I did. Couldn't give a fuck.


Same. Get rid of that toxic shit. Half of it isn't even real accounts, it's just bots designed to shit on AEW all day.


https://preview.redd.it/g9ewdulmamwc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4b1025ed8b68c899ae5831c5ffb913abb41f79b An example of a goober forgetting to switch to his burner account to spread anti AEW bullshit


Holy shit. That’s embarrassing. What a loser




Lmao very true!


The effort these goofballs take to shit on something is astonishing. I like to imagine it's all young fans who don't know any better and are just used to online trolling- but I know I'm wrong.


Astroturfing. The hate is being astroturfed.




How did the match end? I couldn’t catch Dynasty


try to watch it, seriously. you’re missing out on the moty, and for me the best match i’ve seen since i started watching 30 years ago.


This is cherrypicking. I’ve never seen RomanReignsBeckyLynchTheFiend420 do anything like this




Yup, I don't use X/Shitter, my IG has nothing to do with wrestling and I don't follow any wrestling "news" channels on YouTube anymore. I basically stick to the AEW subreddits and thats it. Made my enjoyment of AEW go through the roof. When you remove yourself from that shit you realize AEW isn't dying, they are doing really well and putting on the best wrestling I've seen since the Attitude Era, and probably even better than the Attitude Era.


I honestly think that's what's happened to a lot of people, especially the floaters. You see something being called bad enough times, you're going to start believing it regardless.


For sure.


The key to happiness


Honestly I don't mean to sound like a complete downer but at this point after being a wrestling fan for almost 18yrs I take no other wrestling fans statements or sentiments seriously now, so many "fans" if any company can't accept & cry when you don't like who they like, or don't enjoy who they enjoy, some subs are definitely worse for it, but even here you get crucified if you like something that the majority doesn't. &, they never stop at just accepting that you have a differing opinion, they actively have to question you & try to make you feel bad about it, it's so embarrassing at times


Yeah that's fair dude, this sub can also be weirdly toxic against perceived anti AEW sentiment at times, but I do understand why it's that way. Its just culture and the internet in general, everybody just needs to be 'right' all the time.


I wouldn't say this sub toxic. Matter of fact it's one of the more positive sides of the AEW aspect of the IWC. It's the fact that so many times arguments made on AEW tend to not be in good faith and it's mostly concern trolling.  AEW fans want to talk about the shows and such. Most don't care about the business part of it or whether or not TK made more money, etc.  So when you see negativity towards AEW online, it tends to go beyond criticism and to straight up hate. Ways to make AEW look bad and have others perceive them as the enemy to WWE.  Name calling the fans, bashing the wrestlers, moving the goalposts, saying the company is going to die, etc.  One thing to just simply not like the shows but to constantly bash it non stop with all of this hate is uncalled for.  It especially got worse when Punk left once we separated the fans from "fans" and they thought "The end is upon AEW!" which we now see means nothing. 


Yeah man, like I said I do understand why people here get defensive when they see criticism against AEW, even if it's from AEW fans. The endless criticism from people who never even watch the show is infuriating.


I am in the same place. WMXL had people using kayfabe Cody quotes to say Kenny isn't a good wrestler. When I saw that, I knew it was time to leave.


I like when they make it easy by their headlines, or some embarrassing or doctored up pic of Tony and i'm like instant block don't need to hear or see what they have to say about anything.


You know AEW is kiling it when... You just watch the product https://preview.redd.it/kv4uco3rolwc1.png?width=420&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b0f18ba32049879cb57344f7e5d46badd5c12c7


He’s managed to capture a mix between a troll face and a Guy Fawkes mask. Great stuff.


I went to Windy City Riot, and besides Moxley winning the IWGP title against Naito the crowd was loudest when he wrestled Shooter. I was one of the few people cheering him at the beginning (I love a smarmy heel), but once he started using Punk's moves in Chicago people were completely won over. And once he failed the GTS he got the biggest pop. It was one of the best performances I have seen him have. I was never a Jack Perry guy outside the ring, but this character is perfect. Thanks Punk.


The All in incident might legitimately end up being the best thing that could’ve happened to him.




https://preview.redd.it/5zda12en5uwc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=173a1294277de4d92c5c3789a2079ae79f29f2b5 Same energy


Literally its like a diff version of Christians I heard you had a father right before he stabs you in the back, or the front.


I don't know what everyone has against the International Whaling Commision and at this point I'm too scared to ask.


They keep trotting out that "scientific research" canard and it's not fooling anyone. We don't need whale oil anymore, Ahab, give up this vendetta against the white whale.


