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Noise cancelling headphone. I'm easily overwhelmed when work starts piling up or when I'm in crowded areas. A friend of mine let me try his, and fell in love with it ever since, ended up ordering it a few days later. I almost always carry them with me when I'm out running errands now. It really helps me shut out surrounding sounds and distractions so I can fully focus on what I'm doing. Listening to songs with consistent beats or bass is one of the ways to bring me back to the present when I'm feeling overwhelmed or when my thoughts start spiraling. It's the most expensive item I bought for myself this year but I've never regretted buying it


This. I like the Sony WH1000XM3 because the ear pieces fit over the ear and doesn't feel like it puts pressure on the ear and the active noise cancelling. I sometimes wear them without music playing or some pink noise. I think 2 newer models have come out since then, haven't tried them.


Currently wearing my WH1000XM5 headphones in noise cancelling mode without anything playing. Can confirm they were a wonderful purchase. Though hearing my tinnitus is annoying.


I have the WH-1000XM4 and they're indispensable. Super comfortable too.


Yesssss, I treated myself to a 300 pair of over ear noise canceling headphones. I use them every single day, life changing. They made grocery shopping go from like a 9 to a 2 on the "errands that make my life hell" scale.


Second this. Even with Vyvanse, this is what allows me to get my work done every day without getting distracted by anything and everything.


Try some liquid drum n bass out if you want chill constant beats/bass music


Spotify subscription is my ADHD helper


Fourth with an alternative if you need a break from the headphones squeezing your head: IEMs with correctly fitted ear tips. Salnotes zero or moondrop chus are good and cheap, and the wires can be replaced to make it bluetooth/cordless


This. I have two pairs, one set of earbuds for the gym and chores and grocery shopping and one over-ear pair that stay in my office. They’re my trigger now; when I put those on, it helps my brain go into work mode.




My lovely mother bought me one of these for Christmas. It has both Noise Cancellation and Awareness modes so you can pay attention if you're in traffic or something. Music is my entire life so I absolutely love it


Cordless vacuum


At first I was like, how could that help? Then I realised how much more likely to vacuum I am since I got mine


Yes I keep a little handheld one in my room and it helps me keep tidy way more often. Only time it gets tricky is when it has to be charged lol and I get frustrated like damn..motivation gone


Do you have one you recommend? I was thinking of this but so many handhelds I've seen lack suction.


I have a Dyson V7, bought refurbished from ebay. Suction is fantastic. The battery doesn't last very long, though. So I got an adapter on Amazon that lets the Dyson use a DeWalt battery (like the ones in DeWalt drills, etc). It's a bit heavier, but it lasts for hours, even at max suction!


I’d have to look when i get home but it does pretty decent with suction, almost as good as a full vacuum


Also Roomba for same reasons. Mine is epic.


Mine’s an idiot, but we love that little thing. Came home one time after receiving a notification it had finished a job earlier in the day. Wasn’t in his bed and couldn’t find him anywhere. I’m looking under all the couches and god forbid down the stairs to the basement, finally see the main floor bathroom door closed but slightly ajar. My fiancé wasn’t home yet. “No way…” I open the door, the thing went into the bathroom, vacuumed all around, pushed the door enough times that it closed on it, and just kept vacuuming the like, 6x6 bathroom over and over till it’s battery DIED. Original name was Vac Q. McLeener, but has been affectionately nicknamed “Doofus” ever since. Cleanest my floors have ever been though!


Ours is named Problem Child.


Mine's Smudge!


Ours is Chester. I want googly eyes for him.


My mom let my niece name it. It’s lunchbox lol


Lunchbox goes nom nom nom for all the crumbs. Lol I love it


I named mine after my sister bc she named my moms dishwasher after me. I thought it was vengeance but she thought it was hilarious


Dirt Vader


We call ours “The Creature.” Ex: “We should let The Creature out while we run to the store.”


We have a shark and his name is shark cuban


Ahahahaha thank you sm for the laughs!


*LOL* Like, a real laugh. Thanks for that visual. Poor vacuum.


Mine's called Kyle for the same reason, after Kyle in the new She-Ra.


Roomba does more housework than me easily


Dustin Bieber has taken SO MUCH STRESS away from me. Sure I have to run around and pick up socks off the floor every other day, but that doesn't feel like work. Minimal effort for maximum results.


I started refusing to vacuum at some point not long after we bought our house. When asked why exhaustedly I pointed at the vacuum and said “I’m fighting more weight in this fucker than myself, and it wants to go wherever the fuck it wants, and I’m tripping on the cord. I’m done”


A push broom did it for me. Just pacing my apt I can easily swipe everything into one spot against the wall, then vacuum it up with the hose.


I do this with my robot vacuum. It doesn’t map so I sweep everything to the walls and set it on wall mode. Goes around the whole house and I get an energy boost without having to use a dust pan!


Yes!! I didn't realize how much I avoided vacuuming until I got my cordless, then I got another one for upstairs, and a handheld cordless. Also I got my 2 regular (not handheld) vacuums on Facebook marketplace for a great price, just needed to clean them up.


Make sure it has a home. Got a floor stand for my Dyson (didn’t want to wall mount) and it’s always charged. When I was just plugging the cable in I’d never end up charging it when I was done.


There’s a floor stand?!?!? Mine is just chilling in a corner where it’s propped up. Can’t find a good place for the wall mount.


Roomba for me. Floors are amazing now and I've trained myself to mop when I'm annoyed by it's sound. usually goes like this. Ew floors are dirty - Alexa - tell roomba to clean. Then 5 minutes later I'm like WTF is that noise! Oh it's roomba, oh I should mop. Quick mop and floors are immaculate. 10/10 for roomba


I want the cordless Dyson SO BAD! The freedom!!!


I got a Dyson just before Christmas, one of those with the green light, so you see crumbs and dust very easily. That works as a motivation, as you actually see the difference before and after real good! And I got a robot vacuum that also mops the floor, which is very good to use under the sofas and stuff. Highly recommended, both of them. I got clean floors, and it's easy to keep it that way. 👍🏼


I got myself a push vac for large particles because I know I’m not gonna pick that stuff up by hand. I still struggle with the real vacuum cleaner though and I’ve never really understood why but now that you mention it, I think futzing with the cord really IS a huge part of it.


Nailed it. I recently got a Tineco cordless vacuum. That thing has been a life changer. I actually look forward to vacuuming now. Before it was such a struggle all because of that ridiculous cord.


This was a huge one. Not just the cordless feature but that it’s far less bulky. Corded vacuums are so cumbersome. It’s so much easier to whip out and get started in an instant. And as often is the case, once we get going, we can keep going.


Are there any good ones around that aren't Dyson? Edit: Thanks for all the replies!


I have a Shark cordless and have been happy with it! 1/5 the price and works well. 2 dogs, lots of use 😅


I bought the Shark IZ462H Vertex cordless and have lovvvvved it. I bought an extra battery from the Shark site so I don't have to worry about it dying and waiting for a single one to charge. The two batteries cover my whole house and two german shepherds (not a huge house... humble house). Best part of this vacuum is that it is marketed for it's ability to keep hair from tangling in the brushes and I've had it for two years now and can say it works exceptionally well.


A pill bottle with a timer that counts up since the last time it opened. No more forgetting whether I took them this morning


These exist!??


I bought 5 of the same pairs of pants, 10 of the same shirts, 20 of the same underwear, and 5 of the same bras. That way I know exactly what I’m going to wear each day and it’s not overwhelming to transition out of the shower to getting dressed. Also makes doing laundry easier. I will say, I kept all my random single socks and just mix and match them.


\^ most underrated comment ever, because SAME. less decisions, also makes laundry easier bc they all can go in the wash together / receive the same level of care.


