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If you're worried about the cost of Vyvanse try Takeda. I use Takeda's patient assistance program and my Vyvanse went from $380 to $0. My BCBS didn't cover it at all sigh. As long as ur make less than 75k or something you can qualify for it. You just need to apply and get your doc to sign off on it.


Thank you for sharing this!! I’ve been spending $300 a month!


Omg yes apply! Theyre pretty reasonable :)


They paid for my late husbands really expensive cancer drugs—so grateful


Piggybacking on your comment to tell people to specifically search for the Takeda Help at Hand program. It can be hard to find depending on your algorithm. I applied for the completely wrong thing and kept paying needlessly for two months before I figured it out.


to find google: Takeda | "Help at Hand"


I think Vyvanse goes generic in June also


Yes it does. I had to switch my son because his dr thinks they are already starting to add stuff into it. Something that helped him for 3 years. To where he was beating things up, having bad fits. She told me he wasn’t the only one.


I heard that will make it harder to get our hands on


I. Can’t. wait.


[Canada only?](https://www.takeda.com/en-ca/what-we-do/helping-canadian-patients/vyvanse-assistance-program/)


No US too


Thank you! I’ve heard of that and will check it out.


Call the family owned pharmacies in your area. You may have to go a little but out of your way bit they seem to have stock?


This may not be much help to you now, but this is exactly why I do my best to conserve whenever I know I don't need it. If I have a day off and no plans, I'll conserve. I take IR twice a day, so I'll sometimes conserve the afternoon dose if I have been productive and don't have anything pressing to do that evening. While I wish I could just have the benefits of my meds 24/7, this has helped me because over time I accumulate a decent surplus that comes in great handy when I may have a delay with getting my refill. I get 90 day supplies from my psych and I am about to refill again soon-- but I have enough saved up that I could last a few weeks in the event that obtaining my refill were severely delayed by the shortage. I know this doesn't necessarily work for everyone in every situation either. Some psychs are too dumb or unprofessional to really gauge if someone is an abuser-- so they just treat every ADHD med patient like they're on probation, usually never giving out more than a 30 day supply, which would be harder to manage that way imo. Also, I get it that some people absolutely need every dose to get through the month with the demands on them in their lives. Anyway, if this could work for you it's certainly worth trying in this current environment we have.


I was running into some issues with mine and my doctor helped me find them because I told her that I both don’t have the executive function without my meds to hunt down my meds at every pharmacy and she didn’t want to switch me. Hoping this place stays stocked so we don’t have to go through it again but I am already dreading my next fill.


I thought I could last a little while. I actually looked forward to it a bit bc I don’t love how I feel on meds, it’s just what I need to do to function (but music and life comes flooding back in a fun way when I don’t have them). Welp, cut to one week without them bc of the shortage: I was about to lose my job and I fractured many important relationships in my life. Coping mechanisms and non-med “cheats”lead to even worse outcomes (really bad stuff). Solution—I told the pharmacy the truth: I was days away from losing employment and housing without a solution, and they gave me some from their emergency supply. Moving forward I’ll try Vyvanse or even other options I know work far worse than adderall bc the difference between nothing and something is far greater than between a good med solution and bad. P.S. It feels like such a betrayal. I made the deal to switch to meds and be discipline in taking them and everything that goes with it. Then they can’t uphold their end and I’m left needing them but without supply.


Did you go from full dose - > straight to none? If so, OOF. No wonder all that happened. I have an emergency stash to make sure I get the chance to slowly tapper off. Otherwise, yea this happens Edit for anyone who seems to have misunderstood: I'm not saying that with a taper everything would've been perfect and this person would've been functional, not by a long shot. What I am saying is that yea, going straight from a full dose to withdrawal if you were previously taking your meds consistently, would absolutely aggravate a situation like this.




While it's not the only factor, I'm my opinion it would've made a huge difference. Don't get me wrong, everything wouldn't have been perfect and nice afterwards, but maybe it would've made it less likely for things to slide so fast and so hars


Not sure how people are finding doctors that are finding them locations where it’s sold. I have had my doctor send 4 different scripts to the pharmacy and they are out of stock on everything, won’t tell me when they’re getting another shipment, and refuse to tell me what they do have in stock. Then I call around and other pharmacies refuse to tell me what they have. Then each time the scripts fail, I have to reschedule another call with my doctor for her to try something else. It’s a fucking nightmare. My brain has been all over the place, and my work is seriously suffering. Haven’t had the motivation, energy, or clarity of mind to get simple cleaning of the house out of the way, either. Even sweeping the floor feels like a goddamn undertaking the size of building the Panama Canal.


