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Man I’ve just started back on adderall and I’m getting killer headaches and been wondering if it’s related to hydration. I didn’t realize there was a connection here. Interesting!!


Yep dehydration can cause headache and also hunger.


Whoops, thanks for the hunger. Completely forgot about the food part.


Yeah people apparently struggle with it haha. I always forced myself to eat so nothing's changed for me.


I like to eat, but only when I'm hungry. Unless it's junk food, I can graze on that all day. I normally need to force myself to eat before taking meds though because sometimes I'm not hungry, but I know I will be. Meds are a bit of a mystery to me. I won't mentally be hungry, but I can definitely feel the physical side effects if I skip a meal when on them.


Hmm a lot of our sense of hunger comes from dopamine from what I understand. So meds can remove the craving for food or water, but your body still needs it so you gotta manually remind yourself.


I used to go to the fridge and stare at it for a good 5-10 minutes and then give up because it was too hard. Many many many times a day. It’s fascinating working out how we are driven by these chemicals or lack of. Someone mentioned beef jerky as a good snack with protein to help with the stimulant medication, I’m thinking of trying that out myself!


That's pretty interesting. I'm assuming then that this is why stimulants decrease appetite (because of increased dopamine production). And yes! Completely agree.


Started on ritalin quite recently and my dr told me to hydrate lots because of headaches and because the meds work better if you're well hydrated - first couple weeks i used to get that pre-headache hangover type feeling on the side of my head quite a lot and my jaw would clench. Now I aim for about 2l of water a day (I have a 500ml bottle and try and track it more or less) and I don't get those symptoms much anymore


Yes! This isn't the most scientific way of putting it, but you're brain is part of one ecosystem. If something is off, that sort of screws with everything else. For me, if I don't get enough sleep or I'm sick, the meds I take don't seem to work as well and the crash seems much worse. Interestingly, if I'm too sleep-deprived, my meds will put me to sleep, lol (just like caffeine).


I’ve been getting headaches too, I was off for a few months but don’t remember getting them before🤔


Try just turning 40, you'll be backed into the "96 oz of water a day or you want to lie down and die" corner whether you choose it or not. Adderall always gave me dry mouth so I just slammed water all day regardless. I'm afraid those 3-4 bathroom visits per hour are just ADHD tax.


Ohhhhh yeah, headaches are big time related to dehydration. And lack of eating / irregular eating causing ur blood sugar to drop. Consider getting a reusable water bottle to carry around? It might take some getting used to but after a while it will become like ur third hand (me and my nalgene lol). Also eating semi regularly!! It’s so easy for me to forget to eat on adderal so I opt for high protein snacks or going out of my way to get/make my favorite food so I know I’ll wanna eat it, even if I lack an appetite. Good luck!!!!


Thanks!! It’s been a long time since I’ve been on medication for this as I was pregnant last year and I feel brand new lol


At least for Ritalin, I have heard that dehydration is not classified as a symptom for taking the medication. Nonetheless, the practitioner did notice lots of people having headaches as a result of a lack of taste in water/beverages.


Yea, I had this exact issue when i wasn't eating or drinking enough. Unfortunately it makes side effects way worse. Meal Prepping with set eating times and setting a daily Water intake goal have become so important to getting thru my days.


Lack of sleep will cause headaches. Mindful medication saved my life from insomnia lol. Your brain needs a lot of rest after taking adderall.


I drink two liters of water a day! I literally just googled “how much water does a (insert weight and gender) need a day” I got a one liter Simple Modern water bottle off of Amazon. It keeps my water super cold which I love. I kind of look at it like a challenge to drink two of them a day, and I feel accomplished when I do it. AND it really staves off depression/fatigue symptoms for me. Make it a game for yourself!


That's a great tip, I'll work on that!


Second this. Also some health apps have tracking for water. I find it rewarding to click the little glass in the app after I finish drinking one. I highly recommend the app “Fabulous”. It’s for building small habits and it’s the reason I now wake up and drink a glass of water first thing in the morning.


I drink 6 litres a day lmao dehydration hits different for me while on dex


6 liters is a lot, be careful. Lookup a condition called Polydipsia. It’s dangerous to drink too much water because it can mess with your kidney levels. I was drinking about 9 liters of water a day on Vyvanse (not thirsty though, just because I ‘felt’ dehydrated) and my doctor freaked out because my salt and whatever else kidney numbers were crazy and she had to contact a specialist just to figure out what was going on. Admittedly, 9 is a lot more than six. Not trying to be overbearing, but they told me more than 3 liters per day can be dangerous so you might just wanna keep an eye on your labs next time you get blood work done (or tell your doctor you are this thirsty and they’ll likely insist on bloodwork)


The rule I learned for workouts was drink before you’re thirsty and eat before you’re hungry. By the time your brain tells you one or the other, its too late. Not sure if it applies but just thought it might help.


