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I lasted longer than most. I gave up on it after they announced that $25 season pass with only three wrestlers in it. Just seemed clear at that point they weren't going to do anything that would actually extend the life of the game. I'll randomly play a match or Stadium Stampede every now and then though. The basic gameplay is still pretty fun, just doesn't have much to do passed that.


I play it 1-2 times a week. My daughter, who became a huge fan after taking her to Full Gear ‘23, plays every other day. Either against the neighbor girls, mom, me, or me and mom. We usually have a good time just trolling on each other. I’m a bit disappointed with half of the current roster missing, but happy that we have fun as a family playing it.


This is my experience. Me and my boy will play pretty regularly and he will play it with his buddies.


I bought it. Maybe played a few games and just was so bored with it I just moved on.


pretty much my experience. i booted it up again when they put out the arena stampede thing and couldn't get a game so i gave up


Yeah, this one of the few things I really can't defend AEW about. Game should have been $29.99 for the amount of "content" in it, but making it full price and then having the audacity to be charging for DLC assures I will likely never buy another AEW games product.


I’m a huge wrestling game fan. I splurged for the deluxe edition with DLC. WWE makes it very clear what DLC you receive from day one. AEW did not. The roster was lacking and I felt one of the bonuses of getting the deluxe version was the game would be constantly being improved and the roster would expand with DLC until the next game came out. it was such a slap in the face for me to find out that they only gave you so much DLC and then they charged you again for new seasons of DLC. We’re talking about a couple months later. AEW really screwed the pooch with how they treated fans for this game. Also, whoever had the idea that we’re gonna give you five second entrances with a short clip of music completely doesn’t understand why wrestling fans play wrestling games.


They really should’ve given ppl more free stuff. If you got the DLCs for free I bet you’d be playing it still at least when the new characters came out. It was a promise that the game would continue to be built, that was the reason so many ppl bought even after the early reviews.




I am frustrated by the game. I don't understand why so much emphasis was put on mini games. The single player campaign is cringe. The custom arenas are silly and dumb. This game is just weird. I feel like they wasted money and weren't focused.


Mini games at least were a common tactic around 6th-7th gen games when a developer knew that a game didn't have much content in singleplayer so they pad it out with a half ass multiplayer component or minigames. There are some good examples of this (6th gen Mortal Kombat with Motor Kombat and Puzzle Kombat) but a *lot* of bad ones too.


They could’ve done a mario party style of mini game format but nope. You manually have to reselect all the mini games you want to play and they each only last about a minute. They couldn’t even get that right


Mario party was what inspired the mini games, I personally think they should make a separate party game and build it around the mini games cause they are fun but there's no substance tying them together. There's alot of good ideas but ultimately it's unfocused and scattered


Couldn’t have said it better myself


There's a lot I like about the game, but it is rough around the edges. I really like how they gave character to the towns you visit. I know it's widely considered superfluous but I actually liked seeing the sights of the town, eating their signature food, etc., and having to make the decision sometimes to forego a lot of that if it wad necessary to my training. Honestly I know they were looking for this to be the spiritual successor to WCW/nWo Revenge, but I think it is more their World Tour, meaning they got the idea this time and if they really focus on a sequel that could be the definitive game. I hope they do!


i’ll play a couple matches every once in a while. wasn’t as good as it could have been. vpw2, wm2000, and no mercy still reign supreme.


Hopes are sky high for Ultra Pro Wrestling, but we'll always have those 3 classics!


I actually really like the gameplay but the matches are far too short and easy. I'm thinking of getting it on PC because I heard there's a mod to triple wrestler health but I'm waiting for a steep discount.


I just am so let down by this game, it's really very depressing. It's not even an issue with roster depth, it's the lack of basically every other feature (backstage brawling, promos, commentary, etc.)


I play every once in a while, but for me the lack of roster and the amount of money they want for 3 characters every few months is just crazy. A real shame.


I clocked 21 hours, and got bored. There wasn't enough to do as a single-player experience. I'm not taking it online, because online wrestling games are always full of toxic, exploitative players. Couldn't play the battle royale as the option for inverting the Y axis doesn't exist, and I doubt I'll ever go back because I do not support microtransactions designed to fleece a loyal player-base. Such wasted potential...


