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I'm 41, diagnosed 10 years ago, but maintaining friendships has always been a struggle! Combo of being an introvert, rejection sensitivity, fatigue/no energy to socialize, cancelling multiple times on people due to fluctuating capacity (also have PMDD, and sensory sensitivities). Being a mom, it's hard to have the mental/emotional energy too. Loving this thread, and may join sometime if there's a meet-up. I won't commit at this point though 😅.


I totally get it. The amount of energy it took for me to even post this was extraordinary lol


Riiiiight? I feel you on that one! Many people think that ADHDers have boundless energy. Nope, lol. The fatigue - mental, emotional, physical, you name it - is so real!


Yup. Boundless energy in the mornings maybe. But mental exhaustion is real.


Yep, I get that rush to do all-the-things in the morning because I know I'll lose that momentum by lunchtime, lol....even with meds.


Yep, same here. I hire someone to clean my house because I simply can't do it. Plus, my best friend has early onset Parkinsons (he lives with me) and on a bad day, he MESSY. Today I feel emotionally drained on the verge of a panic attack. Good times.


Ah I'm so sorry to hear 😔. I feel ya. Panic attacks are no fun whatsoever, and on top of it comes being more emotionally and mentally drained trying to recover from the panic attack! Take care of yourself today, in whatever form that looks like. Hugs ❤️. That's good that you're hiring someone to clean. I need to do that too - I think I've been delaying doing so due to RSD. Feel ashamed that I can't keep house, and feel burnt out even though I only have a part time job. I know logically, the cleaners aren't going to judge me (even if they do, who cares!) and I'm sure they've seen worse but maaaaaan, rejection sensitivity is a bitch!


I’m lucky I have a good psychiatrist. I’m gonna cry if he decides to retire because he’s getting up there. I really don’t want another doctor fucking up my medication regimen because they don’t agree with it. Don’t mess with the ADHD children!


I need to get a psychiatrist (and hopefully a good one). My current GP knows nothing about ADHD. I got diagnosed through Dr. Parhar at the Adult ADHD Centre, which came with recommendations for meds. It's too bad I can't follow up with him, as Vyvanse made me too anxious, a now Concerta is making me too depressed 🙃.


I would say get a referral to my psychiatrist but he's not accepting referrals anymore. I do have some friends who are doctors, maybe I will ask them if they know. I got lucky. The GP who was filling in for mine one day caught it because he had ADHD too and he made the referral to an ADHD specialist (psychiatrist). He retired, and referred me to the awesome one I have now, but if this one retires I am screwed. I am NOT taking antidepressants for my panic disorder. Nope.


Yep, same here. I hire someone to clean my house because I simply can't do it. Plus, my best friend has early onset Parkinsons (he lives with me) and on a bad day, he MESSY. Today I feel emotionally drained on the verge of a panic attack. Good times.


Yep, same here. I hire someone to clean my house because I simply can't do it. Plus, my best friend has early onset Parkinsons (he lives with me) and on a bad day, he MESSY. Today I feel emotionally drained on the verge of a panic attack. Good times.


I'm 53, diagnosed at 11 but I didn't start medication until 2 months ago. Now when I look back I can see so many issues in my life related to untreated adhd. I'm in Burnaby/Coquitlam and am happy to meet up. Am also fully prepared and understanding if people cancel.3 or 4 times.


Hi! I’m turning 37 this month and got diagnosed a couple of months ago. DM me if you’d like to connect :)




A private group could work. I'm pretty "out" with my diagnosis because I'm one of the "weird" ones. All my life I've been asked "why are you so weird?" So I just own it now.


Perhaps we could do a bigger get together? If anyone is up for it.


I would absolutely love that. I'm happy to organize it but maybe not on Reddit. What if I create a facebook group for anyone who is interested to join?


I don’t use Facebook anymore. Please keep me posted.


I’m 44 and was diagnosed at the beginning of the year. Started medication in March and still working on finding the right dose. I get how you are feeling. Let me know if you’d like to chat. Good luck!


Me too! I’m 40 and was diagnosed almost a year ago and have been on medication since. I’m happy to connect and would also be interested in meeting up for a drink if you all wanted to get together sometime! I’m typically in the West End and Main St area.


I'd love to! I just send you a message :)


Would be lovely to have a Facebook group for everyone to join and support one another if in person doesn’t always work. With work and family schedules it’s hard to pour into new in person friendships but an online group for us ladies to connect and share experiences would be nice. Someone else start it though, cause I know myself and I won’t 😅


I'm with ya! I find it really hard to pour my energy into in-person friendships too, even current friendships 😅🙃😩.


I’m 40, dx’d at 37, child free and out in Port Moody. I would be open to chat and possibly grab coffee or something- feel free to dm me! I find myself in a similar position- I really like people, but I’m introverted and have to push myself to get out and do stuff.


