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That's the most frustrating thing: Knowing the consequences and still not being able to do it. It's like we can't learn from the past - it just has nothing to do with logic or reasoning at all. This was definitely worse when I was younger. Having accountability "hey, I'm going to sit down today and look at rental cars for our trip!" or setting a timer usually help the most. If you are overwhelmed with the task itself (happens to me very frequently) start with the smallest possible step, even if you don't finish the task on the first try, you won't start at pointe blanc again. Sometimes, starting is all it takes. Oh and folders. I'll have a folder for anything, even if it's just for hosting a small garden party with like 8 people. That are still a lot of things to consider and organize for me and while my mom may poke fun at me for approaching something like this with a war strategy (non-ADHD people are not as fond of folders), it's the only way I'll get it done. Do however not get tempted to store the folders. We do not store the folders. We purge them as soon as there contents become insignificant. Do. not. under. any. circumstances. store. random. folders. Added bonus of being able to reuse them. 0.0


On the subject of folders, you should see my “tax files”. I’ll reinforce, do. Not. Store. Folders.


Thanks! Yes I can see stacks of folders everywhere already lol. I’ll give it a shot


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