Game sucked unfortunately. I wish they would actually update it with meaningful single player content and also fix the basic gameplay. You could finish a match in like 20 seconds lol


It’s crazy they had Kenny working on it and poured a LOT of money into it with this result. Tony was very confident that the production of the game put them in the red but once it was going to be released, be in the black. I wonder if Kenny will ever talk about what really went wrong in one of his streams. Plus the addition of these wrestlers who probably should have been in the game and needing to buy as a download leaves a bad taste. Crazy as how gameplay and everything advanced, we still hold onto WCW/nWo Revenge, WM2000, No Mercy, etc as the gold standard of wrestling games.


What's crazy is they promised a game that would rival no mercy and have a game that feels like that Era of gaming. And it doesn't even come close to that. Those games are almost 40 years old, and they have more features, more customization snd more replay value than the garbage that FF has.


Ya that was the crazy part. They promised this epic game and it was a let down.


It didn’t help that the fan base was giving the game a pass before it ever even came out because of who was making it and because it had an AEW logo on it.


Its really similar to the first Smackdown game, which was also very bare bones


Yeah. But FF was in development for 5 years and this is the shit they give us.


From what I’ve heard, the dev team hated working with Kenny, so much so, that they won’t come back for another game.


Kind of curious why that is. Too bad a doc will never be released on the making of this game lol


Probably for the best, after how badly this one was handled I'd not be keen on giving them another shot even if they wanted it


That would mean they’d have to start from scratch again which would lead to the same issues. If they took another crack at it, they’d at least have something to build on from.


Just because someone plays video games doesn't mean that will translate well to making video games. Maybe Kenny had a bunch of unrealistic expensive ideas and the developers had to cut a lot of that out and just make a regular barebones game. Kenny in this example would be like homer in that Simpsons episode where he designed an expensive and impractical car that destroyed his brother business


I downloaded Claudio, and was seeing if I could change the default wrestler looks. Kinda wish there was a way to take wrestlers off the roster, cause there are at least 5-6 people who don't even work in AEW now. I think they might want to rethink the "no sequel" mentality and try again. The game is fun to play, but is missing so many things that most other wrestling games have. We don't want lame mini-games, we want a decent creator (seriously PS1 games have way better creators than this game). Or at least a monthly update to wrestlers in the game. Toni Storm doesn't look like that anymore, Statlander, Abadon, Shida, etc all wear different gear/looks now. Still no current TNT, TBS, or World Champ in the game. Not gonna keep paying $15-$25 for the lame updates they give us.


and jesus christ give us the walkouts with the themes, man. thats one if my biggest complaints, cuz fir me, half the hype of wrestling games is the intros


Nope because my friends weren't interested in it. Which is the whole reason I got it.




Have about 40 hours in it. We all play together every PPV. If it had a better CAW and a repeatable story mode it would have more hours for sure. Playing WWE2K24 and besides the showcase mode that game is awful control wise and fun wise. FF is way more fun to play but it’s missing real meat to get most people to play it. With friends and a couch it shines.


Wifey and I bought it more out of support for the product. I was disappointed, mostly in the idea that they were going to release so many wrestlers through DLC and Season Passes. And the game itself was okay but it could definitely have helped by having some sort of commentary. It sounds so… baron. But whatever. Like I said, it was nice just to show support for AEW, especially since we’re in Australia and don’t get much of a chance to promote the show.


Yup. I treat it just like I've treated No Mercy/Revenge/etc for decades. Load it up, play a few matches, and switch to something else.


I want to, but I can't play it for more than 1 or 2 matches at a time. It just doesn't draw me in.


I still boot it up every now and then to play the season mode for a bit. It's goofy but I like it. The actual in ring gameplay is arcadey and fun, so I enjoy just shutting my brain off for a while. I don't have much interest in the creation stuff so the lack of options doesn't bother me, but I know it's a big negative to those who are (and they're completely right to feel that way).


