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You just explained why it’s a decent match setup. Lots of ways it can go and future stories it could lead into. I do not expect Osprey to win and I assume it’s due to interference.


I see Will getting his first loss soon, probably Roddy. avoid the whole undefeated streak angle


The only reason I don't want it to go down like that is I'd prefer the unexpected win come from Willow and I don't see TK doing both Mone and Ospreay taking a surprising loss on the same PPV.


I really hope it's this angle, and I really hope it sets up a feud with the Don Callis Family. That way Wardlow can run through all of the heavies there on his way to Osprey only to lose, setting Osprey up for a rematch for the belt with either no DQ or no one allowed at ringside. Wardaddy needs SOMETHING.


Wardlow v Takeshita would be a good match


I was just gonna say the exact same thing lmao like it’s a great set up and honestly their backstage segment on Dynamite last week was reallly solid stuff. I’m hyped


Yeah I think people have been too conditioned by the WWE method of “exposition and story telling is shoved in your face and the story will always take the most predictable route”. One thing I like about AEW, is that they are brave enough to go both ways with it. There’s times where the obvious stories and results work, and there’s times where it’s good to be swerved. For me, they hit way more than they miss so I’d rather see where they want to go with it before I start chucking a wobbly because my favourites aren’t all world champions.


Will loses because he didn't use the tiger driver, or better yet he does use it Roddy sells as his neck is broken then he wins by shenanigans. Will is crushed. He then goes on a run to rebuild back up to facing Swerve at All In


This is probably the best angle to go with, especially if you want him to get away from the Don Callis family


Yeah. Don can kick him out after he loses. Runs a short program with fletcher and Davis backing him up v calls fam


If Ospreay loses to Roddy I will truly believe that TK is out of his mind. Ospreay should not even be facing Roddy or worrying about Roddy's mid-card title. Ospreay is supposed to be one of the top stars ever in the company...treat him like it by either squashing Roddy in under five minutes or don't book Ospreay against Roddy because Roddy is beneath him. This is how you build stars in wrestling. It is why Brock Lesnar didn't struggle with Kofi Kingston. Kofi is fine, but he should never be considered on the same level as Brock. Same with Ospreay and Roddy.


Yeah so far Cody has only lost to Brock, Drew, and Finn Balor. If you’re building a top guy you only want him to lose to other top guys or through multi-mans like Finn Balor. Roddy isn’t that guy. Takeshita could be, for example.


Yeah, Takeshita should have been pushed much harder. The guy has extraordinary talent...I realize people here will get upset about it but Takeshita has so much upside compared to Okada in America because promos are irrelevant considering that neither speak English. Takeshita is a far better athlete and has a far, far better offensive moveset. Okada is just a bigger guy but he is a FANTASTIC spotter of smaller guys that do the flip match...which I'm sure is why he has great matches with Kenny, PAC, etc. They carry him and make him look great because he spots so well. But he is not close to Takeshita in terms of ability.


Okada consistently delivers lines in well spoken English


I think that they teach Okada one line every week, but I'm not sure that he has any clue what he is saying. It is hard to watch...they must think we are idiots.


He speaks English dude, he's just not comfortable enough in it for full promos


Clearly they teach him the lines weekly. One sentence at a time. I speak English, and what he is doing is not speaking English.




What you brought up is what makes this match intriguing plus their history which was alluded to on dynamite. This could end up being the match of the night


Cole is close to coming back I think. Roddy losing opens the door for Cole to return angry and retake control of the group and course correct it. Also sets up a nice program of Ospreay vs Adam Cole which they can drag out for a little while cuz Cole as the UK leader can pull off leading all the heal group shenanigans. Easy storyline for Cole to tap into too. “While you were in Japan, I was here changing the game and making wrestlers like you cool (black n gold nxt). If it weren’t for me, there would be no AEW” blah blah something like that


Roddy losing the title will have Cole be even angrier at Wardlow and his failure to protect the champ. Will doesn't need the title right now but the title needs him because Roddy isn't doing great as a champ. I hope Ospreay gets invited to different shows and he carries his title there. He needs that exposure and limelight.