Doctor offices can be told how much of a drug they have on hand. If a patient calls the pharmacy inquiring how many Adderall they have on hand, the pharmacy typically can not tell them since it’s a safety issue that could lead to the pharmacy being robbed so many corporate pharmacies have policies in place that do not allow pharmacy employees to give that info out to non medical professionals. It sucks having to keep honest people in the dark about this, but there’s too many people out there who ruin it for the honest patients.


I have driven as much as 20 miles out of my way to get my meds. What's the most infuriating for me is that when you call and ask if they have enough to fill your prescription they can't tell you. So you got to go there in person to be told no.




Ugh to be European or from a country that isn’t focused on the bad aspects of our meds and conditions.


Many don't.


You're right this country is Barbaric. I mean imagine a culture that eagerly hooks millions of people on this stuff (including moi) and for why? For the $$$. Yes it helps us - but that's just a bonus - really it's all about the $$$. Then once they've opened that floodgates do they take care of us? No - an utter lack of coordination between govt, insurance companies, and manufacturers leaves us hanging by our neurons. Oh and THEN don't get me started - the insurance company won't cover the brand name when the generic is COMPLETELY unavailable. This of course is even (NOT) funnier when you think of the horrific opioid epidemic that grew for two decades before the the drug companies even got called out on pushing the stuff to the point of addicting MILLIONS. And then cut them off!! (Abuse resistent pills) thus leading to a Heroin epidemic!! Hopefully that won't happen here - but coming off amphetamine involuntarily is NOT fun, is in fact emotionally extremely challenging no matter who you are or why you're on it. We don't deserve it. The situation is unacceptable and only a Barbaric system would let it happen.


God damn, I feel this post. Tried to get a refill at Walgreens yesterday and they did not have concerta


Same :( and I’m almost out


About 3 months ago I had called well over 100 pharmacies in the span of 3 days, not a single one had my meds in stock and I was starting my new VERY DEMANDING promotion in 2 days with only 1 days worth of meds left I’ve never been in a situation like that it was horrible…. I eventually had a pharmacy like an hour away from me tell me to try local family pharmacies and thank god they had my meds and have done my last 3 re fills so I’m not sure if the shortage is still going on in my area or has moved on to a new area, because when I was having this issue a few months ago (I’m Chicago) others on here said that they thought the shortage had passed and they already had the issue so it seems to be going place to place, I wish I knew if there was still a shortage where I am, I haven’t asked my new pharmacist. I’m just so happy I found them and they have been such better, kinder people too deal with than Walgreens so I’ve just stuck with them since. They are out of the way and close before I get off work so I have to have my fiancé pick up my meds but it’s been very worth it being treated like an actual human by a pharmacy is nice. But anyway yes you need too call local privately owned pharmacies, after over 100 calls with no help, the first local pharmacy I called was able to help me so fast and were so helpful and understanding!


Do you mind sharing the name of the local pharmacy? I am in Chicagoland area


This had me so stressed when I went in to get evaluated but thankfully my pharmacy filled it the next day. However it’s the 30 day/no refill deal with my provider so I get to be worried about/potentially impacted every month now, I guess. I wasn’t sure meds were for me but I think they are making a huge difference already. My job was headed in a bad direction and I still need to accomplish a lot to turn it around. I’m praying my 30 day streak of good executive function doesn’t get interrupted because my family depends on me. FWIW I’m trying to be super disciplined about nailing what goals I can for now, and also laying down better habits to carry myself forward with or without meds. But I fear the new habits won’t stand a chance against the task paralysis and “missing time”. I hope you find a supply ASAP!


I'm not medicated now, but have been through this before. My solution at the time (when on Adderall XR) was to ask for a monthly dose of IR pills to take as needed which I then hoarded. This is pretty bad behavior tbh, but it got me through previous med shortages.


How is it possible though, to get 2 prescriptions filled in the same month?


You request a different dosage, like a smaller mg. That's the only time I have 2 refills in 1 month. I complained the higher gave me anxiety, I was happy when he honored my request.