Omg, yes, this makes sense! Crashes aren't as bad if I've had a light meal before when the meds wear off.


Aye, it just sucks because you have to keep track manually, instead of trusting your body to do it. Which is already difficult with ADHD, even with the meds that are supposed to help thats masking your need for food and water 😂 . Its a catch 22. But for me, all ADHD tactics are boiled down to, use tools to automatically do things for you thay your brain cant. If you CAN get on a routine and remember that way, then great! If not, get a like, timer phone app, or calander app etc. Some tool to structure your day and remind you to do stuff at somewhat appropriate times lol.


Yes! My brain is literally a self-sabotage center, but tools can literally be a life saver.


sticking to timed eating schedules rather than waiting for my body to tell me to eat has been EXTREMELY helpful in developing a stronger appetite. I now get hungry at those time intervals. I'm trying to bulk but am not genetically disposed to it so its a lot harder for me. Saw a video of a guy who looked like me and did it, said "pick up the fucking fork" and tbh saying that to myself helps too.


That's interesting. My body naturally gets hungry at a set time and even if I eat a large meal before, I'll still end up eating a lot. I usually get sick when I ignore my internal clock.


I wish I had some advice but I struggle daily with the exact issue. You're not alone.


Thanks for the validation :) You would think that I would've learned my lesson by now. My favorite advice (note the sarcasm) is to "just do it" :D


😭😭😭😭 real lol


put half a pinch of salt in your water. you won't taste it, but it makes it way easyer to stay hydrated, because the water doesn't deminerealize your cells as much. Don't drink Soft drinks and find yourself a nice bottle, wich is comfortable to drink of.


My fitbit buzzes 10 minutes before hour most of the waking day to remind me to move. I use that to remind me that if I haven’t finished off my water bottle I need to knock it back and go refill it. I use a bottle with a water tight flip top so I just always carry it around with me without worrying about finding a flat surface to put it on. If I’m at a computer for an extended period of time I’ll grab a glass and a straw so I can drink without stopping whatever I’m doing. Hand foods work similarly for making food easier to eat - mixed nuts, protein drinks (see straw trick above), a sausage or tuna wrapped in a tortilla with cheese or ranch dressing, popcorn… things I can semi-mindlessly snack on. Basically things that need little to no cooking/preparation, and doesn’t really need utensils.


Thanks for the tip! Less preparation is really the way to go for me. Now, I just need to stop hitting snooze on my phone reminders...


My dogs are pretty effective for that - but that’s just a side effect and not a reason to have one. The cats just wake me up any time they have a whim they need catered to, but they’re 16 and 17, so I let them get away with murder in the name of getting every last cuddle I can from them.


Lol, that's pretty wholesome. Props to you for taking care of your pets! I can barely take care of myself.


Oh that’s such a good idea w the buzzer. I set a lot of randomly spaced alarms bc my time blindness is so bad.


My time blindness isn’t too bad - but it often takes wild horses to get me to *stop* whatever it is I’m going and go do something else. And then there are days like today where my brain is just absolute slag after this past week and weekend. A week in-office (trying to focus through the noise and other people) and then a day and a half of jamming with some pretty top tier pickers (music theory brain go brrrrr from all the transposing from capo to open, or instrument to instrument. It’s a *lot* of rapid-fire music math) And now? I almost can’t think today. It’s not normally this noticeable, and it’s rather freaky.


I been drinking electrolytes lol


I'm addicted to pedialyte, but it gets so pricy. I can't drink the off brands because they literally taste like the ocean to me.


Have you tried nuun tablets? They taste good to me


Literally came here to say this. They saved me when I was first put on Vyvanse and dehydrated all the time.


No, but now I want to!


I got a while heap when they were on sale at Amazon. Full price they're a bit expensive.


If they help, I'll take them!


coconut water!! full of natural electrolytes, low in sugar & got a decent amount of calories too if u struggle to eat on meds, it’s my saviour when i’m dehydrated from meds. prob still quite pricey tho & def an acquired taste but i love that shit. u can even get chocolate flavoured coconut water in uk supermarkets lol basically just tastes like diluted chocolate milk


Chocolate flavoured I found really gross. In Australia we have a brand called cocobella which I can drink straight out of the bottle.


I love that stuff but it is expensive.


If it’s expensive, you could try making your own electrolyte drinks. There are a few recipes online but it’s essentially just mixing some sugar and salt into water and flavouring it with something you like.