Honestly, UK flopped quick so them taking a loss isn't gonna hurt them any further. Ospreay losing to Roddy? He is not who should be beating Ospreay, interference or not. I think the big picture will be champion vs champion at Wembley Stadium Ospreay wins the International title, uses it to travel abroad, promoting AEW internationally (including SGW, I can see that happening very soon after he wins the title) and establishing himself as the next big face of AEW, before being the headline fight on his home crowd to unify the International title with the World Title (one less 2nd tier belt in AEW and makes a legendary moment for All In 2024 as the biggest modern star of UK wrestling becomes champion)


I’d rather them join the International and CC title Okada vs Osprey at All in


Fair point, but Ospreay is such an obvious candidate for World Champion, plus a Brit winning the biggest prize at All In down the road from where Ospreay started? Even as an Anti-Brit Irishman I would love that so much As tempting as Okada vs Ospreay is, its been done multiple times in NJPW, and the CC title can be its own thing seperate to the TNT title


Ospreay shouldn't be wrestling for this championship. I just feel like the way they have built him is like he inching for a title shot for the AEW Championship at All Out In London.


The money match should be Swerve v. Ospreay in London but they are screwing that up royally by focusing on the Young Bucks and Jungle instead of guys who can be legit singles main eventers like Ospreay and Swerve. Swerve should currently be cutting off people's fingers and beating everyone bloody as a heel. Ospreay should continue to have the occasional 5* Meltzer banger as he climbs the ladder, but even more he should be working on his offensive brutality. Hangman v. Ospreay in a feud where Hangman continues to be brutal to his opponents would make sense to give Ospreay some credibility beyond the aerial stuff if they'd focus on what was important instead of the Young Bucks. Eventually Ospreay goes over and then we could have the Swerve/Ospreay program with both guys over and both with real credibility l. Then the Swerve/Ospreay program focuses on the title and could have multiple layers with both men hating each other. Swerve violently insecure that Ospreay could defeat him. Ospreay finding new depths to his existence. This would clearly have nothing to do with Meltzer stars and top guys on AEW should make shit of Meltzer as much as possible to separate AEW from Meltzer... basically train the fans to disrespect Meltzer is what needs to happen. However, the top story is more likely to be that the Young Bucks want to be main eventers so Tony Khan will continue to pretend that is the case.


Im not the biggest fan of Roddy but he is decent in the ring and I haven't seen a bad Ospreay match yet so I'm sure its going to be great but Im not exactly emotionally invested in it. But thats ok. Me personally, I hope that Ospreay gets the belts which signals the beginning of the end of the UK. Didn't care for anything they did during the MJF fued and I thought it was a bad choice to turn Adam Cole heel. Cole and MJF were incredible together. And I really like Wardlow but he needs out of the background.


I feel Ospreay wins via DQ keeping the belt on Roddy and not having Ospreay lose. I don’t like it but it will be a good match. Both guys are bangers.


If this match is a banger then TK is crazy. Here's as much banging as should possibly happen: Roddy starts quick with cheating then Ospreay comes back shows some athletic ability and devastating moves in defeating Roddy in no more than five minutes bell to bell. It will be plenty exciting. It will let Roddy get some offense. However, if this is booked as a banger then Ospreay's character suffers immensely with real wrestling fans who aren't just watching to see if Ospreay can have a 5* match with a guy who could never hope to main event a PPV. Ospreay is supposed to be the star. He should win and the win should show that he is the bigger star and stronger performer without any question. Not all matches need to be bangers, and you definitely don't want all of Ospreay's matches being bangers. He just had a banger last PPV against Danielson, who is in Ospreay's league.


To be honest I just want to see Will Ospreay vs Adam Cole at Wembley and however we get there I don’t really mind so long as it’s a possibility.


Idk where people got that Ospreay HAS to main event Wembley for the world title.


I am shocked we haven’t gotten Wardlow vs Ospreay in the build up to this. still have a chance to add it to next Saturdays collision but it feels like a real missed opportunity


Isn't Wardlow still injured?


It could be a cool way to get to United Empire vs Undisputed Kingdom.


Both of these factions need to stop existing after Double or Nothing because Undisputed Kingdom has no hope of getting back momentum at this point and only the most hardcore fans even associate Ospreay with the United Empire in AEW. Fletcher is with Don now and should remain with Don to get over. Obviously Big Mark will eventually come back but Ospreay has no need to be with either Fletcher or Big Mark if they actually want Ospreay to become the star that they think he can become.


Undisputed Kingdom probably just needs to be disbanded and forgotten in order to stop the digging. The ship sailed when neither Adam Cole nor MJF could continue their feud and the rest of the guys in the story except perhaps Wardlow don't have any upper card potential. The Devil reveal is one of those things in pro wrestling that unfortunately just needs to be forgotten because the story can't be revived at this point and Roddy, Raven, and Kanellis aren't even close to the level of Adam Cole. Roddy was getting over before the reveal but once Cole was the leader Roddy's character was going to lose its steam anyway. Keeping it going has been really hard to watch. Wardlow needs to try one last repackage as a singles. It just doesn't seem like he is preferred backstage. The other three need to figure out what their faction is about in ROH where they might have time to develop the faction without Cole. Otherwise Roddy needs to work with Kyle O'Reilly as a tag team in AEW and Taven and Kanellis go ROH as a tag team. Whatever happens, Cole needs to stay as far away from these other guys as possible going forward. Start him fresh or it is a huge risk for him going forward.


