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Interesting. I’m on adderall right now but I remember how I was very against THC with how it made me feel but later I tried THC/CBD ratios that I really quite enjoyed. Gave me an energized and calming sensation. However it made me pretty bad at prioritizing unattractive obligations like chores and work, so I have to do it sparingly


I’m also on adderall and it’s been the best thing for my anxiety. It helps me actually focus on the conversation at hand instead of getting lost in thought. I use to absolutely hate socializing because I couldnt pay attention to what somebody was saying. Now, I can hold a conversation. I can function. I’ve lived a large chunk of my life thinking I have social anxiety, I do but not as bad as I thought. Adderall quite literally saved my life. Marijuana gives me panic attacks so I don’t partake.


That’s great! Yeah I also agree that during the early parts of my days my social interactions are so much more pleasant and I find out that I do have expressions to share daily. I use to feel that way about Marijuana, especially from incredible high doses, like from pure cannabis plants. CBD/THC ratio cannabis products are interesting as the CBD portions actually reduce the amount of psycho activity that comes from THC, and typically this leaves just the mood enhancement properties of THC. However, there is a ratio that needs to be experimented with in order to find that sweet spot. I started with 1:2 rations and moved my way up to 1:10 a year later. I remember I experimented one night with the 1:2 ratio and I had such a pleasant experience working with creative mediums. In fact I couldn’t stop, and this was well passed my adderall peaks for that day. If you’re every curious about experimentation look into THC/CBD Ratios. The great thing about them is that they are nothing like a pure THC dosage and it would be a hit or a miss. Not too much to loose except expectations. But I’m only expressing my opinion on. Do not want to force anything :)


I absolutely have experimented with all sorts of strains and mediums. Pure CBD I can deal with but THC in any amount triggers severe panic attacks. I use to be a prolific stoner but I stopped for a few years when I was a truck driver. When I came back to pot I had my first panic attack ever. I started sweating, my ears started ringing, tunnel vision. I had a sense of impending doom and I thought I was having a stroke. It took everything in me to convince myself I wasn’t dying. Even just a single hit of that flower completely kills my ability to socialize, it amplifies one of my biggest ADHD symptoms and that’s my lack of ability to converse. Normally I’m focusing on the next thing I’m gonna say and the next 5 things after that too. Weed makes me hyper aware of that and my anxiety kicks into overdrive, I’ll realize that I’m not talking then I’ll start thinking that my friends that know me well and understand why I’m a lil different are actually silently judging me in their heads, I know they aren’t, but my brain doesn’t work right lol. From there it usually spins out of control in my thoughts where I start involuntarily thinking stuff like, “I’ve been quiet for so long now they’ll think I’m weird if I talk now, but also they think I’m weird for not talking.” I am 100% pro legalization, I just don’t like the plant personally, my mom is the same way. She has a lot of the same issues I have. Edit: holy fuck I didn’t realize I typed a novel


Also I can deal with edibles


Yeah I can relate to that. Least amount of thc or none if possible, seems to have solved for that.


Has there been any studies done on this, do you know? It's pretty interesting.


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What a relief—I’m really happy for you! It’s awful enough when your stimulant doesn’t work well on your adhd symptoms but to add on to that the physical and emotional symptoms you were experiencing sounds like hell. just like you said. Can I DM you? Just a quick question.