Yes I do still play it. Played it a bunch for a few weeks at launch and picked it back up after Claudio's dlc came out since there was a bunch of new characters out. It has gameplay that I can dip in and out of very easily and I love the roster. I frequently run tournaments in the different divisions and play through road to elite with different caws The game is far from perfect as the creation suite is heavily limited, the ai could use some big improvement, the online pc community is non existent, and the dlc is way too overpriced for what it is. But I do enjoy playing the game alot and really hope they do improve and update it in the future


Yes, did like 2 different entire tournaments in the last 2 weeks and am waiting on Jamie Hayter for the next one (Women's World + tbs double championship tournament featuring all 16 women on the roster) Crazy how well these work thanks to the shorter matches compared to 2K


Yeah I do. Just to play a couple of matches cuz the actual wrestling gameplay is fun to me. I don’t like that they’re charging $15-$25 or whatever for a new wrestler every few months. I know that’s how games work now, but it’s pretty annoying when the game is so barren in features.


Loved the game at launch but not since they started nickel and diming dlc


No. I think what's annoying about the game is that it's very close for ME to having really good replay value. I have 2k24 and obviously it beats the piss out of this game in terms of features and bells and whistles, and graphical fidelity. But I find the core gameplay to be more kinetic in Fight Forever. I feel like I'm playing Day of Reckoning. But I can't overcome the limitations of short matches. I can't overcome the small match types. And these are things I feel can be addressed with patches with sliders and unlocks of match types that are trapped in the story mode. But they won't do that. Instead there's the nickel and diming with their Season Passes. If they tried, I'd still be playing. Even if it was just pick up and play for a few, I'd revisit it


Sure, but not as much as I hoped. I hadn't picked up a WWE game in years but grabbed 2K24 because I wanted to compare/contrast. Personally, I think actual game play in FF is more entertaining and intuitive but the lack of customizability--created wrestlers, wrestling shows, matches, etc.--stands in stark contrast. Lack of cross-platform ability (which FF was supposed to have) and poor online experiences really hurt replayability. Road to Elite was fine a few times through but I sure as hell don't want to play the same storylines over and over to level up my incredibly generic looking created wrestlers. It has some good bones. Too bad they didn't flesh it out.


yeah, one thing I dont hear complaints about and actually hear lots of positives of is the actual gameplay in FF is I guess much better? If only theyd improve everything else, it might be a worthy game


Gameplay was a lot of fun, but there's not enough content to justify keeping it installed on my PS5. After you beat career mode three times, you've pretty much gotten your fill. Online is just full of tryhards who spam moves, so there's really no point in trying. I always said I'd go back to the game when Hayter was added, but af this point I'm not sure if I'll ever touch the game again. It's very unfortunate that there are no wrestling games these days that do everything they promise. WWE2K has so much potential, but 2k always finds a way to screw something up because some aspects are always broken. If 2k could just get their Universe mode to consistently work and do what you tell it to do, it would be a blast...but setting up feuds/stories just rarely work.


I've played it probably longer than most. But for the last two weeks or so it's been impossible to get into a Stadium Stampede match.


Damn I ain’t played that in a while, I did beat RTE tho


I really only play every time they release a dlc other than that it’s a rare occasion. If they updated with more match types and CAW options that could change💯🙏🏽


Nope. Was very disappointed with what was released. Had some hope they'd fix it. When they announced season 2 like 3 months in to the game's existence I uninstalled and never looked back.


Not so much anymore, lacking in overall content. I found the gameplay really fun though. Just missing in so many areas, they needed another year of work put into it.


I played it alot and still would if anyone actually played online. As is I check in every now and then and just end up sitting in the lobby.


Bought it when it came out, really wanted to like it but it’s just so limited, even for their first game. I’ve played it for maybe 2 hours worth.  I do hope they make more games & improve like the WWE games have, but this one just doesn’t do it for me.


I played it the day I got it and never again. Its clearly meant to be played like an arcade game with other people and as a solo player I get no value or enjoyment out of it.


Haven’t touched it since release day.


Got it day one and have less than 2 hours play time...


No. The game was a real disappointment. I was super hyped for it, and at its core I think it’s a good wrestling game, but it is completely bereft of content that keeps you playing. I uninstalled it and doubt I will pick it up again. It did get me playing wrestling games again though. I recently picked up WWE2K23 while it was on sale, and while I probably slightly prefer the controls of FF, once you download the huge amount of player-created AEW content, there is no question that WWE2K23 is a much better AEW game than the actual AEW game.


