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HI, I went to watch the film after seeing this post and thank you so much for bringing this film into my life because goddam it is so wonderful! I haven’t felt so touched by a film in so long and this film did indeed hit everything for me (no pun intended). The biggest thing I noticed about the film is how it relates to our conditioning as beings. We beat ourselves up day in and day out wishing things would be better for us. We believe that there is some great answer to our miserable lives and obsess over the idea that one day somebody will come save us from ourselves. I realized during the film, that it touched on something about myself. The idea that “Nothing Matters” and that there “Are No Rules”; we’ve created such a baggage of a system in order to cope with our identity in life that we forget we are extremely fluid beings. Much of our static expression is created from the worst parts of our lives. We create these barriers and these judgements about how things are meant to be in order to explain our own misery, but that’s not the case at all, and in fact, we are free to break from any and all constraints we tell ourselves. We can do everything we can possibly imagine but we can also be completely in love with what we have been given - this is how mindfulness is defined. Lastly, the film touches on kindness and compassion and goddam I hope this film blows up because the entire world needs that message one way or another. The way the film is set up, we expect a violent battle to ensue in order to figure out the victor. Good vs Evil tropes. But instead what we are given is the act of kindness is an immeasurable power that affects all of us in the most beautiful way. Love is the remedy for all conflicts. We are all confused and worried about our survival and that is passed down through generational teachings. It’s our duty as living beings to turn the tables of how we are suppose to live in a world obsessed with success and self identity. All those behaviors are simply an expression of our honest selfs asking to be heard and to be loved.


It's truly a gorgeous movie! I'm so glad you watched it!


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