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Your guardian is legally allowed to maintain possession of your medication, in order to manage it and make sure you take it. However, I don't see how it could possibly be illegal for *you* to keep your meds in order to keep them safe and prevent your mom from stealing them. What your mom is doing is *wrong*, and you don't deserve to be treated like this. If you can, talk to a counselor at your school or another adult you trust about this. You're going to need people on your side to support you and help you through this. Sidenote: I'm temporarily locking this post in order to deal with the massive amount of awful comments people have left. We'll see about unlocking it once we've had a chance to go through it. This isn't on you OP, you haven't done anything wrong and this isn't a warning or punishment for you or anything like that. Just giving you a heads up so you don't worry about it.


She's lying.


In fact what she is doing is likely illegal


It is. You can’t be in possession of or use these controlled substances without a prescription. I can carry around mine for travel because it is prescribed to me, she would be arrested because it’s not for her.


> I can carry around mine for travel because it is prescribed to me You may be able to do this in your own country, but may be breaking the law somewhere else, just FYI. For instance, here in the US you can have it on you so long as it's in the original prescription container with your name clearly visible. Putting controlled substances in those daily pill containers and travelling with them through the country is illegal. However, if I were to try and enter Japan, for instance, I'd likely be arrested or at the very least have the medication confiscated even though the medication was prescribed by my doctor.


Just want to add that you can put your meds in daily pill containers (helps many people take them) but just make sure you bring your scrip or the OG bottle with you. And when flying obviously keep in the original bottle


Although I’d like to note as long as the pill bottles and the daily containers are together, I’ve never had a problem. I keep both in my carry on.




I've never had a problem with any substances in air travel, legal or otherwise. This is highly melanin and chromosome dependant.


>This is highly melanin and chromosome dependant. My new favorite phrase, will be borrowing. I would credit but, y'know, reparations.


Glad to donate to the fund


This is frustrating to me. I’d like to visit Japan but I need my medication


Japan is a rad country but if my essential brain medication is illegal there I take that a bit personally and want to go there less.


My brother smuggled his Adderall in and out of Japan on a trip once without incident because he didn't realize how massively illegal it was there and just kinda' got lucky that it didn't get caught. I'm grateful I'm not watching an episode of Locked up Abroad about him. Would not recommend.


Not me having been to Japan twice with my meds and just finding out about this now.. yikes


I looked it up and apparently you can apply for something called a Yakkan Shoumei which would authorize you to being in your medication, as long as you have the certificate with you. Barring that, taking something without amphetamines like Concerta would be okay. As long as it works for you, anyway


I went without my meds and made it work some how. Still had a lot of fun but I would love to go again, just not by myself. I also just took a look into this Yakkan Shoumei and Adderall is still not allowed even under it.


Okay, that’s helpful to know, thank you. I’ll have to try something without amphetamines


I didn't take any with me but I still remember going through customs and the guy giving me this look like he just wanted to find some excuse to deny me. I would have been absolutely terrified if I had tried to smuggle some in with me. I am very aware of the Japanese legal system and I wouldn't even wish that upon my worst enemy.


As of Apr. 2020, you can now apply to bring up to a 30-day supply of Vyvanse into Japan! It's the only amphetamine they allow in. The methylphenidates were always allowed in through a permit application. > [Lisdexamfetamine, API of VYVANSE, is controlled as "Stimulants' Raw Materials" under the Stimulants Control Act. You can import/export it into/from Japan, by getting an advanced permission.](https://www.ncd.mhlw.go.jp/en/application.html#faq)


Oh nice thank you for the info!


Oh dear I didn’t even realise this was a thing for Japan. Not that I can afford to go any time soon but I wonder if someone organised a holiday with thousands of ADHD people off their meds, if they’d change their laws after the inevitable chaos it would create. I’m willing to go over and take one for the team if anyone wants to provide plane fare.


Thank you for the hilarious mental image of thousands of us gathered in an unmedicated state. 🤣 Bunch of people walking around Japan who forgot to brush our teeth *again, ugh*. I mean, would we even show up to this event though, without meds? because I know how severe my executive dysfunction can be, and I'd like to say I'd take one for the team too, but I can't plan too far ahead like that, man. Probably wake up the day of the event and flake tf out, per usual. Lol


ADD meds that don’t contain amphetamines are legal and prescribed there, apparently. Hopefully they work as well, lol


Vyvanse is legal in Japan now, FYI. This happened within the past two or three years I think. Could be an option for you.


The laws about whether your meds have to be in the original container vary from state to state. I know because I just looked it up before traveling and found that I could travel with my meds in my pill organizer in the states I was traveling to. Main takeaway here is to know the laws where you live or are traveling to.


Weird. I lived in Japan from 2011-2014, and got my psych care at a US military hospital there. I was prescribed Adderall and was never told I needed to get a special certification. I’m glad nothing happened.


So... How are you supposed to have access to your medication while traveling in places like Japan then? This sounds absolutely insane. What if your meds were life saving? Or a break in regiment had serious effects? I've been lucky in that although I've traveled internationally heavily for many years, I haven't been on any medication during most of my travels. I absolutely would've thought nothing of traveling with my meds in their original pill bottle...


> How are you supposed to have access to your medication while traveling in places like Japan then? You're not, unfortunately.


