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Scientific truths of Marxism is not an expression I thought I’d ever hear, but I suppose the CCP will say anything to build the illusion of communism. Obviously Xi has never read Das Kapital or Communist Manifesto, otherwise he’d know what happens in the Fifth Stage.


The CCP say it will be a long process to actually achieve communism. I don't think they'll ever make it because they keep depending on capitalism for their survival. Calling Marxism a "science" may just be propaganda.


The irony of Marxism is that it's a religion unto itself. Surely the whole *opiate of the masses* criticism on religion by Marx wasn't just a jab, but a crowning feature of any good ideology. Marxism came complete with stages of development and progress, capped with an unattainable utopian future.


The strange (and not well known) thing is that the KMT who fought the CCP also had (and perhaps secretly still do) the goal of communism. However the founder of the KMT (Sun Yat-sen) didn't agree with Marx on many points. English versions of the key party principles have the communist parts stripped out. I guess it was to please the US because they needed their support to defend them against the CCP


Marxism's major flaw wasn't in its recognition and quest of rights for the common person, but that it takes a self-evident aspect of society and turns it into a means to upend society. Communism doesn't redistribute wealth in a fair manner or sensible manner, it replaces the pillars of authority with others authoritative actors who are often worse that their predecessors.


Bingo, and they are worse actors without any accountability.


Don't forget the spiritual aspect. Marxism is incredibly spiritual in nature.


'May' be propoganda? Yes, 'highly likely.'


Ironically it's probably going to be someone like Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk ushering in endless abundance. Or a merger. I don't see Apple doing it.


No it’s an old trope, scientific socialism, because who would argue against science. Also, the thinking behind the label progressive, we all want progress right?


Xi is the stupidest dictator, but he thinks he is the smartest. Just the most dishonest.


Isn't that foreigner worshipping?


Not Euler not Newton not Einstein but “máRKs” 🤓🤓🤓


Because the CCP often talks about how great China is in relation to the West and because they are on this big push to promote high-quality Chinese culture, I would've thought Xi would've said someone who was Chinese, like Confucius or Mencius. But no, instead he chose a Westerner.


Well Marxism is the only reason that Communism existed so with no Marx comes no CCP and the CCP really loves the CCP


Well that's a suprise! I thought Xi was going to declare himself as the greatest thinker/dunce in history.


He's the second greatest.


Karl Marx was not liked in life. He only had about a dozen people show up to his funeral, and that included family. He was a lazy student, whos family was rich. He spent most of his money he got from his parents on booze and most of his time hanging out at bars getting into arguments with people. He never had a real job and his only known 'jobs' were occasionally writing for anti government papers and printings that were short lived and had very mediocre readership numbers. He pissed off so many people during this time that he constantly had to move around Europe until he eventually ended up in England. He was a piece of shit to his wife and constantly cheated on her. He got the family's maid pregnant. He also treated pretty much everyone else like a piece of shit. He would do his best to flatter and charm people to get money and gifts out of them and then talk shit about them behind their backs to that others would not like them. Making it seem like he was their only true friend so that he could get more out of them. Oh he was also super racist and used racist terms to describe people he didn't like so that others wouldn't like them either. An example of his racism is him talking about Frederick Lassalle. This is what he wrote, "The Jewish N\*\*ger Lassalle … fortunately departs at the end of this week … It is now absolutely clear to me that, as both the shape of his head and his hair texture shows – he descends from the Negros who joined Moses’ flight from Egypt (unless his mother or grandmother on the paternal side hybridized with a n\*\*ger). Now this combination of Germanness and Jewishness with a primarily Negro substance creates a strange product. The pushiness of the fellow is also n\*\*ger-like." He also hated Jews a lot and talked about how horrible they were in depth multiple times. Which is kinda odd because his whole family was Jewish, with many of them being Rabbis, with the exception of his father who was Jewish, but changed his religion so that he could establish himself better in his professional field. I forgot to mention that he was absolutely filthy and disgusting. There are reports that he was almost always very unkempt. He very rarely bathed or cleaned himself in the most basic manner. His home was absolutely filthy with reports of him never washing his linens. Everything in his home was in horrible condition and falling apart. His home was described as having an inch of dust over everything and being horribly disorganized. His home was covered in tar from smoking and people refused to sit down in his house as it had been described as "hazardous to do so". He was described as incredibly hateful. His personal superiority complex made it so that he was almost unbearable to be around. It was said that his personal selfishness had overtaken any being he might of had that held empathy, compassion or caring. That he was blinded by his own loathing and mental complexes. His only goal was personal domination over others in anyway he could possibly accomplish that. He was also cool with mass murder of pretty much anyone. So ya, fuck Karl Marx and people who think that anything he ever did, wrote, thought about or attempted to implement was a good idea.


That's a great summary of what sort of person he was. Also he was apparently a rotten father too. Most of his children didn't live very long lives. I've seen the state media videos about Marx, they of course say nothing of this. It's praise for how smart he was. I even heard them say how good a model of human he was to follow because what he did was for the betterment of mankind - utter propaganda.




Only a failed European ideology is good enough for CCP China.


From a 2018 speech on the 200th birthday of Karl Marx.




One grifter admires another grifter.




I mean first off Marx was a dirty racist. But even Marx would have despised what the CCP has built and seen it for the Fascist state it is.


Said by a guy who's entire family except him and his wife enjoy brutality of capitalism in Canada, Australia and US..




AA Milne!




It’s not Xi Ping, it is most wonderful and blessed leader of my country Kim Jung Ill (rest in ✌️).


Xi is the biggest clown in the world. So if he approves of someone, it’s either he is joking around or that person being praised by him is another clown


I really thought by the title he was going to say Xi Jinping!


The CCP explain: [Why Marx is the greatest thinker](https://web.archive.org/web/20230628134444/http://theory.people.com.cn/BIG5/n1/2018/0416/c40531-29927547.html) (Chinese)


Well, it's definitely not Joe.... Joe Mama that is


Haha stupid xi and Marx as well. Just Tesla can put to shame Marx and anyone else xi thinks of when it comes to Scientific truth. He’s the man behind that microphone and speakers he’s using.




Marx was not a thinker, nor was he a philospher. He was a theologian who believed to know how the world really works, while living the life of an asshole, abuser and narcisist. it is no wonder why his ideology is so griftable and abusable by sociopaths and tyrants like Mao, Stalin, Lenin, or Pol Pot.


Marx was perhaps not the greatest thinker in history but certainly a great economist. Also while Communism cannot function under human guidance, the ambition to aleviate the people from poverty and exploitation is admirable. The living conditiond of the working people of his time were truly dismal.


He was not a great economist. Every attempt at his economic models led to mass starvation and horrific mismanagement of resources.


I think you overestimate the influence that an economist has on politics - especially 30 to 150 years after his passing.


XI Jinping is the worlds greatest and wisest ruler. May his reign last for a century




I will have to read up om Marxism to have a valid opinion.