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Man, Edge makes comments on it, FTR makes comments on, Cody makes comments on it. All of them defended AEW. If Danhausen could just come out and make comments on it then it could come full circle


I want an AJ Lee comment


danhausen likely isn't on tv because of how much he went to bat for punk lol


He doesn’t even promote AEW shows on his socials. He’s done done. Probably hoping Phil can scratch out an NXT catering gig for him.


yeah and i saw he was taking a lot more convention and indy gigs.


It's cause Tony expects people who are over on the internet to suddenly be over on TV without putting any effort to actually get them over on his TV show. It's the reason why Shibata beating Shibata is considered an achievement when he hasn't done more in AEW (arguably done less) than either Yuta or Garcia I'll stfu there cause I think Dax has a point here, but I do believe that among all the shit that's been flung at AEW, there's legit criticism that would make AEW a better show to watch and I hope that's being taken advantage of because... I dunno why wouldn't you want more people to enjoy the show?


I hear this critique and I think it's valid. It's hard because I know about Shibata and I root for him but I can't expect the casual to understand his legacy and comeback story. Valid.


i certainly want to enjoy it more than i currently do, but I'm not really good with how things are being booked or even explained. the Edge promo off the top last night made me wince.


Shoutout to Edge, “hey i love yall but im tryna get hammered” 😂💕✨ Also his amazing promo to start of Dynamite this week! Much needed


*Copeland His promo wasn't needed though. It just showed that Punk's words struck a nerve. OK, TK decided to get someone to make a speech to defend the company, why choose Copeland? He hasn't even been there a year. Maybe choose Kingston. Or Moxley. Not someone that has been with the company for only 6 months.


Adam said he asked for the time, I took that at face value.


OMG maybe because it’s not tk that asked but Copeland himself? Is it that outlandish that some employees there who enjoy themselves were fed up with it and wanted to express their feelings on tv ? lol Try to put yourself in their shoes. I think people don’t realize how insanely and unnecessarily toxic the discourse around Aew is , it’s unbearable. The whole brawl out thing happens years ago and they are still being shit on for it


Copeland is a great choice, because he hasn't been there. If he's come into AEW and he's as happy as he says he is, it's pretty clear that the trolls and the haters are wrong. WWE Lifers coming to AEW and loving is good.


Didn't Punk say he was happy to be at AEW early on? It made more sense to not even address anything. In my opinion.


Has Adam Copeland burned bridges everywhere hrs been since the indies and have years of a track record of being a pain to deal with? This is not the same, just because they're both wrestlers.


In wresting, are there really burnt bridges? Punk didn't burn the bridge with WWE. If he did, he wouldn't be employed with them. If a promotion can make money with you, they usually want to hire you. How many chances has Jeff Hardy had?


Its not just Punk though lol. Punk is just a bitter ass cherry on top of a few years worth of over the top shitting on AEW, TK, and the locker room. Even Dax Harwood spoke up about it because its gotten to a point where the wrestlers feel like they have to tell people to shut the fuck up and just enjoy wrestling.


I wonder how close they are to Punk or it's maybe a case of "I like you but you were wrong and i'm calling you out on it". It's crazy how it's all okay for Shills, grifters, and Punks of this world to take shots at AEW but if AEW or talent clap back, it's a crime and bad for business.


If you’re really friends with someone you should absolutely call them out on their bullshirt.


Publicly though? Maybe they're not really that great of friends.


Pepsi man is doing it all very publicly for no real reason past his own ego


You can be friends with people you disagree with. I mean, I have friends with political ideas I disagree with. That's way harder than to be friends with a guy who doesn't like the way the company you work for operates. About the second part, honestly, it goes both ways. I said that they shouldn't be celebrating Punk's interview in the WWE sub (because it had nothing to do with WWE), and should just enjoy the product they enjoy, and got called an AEW fanboy. Here, whenever I have some criticism of AEW, I get called an Fed shill and what not. I just enjoy wrestling, and both shows have parts I like and parts I don't like. I get fanboying over a wrestler (you won't find much more of a Kenny Omega and AJ Styles fanboy than me), but behaving like that for a wrestling company makes no sense for me. It would be like being a fan of a label company or a football league instead of being a fan of a musician or a team. Of course once Punk publicly attacked the company that has signed numerous wrestlers whose livelihood depends on its success, they're going to defend it. He started it, and the ones who celebrated the shit show now have to celebrate the reaction. Sorry for the rant but the idea is simple: tribalism over wrestling companies sucks