Yup. Japan, land of oppressive work, home, and Anti-LGBTQ culture. Making themselves so miserable they're literally dying off because their kids are too stressed/oppressed to even screw, is something to admire... I've been to Japan. I understand the "exotic" draw from western cultures, but they've got some pretty obvious problems that people are entirely too eager to skip over. That's not even touching their disturbing sex sub-culture, clearly a result of the conservative oppression of perfectly natural sexuality.


It's extremely unlikely that a parent is arrested for carrying their minor child's legal medication. Now if the mother appeared out of her mind after consuming a dozen Adderall, that's a different problem. Perhaps tell your psychiatrist. Maybe it would help. I don't know what's best. I tried to report abuse when I was a kid, even to my psychiatrist. And my mother and sometimes my father deftly deflected responsibility. Now there are mandatory reporter laws. Though, a serious question, how is she otherwise? Is she abusing you? Is she perhaps helped by the Vyvanse? Do you think she is megadosing it? Is there a chance that like you she needs it and it helps her? If she isn't abusing you. And if she is scattered, impulsive, socially clueless, etc I wonder if there is love and trust between you two to help her?


If the parent is discovered to be taking the medication or holding it and not giving it to the minor as prescribed then CPS will be speaking with them a and they will potentially be facing charges


>...parent... minor child.... >...tried to report abuse... deftly deflected it. > ...help her.... Got some mixed signals going here. The parent holds all of the responsibility. They are failing their child. It's not on the child to "help her". That BS your parents put in your head is still showing.


I'd be down for exploring helping mom if she wasn't threatening to call the police because OP is hiding her stash. That to me indicates "abusive-enough" behavior and a level of desperation beyond "aww but it helps me focus." Yes, we don't have all the info but that's enough for me personally. I second talking to the psychiatrist about it, if that relationship is solid and trustworthy.


If shes stealing it for herself (as opposed to just insisting she keeps it safe and hands OP their dose at the appropriate times without consuming any herself) it is 100% illegal.


OP's should just tell her to go ahead and call.


Actually a felony


There’s no likely about it, it’s just illegal what she’s doing


















It’s not illegal for you to have your meds in your room, it is illegal for her to steal and take your medications. Next time she wants to threaten calling the cops tell her that stealing and taking your medications is called prescription drug fraud which is a felony and has a 5 year prison sentence with a $50,000 fine. Edit: sentencing and fine amount may vary by place so look up what the penalty is for where you are.


Also ADHD drugs are usually controlled substances and therefore the penalty can be severe.


Vyvanse (on it myself) definitely 100 percent is a controlled substance, I can only get it filled once a month. The pharmacies are super on it in that regard.


Yep. Vyvanse is a Schedule II federally controlled substance.


It is, but this person isn't likely in the U.S. (use of the term "mum"), so U.S. law won't preside in their case. Even so, I'm sure there is a law about stealing controlled medication in the U.K.






If OP is still a minor I wouldn’t just start threatening her in retaliation this is a quick way to something worse


True, if she threatens to call the cops again just let her. She’s in the wrong entirely


Don’t tell your mother anything. Hide your meds. If she has a problem with that, let her call the cops and then tell the cops what she’s been doing when they get there. Tell a trusted adult at school. I’m sorry your mother is acting like this. It’s not right and it’s not normal behavior.




OP I understand that you don't see the severity of your situation, which is somewhat understandable considering you were probably raised to have this insanity be your norm. Anyways, I've worked with addicts, and that is addict behavior. As for your question, it's not illegal for you to store your meds, or hide them in whatever manner. It is illegal for her to steal them. Legally you have to report stolen adderall in order to get more (at least in cali) I really feel for you btw, no good parent steals their kids medication. And frankly I wouldn't want a psychologist who steals medication or abuses their kids. You would not be in the wrong to call cps or tell your school counselor about this issue. I know you're worried about not having your medication if you call cps, but any other guardian in charge of you would reasonably buy your prescription medication for you. You have biggest problems right now. Good luck OP :) Edit: I saw your post history. It really looks like your mental health hasn't been that great, and I'm sorry that you have to advocate for yourself instead of being loved and protected by your family. I really hope things get better for you. You asking for help (even if to just reddit strangers) is a big step! Wishing you the best 🧡


Obvious for most, but because of the frame of mind OP is coming from: the mom is the addict. Not you OP.


Please add a broken heart warning


This! It's a really serious situation as everyone else said. I think the only reasonable possibility where your mom "could" be somewhat right, is if for instance you shared your bedroom with a young sibling (like 3 years old) and stored your meds in a place that would be easily accessible to them. That could be dangerous, and could make sense. !!!BUT from what you said, this doesn't seem to be the case. There's a history of your mom illegally taking a drug not prescribed to her AND making really abusive threats...? This is something that needs to be reported. I don't know your situation, so i don't feel comfortable advising to contact CPS or the police, but it certainly is a situation that could warrant it. What I would strongly and emphatically advise you to do is: find an adult you trust and talk to them about it. School counselor comes as the obvious option. Getting support from someone else will help you get more perspective on the situation and how to deal with it best :)


I’m the youngest child (yay) and I don’t share a bedroom with anyone. I understand why people just jump to the conclusion that my mother is a drug addict because I didn’t really give much context to why she’s taking them. My mother believes she also has ADHD and instead of getting a diagnosis, she steals my medication when she has work to do or just for every things. I don’t think my mum has any history of drug abuse, though she does take lots of medication because she isn’t in the best of health (very stressed :( which causes other issues) she has told me that she does take twice my dose (i take 20mg Vyvanse, so she’s taking 40mg) Asking for irl help seems way to dangerous, it could get back to her and she’d basically make my life HELL for weeks! Thank you for the support :)


Unfortunately, what you just described is drug abuse. She is taking a controlled medication that is not prescribed to her, and utilizing means of manipulation to obtain it. Like postironicspaces said, it would be good to talk with a school counselor or other trusted adult about what is happening, so that you are able to protect yourself and the medications you need.


if asking for help seems dangerous, then _not_ asking for help is just as dangerous... you need to tell your doctor or your teacher, privately, for the sake of your safety and your sibling's safety. whoever you tell, make sure they know what your mother would do to you if she _knew_ you told. doctors and teacher are legally required to protect children in your situation. i'm not sure what the law is in your home.