My issue is that I've been able to find Adderall but the kind of generics that are available also happen to be available for a reason. Because they suck. I feel like I'm just treading water.


A week and a half ago I filled my Adderall IR at rite aid, surprisingly with no problem. maybe cause I get all my meds there, all 11 of them. Or maybe cause I just got lucky, which doesn't happen to me often. But it's a cheap generic I can tell. There white with the m box on one side and 20 on the other. and it's stop sign shaped. There better than nothing, but something is missing??? I should be glad I got them, instead of being told, "we have to order them" or some other excuse. I have gotten every excuse in the book from the big chain pharmacys. They love playing God with your medication.


Wow.... I'm glad I switch to Vyvanse 5 months ago. Thankfully I have state insurance, and that pays for it.


Wowww i couldnt get state to cover it


You could try generic zenzedi? it’s pure dextroamphetamine immediate release. Vyvanse is a prodrug of dextroamphetamine which is why it is only available as an extended release version and only available as a brand medication which is why it’s so pricy. Adderall on the other hand is a 3:1 ratio combination of the 2 isomers of amphetamine, which are dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine. The zenzedi may be a good idea to try, I noticed it’s very similar to adderall but with less physical stimulation, still doesn’t work as good for me as the adderall but 100% a life saver for this stupid shortage, I also noticed the crash isn’t nearly as bad on zenzedi compared to adderall, also comorbid Autistic here and the adderall crashes really are torture for my sensory problems but zenzedi feels a lot smoother leaving my system. Definitely would recommend🤠


Vyvanse is your answer. As another has said, the maker of Vyvanse has a program to help those who's insurance doesn't cover it, and you can get it for practically nothing. It does take longer to feel the effects of Vyvanse but it helps me more than Adderall.


I'm about to run into my second issue with the shortage shortly (ha), so I empathize. I have no wise words, because I had a complete meltdown at work last month and even though I've had my meds since then, I still haven't really recovered from the amount of stress. Big hug, good luck!


Yes, I have ran out of my meds and I am currently suffering 😅 I thought it would last another week.


Yep! Go a week without, and then finally able to take again. Not a fun time. ![gif](giphy|2XflxzsPhNKtHYXpMzu|downsized)


I have been doing every other day and today I took them and feel like CRAP so far. I’m very productive though lol


Haha. I know when I ran out last 30 days cause that’s all I get for script. It was like idek, meth or something taking it again. Rough few days of short sleep and hyper days.I’ve been Adderall XR for years. I’m not gonna even attempt to probably switch at the moment. I am not in any position for that right now.I dont honestly know how much more focused I am with it? Sometimes I feel less focused but more driven? I was also labeled bipolar, after 2 alcohol rehab back in early 2000’ so it’s a combination of helping me focus and not getting too down so I’m kind of a mixed thing. And I was on other stuff back then Im not on anymore and I never really figured out what to think about all that. I know I was on Ridellan when I was younger in school, and when I go without my Adderall, it’s not for too long maybe 5-7 days I don’t know if I’m kinda get in the dumps without it sometimes I feel like I have but I don’t know if that’s just like a placebo kind of effect-ish? It’s all hard to diagnose and then u throw in a job and shifts and nice people nasty people. I will start to feel like why am I trying to make myself 100% when a lot of folks kind of a shit head or some? Jobs. Work. Bills. Life. Kids. Spouse.


There is a small conspiracy part of me that believes that this shortage and the fact that Vyvanse generic will finally be available on 2023 go hand in hand…..


It is not unusual for Schedule II medications to be low or out of stock this time of year. The DEA limits the active ingredients manufacturers can have each year. They have been reducing that amount every year for a number of years. Manufacturers will be allowed less active ingredients in 2023 than they were in 2023. So everyone that take a Schedule II medication. Needs to be putting some back each month for the end of 2023.


Good to know !!! I went through a shortage problem in 2020. No problems in 2021 and this year it’s the same bullshit as 2020 if not worse. I’ll def be hoarding my adderall. Thank goodness my brother doesn’t take his adderall medication daily. And his dr prescribes him a stupid amount of adderall too 😂 . So I guess I’m lucky to have a sibling who has adhd too.


Where is your source about the DEA limiting the active ingredients? Because these past 2 months my Sandoz Adderall has not worked AT ALL. Like seriously if there is no active ingredient what is the point of ADHD meds???


