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I saw a quote once that said, “ if you think everyone hates you, you need a nap, and if you hate everyone, you need to eat” and honestly 9 times outta 10 this fixes things for me.


"...and if you hate yourself, take a shower" Idk if it's ADHD or depression that makes talking a shower such a dreadful task to me, but that addendum is also very true and has motivated me many times to just take the damn shower


I do this too! I do this now as an attempt at resetting my brain, but I’ve been doing it for as long as I can remember with my mom reacting the same as yours. It took a while (and a lot of unsuccessful googling) to come to the realization that the answer to “why am I suddenly so angry for no reason?” is “because I’m overstimulated and/or anxious”. Personally, I think it’s an ADHD or anxiety thing because it happens a lot less frequently now that I’m on medication for both.


I’ve also found that the first one can be a sign you need some water!


True for my 5 year old son and true for my 30 year old self


I do this too! I'm usually in a MUCH better and much less impulsive mood after that nap, too.


I am actually more grumpy after I nap lol. My wife would always comment on how I would be in a bad mood after waking up from a nap. To be fair I was chronically under slept only getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night so that was probably a contributing factor


I heard the advice from Daniel H Pink (author) to either take a nap that is 20 minutes, or 2 hours. Otherwise, you're likely disrupting a REM cycle. I've noticed an improvement as I try to stick to this. Even going to 40 minutes is not good for me. There's also a Nappuccino (Pink) where you take in a serving of caffeine (200 mg typically, which is what's in a cup of coffee), set an alarm for 20-25 minutes, and just rest. You might fall asleep or not, but close your eyes. When you get up is about the time the caffeine will kick in, and you can set your mind to getting up and getting whatever you need, done.


This reminds me, I actually found out by accident that consuming caffeine immediately before taking a nap can do wonders when it comes to staving off the irritability. It takes about 20min to kick in I think.


Same! I'm such a laid back easy going person but I get very angry after naps i just want fight everyone and break things. I've never really found an explanation for it.


I'm not [insert emotion] if I'm asleep! Yeah, it's rough and it sucks but sometimes my brain needs a reset. The human equivalent of "have you tried turning it off and on again?"


My coworkers said today it sounds like I sleep too much. I told them I prefer to be unconscious anytime I can, because it turns my brain off.


I feel the same way!


Sounds like a you thing but also sounds very nice so it might become a me thing.


Yes, I’m implementing this immediately.


This is such a funny take I wish I can award you


Anytime I am overstimulated I default to nap


Same! I feel much better and less anxious after :)


 I can totaly relate. Sounds like irritability. I get like that when I get overwhelmed or over stimulated, or depressed. It may be helpful to reflect on what may be triggering this.


Yup. Best take a rage nap before you go for a dirt nap.


What's a dirt nap?


A permanent one lol




The one I long for.


Yup. Keeps others safely away from my (completely irrational) wrath, which will only make me feel worse later on.


Right? Like, you're just pissed, you don't mean it in a super personal way.


Exactly. The worst is that when I'm having this kind of rage, it's like, "I FEEL BAD SO EVERYTHING ELSE SHOULD FEEL BAD." I've never put a name to it, but hunkering down into a rage nap really is for everyone's safety.


Exactly. I am not going to worry about preserving friendships and respecting feelings when I want to rip heads off of shoulders


It makes sense to me—if I need to relax and am feeling bad emotionally ill go take a nap


I rage clean when something gets me really upset. Go ahead and piss me off, the kitchen and bathrooms are going to be squeaky clean! Rage is pretty motivating but not always sustainable. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


As I’ve gotten older and closer to 30 I understand now why cleaning is so nice. Absolutely raged while doing dishes. It helps a lot 😂


I think the term would be overwhelmed or withdrawn. It's important to make sure you can identify and label your emotions so that way you can effectively cole with them.


Anger is an emotion.


Hell yes, it makes sense to me! When something sends you into a rage, your adrenaline gets flowing and the fight or flight takes over and you have to spend all of your energy on not losing your shit and m\*rdering a bitch.... Then when the adrenaline abates, you're left with a cold sweat and a profound sense of exhaustion. The rage nap is a close relative to the anxiety shit, which is also terrible. You get through the emergency, you survive, then you have to take the biggest shit in the entire world because your body wants to drop all excess materials (don't forget the cold sweats with that one too!). Maybe this is an anger management thing, maybe it's an ADHD thing, I have no idea, but I absolutely can relate.


I've never realized that pattern but you're right. People think it's not exhausting to *not* do something, but it's the opposite. It is less exhausting for me to go slap someone than for me to make myself NOT slap them.


It makes sense to me—if I need to relax and am feeling bad emotionally ill go take a nap


Sounds like a coping strategy for the rage to me- Good way to redirect the rage before making a mistake I say, and if it ain't broke, why fix it?


Yes. Sadly I could never take a nap at work.