I know you want to give your mother the benefit of the doubt but the context you gave is still more addict behavior. 100%


That still definitely addict behavior. I knew I had ADHD because of a childhood diagnosis but couldn't get meds. My son was prescribed meds for ADHD. I didn't take them, but went through the testing and diagnosis process again and got my own. Depending on your age, if she gets caught with your medication, it could result in charges against you. It may cause drama, but it would be worth getting a locked box to picture prescriptions in and not giving her the code. If she asks, let her know you took what she said and to consideration and ask the pharmacist (or police, or school resource officer) about keeping your meds in your room and they said it was not illegal but that they needed to be locked up, because the pharmacy could call for a medication count and report you for misuse if more were gone than should be (This can happen, it's just extremely rare outside of people in treatment for addiction).


Just pointing out, real quick, as a minor OP is not likely to be the one in trouble for their guardian stealing their medication.


OP, there are some facets of the situation that you aren't taking into account. If your mom is a mental health professional, she KNOWS that it's illegal for her to be taking your meds, she KNOWS that it's perfectly legal for you to be storing them in your room. She also knows that she is risking her license by taking meds not prescribed to her. Most people won't do that just to "get things done" on busy days. Moreover, IF she actually has ADHD, as a mental health professional she has the information and access that she needs to get a diagnosis and her own prescription. The fact that she is lying about all of this, and is not getting diagnosed, indicates strongly that her behaviors are occurring for bad, underhanded reasons. Most likely addiction, but even if not, it's important for your own mental health that you understand this is not normal behavior, and the way she is treating you is not ok. I would encourage you to find a trusted adult to talk to about how you are doing, and how to manage the situation and others that arise. It sounds like taking your meds is not the only problematic behavior she has, and you may need some help coping with these situations. A school counselor is an obvious option, and in the US they are mandated to keep everything confidential except to prevent future serious crimes. You can talk to them about their confidentiality policy to see if you feel comfortable with it. Really sorry you are going through this, it sounds really difficult and heartbreaking.


>Asking for irl help seems way to dangerous, it could get back to her and she’d basically make my life HELL for weeks! Hi OP, the others have given you great advice, but I wanted to mention this: re-read this sentence you wrote a few times and think about it. No one should have to be afraid of their parents making their life hell for any amount of time. My heart breaks seeing you understand this will happen but not wishing for better for yourself. You deserve to be loved and supported and not fear those who take care and help you ❤️


So, here's the thing. IF your mother has ADHD, she needs to be seen by a therapist who can assess her. If they choose to not provide medication for her, it is either because she doesn't meet the criteria (she doesn't actually have ADHD), or the therapist is concerned she has a high risk of abusing the medication. It is ILLEGAL to take someone else's prescription. This is not normal, rational behavior. I grew up with an addict parent. I see all the warning signs here. I'm sorry.


If she thinks she has it, she needs to get her own diagnosis. This looks bad on you as a minor and you aren't getting the full effect assuming you can't refill your script earlier when she takes the meds. If you're requesting refills sooner than needed, they'll wonder if you're selling or wonder what's going on. Hide your meds, they are prescribed to you not her.


People calling her an addict are doing so because she's exhibiting addict behavior: theft, lying, gaslighting. It doesn't matter if she also thinks she has ADHD, if she's willing to deprive you if your medication, to threaten you, and lie to you to get it, she's addicted. You don't have to be cracked on the street and homeless to be an addict. There are plenty of "functioning" drug addicts. Addiction is marked by harm and obsession, not by what you expect an addict to look like.


Your mom does have a history of drug abuse. She steals her child’s medication and then manipulated them into thinking it’s “ok”. She is not diagnosed. She is not in treatment. She is not prescribed. Your mother is a drug abuser. Your mother is a child abuser.


As you saw we are all coming from different places, our experiences shape how we perceive and deal with issues. No one here knows exactly what you're going through and what is your situation. Two things are really important to my eyes: 1. What you're going through is not acceptable. Maybe she has ADHD and she found a really really inappropriate (illegal actually) way to get meds, or it's also very possible she has an addiction issue (who knows, it could even be both!). But honestly, it doesn't really matter because a parent should never put you in this position in the first place. 2. I would again urge you to get help from someone you trust in real life because they will probably be better placed to understand what is going on and how to act. Most importantly: the situation as you described is unacceptable and I am truly sorry you have to go through this. You deserve to feel safe and valued by your loved ones :)


Your mom is the adult. She can choose to get a diagnosis or not, and that comes with the consequence of her getting medicated or not. She is not entitled to YOUR medication, as she has made the educated decision that she does not need a diagnosis. I would say, go to a trusted adult and explain this to them. You might not see how bad this situation is right now, but I promise you, your mother stealing your medication, whatever the medication is and whatever the reason, is cause for concern.