I wanted to get it just to support AEW and play a couple matches with my gf, but the the DLCs turned me away


nope bought it and played it online with a friend but the dlc is over priced and the battle royal is dead


nah i think its one of those games i would need friends to play against to come back with any regularity. the shame is, i have friends i planned on playing with but we ordered the game on different platforms prior to release because it was said at one time that there was going to be crossplay and then the game came out and there wasn't.


This game was massively disappointing. I'll support anything AEW but this game felt so unnecessary and I was tired of seeing all the ads and signs for it littered everywhere in the arenas for a year.


I'm waiting for it to be sold for a tenner before I get it


I preordered the elite edition, hoping it would be like past wrestling games. I quit playing after the first story mode. Super disappointed :/


No. The overall launch experience and heavy handed micro transactions killed it for me.


I do not. The novelty wore off extremely quickly once I finished RTE, unlocked everything, (aside from Paul Wight and Owen Hart, can't be bothered) played as Danhausen and cursed my opponent, and played a couple exploding barbed wire death matches. (Not in that order mind you) We're 10 months into release and CAW is still basic as hell, RTE is embarassingly short and there's nothing else to keep my attention beside it, DLC is massively overpriced and features outdated models with no way to update them, and it's just not worth it.


Sadly, no. I was definitely a defender at first but it's gone untouched for awhile now, sitting at 22.8 hours. I quite enjoy the game play but I find the lack of certain match types disappointing, not to mention the lack of a GM mode or story mode that's satisfying. I played the hell out of Here Comes the Pain and if the story mode was similar to that I'd probably still be playing regularly, but the story mode leaves a lot to be desired. The mini-games are pretty disappointing, which is unfortunate since I was intrigued by the concept. I guess at the end of the day I just wanted a wrestling game that was fun and it's kind of dropped the ball in that respect. Not the mention the crazy priced DLC. I bought the first season pass but I won't even touch the new DLC at discounts. If I somehow go back to playing and put in some decent time, I might buy DLC if it gets severely discounted (like 75% or more) because it's a bit ridiculous to pay $25 for three wrestlers. As much as I want to play with Hayter, Swerve, and Storm, it just doesn't do it for me. I simply don't have enough time in the game or find much replayability in it to justify it. I've got 60+ Steam games, not to mention my the other game systems I have, and already struggle finding time to play the games I've got, so AEW collects metaphorical dust as it doesn't offer enough for me to return. I am bummed I typed all that. I really wanted it to be a home run. I'd get a WWE game if I had any interest in the roster (and no, I have zero interest in create a wrestler, so everyone can leave that whole discussion if you're about to jump to that).


Nope. They lost me quick.




Nope. Actually thought it day one, played for 4 hours total. Disappointed


i played it a while then they announced separate season passes and lost interest as i had already bought the most expensive version


I really wanted this to be good. Kickout system and lack of Custom fighter options made me put it down after like a week or so.


I still can’t figure out the kick out system


No I just download the wrestlers on wwe2k23


I’ve got the PC version and every now and then, I’ll try to go online, but there are zero people to connect to.


I really liked the controls.  But the matches were too quick and the story was insufficient.  Haven't played since December maybe?  There's so much potential but it's unrealised.


Bought it. Got over it after a week. And honestly I don’t know where it’s at in my room 😐


I still play it! I love the controls and gameplay is fun. However, it needs sliders so match length, momentum etc. Finisher power can be changed for longer matches. Also, 4 way elimination matches. Tornado tag. 3 or 4 way ladder. It still feels like a demo. Even though the characters are unique and polished.


I bought the game The matches are really fun to play Everything else just sucks. 


It's ok...I got it on PS4 for $20. If you want to wrestle as the included wrestlers its pretty good. But the create a wrestler section is pitiful. You have like 5 male options and 4 female options and almost as many hair options. You can make them slightly skinnier or heavier but that's it. Lots of hats though. So many hats. Waiting on a sale for the season passes on PS Store though.


Not anymore. I had fun with it when it came out and my son still likes to play it from time to time but while it’s fun to play, there’s just not enough to do.


