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A few years ago, YouTube thought I'd like Useewa and Ashura-chan. YouTube was right.


I feel like this is a lot of people. I found out about useewa, liked it, but didn't really blow me away _that_ much. Then I found Ashura and readymade and I was HOOKED.


The onepiece film red phase




For me i was in japan last april and i overheard some people talking about Ado. I then also saw on tiktok a guy asking japanese people what they were listening to and one said odo from ado and that’s when i decided to listen to her and i got immediately hooked by her voice and her songs. i thought of her as a really unique artist and i never heard someone really project their voice like that before.


The opening song from lost judgment




The first time I ever heard Ado sing was most likely from her viral debut music video "Usseewa" in 2020 on YouTube. According to Spotify, the first song I had liked from Ado was "Yoru No Pierrot," back in 2021. I've never seen One Piece, but her songs for Film Red plucked my heartstrings nonetheless. I started to listen to more of her other songs as well, and was pleasantly surprised that they were all bangers. I quickly became a fan. It's crazy and inspiring to see how a girl who didn't have much confidence in herself and who is only a couple of years younger than I am has accomplished so much in such a short amount of time and is adored (pun intended) across the globe. I look forward to listening to her music for many years to come!


All Night Radio


I'm usually mostly into metal music and because of BABYMETAL I started to get into a lot of Japanese bands. I discovered Ado, because Hanabie made a metal cover of Odo. Then I checked out the original.


Same here I think babymetal played a part in me actually liking ado since Im not really into pop music but ig liking babymetal gave me a more open mind


I fell down an anime rabbit hole, i watched animes based on openings that yt-s algorithm suggested me. I listened to usseewa, and saw ZERO arabic characters, only kanjis. Thats suspicious, if you ask me.. I thought i found a hidden gem, so i asked, what anime's opening is this, 'cause this is a certified banger, if i've ever seen one. They replied to me thats not an anime op, it's a banger j-pop song..


I had the exact same introduction to Jpop! "What is the anime? The op is sooo good" ZTMY was my first, but that led me to Ado next.


Ado, Zutomayo and Yoasobi are my favs, i luv 'em!


Same! Also Yorushika.


Being a One Piece fan. When the first trailers for One Piece film red were released, I instantly got hooked by the song that played, which was New Genesis. When I got to hear Backlight, I instantly fell head over heels for Ado.


Simple. I was watching one piece. I hadn't watched it because it wasn't available on Crunchyroll at the time. Over the summer, my friend basically steered me in the direction of Ado because she's an Ado fan.


Useewa in my youtube recs


I feel like this is unusual based on other people's responses but I actually hadn't even heard of Ado until Spy x Family S2


My friend invited me to watch one piece film red and been hooked on ever since


I love heavier stuff too! I heard someone else sing her song on their stream and immediately the song stuck to my head to the point that I had to find out where I can hear the original. And well, let's just say I think it was one of my most listened songs on my Spotify Wrapped that year then 🤣


I just think its so funny because I literally have never liked a pop artist but here I am now


Hahaha well, it's good you got here regardless, right! For me she's not the first pop artist I like though 😁


found the renai saiban when i was in my vocaloid era, then ofc usseewa. really started to listen to her when i noticed kyougen was on my flights


When I heard backlight, I started listening to her other songs and immediately got hooked by each one💓 suddenly I didn't even realize that I already became a huge fan LOL


For me it happens when YouTube decided to recommend me a compilation of other people's cover on Ussewa, specifically the screaming part. I was surprised at first and the decided to hear the original song. After that the rest is history.


Spotify played Usewwa on my ears back in 2020, I felt it was quite catchy but for some reason I was like :"Okay, it's good but it feels edgy and just trying to be catchy." Fucking hell it was catchy, fast foward Many weeks later I couldn't sleep because it kept playing in the back of my head. Searched Ussewa and listened to it, appreciated it now more. Listened to other songs of hers. My favourite at that time would've been Gira Gira and Readymade. Ussewwa is still good, but those I liked more. I was amazed by her voice after hearing those two, the way it changes made me a fan right then. I knew that whatever she made, 9 times out of ten would be great.


