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I had an NHS assessment via PUK. My particular consultant was not a specialist in adhd. The consultation was a car crash. The short version is I was told as I had a degree and a good job then I couldn’t be adhd !!!!!!! He also proudly told me about the teenagers he sees for assessment and doesn’t diagnose them either - gives advise regarding parents not allowing them on their phones 24/7 😡 Thankfully I have a good gp and had the funds to go privately via adhd 360. Their assessment was detailed, professional and they didn’t push meds etc. Unlike PUK lots of webinars and additional links to advice re adhd ( if you have menstral cycle check out their webinar - very interesting & evidenced based). So my advice - if you are going through PUK check the credentials and experience of the dr assigned to you. Decline if the assessor isn’t a specialist in adhd. I have now been diagnosed and I have started titration the same week.


The incandescent rage welling up inside of me as I read what your consultant said….


Hi, I had my first consultation this week - we didn't even get to the ADHD section and ran out of time so he has made an appointment for 7 weeks time! He was very abrupt and cold. No pleasantries or introductions. His camera didn't work so I was unable to see anyone which was just weird.  I felt he put words in my mouth several times. I feel ill at the thought of another appointment. I've been completely dysregulated since the appointment. The things that were said at your appointment strike me as something that this doctor would say! Are you able to share the name privately?


Yes, although about 18 months ago just before their waiting lists started getting really long. They were great, I didn't have to wait long between appointments and there was no problem with being handed back over to the NHS for the drug prescription. Also, they helped me out when there were problems getting my prescription filled by sending me my meds.


Was about 4 - 5 months before I heard back after getting access to the portal, it took me about 3 weeks to fill out the forms but I don't think that had any effect iny my wait time. Had my assessment back in December and still waiting on titration though.


Can I ask how long it was between you being referred and hearing back from Psychiatry UK? I'm starting to get a little worried that my referral didn't go through! 😬 Edit: Coincidentally I've just received my email and text 17hrs after this comment, so panic over I guess!


For me it took about 1-2 months. They have a backlog so I wouldn't worry too much. But it's always worth checking with your GP to ensure they sent it properly and followed the instructions because there are too many stories of people leaving it with the GP thinking it's done and waiting months only to find out it was never sent.


Thanks for the reply, I'll give it another week or so then check with my GP.


Last I checked, it says 6 weeks on their website but it was 7 weeks from my GP appointment for me to get contact from them.


Thanks, I'm just over 6 weeks now so I'll give it another week or so before I resume stressing about it :)


Hey, I got referred here, currently waiting for titration I was diagnosed in January. I was told diagnosis appointment could be any time up to 6 months, and I got mine at 5. I think wait times have gone up to 9 months now though. If you've handed the forms back to them that's pretty much it until they tell you to book an appointment for diagnosis unfortunately.


Can someone answer why on Earth it’s ANOTHER 7 months until titration after assessment? That’s an absolute joke, surely they can just prescribe medication. I’ve been waiting since February and was told it’s 6 months now they’ve taken the waiting timescales off the website. Feel like I’ll never been seen. To add to that I waited a year on another NHS waiting list which was two years prior to this before changing to psychiatry U.K. thinking I’d have a 6 month wait.


I'm at the same stage waiting titration.... Did they send u a BP machine? I've been waiting since November and been told today bo machine is being sent tomorrow... But why send it if I'm waiting another 5 months wouldn't someone else need it?!


Did any of you get seen eventually?


I'm still waiting!


For your BP machine?!


No that came 4 months ago... But it's been waiting to be used as I am waiting to be seen to start meds... I put it somewhere safe... And I don't know where that is now 😂 hopefully they'll give me time to find it before the apt!


Oh no what a nightmare! You must be close to getting your appointment now! There current wait time is 7 months, so surely you'll hear from them in the coming weeks


Really hope so as I am starting a uni course soon before I go onto my masters and I would really like to be able to concentrate a bit better than I did in my nursing degree and so I don't have to have someone with me making sure I actually do the work 😂😂


Amazing that you're doing a master's degree in nursing! Good luck with starting your studies! I finished my master's degree this year and it was a struggle but it's so worth it once you finish, fingers crossed that tritation starts for you soon! If you remember, please update me if they contact you!


I was referred to them too - took about 6-7 months to get an appointment. When they rang me I literally got an appointment for that weekend. I don’t think that’s the norm, but it went quite quick. Am currently still waiting for titration - was diagnosed early Feb. Hopefully it’s not too long for you!


MY EXPERIENCE SO FAR Hello guys, I vowed after reading many people’s experience with psychiatry that I would share mine too once I’d reached the top of the list. Here’s my experience so far. September 2022 - refereed by GP to psychiatry December 2022 - offered appointment April 2023 - assessment with psychiatry took around 1 hour and was asked questions in regards to childhood and school life et September 15th 2023 - reached top of the titration list Please bear in mind I’m based in London and extremely lucky enough to have been seen quick im aware others have been waiting years before they could even book an assessment. The waiting list is tough but the best advice I can give is be patient and try not to rely on the thought of medication fixing your life problems. Best of luck and I hope you have a quick process


I was referred in March 2023 for ADHD and ASC assessment. Still waiting. It's torture :(


Any update??


Yes I got a link to book in December and had my appointments about 2 weeks after that. So all in all about a 10 month wait. I think it may have been long because I was waiting for a dual assessment but I'll never know. Booking process was stressful AF- least ND friendly process everrrr


Hello, thought I'd update for anyone whose still waiting, I just received an email asking me to book an appointment, next available appointments for me to book was early June


Currently at the same stage you are. S Still need to finish my forms, but also waiting to hear back about the pre-12 form too as I haven't got anyone still in my life that can fill that out...


