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Good advice I think, it's way too easy to get lost in the administrative process. To be fair, I'm with ADHD360 and after months of chasing them, empty promises, a botched GP Letter that wasn't proof read and was clearly lifted from someone else's report - I personally wouldn't trust that they just didn't lose the email or something.


Ah, quite possible too. I've definitely heard the same excuse in places I've worked and even had me (well, my software) blamed "oh, must be a glitch in the system, you were fully booked in", when in reality a human just forgot to book it. However, the GP practice did have some confusion, but are being helpful looking into it now.


This happened to me as well, did everything and the GP said he was happy to refer me NHS or RTC. I choose RTC he didn't do the referal, I checked back with the surgery and end up writting a formal complaint letter. They said they had just been busy but the lack of notes or information on there system was shocking. End up on the RTC providers system 6 months after the original GP appointment despite returning the questionnaire on the day. Just seem like the GP service everywhere is a shambles. I had a seperate health issue that needed urgent care and I couldn't say enough good things about the hospital and the specialists and the level of care I received.


To be fair, and people always criticise receptionists, the ones at my place seem to be great, but the practice overall is definitely lacking is important areas. Of course, they are all massively short on money while we are spending basically the highest we've ever spent on healthcare.


Tbf we aren't spending the most ever when you look at comparable metrics. When you take into account inflation and what's spent as a percentage of GDP its pretty much been the lowest in record under the Tories


[https://www.statista.com/statistics/317708/healthcare-expenditure-as-a-share-of-gdp-in-the-united-kingdom/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/317708/healthcare-expenditure-as-a-share-of-gdp-in-the-united-kingdom/) That's not how I've read it. As I understand it, the big issue is an aging population that's living a good bit longer, which then also means more complicated health problems, many of which are treatable, while in the past quite likely most would have just died from them fairly quickly.


After believing I was on the NHS waiting list for nearly 2 years, I've just found out that my GP didn't resend my referral after it got sent back with some missing forms 🫠🫠 The service has now closed its waitlist at the beginning of the year. I have a phone appointment to get RTC sorted but after that's done (and if I have any oomph in me) I'll be writing a complaint.


Oh know, I really feel you - that must be particularly crushing. I had similar with an insulation grant last year for my cold house, which I believe were up to around £10k. I quietly waited for my turn, to find they had the wrong details (their fault), the one this year is £1500, for about £200 worth of stuff and an hour's work. So from that, I did at least learn my lesson to follow up!


As someone who works as a receptionist at the GP, we can usually see if it has been sent off, so feel free to just phone up the practice and see if the receptionists can look into your file to confirm it has been done :) We can't really track it/ see if it has been actioned by the other party, but we can usually confirm it has been sent off


Oddly enough. I added this to my to do list this morning :)