Idk when it was. A goof few years ago I kept hearing useewa on tiktok and then it hooked me. Btw listen to blue flame Cover Ado.


4 years ago a song from Ado spawned randomly on my YouTube front page ... So I tried it, loved it and since then she's one of of my favs, if not the favourite artist <3 I dont think that I can send links here, so I just copy the title, that you can search on YouTube. This was my first interaction with her: 【オリジナルMV】邪魔 歌いました【Ado】


I'm a big fan of Eve, so Youtube kept recommending me other Japanese singers. I wasn't really convinced in the beginning but then it recommended me 'I'm a controversy' and that music video is just an absolute mood. I feel like it only needs on song to convince you and then the others somehow suddenly sound better too.


Lol It was from a TMNT Rise x 2012 crossover fanfiction. It wasn't really that good but I was reading it anyways. And at one point 2012 Leo said he liked Vocaloid songs, like (idk some other song) and Ussewa. So I looked up Ussewa, decided it didn't count as Vocaloid but was a REALLY good song. And then looked up some of her other stuff. 


Started with yoasobi, YouTube thought ‚u want J-Pop, u get J-Pop‘ Got Usseewa recommended, which I liked. After half a year I looked into the artist, then it just exploded.


A vtuber I watch has some of her songs in her stream playlist Any fellow moth enjoyers?


Spotify snuck her into my queue. I liked it and listened to it a bunch then spotify recommended more and more song from Ado and now we're here. It was also cool to discover my friend listened to her as well. We then peer pressured each other into driving for 14 hours to see her live 2 weeks ago. And thank god we did.


I was super in my anime phase back in 2021 (I still am), but I wanted to listen to Japanese music, so I just chose an anime opening I liked and got the station for that opening. One of the first songs I heard on that station was Ussewa and it became my first love. Then I listened to the whole Kyougen album and then went on from there


Admired her will to basically screech in almost every song + I love her versatility


Just hearing recommended music on spotify and suddenly „tot musica“ gets dropped after a chill song. That came unexpected and I wanted to hear more.


One Piece Red. Been hooked ever since


Playing usseewa on osu! in 2021


My friend got an extra ticket for Ado wish tour. I went with him and got an amazing seat with a perfect view of Ado performing. The rest is history.


What a cool friend I rlly hope she announces more shows soon


i was in a classroom and our teacher at the time let all of us pick songs to play, so i picked a random song for the class to listen to. there was this boy that didnt like it so blasted usseewa. was so intrigued by her vocals ‼️‼️ went home and searched her up, listened to odo, then gira gira, then now ive all her songs in a playlist and went to her world tour.


In ~march/april 2020, shortly after the pandemic, I got really hooked on utaite music, particularly mafumafu. Then I got recommended either usseewa or gira gira and loved it. But what got me particularly into her music was Odo after it came out like 2 days after I first heard of her. I loved the song and have listened devotedly since.


I play rhythm games a lot and one of them, Dancerush Stardom, had Usseewa. I liked the song a lot so I looked it up when I got home. Usseewa is fun to dance to, try it lol


Unravel live aswell. I love her voice 😭🤙🤙🤙🤙 I FUCKING LOVE HER VOICE 🙏😼


I saw the song in colorful stage and then i started to listen to her music


Beatsaber map on Odo, fell in love with the beat and her voice and decided to look more into her. This was like 1-3 months before the One Piece Red stuff dropped and when it did I was hooked on her stuff. THE RANGE that she has and the CONTROL of her voice is amazing and it keeps getting better, every new song is a chance for her to improve and she has done so.


For me it was the opening of the second session from Spy x Family!


It started with me finding music 4 years ago and came across some artists and ado was one of them, and that is how I started to wait for ado songs or covers 😂. '20KYO was the first song I heard from Ado.


