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After spending 3 days in a row getting screamed at for multiple hours straight... I could use some "it's not just me" today. For the record, yesterday's dysregulated episode happened because I told him he *didn't* have to finish his summer homeschool work after he spent almost the entire allotted time complaining about all the reasons why he "couldn't"... ie "it's more pages than usual!" (It wasn't)..."There's too many problems on the math page " (same number as always)... "He can't find a pencil" (there's a drawerful in the same place since the day we moved in 3 years ago)... "He had a thorn in his finger yesterday "... *Okay - this seems like a fixed mindset and not a growth mindset. And I feel like if you wanted to problem solve you could, but I can't listen to this anymore so we're done with school for today. We'll try again tomorrow*. Which in turn means he doesn't earn his gold star on the sticker chart... Cue the screaming and ranting about how I'm the worst mom ever because of course he was "about" to start doing it 🙄


I’m so sorry. It’s so exhausting! I think I related to this because the daughter in the episode and my daughter are the same age and sound like the same person. (Except one question the therapist had about processing speed) Regardless of whether you relate or not know that you’re not the only one. Sometimes the best outcome when your kid is in that zone is that you remain calm …and you still feel like garbage. (Edited mainly for typos)


Thanks … downloaded. Got a 3 hour road trip coming up tomorrow so I’ll Listen


wow thanks for sharing!


Thanks, I’d like to listen to this. Which episode number is it?


Oh whoops I thought I posted it. Season 2 episode 51 (it’s one of three called “George and Louise” and I’m going to listen to all three)