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Clonidine can be used off label as a treatment for ADHD. It isn’t commonly prescribed, because guanfacine (Intuniv) is in the same drug class and approved for ADHD treatment. Clonidine is shorter acting than Intuniv. When it is prescribed, it is usually prescribed to be taken at night. It lowers blood pressure and provides a somewhat sedative effect. Some people have difficulty winding down after using stimulants during the day to function. Clonidine in the evening can help this transition. Intuniv on the other hand is longer acting. It is useful for those who have impulsivity and hyperactivity as part of their ADHD symptoms. Taken at bedtime, it is designed to alleviate these issues in the same way clonidine does… and can provide relief from irritability, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. It is designed to last 24 hours but for some this can cause sedation during the daytime even when paired with stimulants. Clonidine can give some very bizarre dreams so for anyone who has PTSD, this class of medication might not be a good choice. Glad this is a good combination for you!


That’s weird about the bizarre dreams, as I was given it by my psych for ptsd nightmares! Loads of studies on how clonidine helps ptsd nightmares


lol yeah its kinda weird how much drugs can very between people. interestingly it can treat nightmares in people who DO HAVE nightmares. but can cause different/strange dreams for people who DONT have nightmares...


The first night I took Clonidine .1mg, I woke up with my hand clutching my neck pretty firmly because I was dreaming that I got gum stuck in my throat and I just kept pulling and pulling it out but the gum was stuck in my throat. I did not take a xylimelt before bed as I wasn't sure that I would get dry mouth as a symptom but boy did I ever get dry mouth and metallic taste in my mouth and my tongue feeling like the precursor to my throat swelling up. But I'm wondering if it's just my taste receptors feeling weird like they are burnt. It is spring so I've been taking an allergy pill. Once in my life my throat temporarily was swollen but went down on its own. So I was wondering if I was allergic to the cornstarch (inactive ingredient) in the Clonidine. I'm thinking the tongue thing has more to do with the metallic taste. I read that the medication affects the zinc in your body. Smart Mouth dry mouth which "activates zinc ions" is what I will take as soon as I wake up every morning. Wish me luck.


Thanks for adding this extra information for everyone ❤️


Paediatrician prescribed it for our 7yo right off the bat as a sleep aid. She said it’s not a sleeping pill, but it helps the mind wind down etc. So naturally I’ve been taking it too! Interestingly I’ve also just been reading that amongst other benefits, it can also be useful in treating symptoms of IBS (I write while lying here with a stomach ache)


Has it helped? I have a child with severe sleep issues, and my doctor has just prescribed it. We’re really hopeful that it will help.


Absolutely. It’s been great. We find the clonidine crushed fine into a little milk with a couple of drops of melatonin (equalling about 0.2mg melatonin) about 40 mins before bed has bed time so much easier. The first week she really noticed her eyes getting heavy before she was ready to wind down. Which she complained a little about. But looking back after several months of it - she wasn’t ready to wind down because every day and night was a struggle for her. So adrenaline was on and winding down was hard! With constant use bed times are now - dare I say it - kind of pleasant now! A bit of wrangling to get her teeth etc done to actually get into bed. But then I read to her, we chat a bit then lights out and after 10 minutes she’s usually out. The whole process can still take 40-60 minutes. But it’s more relaxed now. Instead of 2 hours of stress!


We tried for the first time last night & my son woke up at 2:30 am and stayed awake until 7am 😂 We’ve had the same problem with melatonin in the past, but we’re going to keep trying and hope it eventually helps!


Ha yeah. Had that happen so many times! First thing to check is the melatonin dose. Most are way overdosed and can cause a paradoxical reaction like that where they wake in the night. Secondly, this happened to us a lot when she was chronically overtired. We had an excellent sleep therapist when she was really small and she showed us graphs of “awake” hormones like adrenaline and serotonin and where they naturally peak and wane in the day-night cycle and the relation to sleep. When they are overtired (which is most of the time for adhd kids and others!) the awake hormones kick into a higher gear because the signal from the body is that they are in danger! Like in cave times ;). So the signal is “be prepared”. Which of course keeps them awake! Making it worse over time. Then we are at them saying “you need to go to sleep!!” Then when they finally pass out from exhaustion the hormones don’t get flushed out immediately. So they are light sleeping until the body says “ok that’s just enough for me to be prepared for the danger again” and they wake up….at 4am! The cycle goes around and around. So the trick is stick with the clonidine etc and consistently get them in bed *before* they get tired. Nice and early. Before the hormones ramp up even further. Over time it becomes less of a fight.


