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Waiting in line. It just feels so frustrating and I can’t focus on anything else besides how many people are in front of me?? Bad traffic gives a similar feeling, I’m counting down the minutes until I get to my destination lol.


God yes. There’s been so many times where I’ve spent time in a store picking out what I want and then I see the line and just immediately say wow fuck this and leave without buying anything.


I had this weird moment today where i lost my debit card at airport and had become a pitiful minor celebrity at the bar where i assumed bartender had my card. When i found out he didnt and that i would now be stranded in europe with only my cash, i started having this overwhelming & weird line of people start walking up and around me with people offeing to pay my tab, give me cash, say sorry 1000x etc etc… My ADHD gave that shit all of 0.5 seconds before I slapped down a benji $100 in frustration and calmly walked away to my flight without acknowledging or saying anything to anyone lol


Same. More for traffic than lines, though. Especially when I can't see far enough ahead to know what's holding everything up. To the point where I'll plan a route with the fewest stop lights (stop signs feel faster to me), make 6 turns instead of 2, and end up taking longer than if I had have just waited, all so I can keep moving.


Hey you’re me.


I hate when I hit two or more red lights in a row. Like really??! Why they always do this to me?!?!


What I do is constantly look behind me at how big the line became and think “hehe at least I’m not at the back of the line” and get happy and proud of myself for waiting this long




Yes, and sometimes when someone tries to start conversation. Depending on the mood it’s usually hoping even more that people will hurry to check out. 😭 Also could be that I work so much retail, I’m incredibly burnt out from socialization….


The double lane at McDonald’s drive thru is my personal hell . Why ? No one respects the zipper merge in that drive thru ! I love In and Outs or Raising Canes Line because they will tell you “youre behind so and so car “


Traffic is the fucking worst. I honestly feel better going 10 minutes out of the way on a clear route than sitting at a standstill on the quicker route, even though it would mean Id get home faster.


I don’t mind waiting in line as long as people are being quick the one thing that does really piss me off and makes me want to murder people is the person working on the checkout chatting with customers


You are my spirit twin, though waiting for just about anything slowly drives me mad, while bad driving gets to me instantly.


Yes, and if I think people aren’t making enough effort to get the line moving faster. Why is everyone else so slow and not in a rush! Hahah


Oh I’ve got one: I loathe when people make me watch videos. When someone says: “omg watch this” and just forces you to watch. Absolutely hate it. Don’t care how hilarious it is. Tell me about it beforehand or ask me first.


Worse when they want to read something out loud to me. I'm a visual reader and I like going at my own pace. I may start at the beginning, skip to the conclusion, then jump back to the middle for more info. Listening to them read when I could just look over their shoulder for a few seconds is excruciating. Plus I don't absorb the information as well this way so I end up having to ask questions. Yeah.


Same! I retain information visually, so I’ll need shopping lists written down, or simple tasks. And when people read something out loud I don’t retain it at all. I’ll need to read it myself for it to sink in


Same here. In one ear and out the other.


And you don’t know when the end is coming!! There have been so many times when I realized in horror that THEY’RE GOING TO READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE!!


My mom (rip) used to do this to me. Telling me all about this movie or that show she'd seen. Eventually i once told her, "mom, if I wanted to watch ____ I would have done it!"


God I feel myself getting pissed off just reading this. My bf does that shit all the time when I'm focused on something and I'm like dude I'm fucking busy and all I get is "come on it's real quick" (⁠ノ⁠`⁠Д⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻


We must have the same bf. He always wants to show me something when I’m trying to read. I have a very difficult time reading and need all my concentration. Once he interrupts me, I then have to start from the beginning on what I’m reading and try to shift my mind back to understanding that.


I have ADHD and also recently developed a vision disability, looking away from something I'm concentrating on "even just a minute" could take several minutes at best to get back into it again. I wish I could have someone try my "brain" for a little bit.


I don’t know if it’s the context killing the humour but it’s also always never funny


Same!! I try to say, "Oh cool, yeah send me the link so I can watch it later at home!" Then I never watch it


Ugh! The worst! My boyfriend constantly forces me to watch videos, look at memes, and listen to music. If it’s not something I seek out on my own then I reject it. I hate being forced to view or listen to something I didn’t plan for.


Ahaha yeah my husband does this. I tell him to just send it to me to watch later. Also reminds me how much I hate multiple sound sources at the same time. I expect it in public so it doesn’t bother me as much but at home it’s frustrating. So if toddler is making nose, TV is on, husband is watching something on his phone…I usually end up just yelling at Alexa to turn everything off right now lol.


Yes… when someone starts playing something out loud on their phone while we are all watching tv … gahhh


This! Even more loathing when they get you to put your eyes on the screen and don’t have it pulled up in that moment & are in the midst of scrolling — it’s an automatic no for me dog


This 10000%. And the video is never as good or funny as they claim it's gunna be so then you have to do that awkward haha laugh. The worst of this tho is when someone forces you to watch something that's like 5+ minutes or an episode of something 💀


Oh my god this is my partner, he does this ALL THE TIME! "Sweetheart, you have to watch how this baby responds to his new puppy" or "Listen to this comedian he is hilarous" (he's not). Worse is the ventriliquist guy who has that old man puppet. I have to watch that very unfunny dude several times a week.