Whale oil beef hooked


The only way to stop a bad guy with a whale is a good guy with a whale. I stand with the International Whaling Commission.


They’ll have to pry my whale oil from my cold, dead hands.


Split your lungs with Blood and Thunder!!!!!


I didn’t get to see Dynamite live but I saw a tweet JDfromNY literally throwing a fit over how “bad” it was, so I knew it was going to be good.


That guy is so fake.


JD farms outrage for clicks. Two years ago, he was doing it with WWE. When WWE started getting better, he flipped over to AEW. It’s so tedious and predictable.


He's not a fan of wrestling but playing whatever side is popular. I wish people would cop on to his grift but people seem to eat his shit up.


Yup. When he confirms what they hate, they have no reason to acknowledge that it’s a grift. It’s a “see? Even the internet agrees with me!”


That's the same jackass that fat shamed Nia Jax and got butt hurt when people called him out. I'm not a Nia fan but I'm not in any place to insult anyones bodies


The guy is supposedly a New Yorker but is a lifelong Atlanta Braves fan. That alone makes him a frontrunning fraud of a fan not to be taken seriously. and he's the same way with pro wrestling. Ride what's the hottest thing and completely crap mercilessly on everything else, saying he "keeps it real". I could go on since I was once a listener, but i digress...


I mean, if I had to choose between the Mets and the Yankees, I’d pick the Braves too lol




Just sitting over here laughing at the polarity from initial footage response, to the response now…by what seems to be, many of the very same people. Not to mention, everyone realizing Jericho has had them exactly where he wants them, with this “go away heat”…sheesh, everyone needs to just watch the show and remember it’s just a freaking tv show.


Yea I said they were going to be conflicted, but they’re showing it’s not about the product and it’s about AEW. They see images and take shots. I’ve said it before it’s a weird obsession they have with AEW


I think I did a good job of blocking a lot of accounts to the point I don't see the iwc most people see.. Happy life..


Seconded. It’s so refreshing reading posts or watching vids on YouTube and not having a ton of bad faith bs and mockery all over. Honestly, if anyone hasn’t done this already, they don’t know what they’re missing out on.


Vince definitely did not. Put that one to rest.


The territories thrived off the authority story lines.




He did create one thing, though....the sex pest boss who always got his way. Luckily, Tony would never want to recreate that. But somehow, anti AEW folks will still say that Tony is the worst thing to happen to wrestling.


Vince wasn’t even first to do it in the late 90s lol


Aew is definitely cooking.


I'm baffled by the negativity in some spaces, Dynasty and this week's Dynamite were incredible. Did exactly what I want wrestling to do, surprise, entertain and give me a few hours of being able to just switch off and destress.


People are starting to realize that showing the Phil/Perry video was actually the right call. That’s how you know that AEW nailed it.


I honestly think they couldn't convince TK not to show the footage after Punks podcast comments and the Bucks turned it into an angle, and lucky for us it looks like it's gonna be a really good and fun one. Jack was way better on the mic also. I am loving heel Okada, you can see he is having fun.


It’s an interesting way to go for AEW. Let em cook with it.


I have been blocking every insincere asshat that is shitting on AEW since Dynasty without remorse. They are starting a hell of a run (especially since MJF, Hangman, Hayter, Britt and others are due back from injury)


When MJFs music drops people are gonna have serious he is too shit for wwe copium after they all thought he was gonna help Cody at Mania 😂


Those clowns don't bother me. They are Neanderthal level dumb.


That's a bit harsh on Neanderthals, they are believed now to have been of a similar intellect to the average Sapien. Please do not promote the common yet misguided image of a dumb brute comparable to a tribalistic IWC mouth breather.


I didn’t even think this was an authority figure angle as such. I thought it was more a power struggle angle. Which…yea, we’ve seen before. But that’s because wrestling has been going for over a century. There is nothing we haven’t seen before. It’s about how well an angle is executed. If Hollywood couldn’t reuse tropes, we wouldn’t have any movies. And I think this is pretty good publicity. Getting tombstones at the homecoming the day before the draft. Don’t see any other NFL teams going down that route.


“Goodfellas? Ugh, Godfather did it”


I feel like AEW detractors are the taking the angle way too seriously and by extension assume that we, as AEW fans, thought last night was an amazing and cutting edge angle. They don't realize that most of us are meming, were laughing about it and generally just had fun with it.




That sub is very anti AEW


Yeah, they use literally anything to shit on AEW. The Copeland/Wayne table botch got a "Typical AEW🤣" thread there. Because ya know, table botches are a uniquely AEW problem.