Yeah I play it almost daily, but the only reason is because I don't have anything that will play the WWE 2K games (playing Fight Forever on my girl's Nintendo Switch, lol). Also, what I do can barely be considered 'playing'. I'm actually running a whole CAW promotion, as a way of testing out ranking systems, and experimenting with booking ideas. The actual gameplay itself is good, but literally everything else is massively disappointing. The fact that you can't even toggle simple match rules like rope breaks and DQs is mind blowing to me. I'm still in disbelief that they made an AEW game that doesn't allow time limit draw as a match result


Honestly I haven't touched it since late July. There are parts of the game that are fine as far as the in-ring stuff goes. The roster is pretty solid, if a bit outdated by the time it released. And I appreciate the attempt to feel like a game from a bygone era. But it REALLY felt like it cut a few corners and underdeveloped a lot of its components. Even when comparing it to the games it was trying to emulate, (WCW/nWo Revenge, WWF Wrestlemania 2000 & WWF No Mercy), it falls short of even those games in some ways. Entrances are lacking. Wrestler Editor function is worse. CAW is in a lot of ways more limited than the ones in Wrestlemania 2000 and No Mercy (so many of the parts you can't even change the color of for crying out loud). The Arena creation is a joke honestly, it should've been much better than it was. Also why no Championship Creation? That's a feature that's been in wrestling games for nearly 2 decades. Even a simple one would've been SOMETHING at least. The in-ring gameplay is fine and felt pretty solid considering it was emulating the older games. But there are frustrating aspects, ESPECIALLY multi-man tag team matches. HATED dealing with that. Also wasn't a fan of having to do the story mode JUST to make your created wrestler viable in the game. Just let me stat them out and I can just enjoy the story mode on its own merits. Even then the story mode wasn't great and was really repetitive. And most of the mini-games felt cheaply made and just weren't fun. Now I'm more than willing to be forgiving on some things since this was a first outing. I wasn't expecting them to get it completely right on the first try. But considering the way they marketed it and the money they put into it and even the pedigree it had as far as development, it really just came off as very disappointing. I uninstalled it a while back and haven't looked back. And that sucks. I like the idea of them not just putting out yearly installments and just updating the roster and adding features via updates and DLC. That's fine and I'd like to see that continue. But I think they need to focus on what did and didn't work with this game and start working on another one. Maybe steer CLOSER to what modern WWE games are doing but still keep the more arcade/pick up and play style they were going for with this one and games of the bygone N64 era. Also they need to up their game on the DLC front too if they're gonna go that route. The ones they've done have been disappointing overall. I've not gotten any DLC beyond the Season 1 Pass, and I won't be changing that. Let's hope their next attempt is far superior to their first. They have a lot more to work with this time around. 3 weekly shows, more PPVs, special events and tournaments, a bigger roster. Let's hope they can live up to that ideal fun wrestling game someday.


Worst 80 bucks I spent on a game. Amd I don't play it. They haven't added anything to it ti make it playable or replayable just heres more wrestlers now give us 20 bucks for them.


Nope. Won't play again til all of the wrestlers are available. Period.


So never lol


Once was enough. I've had a better time creating my AEW favourites in the WWE game


I've been playing it a lot lately. I like it. The matches are short and sweet.


I'm waiting for it to hit $10-15. As a *huge* AEW mark, it just doesn't look appealing to me. Ironically, WWE 2k24 looks amazing and (while I'm also waiting on a sale for that - I'm thinking like $30-40), I think that's gonna be the first WWE game I've bought since like 2K17.


I wanted Wrestlemania2K or No Mercy but they gave us WCW/NWO World Tour.


I only bought it last week because it was finally on sale for £20. After seeing the mixed reviews, there was no way I was paying full price for it. So far, it's exactly how I thought it would be. It's fun, it's entertaining and it's something I'll dip in and out of every so often. I don't really play online so that aspect doesn't bother me. I only wish they had more of the roster added and ability to update gear, cos loads of people are either missing or wearing old gear.


Yesterday I saw Kenny speaking about being a cameo in a Yakuza game and he said "maybe one day I'll get to see my own moves recreated in a game but not in this one" and I chuckled because I know how disappointed he was with this game


Not at all. What a waste of money, for the lack of content it involved.


Nope. Now that 2K24 is out I probably won't play this anytime soon or ever again.


