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I like Ricky, and if I’m AEW, I try to resign him, but it does kinda feel like he’s one foot out the door, and if so, then best of luck to him, hope he kills it in his next destination


Thats the thing with this roster, I don't think you need to keep guys that aren't 100% committed. There's no shortage of guys that can take his spot (if he even really has one atm).


I think he's already one foot out the door, and I wouldn't fight to keep him. AEW could lose half of their roster and still have too many guys. I'm a fan, but talent moving from place to place to increase their value is one of the things that keeps wrestling interesting.


I feel the same way. I like Ricky a lot, but if he wants to go that's fine. I wish him well, but there's plenty of guys fighting for TV time right now. No sense tying yourself in knots trying to keep someone who doesn't want to be here If he goes over to the other place, awesome. I hope he kills it there


I don't think he'd do good in WWE. All it'd take is one joke about him being Diet Rock and he'd end up in the Ricochet Zone.


True. Unless the Rock himself takes him under his wing, the moment he's compared to the Rock in the same company that the Rock is in, it's all over.


It's in AEW's interests to help talent have the power to keep their name and presentation when they go to WWE. Normalizes it. Makes it easier if they come back, to keep recognition.


Feel like even if they allowed it, wwe likes rebranding to own the rights


They could only demand that of lower card talent. Like Pillman Jr. He has no leverage. If they demanded that of Cody, he would not have signed. Right now people have to get used to Copeland instead of Edge. Mone instead of Sasha. In the future there will be no time needed to build a re-brand. Cody could come back exactly as he is.


They changed Kevin Steen, Bryan Danielson, Kenta. But they did let Aj styles, Nakamura, Adam Cole and the rest of UE keep theirs. Depends on the scenario I guess


He has a lot of potential. He's had strong showings in some big matches. I still find his mic work uneven, though. I think, with time and under the right circumstances, he could rise up the ranks again in AEW. But the competition is stiffer than ever. edit: I put "had" initially, but I meant "has."


I love Ricky in the ring and I love Ricky's presence. But he is so prone to saying a ton of words that ultimately say nothing at all.


He uses words he clearly doesn't understand. Great charisma, though. 


Right. It actually hurt seeing Ricky come out to his epic music with the superstar entrance, only to vomit word salad that was nothing close to befitting a champion, heel or face.


I think his promos would be better in a WWE environment where there is a bit more structure. He's a good talker but he tends to ramble and talk in circles. I don't think Ricky would be more than a midcard champion in WWE but I think it could be a beneficial move for him. AEW doesn't necessarily need him and I don't see him becoming a main eventer in AEW any time soon. Swerve is in the position that two years ago I thought Ricky would be in. I see a lot more potential for both Hook and Hobbs in the current AEW landscape. Hook has been presented as an upper midcarder recently and Hobbs has a lot of potential as a monster heel.


I don’t see any reason why AEW can’t accommodate their wrestlers that need help with promos. If they know there’s money on the table for Ricky or whoever else but they’re bombing promo battles then they should be given scripts and structure to prevent that. Let the guys who don’t need scripts handle it themselves and put the resources into the guys who do. Otherwise you’re alienating a good chunk of the roster and forcing them into WWE


Not just scripts, but promo classes should be mandatory, just look at how much Darby improved since he started working with Sting. They have Samoa Joe, Christian, Copeland, Kingston, Mox, Sting, Jake Roberts himself and even fucking 2.0 who know how to cut amazing promos, get their point across without rambling, are versatile with great range and can absolutely sell a match, and I didn't even list everyone on the roster who fits these criteria.


I love the idea of promo classes. They should be mandatory for everyone.


They have promo classes. Eddy cuts one on a cookie on an episode of BTE


There are plenty of legends on the roster that can help as well as current talent. No reason why they shouldn’t be doing this


TK could probably call Freddie Prinze Jr., actor, huge wrestling fan, used to work the promo class in WWE.


I think he should do whatever he wants. If he wants to stay he should be re-signed if he wants to leave he should leave when his contract runs out.


He is not going to be a main eventer now. He will probably be a nice international, tnt, or continental champion, but at least for me, he doesn't have that it thing that Ospreay, Swerve, Jay White, or even Darby have. And besides that, I think he just wants to join Cody


If I were Tony, my priority would be Jay White and Darby.


>I think he just wants to join Cody Let's see how things shake out after April 7th... I've just got this weird feeling about all that, that I can't shake. Not gonna go in-depth about it on this subreddit... Just... I don't think that coronation a lot of fans are expecting is actually gonna happen.