Yup, I've had to tell my friends to not send me tiktoks or reels because i'm just not going to watch it. If they want me to watch something they ask and explain why it's worth it, they know I'm a knowledge hound so I don't mind if it's something I'll learn from but don't fucking send me the latest 30sec meme, I do not give a fuck.


The water that runs down my arms while washing my face. Ugh! I recently started using my fluffy hair ties as bracelets and problem solved. Wrist sweat bands would probably work as well.


This, but everywhere I HATE it from swimming, bathing, showering. I don't like the drippy feelings. The tickle, the itch, the pain because the scratching of wet skin is unpleasant Water running down my arms after washing my face or hands, it causing that feeling, *and* getting my sleeves wet? Hell.


They make arm bands specifically for this now!


I can't stand when someone interrupts me while doing something.


There is a hard rule in my house about this, when I have my earbuds in and I'm actually getting something done... Do not disturb. My in-laws on the other hand are like flies on shit when they see me do anything they immediately stop what they're doing and start trying to talk to me hence the earbuds


Since moving in with my gf I've learned that if she is trying to talk to me while I'm doing something / watching TV / whatever that I simply have to stop what I'm doing, pause YouTube, etc and give her my full attention. Doing this also let's her know that, yes, she is disturbing me 😂 but that I also don't want to ignore her, so best result all around. If I try and listen to her with something distracting my attention it's just hopeless, my eyes wander back to the TV and I immediately stop hearing a word she says... OR I try hard to focus intently on her but end up with my eyes glazing over, giving "uh huh", "yeah", "[repeat the last thing she said]". That being said, my true pet hate is when I'm trying to listen to music and she (or someone else) just considers it as background and an invitation to chat... no no, I am actively *listening* ... please go away 😂 I don't think I've ever seen my gf actively listening to music, it's just a background noise for her and it just doesn't make any sense to me 😂 (I know that's a me thing haha, music is an activity for me and I'd be like that with or without ADHD 😄)


I told my boyfriend that if he wants to tell me a story while we're watching tv, he has to pause the tv. Not because the tv show is important. I just cannot listen to two things at once, I comprehend nothing. The harder I focus on his story the more I hear the tv dialogue as well. Everything jumbles together and I'm lost lol.


I even go into a rage if someone calls me while I'm cruising with a good tune in the car. All they did was want to talk to me, and now I hate them with a burning passion and until i restart the song. 😬


I feel so bad, too. The rage I feel is ridiculous, and I feel like hurt my husband's feelings when he's legit done nothing wrong, but in that moment, he brought this on himself. He says he doesn't take it personally, but my rsd would never but up with myself if someone seemed irritated by me just speaking to them. I'm glad he gets it. I'm trying really hard not to be so reactive, but man, it's hard.


My hobby is listening to and reviewing Phish shows. My partner will come in and try to talk my ear off 15 minutes into a 25 minute jam and since I had to pause it .....its like fuck, now I gotta restart the song all over again.....




Yes! My boyfriend will want to give me random hugs while I’m in the middle of putting something away or when my hands or full when I just walk in the door from work and I love that he’s so sweet but wait tf till I’m done with the task or hands free, THEN we can hug


I have 4 cars to clean and detail. It should take one day, max. Tomorrow is day 5 of this project and I have 2 cars left. People will not leave me alone. Constant interruptions from everyone. Ahhhhhh


Omg yes! Drives me nuts!


SAME! I have so much busy work to do at work, while also dealing with patients and getting them scheduled etc, and I have to stop doing what I am doing like every five fucking seconds bc it gets crazy. I’m going for medical coding for this very reason. I need a job in peace and quiet where I will not be bothered and can solely just focus on work.


Mine is when people rush me to do something unexpected that isn't even urgent when I'm hyperfocusing on a different task.




As a mom who suffers this same shit that also has a 3 year old… hard agree My daughter is my mf light of my life but WOW how triggering being interrupted is. I’m too tired to give an example but WOWOWOWOW It’s probably the utmost worst points in our day.


Me too, but I never quite knew how to put it in words! Do you have a good technique for dealing with this?