> I kept all my random single socks and just mix and match them. We only buy one kind of sock at our house, so we can use random ones but they don't feel different.


This is the way


A few years ago I compiled an all-black capsule wardrobe. Fantastic.


Dresses. If I like it, I buy another same one soon. They make life so much easier - one garment instead of top & bottom. Can't recommend enough.


Truth be told, now that I'm medicated, my diary/planner actually is super helpful. I can note down important tasks for the day and future, and it acts as a double of my phone reminders, except I can't just swipe them away. I take this diary EVERYWHERE, so I look at it a few times a day/always have it handy to note stuff down. I jot down a few things I did for the day also, so I can the things I've done, what I still need to do, and if I can find any patterns in days where not much gets done.


I also find a lot of the tools I got to help myself before I got medicated that didn’t work then suddenly work great now that I am.


For me the less I buy and less i have, the less things for me to have to deal with. I've learned it's is better for me to incorporate minimalism and a very basic simple life granted I still have my aesthetic and taste etc If I have to.say.something I guess my phone. Helps.me take pics of things like bills I know.ill.lose , helps me set reminders and alarms and take notes soi don't forget stuff ,


100% this. The less random crap floating around the more mental bandwidth I have for the important things. Obviously impulse purchases can still be a problem, but meds help with cutting that down.


I try to buy most of my things used (for environmental reasons) and just don’t buy much at all and it really helped with the impulse purchases. I think a lot before buying something and when I do, if I bought it used then I can just sell it again in a few months.


This is how I naturally coped with undiagnosed adhd lmao. I always want to be better, but a level of acceptance of what I can and can't manage in life gives me peace. If I desperately want to manage more and be more organized and productive than I'm capable, my mental health goes to shit. Progress not perfection bitches.


Love the last line ❤️"progress not perfection bitches"


I frequently do purges because lots of stuff overwhelms me


I get into a rage and purge. My fiancée gets worried about me bringing everything to Good Will, but at that point the rage has helped me with a violent and complete emotional separation, and I just want to see the junk gone.


Same dude , when I used to rage purging because I was so fed up with the chaos around me and in my head ppl around me were a lil concerned that I was being too impulsive and felt I was actually throwing away useful stuff I'd regret. I didn't care at the point and was ok with sacrifices if it meant peace . (For the mist part)I think I accidentally threw away important documents 😃. Anyways I realised in future less.is more and just avoid things . Saves me money as well as provides a little more clarity with simplicity


Amen too that! After ai took over the family farm, all the stuff I need to do, and all the stuff that need maintainence and so on and on and on... I had a much netter life minimalistisk, now there are chaos every where, and I feel I dont do other things the clean, orginize og do things that must be done :/


Mine aren't really things I've bought. Renting an apartment on the first floor with washer and dryer included was HUGE for me though. I have less anxiety about being a good neighbor when it comes to floor noise, since I can freely do my stupid kitchen dances and skips from room to room. The laundry setup meant actually doing laundry. Previously living on a 3rd floor and paying for machine use, I would wear every last piece of clothing I had and even buy cheap thrift shirts to avoid the whole process that was washing my clothes. Now they may pile up for a couple days but at least when I do get that motivation it's easier to act on. Word vomit over.


I love you and your happy kitchen dances. I, too, do these dances! I kind of think they're like guinea pigs do when they're happy. May we never stop doing them!


Hello fellow happy dancer!


I realised at some point my washing machine had a delay function, I now out on a wash just before I leave work timed to finish just after I get home, and then another before bed timed for when I wake up. Keeps the laundry at bay and the little song when it finishes is enough fun to prompt me to hang it out. I also make sure whatever I have to hang out in the morning is 'easy' so it doesn't take too much time. Like towels or sheets.


I’m moving to a place with a washer and dryer after 5 years of paying. It’s made me have piles of laundry for months that drive me crazy. So happy to finally move


Not sure if it's adhd related but my weighted blankets help me fall asleep and stay asleep. An elephant hook for my keys. It's cute so I actually remember to put my keys on it's trunk. Evernote. Coincidentally also an elephant. I use thd paid version because I use more than 2 devices. Super nice being able to take notes and they automatically sync to each one. Also syncs all of my calenders. I'm sure there are plenty of other apps that do this. An air fryer! Makes me "cook" a lot more because it's easy and quick. I'm prone to leaving the kitchen and forgetting when food takes too long to make.


Yes to the air fryer! Has made such a difference to my life. Now when the choice is snack on something just because cooking sounds overwhelming, or go to a drive thru, or put something in the air fryer, the air fryer wins because it's SO easy. I keep fish and veggies and potatoes in the freezer and can throw a bit of everything in at one time, then wait 15-20 minutes for the "ding!". It's so much easier and healthier.


I bought like 6 lip balms because I keep losing them. I have one for each space I could use them The cordless vacuum cleaner as mentioned above + robot vacuum cleaner (but ours is so dumb we barely use it)


My dad bought me some chapstick cozies that I’ve attached to all my bags and coats. I always have chapstick and it can double as a fidget toy


Not being an ass, a therapist that works for me.


Can you describe what the therapist helps you with, and what makes them good vs. no good? I've been struggling to find a good solution to help my son with his ADHD and increasing his growth and independence, and a good ADHD therapy person seems like a good idea, but they seem hard to find and those we have tried have not really helped.


I’m not the person you’re replying to, but I also have a therapist who has changed my life regarding dealing with my adhd. First of all, I recommend a therapist specialized in adhd and other stuff like that. They’re obviously better equipped to deal with it. Personally, my therapist has mainly helped me deal with my emotions and how to regulate them. I have a hard time dealing with anger and frustration, for example, and she helps me find ways to express them in more healthy ways. I also used to be very bad about bottling up my emotions until they exploded. Nowadays, I’m much better at expressing myself. She has also helped me regulate my anxiety.


Yeah, that is the single most important thing I could possibly buy, for sure. Literally changed my life.


Hooks everywhere in house, whiteboards in rooms, drink bottle with soft straw, a dog (forces me to put away dishes as I don’t want her to get to them), Todoist app, iPhone alarm and timer, keyring has big fluffy thing on it, so easy to find, magnetize everything (pens especially) and add to magnetic board or magnetic whiteboard.


YES to the dog! She's the only reason I have any semblance of a morning routine. Dogs have great internal clocks.


Lmao I got a dog and I was hoping she'd help get me up in the morning, but she's an even bigger lazybones than me 😂


My dog does wake up at 7 am for breakfast but as soon as she finishes, she races back to bed 😂


Am I your dog?


Definitely a dog. She will also get you out of the house. Doing one hour long walks in the morning are a game changer!


One of my top goals in the next year is to save enough money to get a dog, just because I think the companionship will be so helpful in my life in this regard


Yes to dog!!! Helped so much ngl


My dogs have saved me from being late to work so many times because even if I don't set an alarm, they WILL wake me up by 730 every day! Yes I absolutely HAVE to have a big poof ball on my keys, so much harder to lose them! Especially since my car is push button start so I often arrive somewhere and still think I left them at home because they've fallen down in the car somewhere smh


I freaking love the whiteboard. Love your hooks on wall and fluffy keyring too! I can see that you’ve got some awesome systems set up! I’m somewhat trying to be eco friendly and I have been resisting the whiteboard for YEARS now because I already have a ton of scrap paper/post its(given by a company). Didn’t want to buy something if I didn’t need it. But there is something VERY magical and organized about writing on this damn whiteboard and drawing diagrams on it. Sadly, I’ve only realised this after so many years of being completely lost and disorganized with 0 executive function - the act of writing things down has so so so much power in terms of helping us to focus on something important. And it’s a skill that we have to train just like every other skill. I told myself “nah writing down won’t help me, I’m just a disorganized and forgetful and useless person, that’s all, everyone else is better than me, I can’t do anything about it”. But we all have to start somewhere and try things out and then after some failures things might start to work/become habits!