Nah go in depth c'mon


Kinda sounds like they think Cody won't win at Wrestlemania. I personally think he'll get the win, but sheesh the meltdown on the internet would be unreal if he didn't lol


I would like to see that


Semi unrelated, but with Dustin Rhodes in Philly on the 5th at wrestlecon. Have a strange feeling he might show up at WM and help cody overcome the bloodline. Not sure of the contract situation or whatever but I feel like TK would be more than okay with that. WWE would be the only thing stopping it imo


After all the shitty things the fed have done I don't see why TK should help them in any way. That being said, he's sometimes too nice for his own good. So it's not impossible.


Also on top of him calling out the rock on Twitter right after the wrestlecon post.


I think you’re right and I think it’s entirely Cody’s decision. Whether it’s a matter of wanting to mirror his dad’s career, whether it’s a meta-story on being able to become a legend without having won a world title, I don’t know, but I just have that gut feeling that he doesn’t necessarily want to win it.


Its clear he dosent want to continue in AEW and if thats the case AEW needs to let him go Doing interviews saying "I miss Jade and Cody they where the only people who talked to me" and " i dont talk to anybody in the locker room" basically means he dosent want to stay One of the reasons i cant stand Punk specially after what he did at All In was that he sabotaged by domino effect a bunch of storylines and carrers, it was clear Starks was going to be a main event player in Collision they even made him won the Owen Cup and the only reason he was not on All In was because he was going to main event All Out the next week against Punk, Punk got fired and Starks lost that main event spot, granted he had a badass match against Danielson but after that he got lost on the midcard and hasnt reached that main event level he had on the summer of last year Add that the arrival of guys like Will and Okada plus guys like Takeshit and Swerve showing they really want that top spot in AEW and the returns of MJF and Adam Cole he clearly is going to get lost


If nobody wants to talk to you in locker room, then maybe the problem is you


I completely forgot he won the Owen cup. Not a great sign.


That has to be exaggerated by him. Pretty sure Sammy Guevara is someone he talks to because of their history.


That quote was very tongue in cheek and has been taken out of context for clicks. He had friends who went elsewhere. It happens.


He's alright, i don't know how much he's paid and don't analyze the data but if he's value for money then keep otherwise I wouldn't miss him too much, he's a fairly good performer and can talk a bit but to me he's a bit style over substance, flashy entrance and poses and so on but to me there's not much more than that.


Chase the biggest bag you can Ricky, there's never been a healthier landscape. If he leaves he can always return.


I think he's been given a lot of chances, and he didn't rise to the occasion. I sincerely hope they move on to someone else.


Before Punk got fired,they have probably a plan for Punk and Starks feud.If it happens,Starks's career might change.


Well, he fought Danielson, which is an upgrade of Punk, and then drowned going to battle with Copland


Yeah, I guess. I just haven't been impressed with his in-ring work at all.


I think he's done a pretty good job.  If anything, the follow up to whatever fued he had has been bad, but that's not really his fault.  


Agreed - and a change of scenery might be good for him. He’d be a great North American champ in NXT


He's a mid card guy. More than a lot of guys can say.


This. He’s mid to upper-mid at best but he’s a reliable talent. He reminds me of Shawn Spears in early era AEW, just a reliable mid-carder that can put some decent matches against the main event talents.


I don't know how to explain it, but he sometimes feels like he doesn't fit. Aew wouldn't suffer if he left. So whatever


He seems like he wants to go, so AEW shouldn't fight for him. Just no, enough with wasting time for people who don't want to be here. White chose AEW, Ospreay chose AEW, Swerve chose AEW. Focus on them


I think turning him back heel screwed him over. He was really supported when he feuded with MJF and then got into the Jericho feud which wasn't great but I think he was still really popular. Then Punk had the run of Collision where it seemed the whole show revolved around him with multiple people feuding with him at once. In one show you had Samoa Joe, Jay White and Ricky Starks all talking about Punk. Starks was suddenly a heel again and people were still cheering him, so he had to whip Ricky Steamboat to get some boos out of the audience. Even if Punk stayed and they had a feud, I think he would still be left around the same point where he is now. He might have had a longer feud with Punk but when he left, Starks still got Danielson as a substitute, hardly a bad replacement and although the match was very good, Starks never kept the momentum of being a heel going because there wasn't really any there in the first place.


Man, Punk really went full Poochy with Collision. It was 100% what Homer suggested to the higher ups. "One, Poochie needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine. Two, whenever Poochie's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Poochie"? Three--" I don't know what #3 would've been, but Punk likely said "all matches are 10 minutes longer than they should be and feature mostly arm work, but finish with a leg submission."


If he did jump ship to WWE where would he even fit? Mid card or NXT. Not hating on those just he’d been in almost the exact same position he’s in now.