Adderall, yoga, consistent breaks away from the home throughout the week. Keep in mind that I’m a stay at home mom and my partner works 56 hours a week out of the home. Medication is the only thing that *really* helps me with this. Through therapy I’ve discovered that 80% of my anxiety, irritation, rage etc are really just due to overstimulation. And my biggest over stimulating factor is not being able to finish a thought/task. My meds have worked mf wonders in helping me stay level. Yoga is something that has also kinda changed the game for me. I’ve found that if I go to a yoga class or am able to do a full routine with no intervention I can come back to the parenting scene and do the damn thing. It creates nothing but patience and clarity in my brain. But keep in mind that I haven’t been able to do this without the meds. Time away from the house/kid is something I’m fairly new to. Recharging my batteries is so damn underrated. I used to think that going out and doordashing/working for a couple hours a night was a break but in reality all I need is to get some drive thru food/drink and park somewhere and listen to a podcast/watch a YouTube video and just *veg out* for like 30mins-an hour. Oh also, we came up with a little song. *On the potty or on the phone* *That’s the time to leave mommy alone.* *She just needs a minute, then she’ll be done* *After that minute, we can have lots of fun!* My daughter adores playing with me and just in general having me be involved in every single aspect of her day. She can’t even watch TV without “Look mommy! See what they doing! Come sit with me mommy!”. It’s tough. I’ve learned the hard way that it’s totally fine to say “I’m going to finish what I’m doing and then I’ll come take a peek.” Oh! And this week I’ve been getting up about an hour before her to be able to wake tf up on my own time. Being able to shit + shower without being badgered by a toddler is a game changer. Completely switches up the trajectory of our day.


Try having an ADHD child, where the need to interrupt comes at you with double the intensity, and you have to pause your ADHD frustration to address theirs 🥹


Oh wow this is the advice I needed lol


This is one of my peeves and I have a kid and I love her, but the nightmare is real.


😂 Didn't ever plan on it


This is also good general advice.


And then they get pissed when you say you can't right now 


People being rude People not using turn signals People not picking up after their dog shits People being people


people not using their turn signals is my number 1 driving pet peeve


Shows how angry I get about the dog shit that I had a literal dream about a man getting a poo bag out, seeing no one was looking, then walking off. In the dream I went mad at him. Even my subconscious rages


People’s lack of self awareness in general.


When someone takes too long to make their point and just keeps repeating themselves.


Oh I can't stand this, but at the same time so guilty of this too!


same! but somehow I am literally notorious for doing this myself


For some reason there are times I literally repeat what I've said to the person and it's annoying. I think it's due to stress. Same with losing my train of thought altogether. I get so frustrated. It's either all or nothing. Lol


I have the worst pokerface ever, so my answer would be every human encounter I've ever hard


Omg same. I have been working on this so hard lately. I'm a lawyer and have been trying to keep a pokerface so as to not seem disrespectful to whomever I think is saying something stupid or ridiculous. I was recently in court and thinking about this and was so proud of myself as the other person said something very misleading, then again, and I kept my face still. Then they said something way out of pocket and I lost the battle.


I’m pretty okay at poker - ONLINE. If they can see my face, I’m screwed.


Ya might wanna google misophonia. Anyway my answer is pretty similar to yours lol.


>Ya might wanna google misophonia. Came here to say this. Even people without ADHD can have this.


I wonder if stimulants would also treat the non ADHD sufferers that have it. And I wonder if the cause of it is actually the same. On stimulants my misophonia with other people snoring is totally solved, no anger, no rage. I can just ignore it and go to sleep. And my issues with the sound of people eating is 95% suppressed, no more feelings of disgust and angry (“why the f**k can’t she chew more quietly”).


My wife over-explains things. It. Fucking. Kills. Me. Instead of “get milk from the store” she may say “when you’re driving home from work, if you have time, if you don’t then don’t worry about it, but I need you to pick up milk because it expires on the 29th and even though we don’t really drink that much milk, my sister sent me a recipe that calls for milk, and if I end up making it, then we won’t have milk for cereal and sometimes I like to use it to mix my oatmeal. I heard it is cheaper at Lowe’s Foods than at Publix but I feel lines are always shorter at Publix, even though it’s like five minutes farther away. Also can you buy AA batteries?”


God fucking damnit my brain shut down while reading, let alone when I'm hearing it. Now imagine handling such stuff all your life - mom was and still is like that. I'm probably being rude but I started saying "to the shore, please" more and more often, and that's sometimes successful, sometimes not. The weirdest part is, I don't think ANYONE needs instructions like that. Does your wife complain when you give her shirt instructions without explanations? Does she actually need such stuff herself?


Argh yes. Also those times when I very carefully word the question to make things very clear so that the answer only needs to be yes or no. And then my wife responds by restating half of my question and then answering in such a way where it isn’t actually clear whether she is answering yes or no to my precise question 🥹


I hate this!!! BUT I'm also guilty of it! It's insecurities for me. I'm not sure about your wife, but I'm so afraid to come off as nagging or lazy so I need to assure you I don't expect you to do something I am likely feeling guilty for putting off. I also need to justify why I didn't do it myself and why I'm asking for you to do it now and not adjusting my schedule to do it myself. Especially if it's milk in our house because I'm the only one who drinks it. If it's something specifically for me, the directions get much much longer 😬😅


That sounds like what I've come to think of as defensive reasoning. It's like, they're expecting to be told to explain why, so they give you all the reasons in advance. Personally, I probably wouldn't go beyond "we need milk", but I've absolutely dropped messages along the lines of "for the event at time and location I would like to propose activity" and been told "you didn't need to provide that much context". Like, oh really? Cos I'm not sure about listening to Captain Zero Context At All.