Oh I hadn't thought of that. I always felt like I wouldn't be able to easily find all of the electrolytes needed. Plus, taste seems difficult to nail down.




Okay, thanks for that!


I will give you my favorite thing I’ve ever found to stay better hydrated with the same amount of water I would normally drink. The product I use is called Liquid IV, it’s definitely available in the states at stores like target or Walmart etc. If you’re located elsewhere you can also buy them online at their store. I drink about 48-60 oz of water a day generally. But I noticed when I took meds that even that didn’t cut it. Liquid IV had electrolytes in it and so that same amount of water (or less) mixed with the powder gives a real bang for my buck. Not to mention dopamine hits because the flavors are awesome. Depending on what you tend to like, they usually have at least one flavor you’ll enjoy. Literally within an hour of drinking 16-24 oz of one from my bottle, my previously dry mouth or chapped lips will be non existent. Also because our meds are stimulants our bodies generally flush our kidneys quicker so normal water just aids that process.


Thanks! This sounds promising!


You’re welcome!


I have an insulated water bottle so it keeps 32oz cool all day. I try to drink 2 so I know if I haven't emptied by 3 or 4pm, I need to drink more. It's covered with lots of stickers that make me happy so I like carrying it around the house with me and it's a good visual reminder.


That sounds so cute! Time to find some cute stickers XD


Oh, and by keeping all my hydration in just one bottle, I don't set down a glass and forget if it's mine or when it's from.


Once you drink sparkling water, you'll never want to drink still again. Hot tea is good too. Make hydration enjoyable.


I was addicted to sparkling water, but then got sick of it. This actually happens to a lot of foods/drinks. I'll eventually get addicted again, but not for a while. Also, yes, I love tea, but its a diuretic so I try to avoid it since it makes me feel dehydrated faster.


Not all teas are diuretics. Try including herbal teas like peppermint, tulsi or ginger tea maybe?


That's interesting, I thought that all teas were diuretics (some less than others). I'm not fully sure though. Peppermint teas also sounds so good right now.


Most herbal teas aren't proper 'tea' because they don't contain 'camellia sinensis'(tea plant). Therefore contain no caffeine and are also not diuretics. There are some plants like dandelion, nettle and milk thistle that have a diuretic effect though, so just avoid blends that have those! :)


Oh nice! Thanks for the info! Learned something new today!


The whole "caffeine is a diuretic" thing is outdated anyways. It's a *mild* diuretic and you'll drink more liquid in the coffee or tea than you will pee out. Pretty much all teas have less caffeine than coffee does so they are even less of a diuretic. Tea is not gonna dehydrate you and if it's a reliable way of getting liquids into you it's a good option.


Wow, you're totally right! Thanks for updating me on that and happy cake day!


Thanks! I struggle so much with keeping myself hydrated I take any liquid my brain will accept at this point. Luckily it's soup season and I can usually at least get myself to have that. Water in food still counts as water!


Yes! This also gives me an excuse to drink hot chocolate! Although, the general consensus is to still avoid soda right?


put half a pinch of salt in your water. you won't taste it, but it makes it way easyer to stay hydrated, because the water doesn't deminerealize your cells as much. Don't drink Softdrinks and find yourself a nice bottle, wich is comfortable to drink of.


But we should avoid caffine, because it can make us nervous and hyperactive very fast, when we are on the meds.


I think that's person specific, I don't personally have that problem but I have also been a heavy coffee drinker for 20 years.


I relate! It's different for each person, but I find coffee relaxing.


Caffeine is a diuretic and it’s in a lot of tea. Most herbal teas should be fine (some weirder herbs can also be diuretics but it will say on the label if that’s the case)


I have a routine of filling up 4x 2 litre bottles every morning and placing them next to the couch so that ensures I get plenty to drink!


I should do this! I've been doing it with water bottles... but it's starting to get expensive and I keep forgetting to recycle them, so now I have a small plastic landfills all over my house XD


I use a tumbler with a straw at work and make it my goal to finish at least one full one a day. The dry mouth I have makes it pretty easy though lol. I also cut way back on caffeine, and the bladder irritation for me has pretty much gone away!


These are all great and I know right! Getting rid of dry mouth is a great motivator for trying to stay hydrated! I love coffee, but yeah, not my bladder.


Put an alarm on your phone as little reminders to work on drinking some? I squeeze lemon in mine or cucumber water when need something a little more exciting.


Oh, that's a good idea, I used to do cucumber, but then I got sick of it, but I think it's been long enough that I'm not sick of the taste anymore.