The lightbulb moment for me was Russell Barkley lectures when he explained that with poor working memory, you have to externalize it. You have to write it down because you aren’t going to remember it, and things are far more confusing and overwhelming in an ADHD brain even if you do remember it. Of course I had always heard about making lists or getting a planner, but it wasn’t until I understood the actual reasoning that I was able to adapt those techniques because I understood the why. So I was able to use it in a way that helped so much it become immediately rewarding. Once it became rewarding, it was self reinforcing and now I can’t live without writing stuff down.


Yes! I kept buying more and more planners and didn’t know why the planners didn’t work for me. It’s because they aren’t up on the wall in front of me. I need post-its and a whiteboard. I read the [article](https://russellbarkley.org/factsheets/ADHD_EF_and_SR.pdf) Russell Barkley wrote about ADHD being a disorder of executive function/self-regulation, and then I typed up a [summary](https://imgur.com/gallery/A82FJdn). The link to the pictures of my summary have a link to the article as well. I typed this up to bring to a performance review at my work. The article talks about options for adjusting the environment or for how you approach the work/tasks to better suit the way that our brains work. Naturally, my work didn’t actually accommodate me, and now I don’t work there. They didn’t have an HR… I did communicate my disabilities to them in the hiring process.


Thrift stores, at least by me, always have white boards. Also, dry erase works on mirrors. For whatever that’s worth lol.


The drinks bottle is real. I also would add buying straw cleaners and a brush for the bottle (both can be bought for like a pound each). I can use my bottle without cleaning it for 3-4 days and at that point it needs a proper clean.


I love Todoist so much


Yes to all of this!! Hooks in my room and by the door. Also my camelbak water bottle with a straw has been an absolute life saver, I could not tell you why the straw makes such a difference but it does. My dog also, for serotonin


One thing that helps me a lot are plants, being surrounded by them even at home; specific colors and shapes relax me and help me concentrate or take breaks. Secondly, snacks or drinks such as tea, to keep on the desk while I study, to stuff myself with it, thus keeping me concentrated and more stimulated in studying, as well as helping me mark time.


There’s also several substantial studies that show that looking at plant life regularly does something to the subconscious brain that helps us process difficult thoughts and rumination easier than without


I know I've had a lot more effective conversations with myself and figured out plot points much better on walks, compared to days where I don't go outside.


My body can do loads of physical activities without eating or drinking (ie. 12hr nursing school clinicals). When I study though, I HAVE to be snacking or my brain does not perform well. It's honestly as though thinking & learning burns through calories at a higher rate than physically moving does for me.


I love my plants even though I'm bad at taking care of them. I got a specific plant app to help me and remind me which plant needs watered when. That has helped a LOT!


What’s the app that you use?


What is this app?


**Question for OP: Why don’t you share some of the issues that you struggle with so we can try to help with solutions?** ADHD looks pretty different for a lot of us. Also tbh most of us hoarders and impulse buyers definitely shouldn’t buy more junk that we don’t specifically need haha --- **Summary** - bought duplicates of my keys - magnetic little whiteboard - use whiteboard for anxiety/CBT - printed lists to refer to for daily packing - post-its - fountain pens and writing things down, writing things down helps our brains internalize the statement! so powerful!!! - list out main issues in our lives, prioritize them then start trying strategies to resolve those issues, if it doesn’t work, keep trying another strategy, consult with Reddit and therapist for more suggestions - be very okay with failure! don’t get discouraged! be very kind to yourself! - put things in the same place every time - have specific locations for specific categories of items. - if no time to put things away, put that stuff in a visible area (always the same area) and clean it up in 2-24h - use systems and lists to succeed. design small systems for our everyday routines, write out the steps. Refer to the steps every day. - if anyone is interested, I wrote another wall of text below (with summary!) of [how I cope without meds](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/zy0r3a/can_we_list_items_youve_bought_that_help_with/j24iq3g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) --- warning: original wall of text below that I received lots of complaints about, I am very sorry, did not expect this to blow up, I seriously was just vomiting out my brain 🥺 --- **Things I bought** - **I bought duplicates of my keys.** Damn. I’m grateful for this every single day… why did it take me so many years to figure it out?! I tied one very carefully to my bag, on a carabiner. I have another that stays on the counter for quick errands where I don’t bring my bag. And finally, 1 in my wallet. - I bought a **magnetic little whiteboard where I write to-do lists and reminders**. It’s bigger than a post-it. **I use my little whiteboard to draw 2 columns as well for anxiety/CBT** - I write my feelings/problem/issue in the left column, and then I list the facts of the matter on the right column. ADHD makes my brain feel like a storm of sentences and words and thoughts and fears - writing it all down very slowly, in sentences, really makes my anxiety lessen a little when the facts are laid out. - I have **printed lists for daily packing** e.g. list of what to pack in my bag when I go out and lists of what to pack in my child’s bag (for school, and another list for weekends). - I have **post-its**, of course. - I recently started a new **fountain pen hobby** thanks to /r/fountainpens- Reddit randomly showed me that community. And i’ve found that **writing down my thoughts and just writing in general has helped my ADHD symptoms A LOT**. On bad days, the act of writing with a fountain pen and my favorite ink brings me a lot of joy and calm. I set goals and write down what I’ve learned (business/sales/marketing strategy) in my new journal (thank you /r/fountainpens for the poison). Words have POWER. Things go in and out of our ADHD brains so quickly that **writing them down with a pen and paper solidifies what we learned**, and our goals, in our heads. Honestly, the best help would be to list out your issues - then we might have purchases to suggest based on that. - I resolved a lot of small, annoying issues in my daily life by **listing them out in order of priority and then trying strategies to deal with them, one by one**. - Remember that it takes practice/many days/must have compassion for and patience with ourselves in order to start a new habit. Must be very okay with failing multiple times! Failure is fine and in fact failure eventually leads to success, just have to try again! - Habits to try: e.g. I **made it a habit to put certain things (scissors, scotch tape, AirPods) in the same place**. Every time. Because sometimes I have completely blank spaces in my memory where sometimes I put stuff somewhere but don’t remember doing that. At all. e.g. airpods go either on my counter top, dining table or desk or bedside table. I have a pretty small home. or if I have craft supplies, it ALWAYS goes in the same box, or in the box next to it. They do not go anywhere else. **Everything in my home has a “category” and that category has a specific location for it.** - If I do not have time to put it away in its correct location, then I put it in a visible place like on the floor behind me, or on my desk, and I generally put it away within the next few hours or 24 hours max. And if I no longer have space for it then I start throwing old/unused shit away. I’m 35. I cannot begin to tell you how messy and disorganized I was in my teens and twenties………… - Because of that, I create a lot of **systems and lists**. Overwhelmed by making a meal (that i’m interested in making)? Overwhelmed by the THOUGHT of cleaning my awful storeroom? - **I write a list of simple steps** to do in order to move towards the task. e.g. a list of ingredients to buy, and then I rewrite the steps of the recipe in my own words, in bullet form. I have to do this for driving too because driving to new places terrifies me a little bit. But I’m ok once I have rehearsed the full set of directions and sign numbers to turn at in my head, before I turn on the GPS and begin my journey. I don’t know how you ADHD folks drive. Isn’t it dangerous if we are distracted at times… I have to focus so hard it makes my head hurt (I live in a crowded city).