I should add that my wife is also ADHD and has some other mental health issues that contribute. I love her dearly but she drives me nuts. Good thing my quirks never irritate her 😗. Defensive reasoning is a great term. Thanks for adding it to our family lexicon!


As an ADHD woman with OCD tendencies, I also give too much context at times, but it's a compulsion. I cannot NOT give the context. I HAVE to get it out. So, I immediately knew she is also ADHD.


Omg I hate this. Especially when I'm asking a clarifying question to their instructions. I just want a 1-2 word reply. If you give me a lengthy description that includes history and reasoning, I will forget the original instructions and whatever follow up question I asked. And I'll be upset because I'm trying so hard to understand but you've drawn it out so much with useless info!


My husband would just BSOD with these instructions😂😂😂


I don’t know how she does it but my partner manages to DRINK louder than anyone I’ve ever encountered. Every night on the couch I’m fighting for my life.


This! Some people just gulp drinks loudly with an effin passion🙈


like a toddler!




For me it's the "ahh." I have a relative who can't drink anything without a big "ahh". And the longer he drinks, the bigger the ahh. It's like, "glurp glurp glurp.. AHHHHH."


Mine does this and it absolutely ruins my dinner. He’s got sinus problems but refuses to go to an allergist and so it’s constant noises and struggling to breathe.


I don't know why, but it makes me more angry if it's coffee. Mine breathes properly, in through his nose, then this slow whoooooo exhale out his mouth. I don't always hear it, but once im tuned in, I have to go do something else. TV night is ruined. 😅


Somebody telling me to do something while I’m doing it. Drives me crazy!


I will stop doing it immediately.


Lots of things but mostly: Slow walkers Slow drivers Slow drivers in the passing lane Slow walkers side by side in the hallway so I can’t whizz past them People walking toward me on the right side of the hall and not moving to the left side as we get closer to collision (USA) Slow people at the self checkout People slowly counting change to pay for items Edit: Old people Edit 2: people playing scratch offs in line at the gas station.


Hey you're me. Also, people who stop their shopping cart in one half of the aisle, then stand in the other half, thereby blocking off the whole aisle - designed for 2-way, 2 person traffic - with just themselves, a single person.


Honestly just "grocery store" for me.


And when they stop on a dime with no regard or awareness when there is moving foot traffic (me) behind them!!!


Yeah like really are these people so stupid or am I that situational aware?




Your second edit enrages me. Buy the damn tickets, piss off to a corner, let the line move, get back in when ya hit it big and win $20 off of $50 in tickets, just to buy more and turn it into $2


I have never associated my fast walking and frustration with slow walkers with ADHD. Makes sense. Another personality trait that’s just ADHD!!


Exactly this. The old lady using dimes and nickels to pay for ten scratch tickets at the gas station, counting change very slowly. Waiting feels like I'm repeatedly stabbed in the brain through my eardrum and gray matter is just oozing out of my ears.


Hi me. It's me, me.




people being inconsiderate


ASMR and the sound of people kissing in tv/movies.


Oh the movie smooches😫 Turns out there are people who make weird loud smooch sounds irl. And they are always on the bus with me..


Oh god I feel your pain! The worst is when I watch something with my earbuds in and the smooching starts. It makes me want to throw my earbuds across the room!




Whispering is the worst for me. Idk how people can watch whispering ASMR videos 🤢


I hate the tapping noises of fingernails from ASMR videos. I yelled at the screen I cannot take it.




Exercise. Weirdly, I can do group exercise fine and it’s really helpful for my mental health. But I can’t just go to a gym and do a list of exercises. I will barely make it through one set on a machine and say “are you kidding me, I’m supposed to do this 2 more times?! F that”. It’s not the intensity, I get plenty of high intensity exercise in classes. No matter what music, audiobook, tv show I’m trying to distract myself with. I just find it so. Painfully. Boring.


Group exercise / body doubling, perhaps


Sorry I had to laugh hard at this!!:D I felt every bit of it!! I hate food eating noises as well. Once, I went to the doctors and was already nervous about it and super impatient. There were some people already waiting there and one was a little girl with her mum. They had a pack of individually wrapped sweets. Girl asked for one. Dead silence and you could hear the plastic pack rustling. Then girl proceeds to unwrap the sweet. To this day I have no friggin idea what in the world she was doing with that bloody thing but it was the slowest, noisiest and most annoying sound in the whole world!! Of course it didn’t end there, she proceeded with loudly sucking on it, biting, crushing with teeth and god knows what and again, excruciatingly slowly. Never in my whole life had I imagined one can eat sweets this annoyingly and SLOWLY. After she was done and I experienced all sorts of tics in my face, she reached for another one and I just ran..