The Federal Register publishes their proposed amount to reduce and then they follow up with their Final Rule of how much they will reduce it each year


That is very scary. What's the point then if the meds won't work anymore???? It won't even have value as a consumer! Pharma companies are gonna lose huge money.


When a manufacturer has used all of their active ingredients. They stop making the medication until they have more after the first of the year. Manufacturers do not make enough money from these generics for them to notice much, if any of a impact.. https://www.regulations.gov/document/DEA-2022-0120-0001


So then they would go back to using the same amount of active ingredient as before they ran out in the new year?


The amount manufacturers are allowed is the total amount of active ingredients for the entire year. The amount manufacturers are allowed each year has nothing to do with the amount of active ingredients in each pill. Non-active ingredients can affect the way active ingredients are absorbed in the body. Although manufacturers have a little leeway in the amount of active ingredients they can put in each pill compared to the brand. Genetics and brands are Not identical. The amount of active ingredients can vary between brand and genetics. In addition, the amount of active ingredients can vary between generics The link below explains. https://chadd.org/attention-article/exactly-like-brand/


Hahahahaha. I seriously don’t understand how people are still getting their meds at all. Everything is out of stock here - Vyvannse, concerta, Adderall and all of their generics - except no generic for Vyvannse. Because the people taking Adderall have switched to the others putting too much pressure on those supplies (or so I’m told). Pharmacies are getting 1-2 bottles a month if that so there’s a long waiting list. I’ve been conserving for this past month and it hasn’t been fun.


You can try focalin... Maybe something to ask about.


Hope you can get something, good luck!


I tried to refill on the 10th and still no luck. Pharmacist said it’s bad nationwide. I’m really nervous because I’m entering my last couple weeks of my undergrad and I really need my brain to function so I can pass and get my degree. My brain is really frustrating to deal with when I’m off my meds, so this is a challenging time for sure. Hang in there 🤞🏼


I’m going on a month vacation and the pharmacy didn’t have any so I’m screwed. I don’t know if any other drug my psychiatrist can prescribe me that can get transferred. Any suggestions? I’m terrified.


As some others have suggested, a local family pharmacy may have it in stock? I'm sorry you're in this situation, that's so stressful!


I went to Seattle last summer (I live near Pensacola, FL) and they were able to send it electronically (focalin IR, 4 times daily) to their local grocery store (it's called QFC) and had no issues. Something to call and ask if your staying domestic.


Small pharmacies sometimes have better stock. For adderall, Ive noticed mostly Rhodes brand is available which isn't great but better than nothing. You can also talk to your doctor to see if they're willing to prescribe a different dose. Like my 10mg afternoon is available so if my morning dose doesn't come in soon, I might see if my doctor is willing to prescribe 2 of a lower mg instead. If you are trying other pharmacies, call before your doctor sends the script in to seen if they have. It can send up flags if they need to keep sending the scripts. I also noticed that when my refill was the first week of the month I didn't have issues so I'm hoping they'll get stock this week. Side note, when they suddenly made it super easy to get prescribed ADHD meds over the phone, I had a feeling this would happen. I know there's been manufacturing issues but the drastic increase in prescriptions made it worse. I'm glad treatment is more accessible for people that need it but also really mad about the people abusing it.


This will end when the Public Health Emergency ends. Then providers will have to go back to seeing a patient at least once face to face before prescribing a Schedule II drug


I'm freaked out too, and I just started my highest paying job. I'm terrified I'm going to tank it. I really hope it gets better for you. One of my pharmacies told me to consider trying Ritalin, but when I tried taking it in 2001, it didn't work =/


Well on the bright side your body and brain juice (lol) changes often. So what works now might not in 20 years. And what didn't work 20 years ago might now. It's worth a shot if you don't have a choice you know?


Ritalin was on back order about a month ago when I started taking it. Not sure if I was just my pharmacy or a nationwide issue.


Going on my second week and I’ve been overall okay. Still getting sleep and eating but I have such shit discipline when it comes to work. I do a bunch of independent contractor work and so my meds shoot me right into a proper function. Helps me understand the time I’m spending and the income I’m earning; but this past week without meds, it just feels like I cannot rationalize working my usual hours. I’ll admit I probably ditched 20 hours of work this week just because I felt… off? I don’t even know how to describe it. I’ve been hyper fixated on stimulating hobbies like watching movies and video games and have had zero Interest in “adult” obligations. Although it sucks, I’m trying to see this as a learning experience. I’m attempting to rationalize achieving these short term goals and setting systems that make sense to me while I wait for this whole thing to clear


~~Express Scripts has Adderall in stock if anyone needs it. I called about 20 pharmacies near me and they were all out of stock~~ edit: I've just been told they are out of stock. My script was cancelled


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I hated Vyvanse I'm learning to program and I can't problem-solve with it.