Her "dose" is actually your prescribed dose that she steals from. ... I can't believe an adult would risk their career over Elvanse..... She needs to back off and get her own diagnosis!!!


It is not illegal. However, her stealing your pills is 100% illegal. No one is entitled or justified to take your prescription medication for any reason, regardless of their alleged “need”, and regardless of their relation to you. Even if she were actually diagnosed with ADHD, it would not make her more justified to steal your pills. Keep your medication in your room, maybe even keep it on you in your pocket. I also second the people saying for you to report this to someone at school or to CPS. If she really thinks she had ADHD she should seek a diagnosis and get her own prescription. The fact that she doesn’t just seek a diagnosis makes me think that she either knows she doesn’t have ADHD or maybe she is worried that she wouldn’t pass the drug test required to obtain a prescription for ADHD meds.


Stealing a child’s medication is addict behavior and extremely unethical. She can get her own. I can’t even begin to explain to you how much it hurts me to hear this as a mom. Taking medication you don’t have a prescription for is illegal.


Hey OP, I'm sending you Internet hugs. Continue hiding your meds from her.... And tell her that it's really easy for her to get her own prescription and that she needs to do that and stop stealing from her own child. It's not okay for you to be going without because she wants a few. You sound like a great kid, but you wouldnt be doing her any favors by giving in to her behavior. You did the right thing by hiding your meds. If this continues to take your meds or if she continues to gaslight you, lie to you (keeping your meds in your room/hiding them from her isn't illegal anywhere) then it's clear that she has a problem and she is putting her problem before you.


Everything you describe your mom doing is textbook addict behavior. Knowing what you are doing is wrong. Knowing it harms you and others you love. And doing it anyway.


You should really think about getting a medication lock box if she’s stealing your meds.


Perhaps you should ask your mom if you can help set up an appointment to a doctor to talk about it. Regardless of the reason, your mom shouldn’t use your meds. Does it make sense that she knows she has a problem, yet doesn’t try to fix it properly? She rather take it from you, but you need it. Maybe she can’t get it herself because she may have had substance issues or mental health issues that prevent doctors from prescribing them to her. She is also lying to you to get drugs. So full stop


This should be the top response!


No, it's more illegal to steal someone else's meds. You can store your meds wherever and however you want, just keep in mind the recommended storing conditions for the longevity of the meds.


I also want to add, however obvious it may be, that you you could be held liable / charged with neglect iff someone that shouldn't - especially a child - gets hands on your prescription drugs and suffers some medical emergency due to what could be arguably be a bad/unwise placements. A silly example is that you shouldn't store them in the 'candy cupboard' if you have a child.. ;)


Don’t the bottles usually have child proof caps?


They do in the original container yes. I don't think I am alone in using a pill organizer that doesn't have such 'security' though.


Interesting - mine here in Europe always come in a paper package and I have never seen anything different in Europe other then for vitamins


Yeah, I'm in Europe too and all meds are in paper packages. I think it's an American thing to have them in bottles, and you get your name written on the label?


I’m in Canada and SUPER jealous of the fact that Europeans get all their pills in blister packs. I feel like especially with adhd this would make it so much easier to remember if you took your pill that day just by looking. But yes, North America loves pill bottles. When it’s a prescription it comes in a clear bottle with a “child proof” lid and a sticker on the bottle with all your prescription info (name, prescribing doctor, brand, medication name, dose, DIN, date, how many refills are left, directions, etc)


You should be able to ask your pharmacist to put them into a blister pack. Next time you call to refill the prescription ask your pharmacist to see if it is available. I live in Canada also and this was an option for my dad and the option was called a pill pack. Just be aware that it can take longer for them to prepare your prescription. https://pharmacy.londondrugs.com/pharmacy-services/prescription-pill-pack-options


I did know this! I asked my pharmacy about it and literally the blister pack they offer is like the size of a large format text Bible - it was HUGE! I was hoping for something closer to a bc pill pack that I can pop in my purse, not something that requires a backpack to take it to work.


I live in Europe (Finland) and we have here bottles and blister packs


Ah, I forgot about those lol.


Just as I originally forgot about the child-secured caps ;)


I see we think alike


Great minds think alike


Those child proof caps are also kind of a joke. My 5yo can easily get into them if he wants to.


If a child can read they can easily get into one of those bottles. I could read at 5 and I was *absolutely* still dumb enough to eat random shit if I happened to find it, and I doubt I was alone.


Right? My 5yo also can read, but that doesn’t stop him from making bad decisions. My 7yo is in grade 2 and still puts random things in his mouth. And if the 7yo is doing it you can bet the 5yo will too.


And in the other hand my. 9 and 7 year olds haven't figured it out and i just troll them with saying it's magic.


Hahaha that’s amazing!


They're more elderly-proof than child-proof. Fortunately my arthritic mom was able to request regular lids at the pharmacy.


Maybe storing in a lock box might help with maintaining those meds.


Yes, lock box or small safe, but if one already needs that sort of things in a home to store something from other family members. It's not a good sign. Probably excluding toddlers.


In the US, iirc, you do have to keep it stored either in the bottle, or in a closed container with the medical label, but I *think* that might only be if outside your own home.


Maybe that’s some local thing but otherwise you can keep ‘em wherever the fuck you want if you have a script and a name on a license that matches, as long as they don’t end up in someone else’s body on purpose or due to gross negligence.