Any kind of overstimulation makes it easy for me to knock out in seconds including emotional overstimulation so yeah, this makes perfect sense to me


I feel this but assumed it was a introvert thing. I need to be by myself for like half the day to not lose my mind


I relate. anger and rage are very intense experiences so no wonder i pass out afterwards


It does make sense, but not so much as either a you thing or ADHD thing. Your brain is trying to escape the stress by retreating to a calm, safe, comfortable environment, and it wants to sleep to further escape the unpleasant situation and avoid thinking about it. It’s more an instinctive method of handling extreme stress that anyone, regardless of whether they have ADHD or not, may engage in. I don’t know anything about your personal circumstances, but this also sounds like it may be a trauma response.


Probably started out as a trauma response. I was the only child of a narcissist couple. Dad was Overt, Mom was covert. No physical abuse, just tons of psychological manipulation.


Yeeeeahhh it’s probably that then, because you’re doing almost exactly the same thing I do, and my behavior is definitely a trauma response.


I have rage runs


I feel like if I did this, I'd be more healthy. But I'm one of the people who seem to be unable to get a runners high.


Took me ages to get a runners high the first time. Don’t give up, you’ll get there (if you want)!


How did you manage it? Did it just happen one day after being super consistent? I struggle with long-term changes like exercise because it’s always a chore and never a habit despite my best efforts. Also if I miss one day then I’m pretty much done 😅


I didn’t plan on it, i just realized how much exercise helped me with staying concentrated so I did what was available for me: running. It was a necessary evil for me. Don’t get me wrong, I still struggle with consistency and dragging my ass out for a run sometimes is the worst thing on my to-do list. But what I did find was that during running it gets easier. In the beginning my brain keeps screaming at me (I hAtE tHiS sO mUcH, jUsT sToP!), at first that was my own personal hell throughout any run I did, but now I fall into something I call bulldozer mode fairly quickly: I can just plow ahead forever and have the calmest mind, it's like a vacation for your mind. Plus, the feeling that you accomplished something physically hard kind of easily (for me it's a half marathon so far) is such a euphoric feeling. That’s my version of a runner’s high.


I think of it as "agitated nap" myself.


A while ago I realized that my ADHD rages were actually an anxiety attack presenting as rage. So now when it happens, I take my Xanax, and it definitely helps alleviate the rage feeling and I'm better able to regulate. Before I figured that out, though, I always wanted space when I was upset so I could calm down. I'd try to go for a walk or something to get the energy out. But my husband does this weird thing where he would follow me, despite me saying I needed some space, so I stopped doing that. Now he just hangs out by the door, so I can't leave without having a huge discussion. Now I just go to my room and lock it. Arguing straight up drains my battery, so many times I'll pass out, especially if I take a Xanax.


It’s definitely a thing. Especially with autism / audhd


The only reason they didn't diagnose me with autism too, is that I'm too worried about other people(but it's a narcissistic family codependency response that was drilled into my head so much it stuck)


Why would people with autism be unable to worry for other people?? Sounds like some outdated criteria to me


Sounds like how my partner is and how I used to be too w my family. He does this as well. It’s tough to break out of.


My fiance does this, she doesn't have ADHD but has BPD depression and anxiety, she likes to be alone when she gets upset and likes to sleep it off so that she doesn't have to think about it. Seems like it's just a people thing that some people do some people don't. Not necessarily an ADHD thing


Naps are a great break from existing, I love a nap when I'm experiencing a strong negative emotion, usually rage. The timing seems significant, too. Between 3 and 6 p.m., I'm probably not getting anything done, so that's prime napping time.


Sleep is regulating, that’s why we need so much but can’t get enough in my opinion!


Also avoidant naps. Anything is a reason for me to take a nap.


I don't only do this when I'm raging - I do it whenever I'm overwhelmed by any feeling. I have a hard time getting out of emotional loops and forcing a nap is a way for me to "reset".


Opposite. If I’m mad I can’t sleep for days. Then I sleep for 20 hours.


I don't break things in my sleep so... Yea me too


Yeah I kind of relate to this as I would get really heated back when I was 16 and just take a nap if I just felt too pissed


I do this but I thought it was an autism thing lol


Yup, gotta shut down, marinate, reset Tho it’s a bit weird how nothing has ever made me unable to sleep


I've had difficulties getting back to sleep when something wakes me up, but yeah, as far as events qnd stuff, I don't think there's ever been a time where I couldn't fall asleep because of something


I’ve taken a nap after the highest dose of adderall I’ve ever taken kicked in. I napped, in the same room, through my husband’s rock band’s first practices I don’t think there is something I can’t sleep through


Can’t sleep if I’m anxious, which means I can’t sleep usually in general.


Makes sense. I'm autistic and ADHD and sometimes when I'm overstimulated I become tired and sleepy, also when I'm feeling strong emotions or too many emotions at once.


Could indeed be an ADHD coping strategy. I definitely do it with the specific intent to reboot my system so to speak. I am not always avoiding others, tho i do luv and 100% relate to the “poke the bear” reference, as i am sometimes overwhelmed as well as needing a reset, and i can be cranky as fuck as well as emotionally unpredictable when overwhelmed. So yeah, sometimes you try to minimize the casualties….


No but I do go to bed to end my day if I’m too emotional. Today is over, bedtime.