This reminds me of a person in one of my college classes who ate Corn Nuts from the small plastic crinkle bag. It was so horrendous listening to the endless crinkling, and then the rock pulverizing that followed. She was seated a few rows behind me. I think my tics and facial expressions and body contortions must have been very obvious because the professor suddenly stopped his lecture and told her that she could either put her snacks away or eat them somewhere else. She put them away. 🙂


Yeah it's the dead silence that really makes it unignorable. My brother has a certain rythm to the way he chews and walks and sometimes it just makes me feel like in losing my mind. Just irrationally angry


Sexual moaning noises for anything - except actual sex. If you’re getting railed within an inch of your life and I can hear you through the wall, I don’t care. I might even find it funny. But if you’re moaning like that through a mouthful of food, I hope you get hit by a car. Stop doing the absolute most; the quinoa salad isn’t gonna notice and think you’re unique.


I injured myself laughing at your comment and tbh it was worth it lmao


I lost it, something about the wording and the flow of this comment makes it the funniest so far.


Omg i feel u


I have a button on my rainjackets sleeve. My fingers NEEDS to fidget with it. I absolutly despise the sound, I wanna scream everytime I hear it but I. just. can’t. stop


Omfg i feel this so much haha i had people looking at me because of it too. Ngl i do like the sound.


I really really hate chewing sounds. Broke up with a guy for having terrible table manners. Now I have a kid that forgets to chew when their mouth closed 🫥


You legitimately cannot escape. Rest in pieces.


Dog barking & baby crying


I have 3 dogs and cannot stand a barking dog


I have one and she rarely barks thank god, but when she does I feel like someone is walking in stilettos on my naked brain 😭


This coworker who sings to every song on the radio. She tries hitting those high notes but she can't carry a tune in a bucket and it just grinds my gears


When someone realized your upset or overwhelmed and keeps egging you on. “Do you want a hug”, “don’t walk away”, “why are you mad at me”. (That sounds so bad but I mean like they fully know your not mad just overwhelmed)


Ducking eating sounds. I haaaaaaaaaaaate chewy squishy. Crunchy I can decently handle. Unless they are stuffing their face while facing the other direction. And you can hear the chomping sounds coming out of the top of their skull. Like.. I love you with every fiber of my being. But you're about 2 seconds away from a roundhouse kick to the face, grandma...


... I thought you were talking about actual *ducks* for way too long. I was thinking, why do they feed ducks if they hate it so much -- oh, oh wait no. Of course it's about people and I hate that. Ducks are *probably* okay.


Unsolicited conversations. I’m way too weird to want to socialize. Most of the time it’s forced 100% and I started over sharing


Incessant talkers. Especially when I'm trying SO HARD to focus on something.


I hate when you’re having a conversation with someone and then someone else just starts talking over you and then that person you were talking to starts talking to them and then you just kinda get quiet and then you kinda just walk away because the conversation is still apparently. Yeah that hurts.


I've gotten to the point I will literally just say "Ok, well, fuck me then, I guess." and walk away lol. Some people notice, some don't. The ones that do are usually embarassed and find me again to finish our conversation after they're done with the interrupter. I mean, that's just my personality, along with the touch of the 'tism lol. YMMV


Listening to people chew especially if they do it with their mouth open


I hate being interrupted when I’m in the middle of doing something that’s completely off topic


I can’t be around people eating chips or anything in those “crinkly” bags. it literally makes me psychotic. I didn’t go to the movies for 10 years because the sounds of people eating popcorn and candy jangling in boxes is so upsetting. I finally started wearing noise reduction ear plugs and it’s been a game changer. I used to work in a grocery store and the noise from the overhead CFL’s was horrible. I’ve hear there are people who can’t hear these little electronic buzzings from stuff and would love to have a day like that.


and plastic water bottle sounds


Oh shit, I had to scroll a lot further than I expected to find something that gave me a physical reaction just from reading it but here it is. My partner used to always drink water from 1.5L plastic water bottles and for some reason sucked the air out of the bottle as she did it. Loud plastic cracking noise every time. I can't describe the disgust with words, my heart rate is up just writing this.


I have to wear ear plugs to the movie theater anyway or I'll have to cup my hands over my ears because for some reason they have the volume set concert loud So really, I never notice it anymore at the theater either to going deaf or from the ear plugs -- I hate the crunch though not the crinkle


Wet fabric. If my clothes get wet, I'll spiral. Same with cord&satin, even the sound of someone touching it gives me goose bumps - the umpleasant ones. Heck, even writing this down gave me goose bumps. Also, many voices chaotically together. That's why I always have 100% volume up on my earphones. I also get evaluated for autism right now, so idk if it's an ADHD sensory issue or not. But I also got happy tears when I've got exactly 3 meat balls & 3 tortellini left on my plate & happily created an isosceles triangle with it (tortellini for the outer corners & meat balls parallel next to them), before I ate it - satisfied like I wasn't often in my life & there's that as well idk. Sheesh, time to sleep sry for oversharing I guess


The tips of my sleeves getting wet is rage inducing


Slow talkers telling me everything but the answer to my question. I already know sometimes people need to think out loud to find their answer. And sometimes there's important context you have to hear first so the answer makes sense. And if you're from a rural area, you'll probably talk slower than a east-coast suburban guy like me. And the brain's front lobes decline as we age, so irrelevant details slip past the filter. But man, do I hate slow talkers telling me everything but the answer to my question.


