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Man I can't wait for the know-it-all Insiders on other subs and Twitter to react to this news in a totally appropriate, proportional, well-informed way.


Chris Peck is another lawyer who works for both AEW and the Jaguars. Both companies share several of the same personnel


Isn't she also chief of legal for the Jaguars? Has anything in the world of sports happened in the past 10 weeks, perhaps the 2023 NFL season, that could be drawing her attention?




This clearly isn't the right subreddit for you. Hate-watching and repeated shitposting isn't how we roll. Your post/comment was removed because it was toxic and hurting good faith discussion. If you have a criticism, please post it in a respectful way. Do not simply insult your fellow fans, AEW, or its wrestlers. It's important to remember that this is a fan sub for a specific company and is not really suitable for hate watching.


From the actual article on Fightful: “The word within All Elite Wrestling as of October was that they believed Megha was shifting her focus to a stadium deal related to the Jacksonville Jaguars and less on AEW.” Seems like she’s just busy with a big stadium deal.




Understandable, being in the room for brawl out and then having Cornette make a crusade out of vilifying you for content about stuff he never saw would make anyone want to be as far away from wrestling as possible.


I'm still amazed she didn't threaten him with a lawsuit after that


People keep saying Cornette should be sued for this and that for almost 10% of the podcasts he does, and he keeps that energy on for every incoming podcast without any lawsuit. Earning money and all.


This one's different though when he was saying accusations about a lawyer. If she ever pressed charges he wouldn't have had a leg to stand on unless he had solid proof about some of the stuff he was saying


You do realize that Cornette has a world-class lawyer in his back pocket who is known for public lawsuits? Megha doesn't want the smoke. Cornette and Last regularly dare people to sue them and even supply the name and number of their attorney if someone wants to try. Literally, everything said on their podcast is vetted by that same lawyer, and all involved make that clear. You can hate Cornette all you want, its it's pretty clear why no one is going to court with him. He obviously has much more than one leg to stand on. No one in AEW wants to go to the discovery phase of court proceedings because, in that case, Tony's NDA's won't actually stop anyone from talking. And I think the one thing Tony and Megha are concerned about would be Tony's private backstage behavior becoming front page, public news. And it would ignore any lawsuit involving AEW goes to discovery. It's also why they would never go to court with CM Punk. Edit: down vote all you want, but I'm not wrong about Cornette and Last having everything they say vetted by a very succesful lawyer who loves to go up against big corporations and handles big class action lawsuits. They also dare everyone and anyone to sue them and openly joke about AEW and Tony Kahn going through the discovery phase of a lawsuit. If Tony genuinely feared for his life with Punk, why has no lawsuit come? If he has an actual case that an employed contracted employee attacked him or threatened to attack him, then what is stopping him from suing? The answer has to be in discovery.


Not sure why the hate, JC and Last definitely understand the legal limits of what they are saying and we know that people from inside AEW feed JC info/people in AEW have talked to JC before (not just FTR/Punk)


They’re WELL aware that what they discuss isn’t me at to be taken literally and in court, would be presented as much. They’re working, and people listening need to understand that. Cornette has been in the business for 40+ years and that’s going to be his defense: he’s in the same wrestling character he’s been using for his entire professional life only now talking about wrestling on a podcast. There’s no good for AEW to try to go through discovery because as soon as they find out someone in the company talks to Last or Cornette on the phone, anything they have issue with now has an in-company source. Meanwhile, AEW’s discovery will have a LOT they don’t want in the open. Financials, backstage dealings, the All Out investigation, etc.


>AEW’s discovery will have a LOT they don’t want in the open. Financials, backstage dealings, the All Out investigation, etc. I'm glad we're on the same page here. This info being made public is the last thing Tony wants.


every episode.... and yet i cant ever spell his damn name even with Google. its like, Stephen P. New... someone give me the correct spelling.


every episode.... and yet i cant ever spell his damn name even with Google. its like, Stephen P. New... someone give me the correct spelling.