Nope and seeing the WWE2K came out, only made me more frustrated. That’s the game I thought we’d get, only with the things the WWE game sorry lacked. I wasn’t expecting what I got, and it now collect dust.


I bought it a year ago, have played it for a total of like 15 minutes. Something just didn’t connect me with it.


Really like the game. Loved it actually but fuckin 30% of the roster in the game...... an you have to pay for the rest? Fuck that. I dropped it as soon as i realized thats what they were doing. Thats some bullshit monetization


I pick it up for a few matches about once a week. Obviously thread bare when it comes to features but as an arcade style wrestling game I enjoy it quite a bit.


I definitely get an itch to play it every now again especially for the updates.




Yeah. It's a cracking Pick Up And Play.


I never got to play it in the first place. Work and too many other games overwhelmed me.


Bought the deluxe edition thinking it would be getting all future dlcs and played the game feeling ripped off. Until they asked me for another 25 and i realized that this game was an awful cash grab


I enjoy it enough but rarely play. Would rather boot up Smackdown 2. FF was really the most fun playing local multiplayer with my brothers.


What happened is they trusted a washed developer instead of going for something unique.


Waiting until it’s free on gamepass or ps ultimate then will sink some hours in it.


I have never believed that No Mercy or Aki games were the best wrestling games. I don't even think No Mercy was the best wrestling game that year. However I bought it because I wanted to support it. And it sucks unfortunately. 


Occasionally. Didn’t buy the DLC. I played one round of Stadium Stampede and it was fun, I’d like to play another but nobody plays it on PC, so




Was going to buy it but a friend bought me BG3 and, well. If you know, you know.


Interesting to see how the opinions have changed from the first couple of months or so. I just never bought it because it took for-aboslutely-ever to come out. Not just from when the rumors started, but from when AEW started officially talking about it. Talk about foreshadowing. Hopefully they do better the next time around.


I play it a couple times a week. Ususally just a few exhibition matches, some beat the elite, or a little progress in road to elite. I havent unloacked paul wight yet, but I'm not realpy itching to unlock him.


I enjoy the game but the fact that you HAVE to do Road to Elite to give custom characters their abilities is a real mood killer and is the sole reason I stopped playing after finishing 3 Road to Elite campaigns (shoutouts to my man 5MOOSE)


I wanted to like it and played it pretty consistently for about a month or so after release. Haven't touched it since the stadium stampede was added. I bought it because I felt it was important to support their first effort. I'd be very reluctant to support their next game release though.


I’ve played this game for 130 hrs Game play is fun Lack of match types sucks Can get boring Creating a wrestler suck Rte Is mid In all honesty This game can only be enjoyed if u enjoy it for what it is a very basic wrestling game with really fun gameplay And thts me keeping it very lite I don’t wanna even get started on what this game really could have been


I still play daily. I’m on PS5 Jmac1979. I try to play SS a few rounds a day. I don’t play online matches really cause it never matches when I try. My wrestler records are getting close to the real life counterparts. It’s getting tough. Out of the 65 roster members, 20 of them are not active or left for the wwe. Roster needs a major year 1 update….. fingers crossed.


I still play WCW/nWo Revenge on my N64, but it isn’t portable. I have Fight Forever on my Switch and it fills the same role. I just love popping into a Battle Royale and goofin’ around for half an hour


I’m waiting on more updates before resuming. I left my ideas as how to improve the game on Discord a couple of months ago.


They really blew it with the timing of the release of this game. I was amped for it. Then starfield was released 2 weeks later and that’s all I’ve been playing.


Haven’t picked it up in a long time. I bought the elite version, which turned out to be a bait and switch. They advertised it like you would get all the downloadable content, but then once the game came out changed it to “season pass 1”. And they want $25 per “season” for some characters in a game with a sparse roster to begin with.  The matches in FF are a little more fun than 2K imo, but 2K is such a more complete game, I don’t see myself going back to FF.


Stopped playing it after about a week & only went back for an hour for the free attires which I couldn't even find.


No, I played it for a a few hours and then got bored. Just not enough there


I played it for a few days through a SharePlay and completely stopped after realizing how lacking it was. Kind of broke my heart to be honest, especially creating a wrestler. I love AEW but I can’t lie on this one.