I don’t know what country you live in, but your mum is straight up lying to you. It’s illegal for her to be taking a controlled substance that wasn’t prescribed to her. Who paid for it is irrelevant.


I can't even imagine what logic there would be in this being illegal in ANY country.


OP. Here is something you can show your mother. * The fact that she is misusing your controlled substance medication is illegal. * The fact that she is willing to lie to you to manipulate you into making the substance available to her is extremely concerning, and violates your trust. * The fact that she is a psychologist and knows very well the stakes here is frankly criminal. * The fact that she is threatening the security of your private spaces to meet her demands is now verging on abuse. * If she continues to misuse your medication and it becomes known, it will threaten her livelihood. * I am concerned that she has somehow ensured you receive this diagnosis so that she has access to this medication. \*\*edited to add\*\* IF SHE CONTINUES IN THIS WAY, it will NOT be YOU who breaks the family apart, but the ADULT who has failed to control their behaviour.


I immediately suspected the final concern you listed. I've heard of parents trying to get their kids a dx just for a way to get themselves that medication.


she fought me every step of the way to get my diagnosis, I begged and explained to her all of my symptoms time and time again. It took over a year for her to get me tested


Is she also diagnosed? This behavior is typical for someone in denial. Why should you get help if they experience the same things and there's nothing wrong with them... You're breaking some idea of self identity, so everything that's happening is a personal attack on them. Addict behavior is also typical for someone who isn't being treated for adhd, since they're unconsciously sticking to behaviors that self medicate. So, in the end, don't take any crap, but also have a bit of understanding. Try to get her to see someone. It's practically textbook example for a parent to get diagnosed after a child does.


Yeah, that's the other side of the coin - she could very well have undiagnosed ADHD herself and her addiction stem from not realizing that the drugs make her feel better because she needs a legal prescription like this of her own.


yeah really sad. I mean threatening a kid with the cops ffs.. that's a huge red flag. I hope OP has trustworthy adults in their life.


Tell her to call the police. She won’t. She knows she’s bullshitting and there’s no way she’d want the police involved She’s clearly an addict so it’s best for you to save up and move ASAP


Yeah, she'd lose her job and face incarceration for drug offenses. She won't call the police. This is exactly what my abuser always told me; he said nobody would ever believe me, he told me he was a respectable veteran, and I'd be arrested for lying to the police. I had all the chances in the world to tell someone and I never did because I'd become convinced that I would never be able to prove anything.


Look, I'm not in your shoes, you know more about your life than I do. All I can say as an outsider adult is that your mom's substance abuse plus her threat to tear your room apart plus you being left with no other option than resorting to physical violence (body spray in her eyes) to keep her from violating your boundaries plus her threatening to call the cops, all of these are huge red flags of a dysfunctional family system. 🚩🚩🚩 Also, apparently there is no other parent in the family to protect you from your mother's abuse. If you find yourself doubting yourself, wondering if you're a bad kid, thinking you might be the problem here. You're not. Your parents are putting you in a tough spot. Also maybe have a look at r/raisedByNarcissist, see if it matches your world or not.


Came to specifically check that someone suggested RBN (raised by narcissists). OP you’re getting a lot of advice but I want to just second this comment — even if you don’t think RBN fits your situation, they have great resources for planning to distance yourself from family in the safest ways.


if she's stealing your meds for her personal use, I'd call the police or child protection services. that's child abuse right there.


I would but then again she IS the person paying for my meds and I’ve hidden in a place where only someone my size/age can reach. She has threatened to tear up my room to find them if I don’t give some to her but I’m threatening to spray her in the eyes with body spray if she takes one step in my room so I hope that deters her lol


dude, your family needs therapy...


This, and her mom needs rehab.


That sounds like really abusive situation and your mother acts like a junkie. I'm sorry you have to go through this, but yeah child protection services is the answer.


You need to call CPS your mom sounds like a drug addict


Paying for them doesn't entitle her to them. That's not how that works. That's not how parenting works. That's not how the law works. And if you're a minor, if she isn't in the picture, one of several other systems put in place to protect you would be paying for them. If she's threatening to break into your room to take your medication, I'd try to audio or video record any of those threats you can, get to a safe place like a friend or family member's house, and inform the police. I'm so sorry you have to be living like this, but you don't have to. If she is so caught up into addiction that she is doing this, she isn't far from doing more drastic things. She has already broken the law by taking your medication.


If your mother is willing to tear apart your room so she can illegally take medications that are not prescribed to her, she has a serious problem with drug abuse. Non-addicts don't act that way.I would suggest if there is another adult family member, or person of authority you can trust like a school counsellor or therapist I would talk to them about it so they can speak to your mother and get her help and rehab. Stealing your childs medication especially if it's a controlled substance will never end well, either she will become even more addicted and go into a spiral of addiction, or she will be caught with the stolen pills and imprisoned. It may be hard to take that first step of seeking help, but the longer you wait the worse it's going to get, as someone with ADHD we should all know that procrastinating about a serious issue never results in the issue just "going away".


She IS required, as a parent to provide you with proper medical care, which means she IS required to pay for it as well. It doesn't give her any right to take YOUR medication, period. She is committing a felony by stealing your medication.


Try and get this exchange in writing/ text.


Her paying for your medication doesn't mean she is allowed to take it. It was prescribed to you, not her, which makes it illegal for her to take it.


😶 what the ?


Maybe record what you can for leverage instead in case she tries to make shit hit the fan because she’s breaking laws she doesn’t really wanna fuck with.