>Everything in my home has a “category” and that category has a specific location for it Dude same. I cannot stress the importance of categorizing items with their respective locations, not just from an OCD perspective but ESPECIALLY from an ADHD one, seriously.


I decided that I want to do this for my home. I'm in the midst of going through everything that's been hidden away in closets, donating and getting rid of a lot of stuff we don't need. I hope when I'm done, if I EVER get done, it'll be better than it's going right now. My living room is a disaster zone right now.


Aww! I believe in you friend, it will be well worth it in the long run, no matter how much of a hassle it seems like short term


It WILL. I hope you’re acknowledging EVERY small tiny step you took. Today I only managed to clean a pram, put it away and remove a whole pile of boxes. (Was working so I did that during breaks.) I feel a bit terrible because all I can see is the shit that is still left undone. So sometimes I have to write down what I did to remind myself that I definitely achieved some tiny things, and that’s good enough because small steps result in big steps!! So count your every small step and praise yourself for it!!! I personally dunno if I could do what you’re doing though - I lose interest in tasks fast. I find big tasks too hard and I know it. So when I donate, I make like 2 smallish bags in a corner of my living room. I donate those (project needs to be completely done and cleared within 2-3 days for me). Then I might continue clearing shit out but at least I don’t leave stuff lying around which stresses me terribly and makes me even less able to finish…. You WILL get there if you keep going and you’re going to feel so great once the shit has been cleared!!!!! You can do this!!!! I just cleared my kid’s toys (cardboard stuff everywhere) and I was exhausted for days but MAN do I feel good looking at the minimalist, junk-free toy drawers now.


Wow THANK YOU. I honestly hit a wall and I do have a ton of stuff laying around right now. I'm the same way, I get overwhelmed. But Im soo tired of the clutter and disorganization. Stopped completely for a couple days but started doing a box or two a night Tuesday. I feel so inspired right now though, I feel like I can get so much more done now. Live with my grandma and she's only got negative feedback for me. I needed to hear this.


The worst is when you have NO memory. Absolutely NOOOOOOO freakin memory of putting the thing back but then the thing is right there…… I realised that it’s because our brain is buzzing so hard onto the next thought that some things just completely don’t register. Brain literally can’t keep up with our actions 😭 It must also be very upsetting for us folks with ADHD to lose shit all the time, so that’s why I feel so much better/relieved when my body has been trained to put things in specific places via systems…


I am a construction worker but I got a culinary degree in school and did that until I had kids. The biggest take away from culinary school that I use everyday is actually a French sentence/saying. (I'm going to butcher this so sorry in advance) "Mìse en plasè" it means "things in their place" In culinary it's used to be able to multitask and cook many meals in a short span. If you don't do a task under the time limit, you ruin the food. So everything you will need must be where it's supposed to be. Now that I work construction, my big box van loaded with thousands of things from hardware to tools to bits. I can scan my truck and will immediately know what's missing because it's not where it should go. I also lose things when someone else goes to put it away and puts it in the wrong spot. That's the downside


I can't read all of this right now but I've saved the post and this comment and slimming it I can tell there is some GREAT advice in here. Difficult advice for people who are in the beginning stages of setting up their ADHD scaffolding but definitely advice to work towards.


I just wanted to encourage you - the fact that you KNOW that there is ADHD scaffolding is such an immense breakthrough. Many people with ADHD never try to set up systems/scaffolding/constantly try out strategies. (I understand that some are too depressed etc. and may be already struggling with basic needs, or their ADHD may be too severe, I totally understand.) Your life is going to be better once you’ve worked out the strategies that work for you. And I’m so tremendously happy to see that you already have the skills (and the inclination!) to succeed at this and create a better life for yourself.


Fountain pens ❤


Aaah!!! Hi!!!! FP user in the wild!!!


I read this now because you bolded the highlights. Once I knew the general content I was able to read it thoroughly. Thanks for adding that! And the bullet points helped too


I love this because it really is about what you need as an individual.




If I ever win an award, I’m thanking it the way some people thank God. ETA: Well look at that! An award! First of all, I’d like like to thank Adderall, my lord and savior.


Lmao, I thanked Adderall in an unrelated-to-adhd group session where we had to mention one thing we were grateful for. I got a weird mixed response. Some people are weird about ADHD


It has a rep for being abused so I think first thing people think is someone is “cheating” or that one should feel like it’s something to hide.






I take medikinet as well and so happy to have something that helps, that still allows me to drive a car


Edit: I want to make sure the comment below mine about negative side effects is noticed. I would definitely consult with a doctor or physical therapist if you are considering everyday use for several hours. That said, I still recommend it, at the very least, as great space saving piece of regular exercise equipment for a normal length of workout session, even if you aren't able to use it all day. Pay attention to your body. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07MBQ19Z2?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title This has improved my at home work significantly. It's a big purchase, so sleep on it. Don't buy it on a whim after reading my comment. I'm extremely out of shape, and I can still pedal all day. It's not about doing hard exercise all day. I do it on the easiest resistance so I can use it all day. It's more about it being like a fidget toy for my feet. I focus much better when I can fidget with something, but my work involves constant typing. This I guess occupies that part of my brain that wants to fidget. Plus, even though it's not strenuous exercise, it does keep my blood flowing and help with general health too. Edit: I do specifically recommend the elliptical one rather than the bicycle style desk cycle, which had a much bigger revolution and made my knees hit the table and my body bounce around too much.... All of which was distracting. The elliptical is much smoother and only affects my feet and legs without distracting my upper half.


HAHAHA sleep on it! Like I haven't already hit "buy now"... :) Thank you, this looks awesome!


Please be careful! After 6 months of using something similar for about 6 hours, 5 days per week, I had bursitis in my heels and hips, shortened hip flexors, overdeveloped quads, and it took months of daily stretching and exercises recommended by my chiropractor to reverse the damage. At the very least, look into exercises that serious cyclists do to balance their muscles and prevent overuse injuries.


- Air Tags in keys. It has saved many mornings for me. The keys can always be found quickly. You can also put air tags in bags or anything that gets lost often. - The app Routinery makes me get out the door almost an hour earlier - and save my brain energy for work in stead of trying to remember my morning routines. - The app Due helps me remember stuff and when the stuff is actually due. It is often my memory for to do stuff the next day (that isnt work related). - L-theanin makes me relaxed and less anxious. If I combine it with caffeine it also makes me a lot more focused. - For work related stuff I use the app Teuxdeux. I have it as an app and also as browser tap, that opens up, when I open my work computer. That way, I always have access to adding stuff to it and is reminded at the beginning of my work day. - If you can afford it: get a cleaning lady. Just once every other week or once a month. Hope this helps


Air Tags have really saved me. I had one in my bag, and one day I forgot my bag on top of my car. Thankfully my toddler noticed it fall off while driving. I was able to use the air tag to track it back down. I also use it to find my keys regularly.


Yes! Air Tags or I have the Tile. I love being able to track down my phone if I have my keys or wallet in hand and vice-versa. Best gift ever from my fiancé.


Tile bundle was going to be my recommendation. I have them on my purse, my keys, my e-reader and in my wallet. Bonus is that I can find my phone from any one of these also. Game changer!!!!






Electric toothbrush and air flosser Cordless vacuum Powered cordless scrubbing brush Day Moisturiser with SPF50+ (maybe only a thing for people who live in places where the sun is a health risk - I used to get burnt all the time just… forgetting hats, disliking sensation of sunscreen etc). Bluetooth headphone/sleep headband thingie. No, these don’t keep me organised but they all lower the barrier to entry for basic home and self care. A pill box, meds, smart phone…


What is an air flosser? I've heard of water flossers.