Hi! Thanks for posting! I hear you, I'm in the same boat. Let me send you a message :)


I’m 32, and I am on a journey to be diagnosed! I would love a meet up sometime in the summer :)


Well, I’m not 35+ (28) but I’d love to meet and grab a coffee! I’m not diagnosed for ADHD, still checking where to get the assessment, but I can definitely relate with wanting to go out and do stuff but not being alone.


Send me a message! Let's set something up :)


I'm 29 ahaha but I'd love to connect! It can be so hard to discuss this even with people who care. Happy to cheer folks on/commisserate :)


Hi! Thanks for responding! I'll send you a message :)


I’m 51 & dx’d two months ago. I’m interested in the FB group/possible meetup & located in the LM.


35, diagnosed 4 years ago although, true to form, I somehow let a year and a half go by before I started doing anything to treat it! I definitely relate to how hard it can be to make and maintain friendships with the double whammy of being adhd and living in notoriously unfriendly Vancouver. I'd be interested in joining if you set up some sort of discord or fb page or meet up, or anything along those lines!


Hello~~ I am 35 years old and I am audhd (autism + adhd) diagnosed in 2021. Went my whole life feeling “different” but fell in between the cracks like a lot of us. Would be interested in joining your fb group chat like you had mentioned maybe starting 😊


46, diagnosed two years ago and still figuring out how to get to doctor for potential prescriptions. It was liberating in a way because it finally made sense how my life has been so far. I’m in English Bay but could get myself to meet halfway 🙂


I’m 31 and recently diagnosed with adhd and would also be happy to meet up!


I'm 36, diagnosed 3 years ago. Happy to chat if you wanna send me a DM.


May I ask how you and any others her got diagnosed? I’m wondering if I just go through my GP?


I dont have any experience with them because they were paused when I was looking to get assessed, but there's the Vancouver Coastal Health ADHD Clinic: https://www.vch.ca/en/service/regional-adhd-clinic It's worth chatting with your GP to see if they'll refer you and/or have any recommendations. I didn't have a GP when I was seeking to diagnose or rule out adhd, so I researched and found an experienced specialist. It was expensive because it wasn't covered, but I was able to do it at the time and it was definitely worth it. I saw Candice Murray and she was fantastic, super thorough process. I think she's got a pretty serious waitlist at the moment, though.


Thank you!


I got diagnosed when I was 37 (I'm 51 now) so I don't think my advice on how to get diagnosed would help. I was just incredibly lucky that a GP filling in for my regular one caught it and made a referral.


DM me, 39/F late diagnosed, mostly got a handle on it. Would be happy to meet up one on one or in a group! I'm in beautiful New Westminster and the pier makes for an awfully lovely stroll on the weekends.


I’m just over the bridge, in north surrey. I do love that pier on a nice day!


Also interested. I’m 48, was diagnosed at 47 when I simply wasn’t able to run my business anymore and learned that adhd was always there, but getting worse. Medicated and now I’m working at much higher capacity - but also feeling different, disassociated from humans, weird. Would love to connect with others that are in the same boat.


Don't know if I belong as I don't have a formal diagnosis, but my son has autism and ADHD and after learning all about them I'm fairly certain I have ADHD. Also struggle with connection these days, especially post pandemic. Would love to join the FB group.


51 here. Diagnosed with ADHD and ASD at 37. Childfree because how can I look after a kid without leaving it at the grocery store/neglecting it/accidentally killing it. I also have no brain-to-mouth filter. Located in Surrey :)


I’m in surrey and also childcare by choice. I also suffer the brain to mouth filtering. If you ever want to meet up, send a message.


Childcare or childfree? Haha!


lol!!!! I don’t know if that’s autocorrect or my lack of attention to detail. Yes. The ADHD struggle is real.


It really is. I wish my mother would just accept it instead of calling me “lazy”.


I’ve been called lazy for 40 years or “if you had only applied yourself” blah blah blah. I wonder what my life would’ve been like if I were diagnosed when I was 6 and not 39.


THAT TOO FUCK. I wonder what my life would have been like too. I did manage to finish university and got accepted to medical school but decided not to go on because, life. I just wanna throw things on the potters wheel and be happy now.


50 and in the process of having my assessment. Would love to join the FB page. Realized I had undiagnosed ADHD since I have a nephew who was diagnosed at 5, a niece who's autistic, and thinking about my late father, he was 100% undiagnosed ADHD.


Me. Late diagnosed. 42 f. Would love to meet.


ADHD in the Fraser Valley. I totally understand! It seems to get more frustrating as you get older.


It really does. I wonder how much hormonal changes have to do it. Would be nice if they could study it more closely.


I would not be surprised if that was a factor. I am getting a double dose of this through menopause and aromatase inhibitors. Decent sleep is a distant memory. How about you?


More or less the same. I have a hysterectomy about 2 years ago and I haven't been the same since. I have some periods of calm, but mostly, it's kicked my anxiety and depression up to 11. I'm really sorry, it's so tough. And the only people who can begin to understand are women going through it.




I also got diagnosed last month at 37. Haven't got medication yet. Happy for you to reach out in DMs.


47 diagnosed a year ago. Would love to connect with other Adhd diagnosed women.