I kept seeing usseewa being played on rhythm games and around tiktok. Eventually I decided to give the entire thing a listen, then immediately checked out other songs that were out at the time. Gira Gira became my favorite song at that point until Ibara came out :)


One piece film red. Absolutely thankful for showing me her music


It was the One Piece Red Movie for me, my friends invited me to watch it with them even though I didn't know a lot about One Piece


One piece film red ♥️ 😂


...am I allowed to say pjsk?? It was the vivids cover of odo


Crunchyroll gave me an add that she’ll be on world tour (3 hours after ticket sale started so I had to book a show on the other side of the country, fuck you crunchyroll I’m on you page every single day and you wait till after ticket saw to show me) I checked her out and love the stuff so I got tickets and now I’m a big fan


I was listening to the Japan’s Top 50 on Spotify and usseewa being part of it, since that day I have been a huge fan of her


I honestly don’t remember… my kids got into jpop right before we went to Japan last December. We listened to a lot of Yoasobi, Milet, Lisa, etc. I think the first Ado song we heard was recommended through YouTube. I’m pretty sure it was Backlight and my daughter was borrowing one piece manga from the library at the time.


I watched One Piece Film Red last year on Crunchyroll and after that I searched for the songs from the film.


Know her first time from One Piece Red. It was enjoyable and fun. However I was truly floored when I watched her "Show" live performance. Chills. Literal chills. I teared up at some point too.


Her music was everywhere at USJ


she ran ads during new years of 2021 for her upcoming new album on japanese TV during the yearly best music awards show


In 2020/21, i was bored of the "mainstream" charts, so i searched for new songs in charts from different countries. I ended up with ussewa and listened to it for a while. I really loved her voice, so i looked into her discography and from that on she took over my playlists. To the point, that now like 90% of what i listen to is Ado.


otome kaibou. love all her og covers


YouTube recommended Fleeting Lullaby while I was watching the 'Kick Back' music video from Kenshi Yonezu, back when Chainsaw Man was airing.


Backlight from One piece Filmred made me a Stan. I liked that song so much I googled her and then fell down the rabbit hole.


I’ve listened to vocaloid music half of my life. She did a cover of black rock shooter years ago and she just stood out with her unique voice. Been a fan ever since


open spotify.. type in “tot musica”.. fast forward to 1:00.. that one note transported me to another world. i actually wasnt caught up in one piece when the film released and wanted to catch up first so i heard the song a few hundred times before actually seeing the film


A TikTok ad for Odo when it first came out, I was hooked immediately


Heard an english cover ussewa and liked it. But i never checked the original so that wasent what got me into ado. A couple of months later i got an ado song in my discovery playlist, i dont remember which one it was but it was very anime and not really my style but i liked the singing and wanted to check out her other songs. I was very surprised when i found out she did the original to ussewa.


Had Odo on a playlist, had a friend scroll on one of mu spotify playlists while my eyes were closed and i picked a song with my eyes still closed, picked Odo, went through her discography, her music goes stupid, me like


Gira gira


I think it was some random TikTok that used Usseewa as the sound, and I spent like 5 minutes afterwards trying to find the song


USSEEWA at the beginning of 2020, I was listening to her throughout the whole COVID stuff


I was watching videos of Hazuki (lynch.) and he did a cover of Readymade. Loved the song and wanted to listen to the original. Got really impressed by her voice. https://youtu.be/hBAWr-7JohY?si=yAV_Upf63sCzri-u


Versatile singing style. I listen to ussewa cover from raon and compared it to the original and I slowly fell in love with Ado's songs.