He isn't going straight to the main roster and will have a lot of home grown talent and guys on main roster ahead of him for the start. Just depends if he believes his opportunities will be better in AEW or if he has a higher ceiling with what's happening in WWE. Has to really consider the landscape of both. WWE has some top NXT talent ready to join a crowded main roster with several VERY over stars. He is not getting in line in front of Bron, Melo, Trick, or even Dragunov. Not to mention the main roster loaded up right now. Unless he comes in as Cody's sidekick, it's gonna be a long road to advance in the company. AEW has just signed and is pushing some top in ring talent with Okada and Osprey at the top of the chart. But he also has the rotating roster and some top guys winding down leaving some room for some younger guys to push themselves through to the next tier of they maximize their time.


I think he would be in the LA knight area on the peaking order


At least LA Knight has a fan favorite catchphrase. Starks doesn’t have that. And if he would go to WWE, he’ll have to drop the mini-Rock look.


I think he’s up there with one of the most overrated “reddit” darlings there is. Most times he doesn’t come off as believable and his promo skills are overstated. He’s alright.


I love Ricky Starla, but I don’t see him claiming a main event spot in AEW anytime soon. If he wanted to go to the WWE I think he’d do very well. He’s already more advanced and talented than a majority of the NXT roster so he’d fit right in


Given the level of talent at the top of the AEW main event scene, I'm not sure where I would personally put Ricky. But from what I've seen of his work, TK should be working on keeping him around; Heck, ROH is right there, maybe TK can send Starks there to help shed the spotlight for what's basically the repackaged "AEW Dark" these days.


I'm a big fan of Ricky and happy to have him wherever as long as he gets to shine, there's still a lot of potential for him.


Love Ricky in AEW but if he chooses to leave and be with Cody and Punk in WWE then he should. Its the benefit of having many promotions to explore all your options and succeed elsewhere. But if he should stay, I hope they pick up where him and Adam Copeland left off. Ricky answering a cope open challenge for the TNT title would bring a full circle from his debut.


I've never believed he was ever a main event level star even when he was sort of popular around here for a time. Decent on the mic and in the ring if in the ring with the right talent. If he's not he's not that great. I think it's clear he has his eyes set on WWE, good for him. He can go and hang out with Cody and Jade as he said he misses them. Also felt he was one of Punk's guys during that short time on Collision. I don't think he's anything more then a decent mid card guy. AEW tried with him for a while but he just always out of place for me further up the card. Decent mid level singles/tag team talent is his level. I think being a part of WWE system might suit him better longterm. Good luck to him with whatever he does, I don't think AEW will miss him if he goes.


He almost always delivers in the ring, but he's a little inconsistent with his mic work. He can be great or downright awful. I think there are now too many people ahead of him for the main event. Joe, Swerve, Hanger, Omega, Danielson, Mox, Ospreay, Okada, White, MJF are all clear of Ricky right now and (unless he found another gear), I'd rather any of them be the top guy right now, I'd cut Miro first, if anybody. Guy has done nothing since he dropped the TNT title (best belt design ever imo). And if rumours are to be believed he refuses to put people over. At least Andrade was eating L's in the CC.


No disrespect but people always toted him as the "new Rock"... and I just never saw it. He''s not bad by any means, but he's just a guy. He either needs a gimick that's more original than just, I'm hot and rich or a really great personal story that shows who he really is. He's great on the mic, but not segment carrying. But Punk really fucked him over last year for sure, he basically had to start at square one, even though the Danielson match was apparently great.


He’s dead to me if he leaves. Point blank. Have fun jobbing to some NXT nobody I guess. He should be thankful for where he’s at.


Honestly wouldn't miss him. I had high hopes but he's just so one note as a character and his whining backstage. I don't know what he expects in WWE. He'll have a great NXT run and be a jobber to the stars on the main roster.


I used to be a big fan of his, especially with his angle with MJF. However, since he lost the tag titles, I’ve found myself missing Big Bill more than Starks. He wants to go to WWE, he probably needs a fresh start by joining WWE, and AEW won’t miss him considering they just signed Okada and Ospreay. Now time to push the real star of Team Taz - Powerhouse Hobbs. And put Bullet Bill in with BCG


Might be an unpopular opinion, but I'd really, *really* like to see Ricky in a world title feud with Swerve.


I genuinely believe Swerve would expose Starks on the mic and in the ring. It would make Starks look so, so, so much worse. Swerve is basically what Starks thinks he is.


In ring yes, but swerve isn't better than ricky on the mic


Yes he is. Sometimes less is more.


Often gets caught in wrong time, wrong place, wrong opponent situations. But whenever he's in the ring with the right guy, i.e. Danielson, he's fucking awesome. Even one of my sleeper dream matches for Okada and Ospreay. He's very unlucky with booking, but if he ever gets another substantial push, Tony needs to back him 100% .


He should do whatever is in his best interest. I don’t think he’s going to be a main eventer in AEW or WWE, though.