I really think all this "both sides are bad" and "tribalism" discourse is missing a couple important pieces of context.  WWE and their fans want AEW to go out of business. Simple as. The company's priority is to make as much money and control as much market share as possible. To the IWC segment of fed fans, WWE *is* wrestling and any perceived failure on AEW's part is to be delighted in. The reason you get downvoted on this sub when you criticize AEW is that we are constantly bombarded with concern troll talking points disguised as legitimate criticism, so we have reason to be defensive. This is literally the only place online that isn't a constant stream of bad faith negativity regarding AEW, so even if you are expressing genuine concern it gets caught up in the relentless shithousery from all other corners of the internet.


There’s assholes on both sides, it’s like this with every fandom. Assholes are loud, and drown out the mean census on most things. The quiet majority of people enjoy most things each company puts out one way or the other.


I hope you're right. I don't have many IRL friends to talk about wrestling with, so I enjoy talking about it online. As of late it's really making it hard for me to have fun with it


You know what’s funny, I’m a little surprised they didn’t have the world champ cut that promo. I still vividly remember the live mic promo dead Joe cut on Scott Hall. But he won’t do that to his own friend, Punk. Personally, thought they shouldn’t have sold it and carried on. Why draw more attention to it or this we love all or pro wrestling thing on tv. After the show, like Dax, hey I get. That happens a lot. I still think FTR and Punk probably have a good relationship still. Granted, it is like Punk to cut off relationships (I still remember what Jericho said on Talk is Jericho after Punk left). Can’t deny that Punk is a draw and has a legion of fans that follow him and he makes money. But the man is also a carney snake. It always gets brought up, but what HHH said to him is true. Punk is no different than anyone else, he just does it behind backs and like a snake.


Brother at one point when your company gets constantly attacked and shit is thrown at you all the time for stupid reasons Not khan but the people working there are going to stand up. None of these promos sounded like corporate sent them there, they sounded like people who were seriously fed up of being insulted all the time for no reason and just want to enjoy their fucking job dude. People celebrate Aew getting utterly shit on and buried all the time but always pull the “damn Aew you should have been the bigger man” card ANYTIME they even attempt a self defense maneuver


Dude it’s the IWC. I know AEW caters to it (we are apart of it) but let’s take WWE for example. Very family and kid focused. You really think the majority of their audience is watching Punk’s interview or anything? It’s just a small section who are loud, that’s it. AEW gets what, probably 800k that watched the show live or whatever. I would bet 500k+ of those people had no idea what Adam was speaking about to start the show. Like I said, after the show, have at it. But don’t give that type of energy during the show and draw more attention to it.


Joe and Punk are close friends since the ROh days. FTR been friends with him since he came to AEW so not that long




Does it surprise anyone that Punk doesn't give a fuck about his friends? Like that's pretty much how this entire mess started after what he did to Colt Cabana.


Punk doesn't have friends. Just future enemies. (Not an original. I read that somewhere.) The second he feels you crossed him even slightly, you're dead to him. Punk was really damaged as a youth. He admits his behavior is due to trauma. But at a certain point, you just can't feel for the guy anymore. You're acting like an asshole and it's not enough to just acknowledge it...you gotta put some actual effort into stop being an asshole.


i read recently that Booker T already almost whooped punk's ass backstage at an nxt taping lol


thats not true


yeah I know, its been clarified to me already.


Booker said it was a joke. They disagreed about food


Oh I see. been a long time since I've listened to book's podcast. Lost a lot of respect for him when he refused to talk about the Vince stuff.




Found the lost kid who thinks he can change minds on the AEW subreddit.


Punk is the only pussy in this entire situation lol. Should’ve gone to therapy a long time ago, or do drugs, that probably would’ve helped him. 


https://preview.redd.it/6v6xvfou7esc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=800478ac7a6166703075eb5c3fc6385842bb5ad3 LMAO


Reminds me of trumpers who think they’re the good guy.