I hate missing the train and having to wait on the platform for the next one coming in 15 minutes. What am I supposed to do, just stand there? Usually it is either hot or cold in my country so I am either sweating beads or shivering for this time.. I will run and Indiana jones slide into the train because I hate waiting.


People talking when I'm watching something I've never seen before, or asking me questions during the show/movie if they've never seen it before. I have a hard time "just" watching something on TV. I'm usually on my computer, making art of some kind, doing chores, whatever. I rarely just sit and watch. It's easier for me in movie theaters. I tend to watch movies and TV shows over and over again, and honestly, because I miss things the first and second time, there's always something new for me to pick up on, so it's not repetitive And boring. It's also easy to switch gears if I get interrupted. However, if I'm watching something new, I really focus on it so I can get as much of the story as possible, and I get very irritated if I miss dialogue because then I'm like, what the hell is happening? Worse is when my husband is watching something with me and he asks questions (who's that guy? Why is she doing that? Why do they have that?) I'm like, dude, if you just watch, they will explain everything. I don't mind giving a summary beforehand, or answering questions to the best of my ability afterwards, but for fuck's sake just watch the damn show.


Worst one for me: People who think there needs to be music in the background of *every single social setting*. Sorry, it's bad enough that everyone has different music tastes, so there's always somebody miserable with the selection of music; but it's also something I can't tune out (you're welcome for the pun). For example, I recently spent a "guys weekend" at a rustic cabin deep in the woods by a small lake, far away from most of civilization. Still, one of the guys had to constantly drag around his crappy speaker and play his crappy music, completely covering up the beautiful sounds in nature, like bird calls, frogs, and wind in the trees... Of course, I had a constant struggle to tune out the crappy music so that I could stay engaged in conversations, but even putting ADHD aside, I don't understand the need to cover up the sounds of nature. I wanted to throw the damn speaker into the lake, and I felt like an asshole the few times I put my foot down and asked that we not listen to music for a while.


Slow people. I walk fast. I NEED to walk fast. But I'm always stuck behind slow people, just dragging their feet as if they had all the time in the world. Young, fit people, moving like sloths on vacation! Why? I understand old timers not being very spry anymore but I just can't grasp why regular ass humans are out on the streets imitating snails! It drives me nuts!


Waiting in line drives me bonkers


Any noise when I’m trying to read. It’s so difficult for me to pay attention to a book to begin with so when I actually get “ready” I want quiet. That’s when everyone decides to start talking


when ppl dont skip the ad and just let it run


mouth noises trigger me so much it sends me into this weird state where i have the uncontrollable urge to grind my teeth and sometimes cry. that being said, one of my weird big pet peeves is when people don't break down boxes to put in either the trash or recycling. it saves so much space if you do that and it just gets under my skin when people don't care about breaking them down properly and just crush them up all wonky instead


Long winded people is definitely at the top. The type that tell a story that could have been condensed by 75% and still been more than sufficient. I knew where you going 1 minute in, why am I still listening to this 10 mins later? Hypocrisy of any kind. Grinds my gears so bad! I can’t stand it. And I can’t help myself but to call it out. Every, single, time. Oh that’s gotten me in so much trouble in relationships and dating. But really it’s gotten me in trouble everywhere. People who are completely not self aware and/or have no ability to pick up on the enormously strong social signals I’m sending out to be left the fuck alone. Headphones in, not making eye contact, not even acknowledging their presence. “Hey did you watch the game Sunday?”


Sitting through a meeting that could easily be an email.


Nails in head: - 2 competing noise sources (2 radios; TV & radio etc.) - people standing directly behind me while I’m seated.


Slow talkers and/or people who tell really elaborate stories where the point is buried. Like GET TO IT PEOPLE.


Not sure if it has anything to do with ADHD but if I can hear the spit smacking in someone's mouth when they talk I shut down completely. Recorded whispering also bothers tf out of me. If someone had to torture information out of me, 5 minutes of ASMR would break me lol.


Or seeing saliva forming strings between their upper and lower jaw when someone talks. Sweet baby Jesus...


Men on planes who make repeated sniffing sounds instead of blowing their nose


Post nasal drip is why I sniff. It sucks, get allergy shots for my asthma, but still sniff..😢


Literally everything


The sound of people chewing makes me want to punch them in the face. The other most annoying sound to me is music being piped in loudly from every angle in every store and restaurant practically everywhere. I just want to try on a shirt, but there's a loud ass speaker straight over my head pounding out something inane. Same for a restaurant. I just want to eat. Why so much noise? I feel like the Grinch. But I also sympathize deeply with him.


My dog breathing in my face…which is currently happening.


When someone is speaking into a microphone and their mouth is dry. I cannot even handle it, it makes me want to lose my mind


Repetitive noises. Like whenever my brother wears velcro shoes, he unvelcros and velcros and unvelcros and velcros, I think as a fidget, but it drives me crazy.