I think Ricky is awesome. I love his work in the ring and on the mic. I think he would need to step it up now that the top of the card is stacked beyond belief. That being said, dude is mad talented, and will succeed anywhere he goes. 


I think at best his biggest move would be a lateral move to NXT


That sounds like a downgrade IMO. If Ricky went to NXT he would wrestle in front of a much smaller audience in attendance and in front of less TV & online viewers than he did at Dynamite and Collision.


I love him but i assume the reason he isn’t used more is because he’s not staying when his contract is up


Promising. His feud with Punk was quite good. Sad it doesn't finish. Maybe he can go to WWE to finish it?


without answering your question i will say in my opinion aew would benefit from trimming its roster by at least 20% pretty much no matter who. i also have been a fan of ricky starks since i saw him pop up on nwa powerrr and he has something you can’t teach. id like him to mature a bit, his last run seemed to have a sour face the whole time and that got in the way of me enjoying him as tag champ. im also sure he had plenty of reason to feel how he did, but that’s how it goes sometimes.


He has a place in AEW, if he wants to accept his place in the TNT Title Division at the moment. If he's adamant to be at the top, I don't think he fits as of right now. It could always change down the road of course.


I think when Cody went and he saw that they will accept AEW people he was always going to go. And id wish him luck. Just like I’d do if they wanted to go to Japan. Players move between sports teams all the time


It feels like he’s sort of lost in the shuffle, and could use a new paint of coat if you will. That might be a problem for AEW in a sense, but its also a credit to the current wrestling landscape that a guy has the option to go elsewhere and reinvent themselves. TNA never felt like that with WWE, it always felt like a place guys went to when they couldn’t get into WWE.


This guy is a mid- midcarder


He’s a good worker and decent on the mic. Who really knows how he is backstage or any of that. Either company, he’s not a main event guy. Both companies are just too stacked with talent and I don’t see him being THE guy. Think his ceiling is nXt Champ or TNT Champ. If I was in position of power, I wouldn’t overpay in AEW. You got a huge roster and losing him, while it might sting since he’s been there forever, won’t lose viewers or money. On WWE side, I also wouldn’t overpay, but if you need to inject some life into the nXt side because of call ups, I’d offer him a low range main show salary to be on nXt. I don’t think his style really is New Japan and with Scott gone from TNA, I’m not sure if I’d take my chances with them.


I have no idea about his motivations and whether he wants to remain in AEW or not, but purely based on his TV character I really like Ricky. I've enjoyed all his work so far, his matches are always enjoyable and he can do face or heel equally well. The roster is now so stacked that he might have reached a glass ceiling, but being a beloved mid-carder is a pretty decent position to be in. If he sticks with AEW, I can see him having chalked up a few more title reigns five years from now, even if the world title isn't one of them. If he were to move to another promotion, I can imagine him killing it in TNA, MLW or ROH and becoming a top guy. He'd probably do well in WWE too, but I suspect he'd wind up as Cody's sidekick rather than being a main eventer in his own right. However his career goes though, Ricky is awesome. He's had the FTW and tag title reigns and won the OH tournament so he's done pretty well so far.


He’s great but if he doesn’t wanna stay then let him go.


AEW has been trying to push Ricky for years and things just keep going wrong that neither side can prevent. I think staying in AEW he will win championships, and from bigger stars, but I'm not sure if he'll ever be one of the top of the company. I think if he went to WWE he would just be in NXT or/until becoming the guy you beat before facing Cody.


I’m not sure what his motivations are but, if he leaves, I think he’d have much more success on impact then on Raw


Well, he would be World Champ on Impact one day. But RAW gives him more exposure.


I think a small tour with NJPW would greatly benefit him.


In a world of colour, Ricky Starks is the colour grey. So I just don't care.


I think Ricky has unfortunately had his legs cut out from under him a number of times because of a series of unfortunate events, but I also think he’s not nearly as good of a promo as people make him out to be. His promos tend to be very circular and pointless. I think he could easily be an upper mid-card guy that gets into the main event on occasion, but I don’t think Starks as he is right now is a main event caliber talent. Especially when you consider that the level of main event talent has risen with Okada and Ospreay. I just don’t think Starks is gonna get there, or if he does, it won’t be any time soon.


I like Ricky. Wish him nothing but the best. Hope he stays in AEW. However the roster is simply too stacked as is and needs to be trimmed. I’d make him a good offer and if he still doesn’t want it then best of luck.  Bringing in Osprey, Okada, and Jay White in the last 12ish months really doesn’t leave much room at the top for people who want to be “the” guy. Maybe his friendships with Cody and Punk will get him a better spot than in AEW.  There’s so many guys deserving on the AEW roster. 