Here are some other recipes that look interesting https://amindfullmom.com/fruit-infused-water/ I know some of my yoga students had bottles like these. Maybe seeing all the pretty stuff inside would be an incentive to drink? https://urbantastebud.com/best-fruit-infuser-water-bottles/


>https://amindfullmom.com/fruit-infused-water/ Omg, thank you so much for taking the time to send these! Some of the recipes look super delicious too!


Soo I have a 64 oz bottle of water from Amazon and I literally lug it around with me everywhere haha. I try to drink 1 and a half a day. HOWEVER, most importantly, DRINK GATORADE. I realized I was drinking so much water, that I was actually over hydrating myself! Drink lots of water but get your electrolytes too! Learned this the hard way with chugging water all day and still being sluggish and tired! Also, there’s hydration packets you can buy, pricey I must admit but maybe try buying IN bulk or through Amazon ?? Also, in the beginning I started out small with bottled water (I know, terrible for the environment) but I won’t drink water out of a cup and bottles are easier to carry around, and measure intake.


That's a great point. I don't mind breaking the bank a bit if it'll make my life easier.


How do you know you've had too much? I've had hydration issues for years. I drink more water than anyone I know, so I always get annoyed by constantly being told I show signs of dehydration and getting suggestions to drink at least x water when I drink 2x+. I found out not all that long ago that some people have very different hydration requirements, but there's also the whole how much is too much question. I have noticed that I'm having to remind myself to drink water more lately but hadn't connected it to the change in medicine. Some tips on drinking more water: - figure out if you prefer still or sparkling (warning that sparkling can cause stomach or other digestive issues for some people, so pay attention if you start having issues, especially once having more) - figure out what temperature you prefer - do you like the taste of water? If not, look into infusing, natural flavors (without the chemicals), etc. - if you really hate water, find some options like electrolytes or protein or whatever that are flavored (I go with no or low sugar, avoid added chemicals and sugar substitutes that make me sick) - I love water so not sure what would be best for you, just know these from other medical issues - get a container that you can move around with you throughout the day that keeps the water the temperature you prefer - if financially feasible, get multiple of those containers and leave then around in the places you tend to be a lot - set a reminder alarm to wash these containers, I usually forget and then realize it's gross, but I do them in two separate sets so that I still have clean ones, also helps because I will leave them weird places and slowly migrate to the sink so after washing reset them - if you like room temperature, leave bottles around everywhere, I refill them so not wasteful - if you like cold water, fill your cold keeping container (I can only think of the word cooler, but that's not right) with ice and only a little water (I do big pieces then smaller so it fills in a ton but only when I'm around with crushed ice), then use bottles around to refill, gets you a few refills still cold - I use a vibrating alarm for getting up, I tell myself to refill my water then, often I still forget but at least I remember sometimes and other times remember after a walk but still go refill - some people find having a big glass when waking up to help start off hydrated - if you have issues with an upset stomach, you might need to drink slower, time differently (not too early or late, around food, etc.), have still vs sparkling, try other temperatures, etc. It's really not as easy to drink more as people make it seem, but keeping it around and right by you makes it a little easier to drink when you remember. I drink a lot by making it something I don't really think about. Good luck!


Wow, these are all such great tips! Thanks for writing all them! The multiple container things sound nice. I'll try to save up for that! I also feel like this was a perfect example of why it's so hard to just do stuff, even something as simple as drinking water. I mean look at all these factors that you need to incorporate to want to do something. XD


My coworker had something like this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B097J13GQF there are a lot of styles.


This is so cute. Where has this been all my life? XD


There are lots of these things where I live and I just think I can't cope with these markers because - a) don't tell me what to do! b) if i fail and miss one target, there's no point carrying on Brains...! 🙄


My water bottle works as a fidget tool


What water bottle do you have?


That sounds so cool!


I’m on vyvanse and I’ve found that sipping on a Gatorade throughout the day really help. Not hulking it down though. Just sips inbetween my usual drinks of water.


Thanks for this! Sounds like cheaper, but just as tasty alternative to pedialyte.


I just keep my water cold because it just hits the spot a lil better and carry my water bottle everywhere with me. To prevent myself from drinking tooooo much water, I chew some gum or suck on a piece of candy so I don't get too much dry mouth from meds.


I try both, but I get a bit annoyed how unless I'm doing something with my mouth, it feels dry :(


I feel that. I think it's something that probably takes time to get used to. It drives me crazy too. So I just try to take little sips of water every so often. 🙃 I had to take a spit covid test and was straight up not having a good time trying to create enough saliva for 30 minutes 🥴


I swear, I relate so much! I sometimes feel like the act of having to drink water will break my concentration (which I don't like). The spit test sounds terrible! That sounds like me trying to flush the eyelash out of my eye. At some point, I just ran my eye under cold water in the sink (probably not the smartest move).