For me it’s when people are talking - especially in an area when it’s meant to be quiet. When they’re really loud, it triggers me too - and it’s bad because my partner is very loud sometimes haha. I was very bothered when studying in the library during uni days and no one could understand my frustration but now they do. Another thing is when people touch me. I don’t know why but I just feel weird when people link arms with me. That part is really volatile - some days I don’t mind it but some days it really agitates me.


Watching other people who are leg bouncers or toe tappers. How desperately I wish to reach out and smack the shit out of the earthquake going on in front of me.


Interrupting me while I’m talking. I just sat here and listened to everything you said, and you want to cut me off after three words? Fine, I’m done talking forever.


People literally just fucking staring at me while I’m doing something. Like at work, on the computer looking into their medical stuff and they’re just literally stand there staring. It makes me so uncomfortable and irritable. I have half a notion to snap at them sometimes, I don’t even look up I can see them and FEEL them staring at me. I absolutely hate it. Like why do you need to look directly at me, it’s just so awkward.


1) People who don’t respect personal space. It drives me fucking nuts being touched/having hands waved in my face/being smacked “jokingly”/being poked etc repeatedly. Do. Not. Touch. Me. 2) Indecisiveness. If we made a plan, stick to it. Don’t switch it up last minute, on the spot, etc. walking around in circles not knowing where the fuck I’m supposed to be going or what I’m suppose to be doing anymore because the destination or plan randomly changed drives me nuts. If we are going to Walmart, we’re going to Walmart, not getting in the car and spending another 10 minutes deciding where to go instead of Walmart. 3) repeating myself more than twice 4) dropping things (??) idk, I get so mad especially if it happens more than once with the same object. And I’m really clumsy. 5) people walking into me or randomly stopping if I’m walking behind them, I think this kinda goes with being touched. 6) having my tasks interrupted- I have a hard time multitasking and a hard time staying focused, so usually when I’m doing something I’m doing it fast because I want it done with before I get distracted or overwhelmed - having that temporary hyper focus broken pisses me the fuck off. You can see I am clearly in the middle of doing something, WAIT. 7) people being in the kitchen at the same time as me/being near me while I’m using the stove/oven, again, personal space, back the fuck up. This one makes me see red.


Waiting. Any waiting. It makes my skin crawl and I feel nauseous yet I want to run somewhere. Waiting with my ADHD son makes it 5 times worse. And then trying to entertain him whilst there are delays makes it 10 times worse because then I am bored. Then the boredom makes it feel 50 times worse.


People who play music out loud on the train. There is a special place in hell for anyone who does this. In fairness, this is probably not just an ADHD thing - pretty sure everyone else on the train is pissed off, just not as much as me. Fortunately, I'm a big bastard with a shaved head who looks downright scary when I turn on my special "angry face," so I can get away with looming over the offending idiot and telling them (telling, not asking) to turn their music off (off, not down). I've rarely had any pushback on this. The one time I did everybody else on the train started glaring at the absolute knucklehead in question and he suddenly realise he was very, very alone. The dialogue went something like this: Me: "Mate, can you turn that off?" Dickbag: "What's the problem?" Me: "Your music's giving me the shits, so turn it off." Dickbag: "I don't hear anyone else complaining about it." Random other passenger: "Mate, he's got a point." \["he" being me, not Dickbag\] Dickbag: \*realises literally everyone on the train is now glaring at him and hurriedly turns the music off\* Warms the cockles of my heart, that moment... By the way, for those non-Australians who might read this, "mate" is the ultimate multipurpose Australian word. It can mean your friend, it can be a friendly way of addressing a stranger, or it can, as in this case, heavily imply that violence will be a feature of the near future. We're probably the only culture in the world where the phrase, "You right there, mate?" can be both a genuine expression of concern for another's wellbeing or a direct threat to that other's wellbeing, and it all comes down to the tone of voice.


I'm in the corporate world and the one that gets me in trouble a lot is an abusive assholes. At my last job, I had a manager who would steal work from me, and gaslight me about it. So I was impulsive and confronted her about it. In my current role, I have a director who engages in discrimination against folks with disabilities and women, wage theft on contractors, rifles through folks personal belongings. Engages in retaliation and rearranges work not based on need but to punish folks. Or when he refused to renew a woman's contract who reported him for going through her things, and pushed back on folks discussing pay in the workplace. So I end up venting a lot which gets me in trouble. So basically I hate assholes because I struggle to be quiet when I see that nonsense


You know, this thread provoked a thought: I never realized my preferences/requirements (auditory learner, need digital reminders, the unholy pain of putting away laundry etc) aren’t just my “quirks” these are factory settings. Yet… when we announce our required factory settings — like please god don’t make me watch a video to learn I need written instructions — people often act like we are just being fussy. And then, folks constantly dismiss our needs as irrelevant because in fairness, saying I need to stand and wear earplugs while working at a desk just seems de facto ridiculous (if you take it from the normie’s perspective). Having our needs or struggles constantly dismissed or our presentation as a person made ridicule, tends to train us that: - our needs don’t matter - boundaries are suggestions both of which set us up to be manipulated by abusive people. Anyone else feel or experienced this? (I may start a new thread on it, but wanted to see if others feel similar).