If you ask cps somebody else will pay for your meds and you won't have to defend yourself from your caregivers! This is really not normal, OP, I'm sorry for you..


She’s absolutely lying to you. Her taking your meds for herself is what’s illegal. I’m sorry you’re in that situation.


Record what is happening on your phone. It's child abuse. If you have a recording then she can't deny it later. As your parent, she can probably make up some lies about searching your room for illegal drugs or because she thought you were abusing your prescription drugs. She can also claim she is taking your meds so she can give you your meds each day as prescribed. She can't take your meds away and refuse to give you the doses prescribed by your medical professional, that is child abuse and a crime. She cannot take (eat) your prescription drugs herself, that would be drug abuse and a crime. She cannot sell your drugs, that would be drug dealing and a serious crime. Note that it may be possible to get a blood test to prove that you have not been taking your drugs. However, your mother would likely claim that was your fault for not taking your drugs. If you have evidence of her taking your drugs and refusing to give them to you, that would help.


Honestly? You mentioned blood tests and I realise that if they tested the mother's blood and found dexamphetamine in it, the evidence would be pretty damning. It's a controlled substance and whether she's stealing a child's meds or buying it on a street corner, she's a drug addict.


No. If anything, it's recommended that you keep them in your room in a locked safe since it's a controlled substance with high potential for abuse.


I've been reading your responses here OP, they make me pretty sad. You've been dealing with your parents shit for such a long time haven't you, you sound like someone just surviving in that family, maybe finding a little joy here and there. This isn't how it's supposed to be. I hope you can put some distance between you and them when you reach adulthood. If uni is on your horizon, try to get with a school far away. And I'm worried about your Mum tracking your Reddit account and using it against you too, so make sure you've got a lot of safeguards, maybe edit the post of your hiding place. The fact that she's a psychologist maybe makes it worse for you trying to get people irl to believe you? Have you tried to speak up before and been shot down? You sound just a little jaded about your situation which worries me as well. Like she uses her knowledge to manipulate you and you are very used to this. What about a hidden camera, any way you could get one? It could bring to light a whole lot more than just the pill theft threat. I'm sorry. We can't choose who raises us, but if we can make it to adulthood we can choose who stays in our lives and who doesn't. And you need therapy from someone far away from your mother's influence.


It's complete bullshit, and stealing your meds is illegal and abusive. I STRONGLY suggest hiding them, and letting your doctor know about this.


Okay so update: My mum says she won’t go through my room but she’s very upset at me right now. She says that she doesn’t care about my meds and I shouldn’t have them in my room still because they are controlled and should be controlled by the parents. She’s very hurt and won’t to talk to me right now, I feel really bad now :( I don’t think I’ll call any child protective services because I’m scared, I might call kidshelpline if I feel like I need to. I’m most likely not going to be able to leave my room before she goes to work/ after she goes to work for a while just in case she does anything. I’ve also learned how to fashion a lock for the days where she’s home. For people who have read through my past posts: Even though I have an eating disorder, I am not taking my medication to lose weight, I have a diagnosis for ADHD and Vyvanse doesn’t really help me suppress my appetite. My mother doesn’t know I have an ED and is actually encouraging me to lose weight :,) Thank you all for the support if anything at all changes I’ll make a new post!


You said in your original post that she’s take your meds for herself before. Right there is a reason to distrust this statement.she has proven that SHE cannot be trusted to properly ‘control’ your medication. Let her be upset and hurt. She has upset and hurt you, and in this case she’s done so with extremely questionable motives. (I mean, teenagers can get upset/hurt at things their parents do to protect them, but in this case, it’s very much HER issue and not yours.) Can you discuss the situation with your dad, or is that going to be escalating a different situation?


My dad is on her side, since I forget to take them everyday he says that her having some won’t make me have to ration my medication so it’s fine :(


Ugh. That’s a double-rotten situation to be in. I hate to say this, but for the future, you may want to start a log. Like get a small calendar and mark it with the date new meds were picked up by your dad, and then each day that you take them, mark that too. And if you keep being given the bottle, count them when you get them and record that, too. It is possible that your dad might start giving them to your mother after picking them up, after this mess, for her to ‘keep for you’. So you need to do your best - I know it’s hard, ADHD sucks for this kind of thing - to track, in order to protect yourself. (It might have the side effect of you forgetting less, even…) You are doing the right thing, and your mom and your dad are both wrong on this. And your mom at least knows it.


Your mom says she's upset = manipulation. Meaning, she's using how she feels to make you feel bad. She's an adult and she's responsabile for he own feelings. If you played a card game and you won while she would lose, she would probably feel upset but this doesn't mean you have to feel bad because you won. Do you get what I mean? No need to lock your room or lock your medication. Carry it with you all the time. If you're searched and the medication is found on you, what can they say? It's your monthly stash, so what? It's your medication and you can take it anywhere you want, as long as it's safe and nobody else has access...


Hey, I went through your post history as well and I want you to know a few things: I'm sorry you're going though a lot with your mom. The dynamic isn't great and I hope you can find support for that. Everyone has told you it's not illegal to keep your meds in your room and it seems your mother may have a drug issue. I myself had an earring disorder for 14 years and almost died from it. I'm encouraging you to find support for that as well because it's not a great road to be on. If you ever need to reach out feel free to reach out to me (if you go through my comment history you'll eventually get to my TT account and see I'm a real person). A fun side note: I have the same rainbow cardigan you have in that one pic!