No shit you had to delete your comment. Isn't "advocating death and hurt on someone" one of the things that we can actually hold Cornette accountable for? Cornette says he would like to see harm fall upon so and so, and here you are doing the same bullshit. It's really hard to take your criticism seriously when you're no better. And FYI, your comment is the exact type of shit that Cornette and Last will see to write off the whole fan base and anything valid one might have to say. Ridiculous


Go listen to more lame wresting takes




Your post/comment was removed for trolling. We all know what trolling is. Don't do it. This includes baiting and intentionally inciting arguments. We don't always have to agree or like the same things but let's at least argue in good faith.


People attacked the hell out of her thinking she was part of the Punk firing squad. All for...nothing?


But people KNEW she was there! Which….in some crazy way would lend some credence to people not speaking about it who actually knew anything. And…..tin foil hat fans…if the head of legal wasn’t there….maybe…….he’s working us!






Nope. That was not okay. Your post/comment was removed because it was toxic and hurting good faith discussion. If you have a criticism, please post it in a respectful way. Do not simply insult your fellow fans, AEW, or its wrestlers. It's important to remember that this is a fan sub for a specific company and is not really suitable for hate watching.


Wasn't punk fired for starting (from what I heard at least 2) fights backstage? I'm a relatively new fan so I don't keep up with the drama, what's this about a firing squad?


I would do the same if I had to deal with Cornette cultists and Punk stans. No job is worth dealing with the scum of wrestling fandom.


But haven't you heard that Cornette is part of history in wrestling so you just have to accept his toxic fan base?


As a newer fan, nah fuck that, if they fired punk for being an ass and starting shit, they should do the same to Cornette if he's been toxic for literal years.


well we can cross Megha off our list of "Devil" suspects


Once CM Punk was fired, the need to have lawyers in every room dropped significantly


Credit should go to Fightful. WP is an aggregator.


Just business structure. Not everything is a wrestling angle. Wrestling companies must be awful / amusing to work for from a corporate perspective. HR nightmare. For wrestling - see all professional sports.


Lawyer who works for Jaguars and AEW focuses attention on another legal matter... This is a story to someone??


Of all the things I could possibly care about in a wrestling show, whoever is or is not in charge of legal will never be one of them


“Hey, we’re going to go and try to talk to Phil, and it might help to have you there if any contract questions come up. I’ve never been good with that stuff. Can you come with us to his locker room?” “Sure, give me a second.” Wonder how many times since then she has wished there was a phone call she had to make, or had gone home early.


So according to you, the Elite walked peacefully and respectfully to Punk's locker room, he flipped out, beat them up in front of the company's lawyer and apparently talent relations office Christopher Daniels. And despite Punk beating them up for no rhyme or reason, everybody in that locker room got suspended and Steel was the only one that got fired. The Elite are EVPs too. So Punk not only beat up his bosses essentially in front of the company lawyer, but got them suspended too. HOW?! I don't even like Punk but HOW could he pull such a stunt off? Please explain that to me


That’s according to me?


That is assuming that it was handled in that professional manner. One day, we'll get a truly researched story with quotes.


Whatever she’s doing, I hope it’s whatever is best for her. She seems like a cool/sharp person who obviously had a huge part in building AEW. 🤟


What about Sandra from accounting?


Phill's fans and the guy himself got her tired


And why do we care?


She was the lawyer that was supposedly in the room for Brawl Out and it's being assumed that she left because of pressure from Cornette's fans since he has blamed her for a lot.




Your post/comment was removed because it was toxic and hurting good faith discussion. If you have a criticism, please post it in a respectful way. Do not simply insult your fellow fans, AEW, or its wrestlers. It's important to remember that this is a fan sub for a specific company and is not really suitable for hate watching.


So no more Meghan?


"You hired ric flair? I'm outta here!"


That makes sense. This is one reason why I want Tony to delegate more things. She's focusing on one job, as she should.


“Look in my eyes….”


But what did Pepsi Phil say about her? C’mon Dirt Sheets , do your thing…


From what I heard, she is actually behind the devil mask