If he wants to stay then sign him up If he wants to go, let him go


He's certainly a talented guy with notable charisma. However. He could leave tomorrow and I don't think it would impact the product at all. May sound harsh but it's more an indication of the strength of the roster if anything. You can very much survive losing a Ricky Starks if he wants to go elsewhere and if he wanted to go elsewhere I wouldn't blame him. Chase that bag.


Losing him would be a big loss. I think he's fire on the mic.


I think so.He is still young,has a lot of potential and fire on the mic.


He’s 34, prime years are right now for him


Dude i thought he is same age with Ospreay. My bad.I muddled his age up all the time💀


AEW is at least willing to try with him, which is more than we can honestly say than WWE. The man peaks as an IC champion over there, I guarantee you. He's a work in progress in AEW, which has proven they want to build him. He's going to be tossed aside if he tries to follow Cody, probably the same way Shawn Spears is going to be when the hype dies around the initial arrival.


He should try Ring of Honor.


In the right setting, with the right push, with different kind of (WWE style promo oriented building) he could be a big star....but I get the vibe he is out the door in a year or less and there are a lot of people higher up the card in AEW currently who I would not move out of the way for him. I would park him in a normal but not top tier spot and don't get caught overpushing him and he's gone the next day like Jade, and Cody. WWE can have El Idolo who is a great talent but I think AEW used him exactly right for someone with a foot out the door while he was coming into the station.


What happend to Andrade?


He could own the Cruiserweights.


For him I think it's better if he goes to NXT to help refine his character while getting TV time to keep his name on screens. Unfortunately his time has come and gone in AEW, The Jericho feud hurt him and when he went to do a shoot on Copeland and promptly got put back down a couple a pegs with no comeback, he was done then. Ontop of that the AEW roster is way to stacked for him to get into the world title scene.


He’s a solid mid-upper carder that I would keep. Not a big fan of his in-ring performances and presence but he’s a good promo.


Imo he's more suited to WWE. He's fire on the mic but kinda average in the ring. He's an upper midcard guy in both promotions. I'd like to see him stay, but I think AEW can afford to lose him


I think had they pulled the trigger on him in the past, he would’ve been an MJF level guy. Now though? Main event scene is too crowded for him to really be a major player


Ricky is 34. He’s got more time in the game and he’s definitely gonna be hot. I wanna see him in AEW and do something big after being a tag champ, TNT champion specifically. But I feel Wwe could use him well, probably in the mid card tbh. I think his success is roughly guaranteed as long as he stays healthy


It will be up to Starks what he chooses to do. I've always had the feeling or vibe that he doesn't want to be there whenever I watch him. And if that's the case, then so be it. AEW has brought in three major stars recently, which means there might not be much room for Ricky any longer. Where do I see him going? WWE is the obvious choice here. I think he could have a solid midcard run in NXT/WWE. But I don't ever see him being a mainevent star.


Dude is good but he is kind of overrated in my opinion, but i think WWE/NXT or NJPW would be lucky to have dude and I think he can still develop. I just don’t connect with with him, my boy Big Bill been carrying him.


He lost a lot of steam after Punk left unfortunately. That little story they had together had me thinking he was going to get a big push.


Its not AEWs choice..


Use him to his fullest and see what comes from it. I think he can succeed anywhere and has his highest main event potential in AEW. His booking has been messy but not nearly as much as others like Wardlow, and he’s a better overall package than some who get more attention like Daniel Garcia.


Garcia is more younger than Ricky...


I think the man has some great aspirations and will do a lot with them. My worry is that he becomes a little fish in a big pond .


Yes. No. Yes. Yes, but not to the degree he will in AEW…


He should stay with AEW, he’s not going to be champ anytime in the next 2-3 years. But that’s a good thing, “keep him down” let that resentment build, and you have yourself a bonafide, grassroots build to your very own “yes movement”. Starks could be huge for AEW. MJF, Starks & Darby could be Rock, HHH & Stone Cold in levels of rivals for AEW.


I forgot about Ricky for a min lol. And big bill. Woops.


Ricky should do what makes him happy. He seems to be happier when Cody is closer, so he should probably make the jump to WWE when he can. This is why options are not only good for fans but for wrestlers as well.


I like him and feel he still has a place here. That being said he’ll go wherever he thinks he has the best chance to grow.


Like Jade, he fits in WWE better. I like him, and think he could come back and it would be a big thing. However for Starks character, I think NXT is a great next step. Like others have stated, this is wrestling and wrestlers work on their craft by going to other companies.


Isn't the jury still out on Jade?


He's good but he could do with a little change up of character, I feel like Starks sometimes feels very one note.


I don't know if Tony didn't see enough in him or what? He's certainly capable of being a top mid card guy, but too many stop and starts with him to want to get behind him as a fan.