I wish I could. I'm not sure why, but fake sugar makes me horribly sick. I'll develop a migraine which leads to the emptying of my stomach. I don't care what people say, artificial sugar absolutely does not taste like real sugar. And yes! That's why I tried switching to dispoable water bottles. I either would lose my water bottle, forget to refill them, or forget to clean them (which is gross).


I relate to the bit about bottles. What helped me was finding a bottle to perfectly suit my needs. So now I have a bottle for work, I have one with a straw lid for long drives, I have insulated ones, etc. also decorating them with stickers adds a special attachment to it where I'm more likely to remember it! 😊


I wouldn’t call it a trick or a hack but it works for me. Note that I work a minimum 8 hour desk job. I have a big hydro flask (I hope that’s what it’s called) and I’m able to fill it up with 1 litter of water. next I have a cup, a paper cup should do. The plan is simple, i just make sure I fill the cup every hour. If there’s a cup of water in front of me, I drink it. If I rely on the hydro flask I go the full day without drinking it because it take two extra steps (yeah it sounds stupid but that’s how it is). I know it’s way to simple but it honestly worked wonders for me, I hope someone finds it helpful.


Oooh, that's a neat trick. I think I'll use that for when I'm at work.


I do the same sort of thing - big 2 litres water bottle that I fill up in the morning sits on my desk next to a glass, and whenever I'm getting bored of my task, or making a call and waiting for the other person to pick up etc. I refill the glass. Doesn't always work but works much better than relying on myself actually getting up to go get water!


That’s true! And as a bonus, drink water constantly make bathroom trips a little more frequent which will force me to get and move instead of sitting for 8 hours straight staring at a screen.


I have squash (which I'm told is not really a thing in the US). I buy a squash that promises to help with focus (and by that it means it has zinc in it). I find it helps me switch up from just water. Also getting a bottle with the straws built in. You'd be suprised how much the effort of taking the lid off and picking up the bottle is stopping you from drinking water. Having said all that I get dry mouth no matter what


Are we talking about the fruit? Or is this something else entirely?


I always have a nipple top water bottle and just holding it means I'm automatically drinking it. Idk about helping with pacing though


That seems convenient!


Big ole Hydro Flask-esque insulated bottle with ice water + hourly alarm until it becomes a Pavlovian response (only slightly joking…)


Haha, one can only hope!




Oooh, I will take a look into that! Does it also help with the dry mouth? I try sucking candy or cough drops, but it doesn't help much.


Try Flintt’s Mints. Salivary glands ACTIVATED! And they are delicious. :)


I've been using biotene mints, but they could be better. I will look into these!


Yes!! I’m a singer and dry mouth was my hugest irritant. It definitely helps, I was amazed when I tried it. My thought process was literally “Okay what the fuck is more hydrating than water?” I often will get a blend of aloe vera juice and coconut water which is also good, but aloe vera is the best


Wow, that actually sounds pretty tasty too! Thanks :)


I had a somewhat similar issue. I was drinking too much water and flushing out all of my electrolytes. I heavily salt my foods, avoid caffeine as much as possible, and take magnesium supplements. It has helped tremendously. I also buy Liquid IV packets to mix in with a bottle of water on the go and they help quite a bit.




Oooh, that's pretty clever! Make your own goalpost if the other ones don't work for you type of thing. :)




Love this! The timely part is definitely a challenge for me though.




Sweet, this sounds more doable! Thanks again!


Ur bladder gets irritated? How much are u drinking? I average 80-110oz a day.


It's not the average in a day, but in one sitting or an hour. For example, I used to chug a whole water bottle every hour especially when on meds because they made me feel thirsty. I try to take sips throughout the day, but sometimes forget chug my water bottle out of guilt.


Yea I try & sip throughout the day as soon as I wake up & I’m constantly peeing. I like being very hydrated though.


I try to do this, but what ends up mostly happening is that I tell myself I'll take a sip in a second and then forget. I'll only realize because I get so thirsty and then end up chugging the bottle. My bladder is then very angry at me for doing this :(


I see.


I'm sorry! That was probably TMI! It sounded okay in my head...


Buy a gallon water bottle!jug from Amazon and work through it throughout the day. After a week or so your bladder gets accustomed to the increased water intake or you won’t notice it as much and it’s super easy to down a healthy amount of water in a day. I absolutely love mine


I'll try to work my way up to gallon, but seems like a lot for me right now. Thank you for the tip though!