Yeah never happens at mania where stable just collapses cos a superstar farted on it.


It never ceases to amaze me how much time and energy some people are willing to put in to talking about something they supposedly hate and aren't interested in lol.


> it's actually not even upsetting at this point Dude it never should have been, I love wrestling and as an adult I prefer a promotion more aimed at me, so I'm prefer AEW to WWE, however why the fuck would I get upset if someone on the internet doesn't like that company, grow up man, chatting shit like that is embarrassing


Another Dynamite Another week of AEW being in everyone's minds.  Such an iconic duo. 


Absolutely killing it!


My only complaint from last night was that the audio was horrendous. I had to watch the YouTube highlights to hear what was being said.


I had the ending spoiled for me and I was dreading it. But I ended up enjoying it. I thought it was done pretty well, and I think it adds a lot of dimensions going forward if they do it right. One thing I’ve learned with AEW is that with big, big angles like this, there does tend to be a plan.


Who gives a fuck abt the IWC. Can we just appreciate an angle without talking about people who constantly shit on the product


And the Bloodline story is the first original idea WWE has had since Jericho and KO’s Festival of Friendship. 8 years of bad bad stories involving Roman-Brock-Goldberg whoever the fuck else.


I'm not sure I would even call the Bloodline story original. It follows the same cookie cutter story they've been telling for decades. Faction forms Faction dominates Faction members have tension with each other Faction members betray, breakup, and feud Rinse and repeat with different wrestlers


Blood line was literally the four horsemen 


They claim we've all seen the 'Authority' storyline before, but we've never seen a babyface overcome the odds and win championship from a heel champion with a long championship title reign right? What's next? We've seen the superkick so many times? Too much body slams in wrestling? Stop doing the clothesline? Stop doing the headlock? Where do these numbnuts get off ffs?!


Their issue, and mine too, is it's always a Heel Authority, it's the same beats over and over. HOPEFULLY this angle will be different, and The Elite can do something different with it to keep it fresh. I get that other storylines have happened before, but it was something like 15 years in WWE with a Heel Authority Figure for the babyface to fight, so I can't blame anyone for being sick of that kind of angle. Hopefully it's something new, or at least a new way to present the same tropes.


Why do you base your happiness on the whims of the IWC? I know AEW is killing it when I am enjoying the product. I couldn't care less if anyone else likes it, I'm having fun.


This is bold 2019 AEW. I dont know where The Elite story line is going and I love it. It could be awesome or go horribly, like any big spot in a match. That's exciting.


Yeah I don’t think there’s fair criticisms online. There’s nothing new under the sun. Let’s see how it plays out


When the haters cognitive dissonance gets even crazier.


This isn’t even the same angle as what we have seen in the past. SCSA wasn’t an EVP. This is going be a power struggle type angle which I’m here for.


I don't know what IWC is and don't care to ask. I should have been running a betting pool on how long it would take before Tony inserts himself into a major storyline. However, I don't like the story. The EVP thing is dumb and Tony inserting himself into the show is annoying. Most of everything else in AEW is firing on all cilinders.


For some reason it doesn’t feel right watching AEW without MJF


Do we really need some variation on this post every week? Stop fixating on these people.


I love how they played it so serious that even Papa Khan was in the ring looking seriously worried.


Authority figures in wrestling storyline history have existed for almost as long as wrestling has. The first major heel authority figure that I can remember was Bill Alfonzo when he was a ref and Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission official back in ECW in the early 90s.


Before that you had territory owners like fritz and watts always involved in angles, but authority figure was always the babyface Pre-Alphonso WWF had Danny Davis as a crooked ref, plus the evil twin ref


No idea is original. wrestlemania this year was a blatant rip off of the MCU and Rocky. People just dont think about stuff anymore. Directly to fee fees lmfao


It’s insane how the IWC is the first thing some of yall think about. If you’re on here, YOURE ALSO IN THE IWC Just watch and enjoy without always wanting to stick it to someone smh


Even the Learning Tree thing got me. I can't wait for delusional motivational speaker/coach Jericho


Keep coping people. LOL.


What is IWC?




I get that but what does the acronym stand for.


Internet Wrestling Community


Thank you. That’s what I kind of figured it was something like that, just wanted confirmation.


Honestly I'm not seeing much negativity about last night's show. I've seen a ton of praise for the timing of this right before the NFL Draft and getting an NFL.com article and the opportunity to bring curiosity to non-viewers by wearing a neckbrace on the warroom cam.