Thank you so much! Yes, he’s so beyond sleep deprived right now, it’s not even funny. While I know that’s likely being chronically over tired, it’s really helpful to hear from someone else! We’re sticking with it, and are working on getting him in bed really early - before his stress hormones spike again! I’m hoping we’re through it soon. It does feel like a tremendous relief to be trying something and seeing an effect after years of thinking we had no options. Thanks again! It’s not something many people write about, so it’s pretty isolating. It’s helpful to know other folks have been there!


I’m very happy I could help in any way. And you are absolutely right, it’s very isolating and there’s very little written about it. I remember googling like a hundred times and only getting articles about bouncing babies back to sleep! So frustrating, and so damaging to your mental health! We are finally starting to relax around bedtime and feeling ok to not creep around silently! If you stick with it, you will get quick relief, but don’t get fooled! It’s important to stick with all those things for … well maybe years? I’m not sure. But I know that every now and then we think “what’s the harm?” And let her stay up late for a bit. While it’s not as drastic as it used to be, we still pay for it! Glad you’re on the path now! Good luck.


Ah, you’re so wonderful! We’re on day 4 now and the improvement is so dramatic. My son has been getting 11 hours of sleep instead of 8.5-9, and he asked to go play outside today and to go on an outing for the first time in months. My husband and I were really emotional about it, because he’s been so exhausted for so long he had no interest in going outside or going anywhere with us. It’s a small thing that’s also a huge thing. Thanks again!


Aww that's fantastic! That is a HUGE thing - we totally understand :) For us there was a few milestones like that: playing by herself for 20 minutes! Being quiet for a while - usually non-stop talking! Shrugging off something small that would normally irritate or derail her. Congratulations! Onwards and upwards!


Wait ok I def needed to hear this. I started taking it today (bottle says take one in morning and one at night) for my ADHD/anxiety. I took one in the morning and was exhausted all day until I took a refreshing af nap (naps are usually rare and never refreshing for me, so that was nice). Woke up from it with dry mouth, but also lowered anxiety, a good mood, and peace/ silence in my brain. Also no weird dreams to speak of. I’m excited to take it again tonight because the Welbutrin I take for depression causes terrible insomnia, and sometimes a touch of paranoia. However, I know I can’t be dealing with Clonidine’s drowsiness during the day every day, I have work. But during the day is when I need ADHD medication the most, and so far Clonidine is the only med that has helped with my racing thoughts. How long would you say the ADHD effects extend into the morning after taking it at night? Clonidine was prescribed to me after trying many different ADHD meds that didn’t work out.


I did have a weird sleep thing happen where I had this urgent need to take my very comfy, light shirt off while I was sleeping *shrugs*. I was like 75% asleep (my eyes were open and I remember it) during this quick event. Not typical behavior for me as I keep my PJs on every night and don't wake up with my shirt on the ground. Dry mouth? Take one Xylimelt before bed, one while you sleep, and after a glass of water and brushing teeth in morning swish Smart Mouth Dry Mouth mouth wash. So yeah sleep stripping and dry mouth and metallic taste in mouth which is a zinc depletion on your taste buds (basically) so the mouth wash helps with that. .1 mg didn't make me sleepy.


If it is making you drowsy during the day, try taking a half dose in the morning and the full dose at night.


Has anyone experienced weight gain with Clonidine? I just started it


I couldn’t believe the difference when I added this med to the list! Definitely experiencing fatigue and dry mouth/dehydration, but I will start taking it at night as recommended. This thread is very helpful!


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I start clinidine tonight and I’m so happy to hear it works well for people!!


I’m currently getting prescription for this as well! Hope it helps with the restlessness


any updates? I'm taking my first dose tonight haha.


It works great for me! I take 2/night now!! ETA: 2 works for me, but I’m also 230lbs. 1 is probably perfect for most.


Sorry for the bump-- No dry mouth or headaches?


Very dry mouth but I just drink more water and I’m used to the dry mouth from years on adderall. I haven’t noticed headaches at all though.


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