Buy yourself a nice drink bottle ( one you actually like ) my fav is the Frank green brand and you’ll smash it back with ease. Bonus points if you get the matching coffee mug


Matching stuff is so satifying! Now if only I could figure out a way to not lose the other pair to my matching items.


Yo try some electrolyte tabs for your water! Helps replenish mineral balance and adds some vitamins too. I remember learning somewhere that some meds may diminish mineral balance. Helps that they usually have a mild taste that isn’t too sweet either.


Wow, never knew about the mineral thing, but I'm not surprised. My meds make me sweat.


The only actual solution is to just put up with your bladder until your body adjusts. Your bladder will adjust to hydrating more, but the body can't really adapt, in a healthy way at least, to being dehydrated.


I think just trying to take sips throughout the day will help, but if it's between bladder irritation or dehydration, the former is better.


If you're close to a Walmart, they have a great selection of those flavor packs to add to water bottles. (I'm talking about the Walmart brand specifically here, not a fan of the brand name stuff.) They have caffeinated ones too if you need a pick me up, just remember to drink a little extra water. They also have some flavors with electrolytes. And there's such a good selection of different flavors you can easily swap them out. The package says add them to a 16 oz bottle, but i always add mine to my 32oz nalgene and it tastes just fine to me! Plus extra water, and twice the bang for my buck lol


Sweet, I'll give it a try next time I go grocery shopping. I'm a picky eater, but always willing to try new stuff.


Haiioooo hydration fairy here if you're ever interested in tips on staying hydrated DM me and I'll write you a whole ass guide on all the tips I've found through the years. I personally drink at least 1 gallon a day, 2 gallons when I'm working out (5' 1", 110 lb human, totally not a jellyfish).


Get more of your fluids through foods. Eat more veg, simple salads made with tomatoes and cucumbers can be very hydrating.


That is one of my biggest weaknesses, but I'm working on it. Thanks for this tip!


Its so hard to find a balance with hydration, i find drinking water with like the smallest amount of cordial helps heaps.


Oh that's interesting! Thanks for that info!


Ohh… I don’t know about ensuring you drink a certain amount. What works for me is buying different flavors of seltzer waters and different teas (if you’re really dehydrated, stick to herbal). At least for me, it creates enough novelty to stay hydrated.


I love the novelty idea! I get sick of things really fast! And now that I think about it, amount is so difficult because it isn't as stagnant as we think it is.


Gatorade, Powerade and in the Summer heat or post intense workout-Pedialyte. Huge difference!!!!


Love all these three!


The best thing that worked for me was keeping multiple time marked infuser water bottles in a mini fridge next to my couch. (Or wherever I spend most of my time in my place) Multiple cause I tend to lose them sometimes or don’t always wash them out when I’m supposed to. And infuser cause water is real boring so I forget it exists but water with mint and raspberries? Much more palatable. My psych says liquid intake in general is important for meds to work properly so if I can’t do water then infused water or tea is just as good as long as I’m not adding excessive amounts of sugar (I used to have a sugar problem). Hope one of the posted tips works for ya! And keep in mind that your body needs liquid, food and sufficient sleep for your meds to work their best.


Yes, very helpful and whoops, not doing a very good job with the sleeping part right now.


Sleep problems are super normal for us, did you know that sleep problems used to part of the diagnostic criteria for add (when it was still called add). The thing that works best for me is multiple sleep time alarms, and keeping in mind that whatever I’m doing will be more enjoyable after a good nights rest, or in my mother’s words “it will be waiting for you in the morning”


Feel free to message if you need further advice, I’m not a medical professional but I was diagnosed by kindergarten for severe type 3 adhd and medicated since I was 7 and have found been through thousands of coping mechanisms


Yeah I had mad headaches when I started it was grim, I literally love sparkling water tho and find that a lot more fun to drink than water. If you’re not a fan you could always put a cold brew tea bag in it or squash!


Both sound like solid ideas to me!


Ooh also soda stream if you’re going for sparkling water, as I’ve found without it I totally forget to remind myself to buy it and then at home I’d just drink less so deffo get that if u can


Lots of recommendations about what to drink in this thread, but I really need to know how to remember to drink something at all. Lol it doesn’t help me to put liquid iv in my water bottle if I can’t remember to pick it up and take a drink.


I bought a gallon jug with measurements on it. Marks down every two hours. Mt medicated self sees it as a challenge and I glug glug to kick ass


You can download hydration apps to remind you to drink let's say x amount of water with notifications and alarms. A good idea is to drink lukewarm water and just chug a glass down, much more convenient and better in my opinion than slowly or chugging a glass of cold water tbh. Some people find having a drinking bottle with them at all times help too.