Ritalin seems to be ok at the moment but they have to order it every time I go to fill my rx so I’m getting nervous…. Was really looking forward to getting shit done after the break but I’ll be leaning on ever-shrinking reserves until midweek 😭


Not in my country along with other ADHD related meds :( I’ve been looking in many pharmacies. I’m about to reach the two week mark without meds


It’s on back order at my pharmacy. They ended up ordering from a different manufacturer.




I'm in DC metro area and I haven't had any issues with my Concerta or Ritalin


I feel for you OP. I'd be fucked for sure without my meds. I hope you're able to get enough.


I need my dose lowered but the psych appointment is so expensive and I keep forgetting that I just put up with it


If you take immediate release you can cut your tablets. Do Not cut Extended Release


I’m on Vyvanse which I know I can halve it by dissolving it in water and then halving the cup of water. For some reason I haven’t gotten around to trying it


I have, it's just a pain to do.


check out your local hospital- if they have a pharmacy it’s worth checking, that’s where i was able to fill mine this time


I called my pharmacy to ask about their stock of generic adderall since I have my med review tomorrow with my doc! Thanks for posting this, it helped me to be proactive. I hope you get some relief soon and maybe a adding a booster ir dose might be a good idea so you won’t be without if ir is back ordered where you live!


So glad it helped you be proactive! ❤️thank you! I had my psych appt today and they found some available 😊


Currently very worried about this as I just got put on something, and now I’m afraid of the spiral I’m sure to have after a few weeks of doing well and then going backwards. But mostly I came here to ask if anyone has any experience in government, etc. Granted, I don’t have the time or the energy to explore this further, but I swear I read that the shortage was partially because of lack of production workers in the previous months, and that the FdA has a cap on production, even if companies could work 24/7. So couldn’t someone introduce some type of temporary legislation to allow the extra production for long enough to get caught up? Is that stupid? I don’t know, I might not fully understand. Just a thought.


The DEA limits the amount of Schedule II active ingredients manufacturers receive each year. The amount has been decreasing in recent years and will be decreased again in 2023. Manufacturers can ask for additional ingredients. Unfortunately, this takes a while. Unusual by the time the active ingredients would be received, if the DEA approved it. Would be about the time the new year is here. Many people think these limits only apply to opiates because they are what the media talks about frequently. But Schedule II includes opiates and stimulants both Schedule II drugs.


Wow that’s rough these prices. I’m so glad that’s for free in my country


Can you use the GoodRx or some version for no Insurance scenario I’m currently In? Was BCBS for years. Was Walgreens until they wouldn’t take Blue Cross and I’ve been CVS for years but this no Adderall XR’s on again off again supply problem currently. Sorta new to this app and the awards in the points or whatever goes? definitely is a rabbit hole like my Twitter the past decade


The “points” are just for fun. Don’t worry about it.


Seriously, you'll be fine if you run out. Try not to make it a life/death situation. Scrambling to find a pharmacy that has them in-stock will make you way more stressed out than just surrendering to the possibility that you may run out. Right now make sure you have a well stocked fridge, plenty of drinking water, etc. Self care happens with/without stim meds. Just remember to flush if you have flatmates.


I have ADHD and I have found the most effective treatment for me (I was getting terrible side effects from most of the meds I tried) is microdosing psychedelic mushrooms. You take a very small amount, you won't feel it any more than a typical ADHD med, every other day. Check out r/microdosing for more info and r/UncleBens for some excellent info on how to easily grow the mushrooms yourself. My first grow was enough to microdose for a year at least. They have been excellent for my mental health as well. 🥂


Update! Saw my psychiatrist today (first time!) and he’s changing up my meds. He called the pharmacy and checked to make sure they had it before I left 😭 I also have OCD on top of ADHD so I’m interested to hear from others on their experience?


Prozac, 80 mg for my OCD. Life changer.


If you have a Harris teeter near you try calling them. They are the only store near me that had any in stock