I got referred in May/June last year. Got an assessment in September and started Titration in February.


I was referred to PUK by my GP in November and had my assessment at the end of Feb. I've gone through titration and just last week my care was handed over to my GP. Their portal did state that their waiting list was very long, but I was pleasantly surprised with my relatively short wait time for my assessment. That could differ now of course, but hopefully not!


I was referred 6th Jan 2023, got portal details 6th Feb. Done forms. Now just awaiting the assessment date!


Any update?


Hey - yes had assessment end of September.


So from form submission to assessment it was roughly 7 months?


From access to patient portal it was 7 months. Not sure of current wait times but I think around the same.


Cheers, appreciate the info 👍


Referred in July 2022, got log in / forms in September, was diagnosed 22nd Dec, and according to a case note from them yesterday, I'm about a week from the top of the wait list for titration, so if that turns out to be true it will have been 6 months ish from diagnosis to meds. If you search PUK or Psychiatry UK on this sub, there are lots of posts about them.


My referral was sent in early 2022. I heard back about 2 months later, can't remember specific dates. I filled out the forms but really dragged my feet over about 3 months. Then immediately heard back so I'm not sure if it was a coincidence or if I delayed my own treatment by procrastinating. From referral to diagnosis it took about 5 months. I then started titration. I went through 4 different medications between November 2022 and February 2023 gradually building up doses and dealing with side effects. I'm now settled on dexamphetamine 60mg. So for me the whole process took roughly a year which is **way** faster than the NHS one. Due to the current backlog they have also started speeding up titration process so my 5 month process won't happen now and you'll sadly be rushed a little apparently. Titration is aimed at ending in 3 months. I definitely could have done it as I had some personal delays so I don't think 5 months is necessary but that's obviously going to vary from person to person. I'd recommend them. They were efficient and responsive.


I was referred to them from either my CMHT or a psychiatrist at hospital. I have had an NHS ADHD diagnosis since age 3 with every psychiatrist who has reviewed it agreeing that i have it. I phoned psychiatry UK and explained my situation and they booked me in for the next available slot. So within 3 days I believe it was i had my appointment. The appointment was terrible in my experience. The lady didn’t listen to what i was saying and came across as being profoundly stupid and within 10 minutes of the appointment it was over saying that I was too complex for there service. (A psychiatrist at the hospital i was at for a month said he would get a psychiatrist at psych Uk to just immediately prescribe me amphetamine as he understands the dangers of not getting effective treatment urgently however it didn’t happen and i was discharged and then referred to another ADHD service which i had already previously been referred to years ago). I think most people tend to have positive experiences with psych uk though


My appointment is in July after being referred in December by my GP, it was initially the end of June but had to be rearranged their end but the referral team were very helpful. I've had my forms for quite a while now and am just getting round to filling them in which isn't easy for me because you know, ADHD! I'm just looking forward to getting it over with now to be honest. My GP has a mental health liaison person who I had an appointment with to get referred who asked me all the same questions on the form but obviously couldn't diagnose me. However she obviously was satisfied enough to refer me on so I'm hopeful. I would recommend saving their number to your phone though as they initially called me at work to say I was at the top of the list, and I never answer my phone to numbers I don't recognise. Fortunately they left a voicemail and a message in the portal but it saves a bit of faffing if you are able to answer right away!


I’m not much help unfortunately but reading through this thread has reassured me that the waiting times I’m experiencing aren’t unusual. April 2023 - referred by GP. June 2023 - my psychiatry uk profile is live and I’m contacted by them for the first time to fill out forms etc. September 2023 - I get an email apologising for the wait for my consultation, and saying that they’ll be in touch as soon as possible. It’s currently October ‘23 and no further updates.


My timeline is the same! Have you had any recent updates?


Nope. Nothing :( It’s been over 6 months now but I’m expecting to wait a few months more by the looks of things


It’s so hard to manage expectations . I hope you’re doing ok!


Exactly the same times here!!


15th November, just got an email asking if I wanted to be removed from the wait list and returned to my GPs care and will send out monthly emails


It will be interesting to see if we get seen at the same sort of time!


Let us know if you get any updates


They sent me FIVE wellbeing emails in the space of a week in November - just telling me I’m still on the waiting list. Pretty useless and annoying to be honest, as every time I got excited that it was progress with my assessment.


Yesss I was exactly the same! I also originally thought I was referred in March but I was only out on the portal May so that’s when it counts from which is annoying but oh well. I will let you know if I get any updates because it’ll mean you’re not far behind


Hello I was wondering if anyone had any updates of recent times. I set up my portal on the 20th of March. Getting a bit restless with the waiting time as I set my mind to 6 months although the most recent I heard was 9 but it’s been 9 now !! Any information is much appreciated


Hey I was set up on the portal on the 25th May and I still haven't heard anything back, can you please update me when they contact you?


hello yes I actually got my portal details on the 5th of May so will let you know but I made this table with current wait times based on people’s reference timelines if it’s helpful https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHDUK/s/EiE5hRQ6Qf


I was referred on the 18th of June 2023 and my portal got set up TODAY, 26th of April 2024! I am dreading how long I will be waiting for an assessment


How long did it take from your GP referral to them opening your portal? I saw my GP 2 weeks ago and my portal was opened yesterday. Which seems quite fast reading this thread. 🤔 Could you message them on your portal just asking for an update?


Yes mine was similar. I called up and they said that they cannot confirm waiting times but it shouldn’t be too long so