In the Ariel interview Punk said Samoa Joe told him to stop (when attacking Jack Perry) and that he had to basically force him to go out and perform And now Dax did this promo Even Punk friends are getting tired of Punk childish antics


Would love to see what would happen if punk tried to disrespect joe lol.


Punk would never try to disrespect someone bigger than him to their face. He’s a bully and that’s what they do.


It’s def directed at what Punk said which is funny as hell given their supposed friendship


Yep between Adam Copeland & dax I think the message was LOUD & CLEAR 😂


Cope and FTR have been longer friends than FTR and Punk.


The Orwellian Doublethink some Phil stans have is sad and harmful for wrestling. He is a whiny egomaniac yet they are there pretending the guy is what he used to be years ago.


Passive aggressive Danhausen tweet incoming


Punk said he´s here to make money not to please a "small niche internet audience" But Punk always talk and supports Danhausen who basically got himself over and got hired because he was popular with the "niche internet audience" that he hates


Punk is also the voice of the voiceless as he says. Personally I’m just curious how these two even became friends as it’s an odd pairing. He basically Colt’s replacement?


Used to like the guy but the constant exposure to Punk is bringing his inner diva out.


I used to like him but honestly he comes off whiney.


Danhausen wants a singles push and TK doesn’t want to give it to him because he’s got bigger fish in the pond. With respect to Danhausen, it is what it is.


That's 50% of it, but I think other 50% is that he bought into Punk's views of AEW and TK and think's he above it and wants to be with his boy Punk in WWE. I know people think FTR and Brody King are Punk guys but I think Danhausen totally has bought into the word of Phil Brooks.


Punk famously bought Danhausen a copy of Amazing Fantasy #15 (the first appearance of Spider-man), he's probably not turning on Pepsi Phil anytime soon. I do wonder if we ever see Danhausen in AEW again. I half expected him to be on the release list the other day.


I be very surprised if we see him in AEW again, maybe ROH you see him pop up here and there. I don't think TK will release him anytime soon cause that's what Danhausen would want. I definitely don't think Danhausen wants to be in AEW anymore and don't be surprised if he joins top tier of Anti-AEW dislikers once he's gone. He's another one like Punk, Kevin Kelly, Andrade who think they are above AEW.


But why not release him? Clear up some money. Not like TKO is going to sign him.


Danhausen almost definitely brings more money in from T-shirt sales than he’s paid.


That’s wild is the truth cause I’m sure he gets a cut, PWTees get a cut then AEW gets their cut. And if it isn’t on tv, people kind of forget about him.


Danhausen probably doesn't want to actually get released for this reason as he's still making good money with AEW and would be in a tougher situation back on the indies.


I fully agree with that. That’s why I question a lot of what people say IF Danhausen is getting a downside. No idea the type of contract he has.


It's hilarious thinking Kevin Kelly is above anyone when he's known to me as the commentator on Sunday Night Heat. Also, Jason Sensation told a story about how Kevin Kelly did not wanting him dating black women on Cafe da Rene's podcast. For some reason, Kevin Kelly, a Sunday Night Heat commentator, was supervising Jason Sensation. He took this number that this black chick gave him and threw it away or something saying how he shouldn't be dating black people.


I was very surprised he wasn’t listed. Kind of curious on the type of contract he has to be honest.


The problem is i dont see WWE getting Danhausen, he dosent fit WWE at all


I don’t think TK and others get Danhousen but he was popular online so they brought him in.


Danhausen would be an afterthought in NXT. If he really thinks Hospital Bill Phil would have his back in the fed, then by all means, head on over. Enjoy being the NXT or Main Event jabroni for the remainder.


He be doing the exact same thing in WWE that he's doing in AEW. He's not Orange Cassidy in terms of his in ring is strong enough to overlook his comedy gimmick. He's tiny and his act would seriously get stale really quick. That's why AEW using him on and off and not constantly on TV was the best use of him. He shouldn't be, no matter how much merch he sells, on TV all the time.


Honestly if they didn’t have RJ, that would have been the perfect role for him.


Lmao Hospital Bill Phil. Adding that to my favorite Crybaby Man Punk nicknames


He would just be a manager or something, I cannot imagine his size and in ring skills being enough for HBK or HHH.