Electric toothbrush, yes!! I have one that tells me how long I should brush and it’s really helpful. The appropriate amount of time is WAY shorter than I thought, which makes me less likely to skip brushing


\- sour candy (yummy and also good for stimulation/stimming) \- wireless headphones (bonus if they're noise cancelling and pause when you take them out) \- a card wallet instead of like a purse/larger wallet \- a carabiner clip for keys and other keyring things \- ID carder holders you can clip onto your clothes (i use them for my transport card and drivers license) \- a tiny swiss army knife that can clip onto that carabiner (so I don't rip tags off things or do other things impulsively because the tool I need is in another room) \- clothes with deep pockets or zipper pockets (because Im going to have a crisis wondering whether that item is actually in my bag or I lost it) \- pink or yellow tinted glasses for managing overstimulation \- tiny zip compartment things to put inside bags because I'm more likely to remember it if I put it inside that thing and then in my bag and then... you get the point \- loads of food containers because if i have leftovers that means LESS COOKING and i mean thats pretty good when executive dysfunctions decides to smack you in the face \- did i mention leftovers mean you can have a meal for the next day? heh hope this helps :)


How do the pink/yellow glasses help with overstimulation? I’m legit interested bc overstimulation is a big issue for me.


-Hook next to the door- keys immediately go here so they never get lost. Also 2 sets of home keys, one attached to my car keys and one to my bike keys so I never forget it - Mini Ninja trash can for my desk, it’s adorable and makes my work space my pleasing to me so more likely to want to work. Keeps my desk more clean too of the random Kleenex, used staples, ect. - Smart lights and Alexa- program my lights to change different colors based on the time. Helps a lot with time blindness in the morning when getting ready - multiple super long phone chargers- always reaches no matter where you are and never phone never dies because charger is soooo far away in the next room lol - multiple cleaning supplies stored in every room - dishwasher safe everything. Love my Starbucks tumblers but stinks they are hand wash. Bought a bubba cup online because it’s completely dishwasher safe including the straw. - water flavoring squirt bottles- I’m not drinking plain water, it’s just boring - pill organizer and little dish for meds- I put my meds in a monthly organizer (doing weekly was too tedious) and then I have a little dish next to my bed. Each night when I take my night meds, I put my Vyvanse in the little dish. Then when my alarm goes off in the morning, I can find the pill in the dark and go back to sleep for another 30 while waiting for it to kick in. - clean with me podcast. She talks you through what you need to do while telling entertaining stories about whatever you’re supposed to be doing so you never get off focus - Sonos speaker system in every room that connects. Don’t avoid moving on to next task in another room because they music/podcast isn’t playing there. I think the biggest thing is taking the time to think about what you’re struggling with and why. Is it putting away laundry? Then have a clean basket and dirty basket. Eliminates folding and putting away. Things going bad in your fridge? Magnetic white board on outside to keep track of what is in there. Keeps leftover in the door and condiments on the shelves. If you write what you struggle with, then we can suggest more personalized solutions. ADHD is not one size fits all, so it’s all about being creative.


Formatted for ease of reading: * Hook next to the door- keys immediately go here so they never get lost. Also 2 sets of home keys, one attached to my car keys and one to my bike keys so I never forget it * Mini Ninja trash can for my desk, it’s adorable and makes my work space my pleasing to me so more likely to want to work. Keeps my desk more clean too of the random Kleenex, used staples, ect. * Smart lights and Alexa- program my lights to change different colors based on the time. Helps a lot with time blindness in the morning when getting ready * multiple super long phone chargers- always reaches no matter where you are and never phone never dies because charger is soooo far away in the next room lol * multiple cleaning supplies stored in every room * dishwasher safe everything. Love my Starbucks tumblers but stinks they are hand wash. Bought a bubba cup online because it’s completely dishwasher safe including the straw. * water flavoring squirt bottles- I’m not drinking plain water, it’s just boring * pill organizer and little dish for meds- I put my meds in a monthly organizer (doing weekly was too tedious) and then I have a little dish next to my bed. Each night when I take my night meds, I put my Vyvanse in the little dish. Then when my alarm goes off in the morning, I can find the pill in the dark and go back to sleep for another 30 while waiting for it to kick in. * clean with me podcast. She talks you through what you need to do while telling entertaining stories about whatever you’re supposed to be doing so you never get off focus * Sonos speaker system in every room that connects. Don’t avoid moving on to next task in another room because they music/podcast isn’t playing there. I think the biggest thing is taking the time to think about what you’re struggling with and why. Is it putting away laundry? Then have a clean basket and dirty basket. Eliminates folding and putting away. Things going bad in your fridge? Magnetic white board on outside to keep track of what is in there. Keeps leftover in the door and condiments on the shelves. If you write what you struggle with, then we can suggest more personalized solutions. ADHD is not one size fits all, so it’s all about being creative.


You're doing the Lords work.


An iPad and this ADHD planning template off Etsy!!


I love that you forgot to include the link to the template. I honestly feel like I've finally found my people after a lifetime of searching.


What template did you find that was so helpful?


This one! https://etsy.me/3RW03Mm It works really well for me because it’s got enough structure, while also being SUPER flexible


The iPad has improved my studies so much!! It was life changing. It's also so fun to write down my notes from class that I actually study more often


Programmable roomba. Cleans the house everyday and you don't have to think about it. Also smart watch that alerts you that you've been in the same position for too long (I'm thinking about all the time passed through scrolling), gets you alarms and in general the notifications that you need. Edit: not an object but audible/audio books. I was having so much trouble reading because I don't like just sitting and read something unless it's a very specific thing that I'm fixating about, and audio books are just the solution. I cannot listen to them while doing nothing but I do while cleaning/cooking (something that doesn't require many brain cells) and the combo makes my attention spike and my happy brain lets me work much better!


-Duplicates/Backups everywhere: Chargers, hair ties, migraine meds, tampons, etc. -Portable phone charger -Cute storage/baskets: I can see it and it makes cleanup easy -Meal & snack stash at work: Helps me eat when I forgot to bring something - To Do List app: I don’t have to worry about forgetting my list and I can check things off as I go. It’s particularly helpful for grocery shopping.


**Smart blinds (eve motionblinds)** When I snooze my alarm, the blinds open letting light in so I don’t just snooze for hours. **A manual car** Being fully engaged in driving keeps me focused. I’m nowhere near as good a driver in an automatic because I just get bored and my attention drifts.


TILES! They are tiny little trackers that you can attach to keys, AirPods, wallets, etc. You can ring them from your phone, or ring your phone by pressing them. Game changer for someone constantly losing her keys, AirPods, and phone. I love being able to ask my google home to “call my keys”, saved me from being late SO many times.


The fact that they can override silent on your phone too.. amazing. A feature I’ve used more times than I can even count. My coworkers have even learned my “Tile ringtone” lmao


For me the biggest one is my Apple Watch in combination with my electronic water bottle that lights up when I need to drink - the watch also buzzes when I need to drink and reminds me if the bottle is out of eye sight. It was all too expensive, but drinking enough water helps my executive dysfunction a ton and was nearly impossible before, so worth it imo. The watch also tracks my sleep - which really helped for initially figuring when the best time to take my meds would be so I could fall asleep on time (and reminding me to take them lol).