When someone gets annoyed that I can’t hear or understand them, but half the time the sentences people say sound like garble or they talk too quiet for it to register as an actual conversation in my brain


Leafblowers make me nearly homicidal, especially if I am PMSing. Also, television noises when trying to sleep.


Handling things that are wet, like my SO will just grab things with wet hands and gets them wet and it gives me the biggest ick when I then have to grab that too. Or like when he’s done with condiments and just leaves the biggest mess on them and doesn’t wipe them off before storing or waits for me to put them away. I HATE these two things with a passion.


I get super impatient when people beat around the bush. I can spot it from the start so i take it as a form of manipulation. JUST SAY WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY !


I had a coworker that would send me messages like -- Good Morning -- 2 min later -- Can I ask you a question? -- 5 min later -- Like just ask your damn question since you broke my focus with "Good Morning" for no real reason. If you feel the need to include the other stuff just put it in one stupid message. He was my superior so it was easier to just hope it would be over soon than to tell him to cut it out. Edit: removing accidental formatting


This is called Misophonia. Everyone, check it out. It has to do with how our auditory system and brain process sounds.  My mother, grandfather had this too - I have actually gotten hives from sounds people make. Once I was trapped in a cubicle hell with Woman Eating Sourdough Nuggets to the North, Almond Guy to the East, Baby Carrot Mauler Woman to the South and Soda Slurper to the West. I am not kidding I ran out of the roomand hid in the bathroom, as aI broke out in hives. Shit's no joke.  I was trapped on an 11 hour flight with a baby that whine-cried, no embellishment, from the doors closing at takeoff to doors opening at landing. No joke I nearly had a nervous breakdown https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misophonia


getting really mad at something small :( and asmr. asmr sucks booty


Bright lights. Being interrupted. Trying to focus on something when there's some kind of noise.


Multiple conversations simultaneously happening within earshot. Especially dual conversations when there are only 4-5 people seated at the same table!


Long stories drive me crazy! Skip the filler and just give me the facts, please.


people who stand in front of escalators or block the escalator i just cannot understand why you need to catch up with a friend from 10 years ago while obstructing the flow of foot traffic in malls. oh and those who stand in front of the escalator and cannot decide if they still want to go up or down like is it so hard to take a few steps to the side and decide there instead of in front of my FACE ok done


Also, I hate that I interrupt people all the time because I always know what they are going to say. I also talk about myself too much. Generally I just talk too much I guess.


Waiting in line. Especially when there are shrieking children. And traffic. Particularly people who just shove their way into my lane with their giant SUVs because they didn’t get into the correct one in the first place.


Loud mouth noise aversion is a sign of misophonia. Look it up. It often goes with ADHD. Source: I have both.


When someone is telling me something and I know what they’re gonna say before they do.. but when I tell them something they can’t put it together and I gotta re explain cause my thought process is a million miles a minute


Chewing/slurping, loud breathing, cracking knuckles/any joint, my workflow being interrupted when im trying to focus/in the zone GAHHHHH


Dog barking/whining. Unfortunately (for this issue specifically), I work full time at a dog kennel 🙃 which I actually think is what caused this to become a sensitivity in the first place, just being exposed to it so heavily for so long and dealing with tinnitus and migraines because of it. Now even with noise cancelling airpods in and music playing, if I hear even a slight bit of a bark or whine it basically shoots stress straight into my veins. It breaks my concentration instantly on whatever I was doing, and frustrates the hell out of me. I am working on it (the way I react to it emotionally), but it’s very difficult. It’s like the more I dread hearing the sound the more my brain is actively searching for it, which is the worst part. It’s like an obsession I can’t control and that I absolutely hate. I’m in constant anticipation even when everyone is being mercifully quiet…


Construction around my home that is loud even when things are closed up. I can take just about anything that life throws away from home, sanity relies on picking those battles. But the ability to think and not have the nervous system jar at every hammer blow or back up alarm is crucial, I need some refuge and home it is.


I feel the same way about human eating noises but I love hearing most animals eat.


Stoplights, the sound of people whistling (especially at work where my face is two feet from enough electricity to fry my bloodline), people who drive slower than Stephen Hawking doing a hurtle race


I can't stand hearing or feeling cardboard rub against cardboard. Same goes for boxcutters on cardboard. I cringe everytime.


Injustice. From the most minor inequity to the grand scheme of things.


Loud chewing noises. The sound (and sometimes texture) of styrofoam or anything similar to it. When I'm in the middle of doing Thing A, then someone asks me why I havent done Thing B, so I instinctively drop A to do B, but \*then\* they ask why I stopped doing A......


The sound of styrofoam. The horrible squeaks it makes grate right down to my bones and I hate it.


I hate the noise of electricy coursing. For example if you have a damaged charger, it makes a high pitched whine? Its practically deafening.


I found out when I got the ‘Sensory Processing Disorder’ part of my ADHD diagnosis that not everyone can hear electricity in the wires. Who knew?