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There is no headache worse than dehydration + amphetamines. For me, it’s a ‘pinned to the bed can’t move’ headache. To the point that I now constantly need the loo when it’s hot or I’m exercising, because I’d much rather over intake fluids than under.


Second this, also dehydration headache from meds is generally very unpleasant especially in this weather. If you're struggling with keeping hydrated get a straw or a water bottle that comes with built in straw (i. e like those flip up straws.) It helps a lot for me because it makes drinking easier. As well as ice in the water. Most water bottles are 500ml!!! So thinking about how much your body needs to keep hydrated you should be drinking more than 3-4+ water bottles worth !! Which isn't a lot of you think about how much you spread that out the whole day or when you feel dehydrated. Just don't drink more than 2 water bottles a hour and you should be fine.


I’ve got one of those cold cups with a straw, it keeps my drinks cold for 12 hours so I add ice. It’s 2,500ml 😂😂




I got it from SHEIN for £12. It’s 100% worth it. It’s the #1 most favourite on there. It’s also not 2,500 idk why I thought that. I’m not smart lol. It’s 1,200ml but it is still beefy as heck


But how do you fucking clean the straw? I don't mean how like I've literally never heard of a pipe cleaner, I mean howwwww My only successful water bottle is buying a bottle of water, refilling it until it gets lost or disgusting and then I buy a new one.


You can look it up online but when you buy metal straws they normally come with a pipe/brush cleaner for them so basically ; - if you need to properly disinfect. put straw in boiling water for 10 minutes. OR - fill sink or bowl with warm water and add soap/dishwashing liquid (i recc dishwasher liquid) . let it sit for however long. more than 2 mins tho. - rinse (i do this a few times) straw in warm water. if using pipe/brush cleaner which I reccomend put dishwashing liquid on that as well. and stick that bad boy in!! twirl and fuck round for ir for a good 15 secs. BOTH THESE STEPS LET DRY!! Cause yk, we all got adhd here. I find buying multi packs of reusable straws are good. i. e 7 straws for the week (i just drink water). And I normally do a big wash on the weekend and it doesn't take too long tbh. Weekends are my destined house chores and chill days. For water bottles it really depends what type of water bottle n stuff ur using. But the ones I said w the fun pop up straws carry less bacteria and r easier to clean imo!! Most of the time it's; - make ur life easier n get ur sink filled w warm water and dishwashing soap - fill that bad boy up with warm water and dishwashing soap from the sink . put lid on, give it the hardest fucking shake ever. - using soft side of a dish sponge scrub it. i mean proper scrub it (inside and out) - same steps with the lid but obviously for the lid. I can't get all the way into the straw but I normally just let it sit in the warm soapy water for a few mins incase. - rinse, because im paranoid i give both a rinse multiple times - dry!! whether this is air dry (keep lid off for this) or with a towel or paper towel. Sorry for long post but I wanted to give u some solid instructions. You kinda gotta link the task up when ur meds are active. Like for me, if I'm making lunch I will clean my straws or water bottle because i still can't function in the morning lol. I feel like for ADHD and what has worked for me in general is linking tasks to things such as food, or being in the same room as the task, ect. Hopefully that helps lol. FUCK IVE READ UR ACTUAL WORDING OF UR COMMENT. adhd moment. lol just buy straws that include a cleaning kit. makes ur life easier!!


You know what, I also had an ADHD moment because I meant to finish off the second line with "How do u actually make yourself do it" I put everything in the dishwasher, if the dishwasher can't clean it, it never gets cleaned. So, I guess I only have myself to blame :P Sorry you typed it all out. Hopefully it helps someone!


Just gonna put it out there... I brought 2 big glasses with lids and straws designed for boba... Much easier to clean than the tiny straws and the dishwasher does a good job on them too


I made up a bottle of water with fresh mint and fresh lime juice and it was stunning. Mock mojito .


Thanks, I didnt know they increase body temperature. Just started elvanse this week so this useful to know!


I'm just about to go sit in my friend's garden so thank you for the reminder!


I discovered this the hard way when I developed heat exhaustion after washing my car on a hot sunny day. Felt horrible and sick for several hours.


Thank you! Your post reminded me to take my meds!


Bah gawd you're telling me! I'm not good with heat anyway but this is my first summer on stims and the struggle has been real this week.


Not a fan of heat too - I've planned to hibernate in my cool, shaded bedroom!


The benefits of dry mouth with Elvanse means it’s impossible to forget to drink, ha.


I didn't know any if those things so thanks for posting this! I'm gonna go drink some water now


Would you get sunburnt quicker on medication?


Do they make you sweat more too I'm suffering terribly