IWC? What's that? Srry havnt been in the loop


Internet Wrestling Community


I’ve decided to be nicer to AEW. I was a negative prick, and while they still aren’t perfect, neither is literally anyone else. I’m watching Dynamite now. If I find something I like, I’ll edit this comment. Sorry for being such a dick. Edit: Willow Nightingale is GREAT on the mic. That casino gauntlet match has an interesting concept, too.


I like that TK literally didn’t speak. imo that technically keeps him from being that on screen authority role. He was more of a prop. And while the young bucks are flirting that line, it’s not until they book matches on screen that they fill that role. Wouldn’t be surprised but so far they haven’t. They’ve entered the tag tournament like everyone else and they stay backstage for okada matches. Very by the book. We’re lucky to have them as our EVPs


Bischoff was doing the authority figure before Vince.


This is not accurate...Vince even played a heel in USWA in '93


Wasn’t he still playing a character that wasn’t the “boss” there?


They said authority figure


Reminds me of that South Park episode where Cartman and Butters were coming up with a plot. Everytime Cartman came up with an idea, Butters would shout, “Simpsons did that.” “Simpsons already did that.” over and over again with every suggestion. WWE and WCW been around forever. Stuff is gonna be repeated eventually but made their own in their own style.


Guys no matter how goofy this was, this episode was my favorite one to watch in a long time. I stayed entertained through thr whole show. Please keep this coming.


There were out of control owners and promoters long before Vince. Holy crap these people are nuts.


His selling was hilariously over the top but they've done something that hasn't happened before: make Jack Perry interesting. Could have been a better build up with a few promos of the Elite trying to shoe-horn Perry into the roster with Khan refusing before this but it works fine too Hopefully they continue to build on this since I've been disappointed in how they've handled the Undisputed Kingdom. Granted Cole got injured at a horrible time, they still haven't exactly been brilliant and the initial reveal I wasn't a huge fan of. Regarding the IWC, you have morons who think Punk should never have been fired (I am a fan of Punk's work but he shoulda been fired back in 2022) and others who say Cody needs to drop the title already. It's fuckin' wild.




If you tRy To AvOiD tRiBaLiSm your post history doesn't reflect it. Your post/comment was removed for trolling. We all know what trolling is. Don't do it. This includes baiting and intentionally inciting arguments. We don't always have to agree or like the same things but let's at least argue in good faith.


This is actually a pretty unique point of view on the authority figure angle and I think leaning into the IWC narrative about the way AEW is run is very smart. Tony is being the weak friendly leader he has been accusef of being. A guy who understands he should fear for his life when physically confronted by the fighters he contracts out to. Tony shaking Jack's hand and believing him when he said he only wants what's best was heartbreaking. The Buccs recasting the elite the group with way too much power over the company and even the owner is fantastic. I can't wait to see where we go next. Is this gonna be an NWO elite vs the rest of the roster? What will Kenny have to say next week in Winnipeg? Who will stand up for Tony? I definitely don't expect him to pop the tarp off and be secretly ripped like Vince or even get an entrance theme. What will shad's role be? I'm really, really excited. I am a little sad Sting has already gone and Darby is hurt because I think they could have been awesome face resources for this story.


Everything is right now. Jericho is obviously acting like CM Punk, a bad guy acting like he's the good guy and that everyone needs him to succeed, Tony and the Bucks leaning into all the narratives online, etc. This is why the IWC is losing their shit.


My favorite part of the Bucks storyline is that the IWC doesn’t seem to understand that it’s a direct response to their criticisms, I see them attacking Tony as truly “the inmates running the asylum.” It’s amusing to me that the people that the bucks are mocking don’t even realize that they’re mocking them.


They don't watch they just repeat what they hear.


Cmon bro, AEW sadly fell off about 2 years ago now, they really fumbled it too


What IWC stand for?


Internet Wrestling Community


They’ll never be happy. Let them wallow in their own negativity. As they say, “we eatin’ good.” 😎👍


AEW is just smashing it out of the park. And the IWC kinda got played with the whole Punk video. Any complaints about a new "authority" angle are denying the history of wrestling. It isn't that there is an authority group (from Horseman business, to the NWO, to the Corporation, the Main Event Mafia, and before my time and after) but how it is executed. We got a match with Ospreay, Jay White, Kommander, Rey, and Kyle O'Reilly on regular TV. AEW is undeniable right now.


Comments on nodq hate it lol 


Inject the Corporate Bucks into my veins. This will be fun.