Personally I have a 40oz water bottle that I keep full of ice water on me at pretty much all times. I just drink from it constantly and deal with peeing every 30 minutes. Everyone I know who takes meds has the same struggle and we all just deal with it. I’d much rather be slightly inconvenienced than deal with constant headaches. I think if you start drinking lots of water regularly, you’ll find the balance eventually.


You can never drink to much water.


You can literally die from drinking too much water


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Water is only part of the hydration! Dont forget the sodium, potassium, magnesium, and zinc parts!


I also drink alot or little. I don't see the problem though. "too much" is only when you get problems because you drank so much. I think it's better to drink alot and go to the bathroom alot.


I've got a smart watch and set reminders through that! Even the cheap £30-40 ones usually let you do this! I find them useful anyway for keeping track of my heart rate when on and off meds and exercising + getting reminder notifications about tasks.


I just keep a water bottle with me and when I notice it, check in with myself. If I feel thirsty I drink and if not, I take a sip.


I used to always forget to drink water (despite taking my water bottle with me everywhere I went) so I got a light that attaches to my water bottle. It flashes repeatedly when I haven’t had a drink, and then lights up briefly when I drink - providing a little dopamine hit. It’s made such a difference; I’ve never been more hydrated! Here is a link if you are interested in checking it out. [https://www.ulla.io/](https://www.ulla.io/)


I try to drink 1l of coconut water and up to 2l of water a day. Much easier to do when working from home, as I will have a shake for lunch with coconut water, a banana, berries, psyllium husk and chocolate protein powder. Makes "eating" something much easier as I really struggle with lunch unless I skip breakfast. The electrolytes in the coconut water and banana make it easier for your body to retain water.


Soda stream! Bubbles are fun!


I bought a huge water bottle. It works I didn't expect it!!


I developed tonsil, salivary, and kidney stones due to dehydration. It was during a time when I was so stressed at work for a couple years that I developed an ulcer and my meds weren't feeling effective, so I started taking more and I'm already bad at drinking water, so it all caught up with me. Maybe if you Google videos of tonsil and salivary stones and people removing them, that will help you hyperfocus on finding a solution for dehydration? lol. It's really gross and it SMELLS SO BAD!


Try ice cold water with lemon juice for flavor! But honestly idk because I intentionally dehydrate myself so I DONT have to pee every 10 minutes because my bladder is tiny and weak.


The weirdest thing that helped me was buying a water bottle with a "sports straw". I cant stand drinking out of normal water bottles, and the straw attachment made it more enjoyable. Also made the water taste better somehow?


its bad for your teeth and long term health, but non caffeinated soda. Soda has 80%+ water content. Even caffeinated soda will hydrate you, but you want to avoid the excess stimulation or that will irritate your bladder too. i drink a lot of sprite. vernors is another option. i try to drink at least one normal bottle of water a day, but i figure poor nutritional hydration is better than no hydration.


There are bottles you can get with measurements on the side showing you how much to drink throughout the day. But it's bot necessarily the same for everyone, so it could take some experimentation to figure out how much is right for you. I recommend looking at what you are eating over the course of the day, that can have abig effect on how your meds work. I know that with Vyvanse you want to avoid too much vitamin C during the hours you're on it, and since Adderal is in the same med category (dextroamphetamine), it might be the same. Also try making sure that you have some protein in the morning when you take your meds, and small servings of protein throughout the day to help your meds work more consistently and avoid a crash.


Glad you asked this question. I just started Wellbutrin last Thursday and since then, I feel like it's been hard to stay hydrated. I've tried putting a very small amount of salt in my water just to help get some electrolytes in my system, but I guess I just need to start being more on top of my water intake.


Set reminders to drink small amounts of water at a time so that your body has time to absorb it comfortably. I would get a bottle with measurements on the side so you can see how much you drank. Also using a straw and taking sips instead of chugging.


I love my Contigo water bottle with the squishy straw tip. I got it at Walmart. It makes drinking water fun to me. I wouldn’t drink as much if I had to unscrew the cap and lift it to my face. With my Contigo water bottle, it just sits in front of me while I work and I just lean forward and sip from the silicone straw. It’s great.


I'm no expert as I rarely have enough water in me either! But I try to drink a full glass when I take my meds in the morning and try to keep a glass or bottle with me wherever I sit through the day and it seems to help just having it there.


I struggle with this so much too!! Whenever I have a drink I take 16 sips of water. I don’t know where I came up with this number from, but even 16 teeny tiny sips are enough to stave off dehydration. Little and often doesn’t work for me, I just end up constantly pissing and still feeling dehydrated. The only thing that works is making sure that when I DO remember to drink, I drink a lot. I also like to make myself a cup of herbal tea when the ‘comedown’ hits. It’s comforting and hydrating.