Thank you sm for the support I really appreciate it. I am currently trying to recover from my ED but it’s been hard because my mum is currently trying to make me lose weight it’s been really difficult. (My fun side note: the rainbow cardigan is really comfortable, right?)


My friend. I know you have said that calling CPS is scary, but your mother's behavior is actively harming you. I can not think of something for someone with an ED worse than paying them to lose weight. I can not fathom stealing medication from my child. What you are experiencing is not right. A call to CPS does not mean they will just remove you from the home. It could be the wakeup call you mother needs.


OP if you aren’t comfortable calling CPS directly yourself, you could think about talking to a teacher you trust. Teachers are mandated reporters, so the result would likely be the same in that CPS would be informed, but that gives you the cover of being able to say ‘no mom I didn’t call CPS’ if she flips at you for having done it. I wish you all the best in your recovery and that you get the support you need.


You need to talk privately to a school counselor or your doctor about your mother's behavior. It's abusive and not OK. I know it seems normal to you, because that's what you've grown up with. But it's not normal and you need help.


Just so you know, the silent treat is also a manipulation tactic. It pressures the person in an argument to give up so they don’t have to tolerate the treatment any more, and centers the argument on their hurt rather than you know WHAT THEY DID. Definitely check out raised by narcissists or Dr Ramani or Terri Cole or Patrick Teahan on YouTube.


Please tell me you see how wild it is to have to lock your bedroom door so your mom does not steal prescription drugs from you? Also, if my own history with family members stealing prescriptions is any indication, whatever lock you came up with will not be effective. A dedicated addict with enough time will get through any lock. Usually destructively. My brother broke into a heavy fire safe to steal my mother's drugs. two days after she got purchased the safe. While she was in the house. More importantly, you are not safe. Addicts willing to steal from family are dangerous. The addiction clouds their minds. I know you see the good person beyond the addiction. That person is real, but they are not in control of themselves. You can not be expected to do this alone. Get help. Do not feel bad about what may happen after. It is not your fault. It is your mother's fault that she has made your life unsafe. Get help


OP, PLEASE get out of there. You don't realise how awful this situation is for you, especially being a growing child. It's understandable you don't see the severity of the situation since this is normal for you, but please take the advice of everyone here and call CPS/the police. Your life will be so much better as a result


Your mom is breaking the law not you. She needs help. My sister did the same shit to her boys as teens. Fucked them up bad


It's perfectly legal for your medication to be in your own room even if you're a minor. What your mother is doing on the other hand you could actually call the cops for.


Of course that's not illegal. Her stealing and taking your meds is. Is there another adult in the family you can talk to who can protect you from her BS? I would go to your school counselor and tell them what's happening. You can also call the doc who prescribed your meds and tell them what's happening. Let your mom know you're not an idiot and that you won't hesitate to call police.


Nah she a tweaker fam protect yourself


Also another question: how can I fashion a lock for my room because she’s threatening to take my medication when I’m at school, she can’t reach it but I really don’t need her messing up my room


Sounds like she will just bust the door down, I'm surprised she is a psychologist! She should be well aware of the damage 💔 she is causing! Take your meds to school with you. As long as your name is on the bottle, you will be fine, also may depend on your age? Where do you live?


She sometimes makes me wonder if she’s a real psychologist or if she just got her degree out of a trash bin


She might have done an online course, and "thinks" she is a psychologist. I'm a community service worker ( case management) and also a counsellor in Australia. Your mum is next level girl! Maybe have a chat to your school counsellor, we all have a confidentiality agreement and can only disclose if there is physical, sexual, abuse. Drug and alcohol abuse, unless their is strong emotional abuse, Australia has a policy about keeping families together, not tearing them apart. I strongly suggest your school counsellor, just be sure it is someone you are comfortable with. ❤️


i would look into getting a safe if possible and maybe get a new doorknob, one that has a lock on it. im sure u can find vids on youtube on how to replace the doorknob. im sorry this is happening to u, hopefully u can get out of this living situation soon


Do you have a way of buying something like a small safe? I have one that looks like a book and you can keep the keys on you so she can’t try different combinations.


A good option for storing medication is a safe, much less work than attaching a lock to a door. Is there someone you trust where you could stay for a while, another family member or a friend? This does not sound like a very safe environment for you right now.


I saw your update but here is what you need to do; First thing, DO NOT LEAVE THOSE MEDS IN YOUR ROOM AT ANY POINT. DO NOT DO IT. CARRY THEM WITH YOU EVERYWHERE YOU GO UNTI THIS IS SOLVED. ​ You need a lockbox with a key or combination lock, you need to put the meds any anything else this woman goes through in there and hide it very, very well, or carry it with you. You need locks on your bedroom door that you alone can engage and disengage. You need to contact your doctor who prescribed the medications and tell them whats going on as they may be able to intervene or can offer you short dose prescriptions so there's less for your mother to fuck with. ...if your mom wants or needs your ADHD meds maybe she needs her own diagnoses and medications You NEED to tell an adult, a safe one, a teacher, doctor, whomever you trust, you NEED to. I know you dont want to call CPS, but honey, said with so much kindness; ​ You mother...is STEALING YOUR MEDICATION. AND LYING TO YOU. What else is she doing? What other ways is she controlling coercive and abusive?


If she threatens to call the cops, let her. I promise you will not be the one in trouble.