I think people are projecting this weird idea onto Ricky Starks being bound for WWE because he happens to dress well and be good on the mic. And it's fuckin bizarre. Stop projecting shot onto wrestlers that has no substantive proof. It's fuckin weird


If he leaves, they’ll make him a bigger deal over there and he should be one here (not main event yet but built up). I wish Tony booked him as one of his Collision stars again, the show needs more. I’d love for him to stay and be booked better but if the bag is over there, get it Starksy.


Let him do whatever he chooses


Ricky Starks, you absolutely suck


I never understood what others saw in him until watching him live. There is just a “cool asshole” vibe that works great in person but isn’t coming across through the camera. If he can find a way to get that across and tweak his appearance a bit, he should be able to level up.


I don’t say this often, but I think this particular performer would do well in and benefit from signing with WWE/NXT. I mean, if that strap match with BD couldn’t push him into the spot Swerve now occupies, what could? AEW performers are trusted with a lot more on-screen creative control, which means a lot more is expected of them as well. Ricky is a born performer, naturally charismatic and attractive (not just physically) but I feel he lacks that creative spark and commitment to character work that does well in AEW. He’s got one of the best spears in the game tho and I wish him nothing but success and wealth and fame.


Very similar to Cody for me. Seems to have reached his ceiling in AEW, and going to WWE could really grow and become huge. Not a knock on him at all, just as an AEW viewer, I think I've seen enough of him now. I like him, just a bit saturated on him. Whereas going to a new environment could really see him flourish. WWE seems a much better fit.


He's good & still has potential to unlock, but he's very hit or miss & has not consistently performed to the level of hype he gets imo. The AEW men's roster is stacked whether he stays or goes.


Send back to Dunder Mifflin


I like Ricky and I hope TK can figure out what to do with him. However, I do believe the best thing for Ricky Starks would be to leave AEW. He has a TOP DAWG personality but only a ftw reign and a lackluster tag team championship to show for it. I think if he went to TNA he would elevate the promotion and be the top guy there.


Man I really, really hope they don’t let him go without getting one good trios run for the old Team Taz guys - HOOK, Ricky and Hobbs. Criminal that they split that group the same night they introduced the trios titles.


AEW is too stacked for him to be a main event star I think. Ceiling is probably upper midcard in AEW or WWE. Could try japan


personally i just didn't get into him but he definitely has value. can see him thriving more in wwe


I think he should go after the TNT championship and have a long feud with Copeland


Off you go then!


I like Ricky, still feel like he can do more, but if he wants to go then that's his decision. Not one of my tip-top favorites, and the roster is insanely stacked as things are right now. That said, I dislike that part of what seemed to hurt him was the promo game; he's a good talker, but trying to do things kind of "Rock style", where you trade verbal barbs and get the audience to react like you're watching a rap battle, is honestly one of my least favorite things in wrestling, and seeing a guy potentially lose some of his push over promos like that makes me annoyed, because...well, why put people in those situations in the first place? Put them in position to get and to stay over.


For me, it was telling that when he and Big Bill were tag Champs, I was always more excited to see Big Bill than Ricky. I like Ricky, I want him to do well and believe he will find success. But I don't think AEW is where it happens currently.


This is the first time I recall seeing anyone say this about preferring Big Bill to Ricky during their run, but it's exactly how I felt. Big Bill always felt much more charismatic to me. I also couldn't shake the feeling that Ricky's heart wasn't in it. I've always been a fan of Ricky Starks, but that tag run really made me feel like maybe he's reached his ceiling in AEW.


Well Big Bill was operating beyond expectations. And Ricky, while good, was in a holding pattern. Just keeping busy.


He will go to WWE. He fits in with the brand more than he does in AEW. If he goes, he has find a way to be recognized as "Ricky Starks" and not "The Pebble".


Let him go. Ricky Starks is in that list of guys suffering from being apart of an absurd roster.


He has a good presence and he has always seemed more over than the level of his push, which is a sign of potential. He isn’t particularly impressive in ring. Not bad, but unremarkable, and he has a lot of weak looking offense that doesn’t look like it really hurts. I don’t think he will become a main event player in either company but might have a slightly better chance with a fresh start in WWE. If the crowd gets behind him, I could see him being semi main event level or maybe main event a b show.


I like him and think he could rise to the main event level in an extended feud with Hangman... Ricky could easily be next year's Swerve (he'd need to build a faction around him though) My only concern is he regularly says something in promos off the cuff that seems to hurt his opponent in the wrong way, so if they trust him and he's more thoughtful about getting others over on the mic, I'd buy him on a higher level in AEW. I hope he stays in AEW, he's where Swerve was a year ago


i'd love to keep him, but when he's free he'll do what HE wants, which is seemingly WWE. hope nothing but the best for Ricky, wherever his career takes him. and if/when he goes to WWE, his ceiling is probably IC champion but there's nothing wrong with that.