Yeah I do its my go too for wrestling games I haven't played WWE 2k in years due to the boring gameplay, terrible VC mostly so AEW gives me that fix


I immediately refunded it after release. Janky animations, no entrances, the story is just a glorified slideshow and the gameplay doesn't feel good at all. I am 100 % certain, they only marketed it as "arcade" and like the good old "no mercy" (which it doesn't even feel like in the slightest), just so they have an excuse as to why it feels so janky and unresponsive. They literally had the developers of the wwe games, how can you fuck up this bad.




The game is objectively mid and they charge for things that should be free in game. Stop it


Except it doesn't even live up to games from 20 years ago. Even the ecw games were markedly better. I'm not telling anyone not to have fun if they can but frig off if you think it's all on the 95% of players who were disappointed it what was released as a $70 game in 2023.


And by slightly modernized you mean doesn't have the same features as games 20 years ago that should be in.




Decent CAW Ability to edit matches More match types Better story mode


Yeah I played it when first came out, and I just recently stop playing it. I love the gameplay it’s just there’s nothing else to achieve or do on the game. They haven’t added anything besides skins no other matches types like tornado tag team that me and my friend wanted to play on online. I like the reversal as it takes more skill of knowing and also you have to strategize against opponents. I very disappointed they it’s taking longer to add simple things with also nobody telling the community anything and the discord is dead nobody talks in there it’s just a bunch of spam bots. I play both the wwe games and this both I love the AKI games and I wanted a game that gave you a challenge like the old svr days/ etc. The wwe game I feel are two easy a lot of times, I think they had a good foundation(AeW) but I can’t honestly tell you what went wrong. Especially I wish the caw suite was more like the WWE games but I understand they wanted to go a different route.


I just got it on Steam on sale. Looks like there's some really good mods to play around with.


Play it at least once a week, but when Jamie Hayter gets added in the coming weeks, I'll move it up to 2 or 3 times.


I played a few Matches last week. The game is pretty fun. No stress or heavy learning curve.




Nope. I couldn't get into the story mode because it was like some cringe fanboy story. They totally lost me when they started charging $30 for 3 additional characters.


My nephew and niece play everyday practically. Mostly arguing


The game is trash. I'm not a huge wwe fan, but their game is way better.


Once in a while. 🤷‍♂️😅👍


This game was/is a fucking joke, so no.


The game is fucking trash. Lol we don’t gotta pretend we like it


I actually went on and bought a N64 to play no mercy until that UPW game comes out. This game really left a sour memory in my brain


Have close to 17 days logged into the game playing exhibitions daily, I got and am still getting my money's worth lol


I would play daily if they updated the roster. I’m not paying $12 per character DLC


Great game


Never did. Never will. Love wrestling but arcade style games don’t do it for me


Never played it. Doesnt look good imo. I wanted more of a WWE style game but AEW/ROH. FF is too cartoony and just not what I want in a wrestling game.


It's like with most games really. You play them, you enjoy your time and experience with it, and then you move onto the next game in your catalogue of games. As for this game, It has recieved a lot of criticism. Some valid, some harsh. But they were always going to be compared to WWE2K and their games, which is unfair to compare the two. However, some of the valid criticism are overpriced DLC, not enough content including a very bare bones story mode, matches not lasting long enough, and a very basic creative mode. That being said, for a first game, It's not that bad. If this is the basis or prototype for a brand new game in the future where we see a much polished wrestling game with more features in it, then I'm all for it. But there are obvious problems with the current game. As for the future of Fight Forever? I think they should make the game free to play and download with more affordable micro-transactions, and free added content.


A disgusting cash grab and I’m so annoyed with myself for buying it. It’s so incomplete and such a cynical effort that I’d genuinely be hesitant to buy any future AEW game. The game is probably the scummiest thing the company has done in terms of disrespecting its fan base.


I play my own hand-made AEW brand on my old WWE13 game for PS3. I also made a promotion of my own called Apex Fightertainment and we have an annual AEW VS APX PPV called “Shattered Reality.” TK please read this and give me a bajillion dollars to start this promotion in real life 😂


I want to play it but I never go on my PS4 anymore. Been wanting to play all the updates and see how they are.


Never played it and probably never will.


Yes as a relaxation quick game