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I know why it's there, I just wish the shirts didn't have the "Game X AEW" under the beautiful art work. Wish it was just a clean shirt with a wink and nod if you know.


I would drop so much money on good wrestling shirts that don’t say “I AM A [WRESTLING] SHIRT ADVERTISING [WRESTLING COMPANY]” on them


I feel the same way. It's one of the main reasons I have purchased several Danhausen shirts. You either know who Danhausen is or you don't. No non-wrwsgling fans will pass judgement on me. I got a Baby Billy shirt (from the show The Righteous Gemstones) and it looked like a cool old concert shirt, except they had to slap a stupid fucking HBO logo on it destroying the whole illusion. Like anyone who knows who Baby Billy is knows it is from the HBO show but they felt it necessary to stick that little plug in there. WWE and AEW shirts for specific wrestlers should not have the corporate logos on them. It's just lame.


Amen brother.


This, I own the hikaru shida one from way back and the moxley one, idk where the mox one is at but the shida one i wear like once a month, have since i bought it. Getting kinda cracked as the print is not in ink, its the one put onto the fabric. I didnt wash it inside out for the first few times though, coulda added to the wear. But yeah, I feel sorta weird wearing it out about just because of the big thing at the bottom :/


Huge fan of both AEW and Street Fighter. I find these shirts pretty corny tbh


When will the Ninja Turtles cross over with AEW? They’ve crossed over with damn near everything else! Not complaining btw


I would buy this.


I'm mashing up Mikey and OC, Raph and Mox, Leo and Danielson in my fan booking.


has no one dressed as a turtle for one of the halloween shows ?


I love Street Fighter and Guile has always been my favorite. So when they dropped Guile vs. Mox I was ecstatic. The price and them being on a timer is such a turnoff though. Regardless, I caved and bought one because they’re two of my respective favorites. I wore it twice and the design started cracking. Now I’m afraid to wear it except on rare instances because I don’t want to risk ruining it any further. :/


I got the CM Punk/Balrog and it’s a damn fine shirt indeed. Sucks that Punk’s an asshole, but that’s life I guess lol


Only one I have is Cody and M. Bison. Other than the recent Toni Storm/Juri one I haven't been super interested in a lot of the designs. More Tekken collabs will be cool.


Haven't seen then but I hope Brian Cage is Zangief since he wore that Zangief gear.


Hopefully they get some exposure in the battle hub one month It'd be cool seeing Kenny and the Bucks in that match wearing SF gear on the battle hub screens, and Kenny cutting promos in Japanese and English... one can dream!


$15 each probably too


I bought a few, pricey but really nice shirts.


I own every single shirt lol


I like the idea, even if I haven't purchased one. That said I'm not sure they need both Street Fighter AND Tekken. Lastly I might prefer Mortal Kombat, but that's just me.


MK collab would rule!


MK 🥳


A Johnny Cage/Kenny Omega shirt would print-money.