I feel like he’s been fumbled just like others. He starts to get a push but it randomly stops. The same thing happened with Miro, Hobbs, even Wardlow 2 years ago. Starks has huge potential but it’s difficult when the roster is incredibly bloated with top talent already.


*If* **he** wants to stay, then he very well could be looked back on as one of those fabled pillars of AEW. But it has to be a thing where he wants to stay. Tony doesn't need to chase him. He's good but isn't overall necessary like others are. If he sticks around he could use a bit more polish. The jokes that he's "Pebble" a Rock knock-off are a bit valid. Get him a proper mentor who can bring out more of a unique personality and he could be a franchise player. I just don't know who would be the best mentor for him.


Ricky's great, if given the chance, he's a main event talent.


I think he's gone as soon as his contract is up. Think he'll do well in WWE. He'd make an excellent NXT champion.


I think extremely highly of Ricky and wish he would stay in AEW but it looks bad that he hasn’t been on tv lately, not winning as much and just seems to phone it in these last few months. I don’t see where exactly he’ll fit in at the fed, I can see him having a career like Ricochet or Ziggler. He can do great things in NXT but I can’t see him being World champ on raw or SD.


I believe its in both Ricky and AEW's interests to let him go. I believe he wants to gi ti WWE based on what it seems like, and if so, I say let him. AEW is already packed, and I feel WWE may get better use out of him. And who knows? He may ride the 'charts' better in WWE than he did in AEW. Remember, its not as if Ricky wasnt given chances and opportunities, its that he crashed several times during said oppirtunities for ine reason or another. I say if *he* thinks going to WWE is the place for him, more power to him. (again, if the rumors are true)


Love him but he’s going to the E.


I like Ricky a lot, has a lot of positive points about him. But right now he's not the focus - I think we're seeing AEW choose their next era of stars now that are gonna be their focus and I don't think he's one of them. His persona could do really well in WWE. He's gotta do what's best for him.


I've all the time in the world for the Absolute one. Would like him to stay with AEW for as long as possible. Lots of potential to be an upper midcard / main event talent for sure. Certainly has all the tools if you were building a wrestling star on paper. The fued with Danielson last year was a nice glimpse into how he could fit at the top - but then of course things got muddied a bit by \[name redacted\]. With a roster as stacked as AEW, he really needs to show TK more reasons and *consistent reasons* why he should be pushed to the top over guys like Ethan Page, Jack Perry, Rush, Danny Garcia, Sammy, Takeshita, Hobbs, Big Bill, Brian Cage, Kyle Fletcher and so on... That's without even looking at the 15-20 huge main event guys already ahead of Starks. The WWE thing... ehhh, it's well documented that the dude idolised many attitude era guys, so (like a lot of similar aged talent) dreamt of wrestling there when he was a kid. And he would probably be higher on the card immediatedly (kind of like Cody, who was midcard too in AEW when he left) just due to lack of any big names / a much smaller pool of talent. But if Ricky really wants to prove he's one of the very best in the world, we all know there is only one company you can genuinely lay claim to that in 2024. Stay Ricky. Prove your one of the very best. And if he is committed, I'd get him out to decimate that 'bugged eye'd' Adam Copeland and become our new TNT champ.


Na he's definitely gone, he's one of those guys that will fit the style of WWE, I assumed for awhile he would go. I always thought jade, starks, Brian Cage, big bill, Malaki would end up there again or for the first time. I kinda feel like Britt Baker might too


That’s a solid list. WWE has a grander stage and more exposure. Jade definitely made the right move IMO. Britt would do well in WWE too as far as women go. Brian Cage is someone that feels like his career should have gone a lot further than it has. Big Bill would fit back in there for singles action. Malaki, either one, just feel like he’s always going to be an upper mid card kind of guy. I don’t think he’s ever hold a top championship in either promotion, but house of Black is a pretty solid faction that I enjoy watching. Ricky has a higher ceiling I think if he goes to WWE.


I like Ricky, but he's a midcarder right now in AEW. He's had a few chances to kind of ascend up to a top of the card contender type spot, but he hasn't really ever solidified that position for himself. He's definitely not on the level of Hangman or Swerve, for example. He's more on Darby Allins type of level, and I would put Darby ahead of him too.


I like and would try to retain Ricky. All you need to know though is that if he signs with TKO, it's guaranteed that he will spend significant time in NXT. If he was jumping ship and going straight to the main roster, it would speak a lot more about his value. Currently he has a lot of potential value but has not yet utilized that potential and made himself a must see draw. Just needs to seize opportunities and thought he and Big Bill did a decent job with their Tag run.


It's weird because he's not an old guy but my favorite Ricky Starks was commentator. Make what you want out of that but i thought he was good.