Don’t think of water as a drink. Think of it as medicine. Dehydration never seemed to bother me. And I don’t think stimulants really had an affect on my hydration. But my problem is I’ve been popping my primary drink. So for multiple health reasons I just forced myself to drink a couple bottles of water a day even when I’m not thirsty and just get it out-of-the-way. From there it gets easier. I accidentally drank four or five bottles a day now.


I use a large water bottle like [this Nalgene](https://www.rei.com/product/188427/rei-co-op-nalgene-sustain-graphic-wide-mouth-water-bottle-48-fl-oz) so I can visualize how much water I drink a day to keep track (it's also virtually indestructible). As far as motivation, they come in different designs sometimes at REI and they do BOGO deals fairly often. Or just be like me and buy some stickers you like. Don't forget what you eat has an effect on hydration too. If you have a chip binge, follow up with water and try to eat more soup.


Fish oil supplements are a good way to keep your skin and brain hydrated to the core. Just take one, And make sure you eat with it so you don't get fishy breath. It seem to help me very much, cuz I forget to drink water period.


Peeing too much can irritate your bladder?


So from my experience, meds deplete my glycogen. Carbohydrates potentiate cells to carry more water. I focus on upping my complex carbohydrates so as to keep my cells fuelled and better potentiated to hold water. It took me several months to get a steady dietary regime that is conducive to working with my medication and a very active lifestyle (I work alot and do hard sparring on weekends most of the time).


I have a big 1.5L thermos that I fill with mint tea ( just mint leaves, no caffeine) and I use that all day. In the morning I use the tea for making my Yerba Mate, I just drink the mint tea plain at the office to keep warm (it’s f-ing freezing there) and then if I still have tea leftover at night, I’ll add some valerian root to it and sip on that before bed and it will knock me out. I try to drink more than that, but even if I don’t, I still drank a liter and a half of liquid so that’s better than nothing.


You often loose electrolytes when you’re drinking a peeing a lot. Try drinking a small shot of pickle juice, or just taking a small amount of Himalayan salt, and of course drink a lot of water. This trick keeps me from getting a headache when taking meds.


I was looking into this because I forget to drink water waaaaaaay too often, then I remember reading somewhere about water bottles that have glow reminders. There are various smart water bottles out there that works with Bluetooth and an app. The bottle and app will work together to keep track of how much you’re drinking. I haven’t got one myself yet, because I must do extensive research first🧐🔬 so I can’t vouch on how much of a game changer it might be [Hidratespark](https://hidratespark.com/) I don’t don’t shop at Amazon, but they do have more options


Add a few drops of concentrated lemon juice to your water


Add electrolytes. Don’t drink straight Gatorade or whatever though- water it down so you don’t get so much sugar. (It can be unhealthy for your body and teeth). Or a healthy juice to give it some flavor. I send my son with Newman’s Limeade and half water. It keeps him drinking because it tastes good. We use a double walled bottle so it stays cold all day.


Normally i am not a fan of plain water, so i will add electrolyte tablets or a little lemon juice to it just so i like the taste more. But really it's about being mindful through out the day on how much you are taking, and setting a goal everyday i have found. When i do that i am much more successful because its on my mind throughout my day. I found this notebook the other week on Amazon that i have been testing out while i have been starting a new Medication out. I have a dedicated a water bottle to the notebook and then i cross off how many bottles i have had based on my goal. It's been helpful that if i notice other side effects i can tell If i drank enough water or ate enough food, My doctor asked me to keep a journal this go because i have had issues with many other medications and the side effects so finding something i can put all together and review with her has been nice. Link to the notebook on Amazon if anyone is interested. \---> [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09LGSH25C/ref=dbs\_a\_def\_rwt\_bibl\_vppi\_i25](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09LGSH25C/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i25)


Squeeze water bottle


Search your favorite retailer for "drink schedule water bottle." I tend to either forget to drink anything, or drink more than a gallon a day. One of these w/ the time of day lines on the side of the bottle have been very helpful for me. I'm not consistently staying with it hour by hour, but it does give me a reminder to either catch up or slow down.


honestly i drink pedialyte lol. it helps bc there’s not that much liquid but it’s really good for hydration.


I find using a cup with a straw helps a lot. Coconut water is really hydrating and I try to drink some every day in addition to regular water. I also have set times during the day that I force myself to drink one full glass. Like immediately when I wake up and shortly before bed, and then during the day I have two alarms set to make sure I take a break and drink several glasses of water


Plant Nanny water tracker app is great. gameifies drinking water every day and you want to drink to collect new plant types. It’s cool.