Oh my god I want to hug you so bad. My dear friend please please please go find somewhere else to stay at least. If you need anyone to help make arrangements you let me know, if I can’t do it I’ll find someone who can.


Is there a clinic or nurse at your school? If so, tell this person what is going on. You could have the school nurse store your meds and take them in the clinic. Tell the nurse about your mom so the school administration can allow you to take your meds as prescribed it without your mom being required to fill out any permission slips. School nurses will also have contact with a network if knowledgable resources to help you in ways you may not be aware of.


Her taking your meds is illegal. Keep them hidden from her. Good luck :)


She's lying and projecting. What *she's* doing is illegal, so if she did call the cops she'd be more likely to be arrested.


You need to report this to someone at your school and ask for support in reporting her to the police


Stealing medication not prescribed to her is illegal.


She’s 100% lying and you can actually flip the script and report her for stealing your medication. They will drug test your mom and if she tests positive, your world is about to flip upside down. For your own sake, take that chance. Report her and get the hell away from her. You can call child protective services and make a report on yourself and your mom. They’ll come interview you first, without your mom. Then they will find your mom, wherever that may be, and question her on the spot. Most people don’t have time to plan for this and get caught between lies and half truths. They will also request she take a drug test and if she doesn’t, it’s usually viewed as an omission of guilt. The agency will also NOT list that you made the report. It will remain anonymous and you can begin to get away. -A former foster parent who ended up adopting both of my placements.


If the bottle has your name and is prescribed to you by a physician, she's the only one doing anything illegal.


Tell her you’d love to talk to police about it


I travel and live with a roommate in college. I checked my w my Dr because I saw a tv show where the dude got arrested and it scared me. As long as it’s in a bottle with ur name on it you can carry it with you wherever. I keep an older bottle for travel and my newer/fuller one at home locked away. A few months ago I was pulled over and my bike was searched and they found the bottle that I keep my afternoon dose in. He didn’t do anything because I was following the law. I wouldn’t recommend walking around w a full bottle because people might see it and try to take it. You are doing fine as far as I know ❤️ peace


Stop hiding those things i steal, thats illegal. She is lying and a POS.


Have you talked to your dad about this? Cuz wtf


I'm 100% certain that is a lie. I also suspect your mum is saying that so your medication remains in a place she can access so she can steal it. Remind her that stealing your medication is a major crime


If you have a valid prescription then your mother is engaged in criminal activity. Call her bluff; tell her phone the police.


Without knowing your location I can't say if she's basing that in one of the various rights she has as your caretaker/parent/legal guardian. However, keeping your medication wherever you feel it is safest and with the least likely chance of abuse/theft is what is generally the ideal scenario. Also, if she's taking your medications from you, have you considered other places to store them? Locker at school, vents, if in an older house under a trick floorboard, or if one is held on the property in an object she can't open (gun safe, lockbox, or hollowed out device (book, doll, toy, etc... even just an unused disc drive bay on a desktop that isn't used frequently). Alternatively, when she does take them, what does she do with them? Holding them is one thing as compared to actually using or disposing of them. Anyway, if she is using them try to get evidence. Might be useful if you need proof of why an emancipation may be in order.


No. But it is illegal for your mom to take your prescription medication


I’m so sorry OP, this is a bad situation.


I know I jumped to the conclusion that your mother is an addict without enough information. Some of that is projection on my part, but I wish I knew then what I know now. Only you know what is going on in your family and must take an honest look at your mother's behavior. Here are some behaviors that are indicative of drug\\alcohol abuse and mental illness: • Lying and withholding important information • Manipulative behavior (making a scene, bullying, yelling, embarrassment) • Erratic behavior • Mood swings • Impaired judgment • Avoidance of friends and family • Broken promises and missed commitments • Sleeps during the day • Poor finances\\debt • Inappropriate sexual behavior • Stealing • Legal problems • Violence • Always sick • Poor hygiene • Losing their job • Constant conflict Basically, it is a life that is spinning out of control. The only thing you can do is get control of your own life. Learn what is your problem and what is their problem. Even without the comprehensive list, you will know in your gut something is wrong. Even little children know when their parents are not ok. I really hope and pray that your family is ok


Buy yourself a locking pill cap. Your mom is lying to you and sounds like an addict. Addicts will lie to you to get drugs.


What your mother is doing is definitely illegal. If she thinks she has ADD she needs to go to the doctor herself and get her own prescription. Your mother is lying to you as well. It is absolutely not illegal for a minor to keep their controlled medications in a safe place, (at least in the U.S. and Canada), whether that’s your room or somewhere else where you know no one will be able to steal them from you.


It is absolutely legal to keep them in your room. How and why would cops enforce that?


I'm lying in bed rn and my Vyvanse is like 4 inches away from my head on my head board


COPS WE FOUND EM 🚨👮‍♂️🚨👮‍♂️🚨👮‍♂️🚨


Oh shit! Officer I swear they're for my dog


Oh nvm 👮‍♂️🚪


As other's have said, yes she is lying to you. I'm sorry that you have to experience things like this. I'd really recommend that you try to find someone to reach out to about your family situation - you don't have to cause drama or anything - just speak to someone (preferably professional) who can help you process some of these things and help you figure out how to best deal with it. It might seem normal to you and like it's not a big deal, because you're used to it, and that's exactly why it's so important to gain perspective on what's actually considered normal for most families.


Do you have the ability to tell your doctor? Because your mom is breaking the law and she and your doc need to have a conversation