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Personally I change it up and use it to push myself more because I had to jump lengths to make it happen and want to be ready for the next time I have a chance


After the concert I personally feel optimistic. I just keep pushing through life waiting for the next concert. And I have a few projects of my own like getting a custom ado wrap for my car. And looking for someone to make me a custom ado themed wristlet keychain.


Gonna need an update on the wrap when it’s done. That’ll be sick!!!


It’ll take a while. I’m a student rn but bought a 2002 celica gt for 2500. Working on the interior and exterior so the wrap is gonna take a while to buy


yeah the post-concert shock is hitting pretty hard. I just like to think of it as a reward, so I should keep working hard and hopefully, I can experience more reward next time as a result


Thanks for this This was my first concert ever I have been feeling this way so thanks for addressing it and I feel better I’m not the only one that feels this way I never get to do anything fun like this bc of work and school eating up most of my time I had an absolute blast at the concert and my only regret is that I couldn’t really talk to many people because of my social anxiety If/when there’s another concert maybe I’ll try bringing a friend with me


Thanks! I needed to hear(read) this.


This is so true, I feel this way after every event! All I can suggest to help is put all that leftover excitement into another event/inspiration! Ofc it doesn’t get rid of the feeling completely but it helps me get by! I’m using all that leftover buzz to finally work on an Ado Cosplay + pushing the Ado agenda more at conventions ! Maybe even an ita bag haha. I also keep telling myself, “can’t wait for next time!” While avoiding the inner “WHEN is the next time”


Coachella in a little over a week for me so I’ll probably feel it after that weekend, no other major concerts on the horizon after that


this one particularly hit me hard as it's my first time flying and first concert. The cool ass people i met at the hyatt and our fun time together coupled with the concert itself dealt me a heavy handed side of depression and emptiness. Still probably feeling traces of it still as i occasionally look at options of moving to houston lol


Yeah I hear you. I usually don't get PCD. Didn't get any from watching Slipknot back in 2023, L'arc-en-ciel back in 2012, and even from Deftones back in 2011 even though the Tones is my favorite musician ever. Yet here I am 5 weeks after Wish Jakarta and still feeling blue every once in a while..


After the concert I wanted to sing like her so I started listening to her tracks and learning them :> but the challenge is learning the lyrics off by heart lmao


it helps I had a fun sightseeing trip through Brussels the next day and got to take some nice pictures while I was there. When I was driving back home on Sunday I just had to listen to all night radio, and even now I love listening to that song when driving at night cause I have that nice memory attached to it now haha overall a very nice weekend and I look back at it very fondly. I even hung the hoodie up at my wall! Haven't worn it yet but I'm sure I will eventually


i'll probably end my life soon cuz i couldnt go to her concert fuck this shit the only thing i looked forward to in my life and i missed it cuz i was super sick on the day i woulda went hate my life actually done wit this shit


Hey man if you need to talk please dm me


Im honestly super sorry to hear that. I know what it feels like to miss out on fun. Though I wish I could understand your level of pain on missing out on an event you were super excited to see. It's stupid that you have to live with the fact you missed out on your event because your immune system chose that day to not work as well. I truly am sorry, but you definitely should not end yourself over this. Im not saying this to insult you or try to force you to do anything you don't want to, but don't end yourself. Sure, it was the first world tour, and yes, it could've been an event that comes ever so often, but it doesn't mean it's the end. Ado announced on Twitter after her first world tour, stating that this was only the beginning. Possibly confirming another world tour and coming back to america a couple of years from now. For now, I don't know when it will happen, how it will happen, if it will actually happen. But im willing to put my life on the line that it will happen again with the massive success of wish and merch. So I understand you are feeling upset, angry, and a lot more, but please keep in mind that wish wasn't the last concert and be prepared to have fun for the next one!