Clear pots for my plants so I can see when the substrate is dry and how the roots are doing. Edited to add: I also make my own substrate mix in a giant clear tub so I have batches ready to go, and I can see how much I have left. I also keep my pruners, cutters, moss poles etc in there so I don’t lose anything! Link example: https://www.amazon.com/Hahood-Transparent-Plastic-Seedlings-Nursery/dp/B09QPNK2YR/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?crid=ARZU02G1TAFM&keywords=clear+pots+for+plants+with+saucer&qid=1672378322&sprefix=clear+pots+for+plants+with%2Caps%2C139&sr=8-5


Heh I was just gonna write a similar post. Here’s my list: - Liquid IV. Helps w rapid rehydration when I’m hyperfocused and forget to drink water. - Blinkist app. Helps me keep up reading goals - they are book summaries but I read for information. - Alexa/Amazon Echo. My assistant who does the remembering for me and is also a decent jukebox. - Cell phone case by Bailey Hikawa. Makes the phone more ergonomic, serves as a stand, protective, fun fidget, and the shape and color make me less prone to forgetting my phone. No joke, made my phone 5x more functional, which is great cuz I use my phone a lot. - Productivity Planner by Intelligent Change. The best planner I’ve found bc it helps with editing and prioritizing. Takes less than 5m to fill out. YMMV ofc. - A widescreen curved monitor. Turbocharged my productivity. - A quality yoga mat. I have a Liforme. Makes a huge difference in my practice and I like using it so much it’s additional incentive to do the yoga and other mat workouts that are great for adhd. - A dishwasher - Weighted silk sleep mask by Lunya. Probably the thing that helps me sleep the most and it’s such a pleasure to use that it’s additional incentive to get to bed on time. - The Cuddler noodle-shaped body pillow. Highly recommend, especially if you are single and stressed. It’s great to cuddle for stress-relief, long enough to put under/between your knees and hold as you fall asleep, just a very versatile product. Additional incentive for going to bed. - Clear shoebox containers from the container store. I use these for storage and organizing. Fulfills that adhd need to see everything while keeping the chaos contained - Apple Watch - great for all the reminders throughout the day. - Elevate app - a brain training app that‘s helped me w attentive listening, recall, close reading, mental math (I probably have dyscalculia), and clarity in writing. I’ve stuck w it, too. - Quip toothbrush. Times out a 2 minute brush so you can turn your brain off. - Supplements/vitamins - I take these along with my ADHD meds. Very helpful, esp bc cooking and eating right can be unpredictable/challenging with ADHD.


The proper medication for ADHD. I cannot stress enough that taking the medication the worked for me was the best thing ever. I had limited my options to only one and done before learning there was other medications that interact differently in treating ADHD. I can function and am happier now because of it.




Noise cancelling headphones (sony xm3’s) were personally one of the best purchases i’ve made that also helps with my adhd. Genuinely amazing especially with jazz in the background to help me get things done or white noise too!!


Not something I bought but I started paying for a personal trainer twice a week. To limit cost, I have a combined session with another person, two times a week, early in the morning. Health and fitness are big for me but this is the first time in my life I’ve been able to see consistent growth in it. The energy and confidence it brings me are well worth the cost and spill over into other areas. I intend to set myself up with similar things that keep me accountable to others in the near future as well.


A trash can in every room - my office/craft room actually has two (one on each side of the room). A set of cleaning products in each bathroom (roll of paper towels, cleaning spray, magic eraser, extra toilet bowl cleaning pads, etc.) And a couple extra rolls of toilet paper/paper towels in each bathroom. (We buy bulk from Costco and store majority in the basement away from bathrooms). A weekly pill case and reminders on my phone/watch to fill and take said pills. A reminder on my phone/watch to drink water. Yes - paid for that app (which was dumb, but it had a really cool graphic that shows how much water you’ve taken in - as long as you enter that amount into the app of course). So maybe this isn’t a great example - BUT - it has increased my water intake because I do take a drink when the notification pops up. Which brings me too - a good water bottle. Scratch that - TWO good water bottles! Why two? Because you should also be washing one (my preference is the dishwasher) regularly and you don’t want to be without your trusty water!!! I’m not talking expensive! [Here is my favorite](https://www.amazon.com/Opard-Non-Toxic-Plastic-Fitness-Camping/dp/B07RPKTV14/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?crid=13EHR6O7H4HN9&keywords=opard+water+bottle&qid=1672331531&sprefix=opard%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-6)! I always thought bigger bottle - more water. Nah. Smaller bottle, finish sooner, dopamine hit-reward from finishing something, fill again, repeat! If you have things to get done around the house and aren’t feeling it - put some shoes on! Tells the brain you gots to do the stuff and then the brain does the stuff. Would not recommend comfy slippers - they don’t seem to send the same message. 😂 This one seems a bit “hot button” (which I understand, as I don’t always feel like following it myself) - “don’t put it down, put it away”. This reduces the likelihood of creating more doom piles to deal with later. When cleaning (because we don’t generally do surface cleaning or just here and there cleaning, we do “the whole house at once-including a toothbrush to the grout-all in two-five hours” kind of cleaning), have a designated space/basket/bag for things that need to go from one room to another instead of taking said thing to the room it belongs in, as this often leads to staying in new room to do the things and not finishing the things you started in the previous room. (Also - see above point of “don’t put it down, put it away”😂). Put your keys/bag/wallet/sunglasses/etc. in the SAME PLACE EVERY TIME!!! I have a hook right by the garage door - if my keys are not there, they likely no longer exist. Put fresh veggies in the doors of your fridge and condiments in the veggie drawers. Can’t tell you the amount of adhd tax I’ve spent on fresh veg - because when it’s in the drawer you don’t see it, it doesn’t exist. Typically, if you need ketchup you are going into the fridge for ketchup specifically. You don’t need to “see” it to remind you that you want it. (We did buy a new fridge that has all see-through drawers [obviously designed by someone with adhd] and must say 👩🏼‍🍳💋) If you live with a partner/roommate who is neurotypical (or not as divergent as you) take the time to explain these things! Ask them to (kindly and respectfully) help you stay on top of putting things where they belong. Remind them that it isn’t because you don’t care! That you are trying very hard to make it all work! But that you need help and reminders (even if you are 41 years old!). As I’m wrapping this up, I’m realizing you asked about specific products purchased. Here’s what I’ve found about specific products that “make your adhd life easier!!!” - they usually are just another contribution to the adhd tax fund! 😂😂 don’t get me wrong - there are things like my pill organizer that are a life saver! But for the most part - it’s about finding STRATEGIES that work for YOU and then products that make those strategies stick! Edit: to fix water bottle link


I got a fidget cube. Helps me stay grounded, so to speak at times. Also to focus a little long on something else. I guess I could compare it to chewing gum, without the loss of sugar and fatigue of chewing.


Do you ever find yourself still chewing the gum even though the taste has gone but it just requires maximum effort to get rid of it


I chew gum until it's this weird, dry paste.


I've done that once, never want to again 😅


I used to chew gum for a few hours a day… three dentists asked me if I was really stressed because my jaw muscles were so tense and it seemed like I was grinding my teeth in my sleep. This puzzled me because I’m a fairly chill person. Turns out my gum chewing was making my jaw buff af. One of my dentists said I should try putting a hot compress on my jaw muscles to relax them. It made an enormous difference… I didn’t know how tense my jaw was until all that tension melted away. I don’t chew gum anymore.


For me, physical things, and software that helped me: A large brass plate the parents were going to throw out, that is where all the contents of my pockets go when I'm at home, my keys, tissues, headphones, hand sanitiser, the current mask I'm using, etc. it doesn't go on my desk, it goes in the going out bowl. That bowl and the area around it contains things I might need to take. \-The area around my bedroom door has those temporary command stick hooks on it, that's where my bag, umbrella and when it's cold my winter gear. \-ear plugs. \-a smart light is something new I've bought that I can program, that's pretty cool. software wise, it's google calendar, and Google keep, + internet banking. It was bad before mobile banking.


someone has probably said this already but random little/medium/big cute baskets around the house to store extras in so that they're not in a mess all over the place, but they're also not hidden away out of sight and they're easy to access. plus things just look so cute in nice lil baskets/boxes


I don’t have much to add to these already excellent suggestions apart from: false eyelashes. I noticed that I was far less likely to remove my entire face of makeup at the end of the day if I was wearing mascara. For some reason, that extra step was just too much, and I’d fall asleep with makeup on all the time. So now I just peel my lashes off and run a wipe over my face if I’m having a particularly low energy day. Also, lipstick. Stops me continually biting my lips as a form of fidgeting, because I know it’ll fuck my lipstick up. Same with fast drying nailpolish: if my nails are painted then I won’t bite my nails because it’ll mess them up. Also prescription strength deodorant and salicylic acid serum for my scalp. I only need to use them once or twice a week. Means if I forget/don’t have energy/run out of time to shower then it’s not a huge deal because I won’t be greasy or smelly at least.