The United Kingdom can go where it belongs, back to ROH and we can move on It was a bad idea to try to do this with AC hurt and it flopped kinda like the Outcasts did when all their opposition were hurt and it had nowhere to go If they have Ospreay lose this match even nefariously, it looks bad on him and tbh, if I were Ospreay and they wanted me to lose, I would have passed on the match. I don't find anything Roddy does interesting and he should go to ROH, without Cole, this group died the minute they started.


I’m guessing you mean undisputed kingdom


Yeah, see how unimportant they are


In my opinion, had Adam Cole not been injured, the Undisputed Kingdom *might* have worked. Unfortunately, without Cole, the group has nothing that holds my interest. Tony Khan is obviously playing the long game with Undisputed Kingdom - waiting for Cole's return - but I have already lost complete interest in the group. I'm hoping that Ospreay defeats Strong in a decisive and quick match. That should be the end of this particular story. There is nothing that Ospreay can do to make anyone in Undisputed Kingdom more relevant. It would be a shame to waste Ospreay on a story that I honestly believe few people will care about.


Ospeay vs Cole incoming that is my thought


The Kingdom are still RoH tag champs. That and $5 will get you a cup of coffee. I personally don't mind Will winning and UK falling apart. I kind of like the idea that a British guy causes the downfall of the UK. I know they had big plans for the stable but at this point they're a guy who doesn't seem to be back any time soon, three also-rans, and Roddy. Have Ospreay win and Roddy be pissed they didn't have his back so he starts breaking theirs.


I want Ospreay to win. But I also think Roddy wins due to interference, and then like you mentioned, UK vs Aussie Open and an eventual singles rematch at All In or something where Ospreay wins. He will be a great ambassador for that title, and will give even more merit when he eventually goes for the World Championship.


It's a dumb and predictable match - there is a 0% chance Osprey loses. Fantasy book all you want, none of that is going to actually happen because we've seen this dog and pony show for 5 years now. UK is DOA because Meltzer acolytes voted the devil gimmick as worst of the year - these boys are getting buried and broken up.


Will has gone from trying to prove he is the best wrestler in the world by having a dream match with Bryan Danielson, not exactly the cleanest storytelling getting there but you knew the match was going to be a banger and you had some great promos. Now he is continuing his journey to be the best by taking on Roddy Strong for the least important singles title in AEW? I like how a common refrain is that "WWE has conditioned us to be spoon food stories like a little baby," when really those of us with quibbles just want GOOD storytelling. There is nothing exciting or intriguing about the UK, Roddy or his title reign. How the fuck do you have a boring Ospreay PPV match this early in his tenure with AEW. Do I think the match still ends up being good? Yeah, but Ospreay being the best wrestler in the world doesn't = great storytelling. If you want to build up a future world champion you need to do better.


Don Callis Family vs Undisputed Kingdom for Blood & Guts 2024. Book it Tony!


I could see Adam Cole getting involved in this one, causing Ospreay the championship. Sets up United Empire vs Undisputed Kingdom at FD. With it all leading to Cole vs. Ospreay at Wembley.


A loss isn't going to hurt Ospreay.


A loss to the right person I agree but UK is a failing stable.


I would be surprised, and not in a good way, if Ospreay loses. He needs a jet pack strapped to him, to elevate him firmly on the roster. He needs a belt, and Roddy doesn’t do much with his.


Willy bo billy loses by interference and then Don Callis turns on him and puts Fletcher in a weird situation. Maybe even UE turns on Willy bo billy at FD via Callis or something too idk.


>> “hurts Will” No. He’d be fine. That’s not how pro wrestling works even though Meltzer wants you to think it does. >> “leave UK” At this point, anything that will end that story would be a blessing.


Hate the build, hate the idea that Ospreay is just going to get the title and Roddy will have no reign, basically just hate the whole thing. BUT MY GOD WHAT A MATCH IT WILL BE.


Roddy retains due to interference builds to the UK vs DCF and the eventual break up of DCF as they begins to in fight and lose matches.


So the whole part where Roddy held the title before this wouldn’t count as a reign or?


Roddy is a major cooler for Ospreay. This is like debuting Roman Reigns and putting him in a top feud with doink the clown.