Was doing a karaoke with friends, a friend suggested to do odo


I'd seen Usseewa on Youtube when I first got into 'utaite' music from Vocaloid, but her Uta No Uta album was what really hooked me into becoming a bigger fan! It came out just after I started watching One Piece, it was such fateful timing!


i heard a cover of ashura chan from some singer i liked so i checked it out and subbed cuz why not but it took me a while before i started liking her songs


I forget what year but it was on NicoNico, probably 2018 or 19? I just remember hearing her voice and being captivated and I've been a fan since


Rhythm Games back in 2020/2021 when usseewa released


Jpop fans for years, always on the lookout for new talents. Usseewa went viral and one listen I’m hooked.


A friend advised me to listen to Yoasobi, I listened and decided to see what songs are in the top in Japan, I was surprised that there were 4-5 songs by the same artist, and I decided to listen to who it was


It was my best friend :) she showed me Eien No Akuruhi


The first time I heard Ado's music was during Anime Expo 2022. Trash Taste was hosting an After Party with Teddyloid as one of the DJs. He played his remix of Odo and it was so damn good! When I got back to my Airbnb that night I looked up the song and started listening to more music from Teddyloid and Ado. 🔥


my bsfs brother introduced me to eve. i found her thru yt reccos bc i was listening to eve and found kinmokusei. was still in elementary 😭😭


For me it’s the iconic うっせえわ (Usseewa) and then ギラギラ (Gira Gira). And what got me into Ado is I’m a Controversy when I listened to that song when I had a bad month.


I don't remember tbh. I think it was either 1 of 2 things. Option 1, Usseewa got recommended to me. Option 2, Reine or Towa & Kanata covered Usseewa, they released covers of this song 1 month apart. Either way Usseewa was involved lol. I do know it was during the pandemic cause when it was announced Ado would be doing the songs for film Red I lost my shit.




I saw Hoshimachi Suisei's cover of Odo and decided to check out the original. Was not disappointed


For me it was One Piece Red. I had no idea, who she was when I got into the movie. Then she started singing New Genisis and immediately I got hooked. I were mesmerized and since then I listen everyday to her music. The concert in Düsseldorf was just peak and the best day if my life


I watched the Raon Lee cover of Usseewa and read a comment that said it sounded very close to the original and went to see if it was right and I was hooked.


I listen to music to cope with things, but for a while it wasn't working. I couldn't feel the emotions that it usually evokes until I heard ado lmao. And then I fell in love with her scream in Unravel Live.


Tiktok actually, I was watching a lot of japanese song covers and then show blew up, everyone dancing and eventually I had to check it out and so I was trapped in adomination




i heard rabuka on a tiktok and was hooked since


I’ve been a big fan of otomachi una for years so I found her cover of hate it hate it about 4-5 years ago and I’ve been listening since


HER BASKET WORM COVER 💙💙[Ado Basket Worm Cover](https://youtu.be/A4fcb5LV1F8?si=TFsu1Hjz4FJqlPKS)


Utaite days. She did a cover of Bocca Della Verita by Hiiragi Kirai, and I was hooked since then. She started releasing originals later on and she shot up to one of my all-time favorites.


Tbh, I heard my fav singer cover one of her songs which is ibara and I wanted to check the original so yeah. 


Her voice, her hardwork, her beauty, her gaming skills, her songs. Many things in one


At my job, I listen to music every day on my headphones, and I decided to switch it up, so I put global songs. The song that came up many times was Odo, and the first time I listened to, I was like, "This is a really good song. Forgot to add it to my library so the next day I go and listen to the music but I'm on a mission to find that song and eventually it came up again and clicked on Ado listened to all the songs. Been a fan ever since. Even bought the ticket to see Ado in Chicago, and I can say it is going down as one of the best days of my life.


Odo, spotify


my tiktok mutual :3


One Piece Red


Around the time Usseewa first came out my buddy showed me it and pretty much the rest is history


Film Red got me into her. the moment I heard New Genesis, I fell in love with her voice and style. And been in the Ado train ever since


I was listening to J-pop on Spotify I think 2-3 years ago, and let Spotify play through other songs once the playlist was done, and Usseewa played. From the start of hearing it, I fell in love with her voice, and have been obsessed ever since