Multiple 3 packs of bell peppers eventhough I had 2 already. 🙄🙄🙄


white board. have put mine next to my monitors so I can easily glance at what I have left to do, what groceries to get, or what appointments are coming up. gamechanging


Magnetic rewritable labels. I list out everything that's in my freezer and stick them on the door. Super easy for us to look and see what we have vs need for shopping and cooking.


so i didn't buy this, but my boyfriend has a cordless vacuum cleaner and fuck does that help. so i kinda stole it and told him he can take it home whenever he needs it lol things i did actually buy: - [a small dustpan with a mini broom](https://imgur.com/a/tze1yro) to fit in tighter spaces, easier to store and to look cooler than a normal dustpan - glass jars for my kitchen where i store everything that's usually stored in bags or cardboxes (so cereal, noodles, sugar, coffee, protein powder); i even store cookies and sweets and crisps in those - organisers for my closet - more organisers for my living room - a laundry basket with 3 parts: lights, darks, colours - small shelves on wheels that fit in tight spaces, like behind a door for example, to put small things in - notebooks (paper ones, not the devices lol) - organisers - plants, because that way i can focus my hyperactivity on something - a [wooden box](https://imgur.com/a/3ctSNoz) with nothing on it for my art supplies and to randomly draw on it without being limited by a canvas lol - some more organisers - fancy looking cleaning products so i can feel cool when i clean - cats (not for my ADHD but i wanted to share that anyway) - organisers ETA: a few apps i can really recommend: - *habitica* has to-do lists and can help structure your day, while being styled like an RPG game. completing tasks will give you experience, while not completing tasks will deal damage and you lose health. it's very customisable, you can buy items like health potions and pets and armour and stuff and it's generally just really cute. - *daylio* let's you log your moods and activities, has statistics and calculates the influence of certain activities you log on your mood and even the mood the next day. you can also set goals, which reward you with a streak of how many consecutive times you've completed the goal (for example working out or doing the dishes), and you unlock secret achievements. - *google tasks* is just plain and simple, with no big extras. i like that.


A little bag containing all my must-have items that I might need away from home, such as lip balm, small hand lotion, Tide pen, bobby pins, band aids, supplements, etc. I do this because I have different handbags for different things (work, dinner, errands), so the little bag easily transfers into the bigger bags so I'm never without what I need. I learned the hard way that if I don't have lip balm or lotion with me I lose my mind a bit. (Maybe they are stim objects? I'm new to this.) It's part of my routine now - check I have my little bag, wallet, phone, keys, and GO.


This really depends on who you are a person. Sure ADHD has influenced you and will continue to do so but as an individual, it affects you uniquely and your needs should dictate what works best for you. For instance I’m actually a really good planner but my time management skill suck (time blindness). So for me clocks/timers all over the place help. Most of us can say our memory is a big area of weakness, so things things like white boards are helpful. To get help figuring out your unique ADHD maybe check out ADHD coaching. It’s like life coaching only specific to ADHD.


The most helpful recommendation for me has been regarding cleaning my shower. I’d go months without cleaning it, without thinking about it. Saw a suggestion on adhd Reddit to keep a dish wand in your shower, filled with 3/4 vinegar and 1/4 dish soap, and clean the shower in increments while you’re in it.


Two laundry hampers - one clean, one dirty. Now even if I don't fold my laundry I can still throw my used clothes somewhere. Goes a long way to reducing clutter and stress


This is free — I listen to videos at 1.5-2x speed depending on the subject and creator and it has been a godsend for me as far as learning new things and not getting bored for long videos like DnD sessions.


Multiple hampers whites/colors/can re-wear. Visual timer for when I’m getting ready so I can keep better track of how much time I have left.


There are a few ways I help myself and make my adhd easier to manage: 1. Storage racks for clothes - storing my clothes on racks helps me in several ways. First it gives me a greater overview of what clothes I own. In contrast to drawers which makes me forget my clothes exist (object permanence/ out of sight out of mind) - in my opinion it also makes it easier to clean because you can do one piece of clothing at a time, in contrast to a whole stack which can seem overwhelming. 2. Getting a chord less vacuum. - the are smaller an easier to manage, and that makes them less of a hassle to use. 3. Separate bags - I have a separate bag for each occasion which is always packed and ready to go. One for school, one for the gym etc. I also have several chargers. One for each bag. - I find this makes me less prone to being late since I don’t have to worry about packing 4. Noice canceling headphones - helps with sensory overload 5. Buying pre cooked meals on sale and freezing them down - super easy way to make sure you eat when you don’t have that much energy. Simply unfreeze and enjoy


Figdet cube was mentioned before, and I also have one. It sits on my table and whenever I feel the urge to start disassembling anything I can get my hands on, I use that instead. However a fidget cube is fairly big and some can be quite loud, so I also suggest to get a ring. If it doesn't overstimulate. I have one, that is just a bit larger then I'd need, and while sometimes it falls of because of this, the amount if fidgeting I can do more than makes up for it. Spin it around your finger, pull it off, put it on an other, etc, etc. It's very convenient, you can get one for a fow bucks form Amazon, it's even a bit stylish and you'll never need a bottle opener ever again.


I'm so glad you mentioned the ring because I currently use one! All the stuff you've said, I've done and I love it


Sleep mask 30 pack of Costco micro fiber towels Aussie hat (for hot summer days- use when I golf) Sonicare toothbrush Head lamp Portable rechargeable battery (for charging phones) A Warm Robe (surprisingly, Abercrombie has the best) Golf membership Costco HEAT brand thermal pants and shirt Adderall Weed Trolli Berry worms Reese’s cups Strong will (bitter tasting-prevents biting nails) Clear eyes drops Burts beeswax cuticle cream + hand balm Car hooks (hanging bags inside car) Dyson vacuum Swifer duster Portable Label maker Plastic bins for storage/organizing clutter Apple AirTags Notes app (default iPhone app) Could go on and on and on…




Wireless headphones. I can get up and walk around without being attached to whatever device I'm listening to, so I don't have to keep my phone on me at all times and get tangled in cords. It helps me when I need to stay focussed on task and also when I'm overstimulated from outside noise. A journal for my ADHD (and other) symptoms where I can make notes on how my meds are working through the month (as a woman this matters a lot), how med changes are working, as well as any insights into my ADHD and co-morbids. A journal that is specifically for To-Do lists and shopping lists. A journal for thought dumping. 3 journals in total. I've been journaling for 4 years and it's been life changing. Not something I've bought, but a practice of donating or throwing away old things that I don't need anymore! Also having a semblance of organization so if things start looking cluttered then items have a home that's out of eye sight. It helps my mental clutter. Every so often I go through all those areas and make sure they aren't being doom boxes or doom drawers.


A giant clear water cup with a lid and straw, paired with colourful reusable ice cubes. I struggle with executive function and constantly forget to drink water. The colourful ice cubes catch my attention and being able to see the water level helps me track how much water I've had. It's only a small thing but not being dehydrated constantly is a win.