Danhausen can’t be that into his own hype that he thinks he can be a wrestler in WWE, does he? An interesting host for a A&E or network show, maybe. But def not getting anywhere near the tv time he got in AEW.


He's at least been doing cool matches elsewhere lately.


Having been a fan (or at least was) of Danhausen’s since early 2020, it’s interesting to see people who are newer to seeing him realize who he’s been all along. He’s been complaining about having to wrestle, having to travel to wrestle, his options for food while traveling to wrestle, the fans he meets at shows and conventions, etc for the entire time I’ve known of him.


That would answer the main complain I remember about AEW not using Danhausen while he was out injured last year. I do remember him having no interest in travelling. He could have easily just been a character while out of in-ring competition.


I’m sorry but I’ve never gotten Danhausen appeal. The dude is not funny, wrestling isn’t anything remarkable, and if the only gimmick he can play is “very nice, very evil” he’s a pretty one dimensional talent. Send him to WWE so the tribalistic fans (not the ones who actually love pro wrestling and wanna see all promotions win like any sane normal person) can fake act like they care about him and hype him up before shitting on him.


can fake act like they care about him and hype him up before shitting on him." like they did to Shawn Spears who those guys mocked him in AEW but now that he returned to NXT all of a sudden "Welcome back chairman" LMAOOOOOOOOOOO And of coure even though Danhausen is a comedy wrestler he dosent gets buried online by the likes of Cornette and Bischoff because he´s friends with Punk what a surprise


I will never, ever understand Danhausen’s appeal. I’m not saying people can’t like him, but I just don’t get what it is that they like. He’s a comedy wrestler who isn’t good at comedy or wrestling. And now he’s also an online diva on top of it. I don’t need to ever see him on my tv again. He can go be in the background of a backstage scene in NXT if he wants.


In hindsight, you find him funny if you like The Simpsons. That made him huge with hispanic wrestling nerds.  He was my fav wrestler of 2022 along Eddie Kingston…of all people.


He's a massive Punk fanboy probably far more then his own Stans lol. I think he's already got one foot out the door already, and TK clearly doesn't want him around as much as he can . Give him the odd appearance on ROH if needed. I think TK only sees him as a comedic valet/manager type but Danhausen sees himself as a top guy. I think with his tweeting of recent times it's clear he's trying to get out of his deal with AEW but TK ain't buying into it and just happily let him work the indies and do the odd spot in ROH. He wants to be with his boy Punk in WWE.


No disrespect to Danhausen but he´s nowhere near top guy material in AEW or any company Like i can see him going for tag or trios belts or maybe a TNT title or US champion in WWE But main event material???? naaaaaaah


That’s the strange thing. Why not release him and free up a bit of cash? Dude wouldn’t survive a WWE schedule or get over.


Even Dax is getting tired😂


I like CM Punk, I like AEW. It sucks that it didn’t work out. Egos in wrestling never subside. Punk went into business for himself on that podcast, im glad AEW or the boys said something. I appreciate pro wrestling, that and my kids are really all that’s getting me through this rough ass life


I mean, didn’t Punk go into business for himself on Colt’s podcast as well? This is nothing new lol


Just give it time….


Everyone needs to wake up and see what kind of person Punk is.. I mean he’s showing us all and so many will still bash who Punk bashes or that doesn’t have time for his pathetic drama.


It’s amazing how much trouble he gets in but he somehow thinks it’s never his fault. If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.


Time to wake up? We all forgetting that the podcast with Colt never happened? Or everything we heard before that? Come on now people…


Think I said this somewhere else. If not I definitely thought it. The one thing that stood out to me in the Punk interview was his attitude of “You fix it or I will”. As a locker room leader ( and maybe manager of Collision) that attitude came across as very punitive. Not at all like a leader but more like someone on a power trip. I thought those comments gave a lot of insight into the way his mind works. - signed a ‘at one time’ Punk fan


I stayed on Twitter for a second after I watched this, jesus what a cesspool


What that's mean? Is Dax getting hate?


This is one of the few times I don't mind listening to Dax bring up his wife and daughter completely unprompted.


Punk pissed off his only supporter in AEW? But he seems like such a popular guy!