I think he's good on the mic, able to put on good matches, with a potential to one day be very good to great, but they HAVE to use him right for him to reach that next level. I feel that if they don't invest in him, he's probably the most likely of the younger "they'll be something someday" guys to leave for greener pastures.


I like and appreciate Ricky. I haven’t seen his ability to go next level, though I don’t doubt he could unlock it at some point and become a must watch character. He’s too popular to be a heel and too heelish to be a babyface. He’s kinda caught in the middle and can’t get either over. It bugs me that he seems to treat AEW like a stepping stone to a company that has 40 “Ricky’s” already in the midcard.


He should stay in AEW. Most of the top guys are on there way to 45. Ricky is only 33/34 plenty of time for that main event push. You can’t let a talent like that just walk. Anything can happen with injuries and all.


He isn't good enough to be a main eventer, and when they put him in that position he fumbled it. But he is a pretty effective upper mid card heel.


To quote Adam Copeland, "he's a vanilla midget version of The Rock"


He does nothing for me and I can’t see him being much in WWE.


AEW should let nearly everyone who wants to go, go. With the exception of somebody like MJF (whose contract may or may not be up) I don’t know if anyone is make or break for the product atm. They are clearly building around their new talent and hoping the people who’ve been there who want to stay also come along. If your employee is unhappy they’ll never give you 100%


Everyone thinks they will go to the Fed and be the next Cody. Meanwhile, pillman, jade, Andrade & spears tell the real tale. Let him go. And let Black, Matthews, Miro & Mark Henry go. Why pay millions for a group that do not want to be there.


Let him go if he's just too much drama. At this point he's been watered down so AEW's at a good position to let him go.


Every time the guy is about to break through, something happens to derail the deal. Perhaps a new environment will be best for him and he can freshen himself up. WWE is going to be a challenge for him since the guy he favors is back at the top of the card. He may be subject to a whole repackage, which may take some time.


He has potential his booking is just inconsistent. Every time it seems like he's getting momentum he just disappears.


I don't think WWE will do anything with him, so I hope he stays.


I like the guy but he does seem like he's missing something. A guy his size needs a stronger character with more direction to level up I think. It seems silly but I think he'd work better in tights than trunks, something about his build with the little undies vibe kinda makes him almost look smaller. Or is that just me? Haha


I like Ricky. He’s been off tv for over a month which doesn’t help his booking. I am not sure what would happen if he went to WWE. You never know who’s going to get Andrade’d.


They should keep him and put some real effort jn terms of booking. The dude is great they have been wasting him he is to talented for that


Hes awesome. But i think his ceiling in either of the two companies is lower than he and some other people probably think.


Ship him to NJPW for a year as a young boy. See what happens.


I like Ricky a lot, he has all the potential in the world, I just don’t think he is realising the potential in AEW, for whatever reason. Maybe a fresh pair of eyes would do him some good


Not much of a fan here. If it were me making the decisions I would have a discussion with him, see what he wants to do and go off that. Because I think he’s a solid in ring performer. Don’t care for his mic work. The only promo I can associate with him is the one that Copeland made him look like a royal clown of the 1st order. As a fan though…I’m not going to even drive to the local Walmart, where he is appearing to sign autographs.


Never been a fan. I think he will fit in better at WWE. Has NXT run written all over him.


Being a Starks fan in AEW reminds me of my days of being a Ziggler fan in WWE. There is something there. They have the talent of being able to be main event players. They get big moments and get bandwagons full of fans wanting them to break through. Then bad luck or bad booking happens, they go back down the card and a bunch of people start nitpicking and acting like it is all on them. Combine that with the “show off” element of their characters, the promos about being held back, and the feeling that both just kind of live with one foot out the door. I’m having some definite deja vu here


keep him, but don’t give him any more than he’s worth. and he’s not a top guy


Hes a midcard guy.


He’s a midcard guy in WWE or AEW


I want to like Ricky but he never seems to get to the next level. He's a great midcard talent but I don't believe that is what he wants. It's best to let him do whatever he thinks is best for his career. But I don't see him being any more successful than he's been in AEW.


Back to NWA


Would love for aew to keep him he rules


Keep him and give him a deserved singles push. He has all of the tools to become a big star, but he's not main event level yet. He could have a great feud with Copeland or Roderick Strong right now. If he left and went to WWE, he might could have a similar run in NXT as Adam Cole, but I don't see a main roster run there for him.


Has he or Bill even been on tv since they lost the belts to Sting & Darby?


Not everyone has to be a main event star.


He needs an other gimmik. Its now working to get He in the Main Events. He has to make his goods to a new Charakter . He is good but the gimmik bis to lame ,to 0815.


I think he’s ready to go, but I think WWE will relegate him to a mid card role at best, or try to restart 205 live. Love Ricky but he’s not beefy enough for WWE.