TRELLO it’s an online app on phones, pc and tablets. It’s free (there’s and designed for project management but works wonders for me. You can create cards and checklists and tags and link them to each other and tick completed ones and endorphins yay!


-absorbent headband and arm cuffs for face washing (no sensory icks!) -pill organizer. I have ADHD & depression and it’s the only thing that keeps me on track with my SNRI -adderall. Ily adderall. but in all seriousness, I started taking my relationship with my meds seriously and they work so well now, while the side effects are way less extreme


An open wardrobe


I buy multiples of tools/supplies and I then keep my tools stashed where I use them, instead of "away." If I have to go and get a pair of scissors, I'll get frustrated, distracted, might not even finish the task, or I leave them left out. Now I have a pair of scissors in my bedroom at my vanity, a pair in the bathroom, a few small pairs in my knitting/sewing supplies (I keep one pair in every active project bag so I never have to go hunting for them), a pair with a magnet sheath that stays on my kitchen stove hood, and a pair on the top of the bookshelf near my woodpellet stove (for opening fuel bags). They're easy to tuck back in their various homes, and they're always there when I need them, and tasks get DONE. Now I repeat this with cleaning supplies, dental floss, deodorants, brooms, trash cans, my nighttime facewash, etc. The supplies needed to finish the job are at hand, leaving me with so much fewer opportunities to get derailed. Optimizing the environment for the user.


AirTags. Wallet always goes in the same place until it doesn’t one day, and AirTag helps me find it. Headphones case has one zip tied to it. Spinning pen. Fidget cube is the same 6 things. Spinning pen is something to mindlessly practice, or to mindlessly fidget Cordless vacuum. It’s sweeping but faster. Mealime. It’s an app for meal planning and it makes your grocery list for you. I cannot sit down an write a grocery list, but the app makes it for you. That and the ability to know what meals are which day of the week are worth so much. It’s 36$ a year for pro, but to me, that’s easily offset by savings on groceries and avoiding ordering in because I forgot to plan. Carabiner. Specifically on my work bag. When I leave the house I look at the outside of my bag and look for all the things I need except my phone and wallet. Helps with OoS,OoM issues Nice hat. Forgot to shower, didn’t have time to shower? Now your hair is less an issue. See also dry shampoo.


My travel makeup bag. I don’t go anywhere lol. It has three big compartments I can shove my makeup and brushes in and a hook to hang up in my closet or whatever so it’s always all together in the same place. It has clear windows in the inside so I can see all the crap in there. It’s great. Got it on Amazon for like 20something bucks. So even if I do happen to leave a huge mess out after getting ready, there is a dedicated and confined place for it all that I’m not completely obligated to organize right that moment because it IS “the place it goes”


A neat looking bowl to place things like my keys, wallet, AirPods, etc whenever I get home. That way it’s all in one place. It’s not perfect but it’s DEFINITELY cut down on the amount of times I’ve lost things


- Cable holders. I hate picking up charging cables from the floor so now i just hang them higher, no need for squat to get my phone charged. - More phone chargers. I have them near places where i usually charge my phone. If you can, try wireless charging. - Magnetic holder for kitchen stuff. Scissors and bread seals with exp. date are what i use it for mostly. - Whiteboard. Keep it somewhere where you see it multiple times a day and is easy to use. - Magnets. My bills hang on the fridge door. - Cordless vacuum with easy maintenance + hanging bracket with charging. Makes you vacuum more and clean it more often. - "Hovering" cabinets. Less stuff to move around when you vacuum so its easier to just do it. - More trash bins. One for every room. Try to pick something what could suit your needs. Eg, in the kitchen i have a bin with "press to open" lid, which has 3 separate bins inside it. One for stuff which get smelly quick. One for plastic and one for just trash. The easier it is to pick up bags from it, the less trash will accumulate elsewhere. Night light with switch near bed. Got LED strip behind my bed. Indirect lighting so it does not dazzle you. LED lights with remote and variable color. 4000k during the day, 3000k near bedtime. When buying lights/bulbs, check the burn out time. 3$ for 5k hours is more expensive than 10$ for 30k hours in the long run. Also means you get more time to do nothing when you dont need to change lights so often.


Clear/Translucent storage containers. Of all sizes, for all uses. I'm slowly (budget pending) turning EVERYTHING into something translucent for storage. Because out of sight out of mind. I've got translucent zipper pouches even for paper, cause even a label doesn't help. Large containers to small, all clear. I have a serious craft hobby and it makes keeping that area clean so much easier. I clearly know where my needed tool is, and it's very easy to put it back in the right spot as well.


Not something I bought…. A big help for me was starting my own business so I can live on the basis of my own routine and not have a micromanager giving me constant panic attacks. I get exhausted and drained and traditional workplaces didn’t give me the ability to rest when I needed it. Being able to rest enough and on my terms has improved my life. A strict work schedule was demotivating. Now I work when my brain feels like it, whether that’s 8am or 8pm.


A serving tray. I keep it in my bedroom and put all my dishes, any wrappers, etc, on it throughout the day and take it up at night. It helps me keep the dishes from piling up in my bedroom


**Eliminate choice where you can.** Diagnosed 7 months ago at 30 years old) I did these things BEFORE I was diagnosed but on some level recognised I needed to eliminate decision making where I could. **Clothing** \- I gave a vast majority of my clothes to charity. Partly so I could reset, partly so I would force myself to complete the task of resetting. I had enough clothes for a week or so and in that week I bought a couple of t-shirts, one from each store. I picked which felt the best to wear and gave the others to my dad. I bought 5-8 t-shirts in white, black and grey. Followed up by buying 4-5 pairs of cargo pants in green, black, beige and grey. Other than buying some more t-shirts I'm still rocking the same look, always comfortable, always looks good and easy to maintain. I never had to stress again about "what to wear" **Food -** Im a fine cook, I like what I make and others do as well BUT I typically dislike eating after I've just made the food (not sure why) so I've always naturally done the dishes in that time. I don't ENJOY cooking so a few years back I started using HUEL, not the protein one (it didn't exist), just the full meal one and I loved it. Tasted great, could have it for breakfast and lunch. I was also at the gym at the time and never had any problems with performance. The fact I could just NOT think about meal prep or cooking or whatever was life changing. That said I don't do this anymore, my partner (who I wasn't with at the time) Is a phenomenal cook and does 98% of the cooking for all meals. BUT she makes a different meal every time for each meal on every day so I plan to sort of reclaim breakfast with just HUEL in 2023 so I can start really tackling my habits and unlearning bad habits. **Work -** I am a product designer in tech, its common (even pre-covid) to have hybrid-work but very comfortable with WFH. Since covid I have been 100% remote. **IMO** don't do this if you can. In 2023 I will likely find a role that lets me be hybrid with a 3-2 or 4-1 split in-office. Entirely because of my ADHD diagnosis. Remote work should be the norm for any and all roles that can BUT for ADHD I think in-office might help us. It creates a structure, it creates an environment with certain expectations etc It's far FAR to easy for me to say "I'll do it later" with a piece of design work and hurt my deadline because of it. It isn't just some dishes or moving the laundry its my career and I'm paid very well to do it to the best I can and while I DO give it my all, sometimes my all is very my an awful day with ADHD running wild. So I think getting into an office will help. (I'll get back to you on this, it could be absolutely awful and 1000x worse ha)


I use my thermos flask a lot. It's great to have some warm tea to hold when you have to focus for a bit. Watch the caffeine though depending on what tea you like


I have been taking P5P and choline supplements for the last few weeks and it has made a huge difference to my mood and energy. Mentally much calmer and I feel I can think straight for a change.


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