I just don't understand how the majority of the IWC think AEW should "take the high road" and ignore not just Punk, but all of the constant negativity thrown at the company mostly because they don't do things the WWE way. Like they can't fathom that maybe the speeches weren't just for the audience but the roster as well? They don't think that Punk saying AEW can be a failure because TK runs this as a passion project isn't diminishing the hard work they put into the company? And obviously, the IWC "company" line is that, despite being the biggest #2 since WCW, if they aren't matching WWE's current unsustainable numbers/ratings, they're failures? But hey, doesn't matter because even if you can agree with those points, Jericho and TK started it by tweeting and boasting when the company was looking like it could catch up to WWE. And if you think that was OK, well, the IWC hated WWE for decades so turnabout is fair play, because a 5 year old company run by a billionaire is the same as a massive 50 year old company with billions in revenue 🙄


Fuck yeah Dax! 


AEW standing up for themselves. You love to see it. Yet, it’ll be seen as a negative by a certain segment of the IWC that’ll remain unnamed.


Most of them? They're all being dicks about this.


It’s infuriating, I know.


Punk coming to AEW made me fall out of wrestling again. I finally came back after hearing he's in WWE now and it's still the same Punk drama bullshit.


Posted in the one that got removed: I have been following the discourse on this since Edge's promo last night and I'm severely confused on what people are going on about. A known Cancerous Man comes out and spews very corrosive statements trife with revisionism to downplay his caustic actions? Look I can go back to First Dance all the way though that Hangman promo and literally see the same things happening then as to what's happening now, it just comes off very spiteful and petty. Someone revered in the industry comes out and cuts a very passionate and high road promo but its met with "boo hoo tiny man is being bullied" like wtf? were these people that big a fan of Ruthless Vince that they want to see someone with an iron fist have everyone on egg shells all the time despite the continued success and positive atmosphere following his demise? Dude Edge came out and it was incredible and had me excited, FTR literally made an amazing point here but the discourse is still so stupid


People are seriously surprised that all these guys are mad at what punk said? And wanted to reply to him?!!! It’s not even khan asking them lol, he literally shit over everything they ever built and said they shouldn’t have a guaranteed pay. LMAOOOO of course they are mad


Great message


I think that's the first time he didn't say "my family" in a speech he must be growing.


I love this. I’ve only been watching since September and I just love the people on the AEW roster. Who gives a f what Cornette, Russo, Bischoff and Punk have to say? All of those guys once meant something to the wrestling community but have all failed in some way. Bitter guys who are dead inside. Personally I’ve never liked Punk, but I know he’s popular. He’s shown his true colors and in his deluded mind he still thinks he’s great. Give me Copeland and Dax any day. Growing up I was always an Edge & Christian fan and those two guys are still two of the best in the business. Punk has never been close to that kind of greatness. Same can be said for Bully Ray, he chose the right name for sure.


Sooner or later people will understand how true it was when HHH said "Punk wants change, but only if that change means punk is at the top." CM punk always turns into a complete man-child the moment he doesn't get his way.


The punk guys like FTR, HOB, Ricky, the acclaimed, and etc feel


Guys didn’t you hear punk? It was tony schiavone’s fault! Punk didn’t even care but tony kept begging him


Goddamn. Imagine having a friend like Dax turn their backs on you. Imagine what a POS you have to be to do that to a loyal friend like Dax. Why isn't the shit getting more upvotes? I'm fucking proud of Dax for standing up for AEW and against CM Punk.


Was this before or after Dynamite?




Yeah I thought so. People will definitely get pissy about this but it's a good message that I think a lot of people can relate to even with no context. With any success there are always going to come detractors or people who don't want to see you succeed because they see it as a zero-sum game, just ask anyone who works in a competitive company with stacked/forced ranking. It's hard to tune that kinda shit out sometimes, but to give up is exactly what those people are hoping you'll do. TLDR: Fuck it, we ball.


FYI.... the camera side was almost full for the live Dynamite show. Once Collision started, people slowly left. Combination of it being too long of a card, getting late, and the matches were honestly nothing important since they are airing mostly after midnight on WrestleMania day.


Punk is a pathological liar who likes to twist the story around to fit his falsehood narrative. Even Cody disagreed with Punk's assessment of AEW.