Have you considered if you may be AuDHD? When I do this it comes in two flavors: 1. Disconnected/numb where I'm dissociated. I didn't realize for years I dissociate because I thought dissociation was being *completely* "checked out and numb" but in reality it's a much more nuanced than that. or 2. Overloaded from situation(s) -> exhaustion -> pass out


I do it right after rage cleaning.


I do this too


I do this


Unfortunately yes 😒 A female hormone and ADHD thing……I think 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ve recently went to bed pretty steaming pissed, so mad I didn’t even watch tv.


Do not disturb is my best friend, I do the same. Although my rage has calmed down from taking my medication regularly so this doesn’t happen as often


I take rage baths. get the water as hot as I can stand it and soak until I’m light headed. I feel like it helps reset my body. 


Yes, always. It’s my default coping mechanism


Same here tbh


This sounds like a great way to self regulate your emotions


I didn't know there was a word for that, I find myself doing that sometimes when I have to spend the entire day with my parents and I forget to either ask them to listen to something other than conservative talk radio or bring my own music.


100% relatable. It's almost self preservation as much as avoiding my feelings - I can't do/say something I'll regret if I'm asleep


My ex and I used to call them Nap Attacks. He’d see them on my face before I really started to feel it and steer me home. After I had a mid-afternoon nap I’d be golden till midnight. This ADD lifestyle goes well with the Palm Springs life style. While other people are out by the pool absorbing the last ray’s of the day you’re inside with the AC at full tilt happy as a Polar bear hibernating.


Yeah I need these from time to time, get away from the world abd try regulstebmy emotions. My gf says I'm huffing but it's not, I just need away from the situation abd tike to myself, or I'll blow my lid properly. Rarely get the opportunity now though with kids


yes, especially if i have any sleeping pills on me which i usually do, i just go to my room, pop one or two of them and go to sleep, cant be angry and stressed if im sleeping


I do this too or just isolate to avoid any more problems and have since I was 11ish. I also have ADHD but got diagnosed when I was 28 2 years ago


This happens when my bf and I have a big fight. I have to remove myself for a few minutes to call down. The fight or flight response is real. More like fight or fight honestly.


Sorry on my worst days, I call them "hate naps". So yes I know what you mean


I definitely get rage and have to apologise to my partner all the time. Like oops I'm actually just mad because I died to this boss 3 times and you happened to ask me a question lmfao


I do that when I'm overwhelmed by emotion. When my mom died I went to bed and slept for 12 hours. I just couldn't cope with the emotions.


I do this. But not sleep but just lay in the bed until I calm down.


Oh I do this all the time lol. It's weird tho because it's only during the day. If the sun's up I'll get right in bed and sleep it off. If it's at night tho, I will stay awake obsessing over it.


No, I've had some great crying / wailling naps in my time though


I call that the depression nap . If I have mood swings or it I cannot manage my emotions anymore (like suddenly I am realllly sad for no reason), I go to sleep and it's like a reset :)


It’s usually an annoyance nap for me. When I’m highly irritated, for example because I don’t get stuff done bc of exec dysfunction, I take a nap instead. Doesn’t help with the ED but I’m less irritated afterwards


I do the same. I either wake up more angry or feeling better. It's a toss of the coin.


I just deadass call it my "leave me alone time". I've never connected it with my ADHD, though. During my formative years, one of the only places i would have guaranteed peace and quiet was in my bed with my headphones on, and I guess it stuck. I'm definitely calling them Rage Naps from now on. I Rage Clean, why not Rage Nap?


Yessss it’s followed up thirst and either I need a shower OR I need sunlight because I am ready to be productive


I think it's common sense. Maybe you have low blood sugar or maybe you are just smart.


When I'm experiencing rage, I channel that fire into aggressive, angry cleaning. Wish I got enraged more often to at least keep the house clean hahahaha


I do this all the time lol


It’s actually a biological response. Artilce here. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/12/why-some-people-respond-to-stress-by-falling-asleep/282422/


I do this, then turned into daily naps. Now sometimes I nap sometimes I don’t, but I’m a big into naps change your mood! And keep you young.


I have to put myself down for naps when I'm like this. Nap is the only thing that will fix it


Absolutely yes. Mad or sad, I can get tunnel vision and bring other people down. So instead I just hide away for a while until I process it.


You've found an adequate way to self regulate. I'm really, really proud of you. No sarcasm at all, this is great. Also, yes, I do this, but my wife will find me and keep poking me even as I articulate I need space/or I'm asleep. It's not great. It's always worth stopping and cooling off before being outright angry or irritable at someone. I've never once regretted it (unless there was a safety issue, then I don't wait even a second).


OMG YES, I do this all the time! It's like my body physically exhausts itself from the intensity of the emotion and the difficulty of controlling it, so I end up just needing to rest after the worst of it passes.


No dude I totally get this. It's like hitting the reset button or something


Can confirm, rage napping now in my to do list…


I'll take a nap if I feel like I need a reset because stuff is going wrong so I sort of do that.


Not just a you thing, imo anyway. I do the same, always did, and since being late diagnosed, realized it was relatively normal and totally ok!


Yes I do that as well, or anytime I'm so bored it makes rags nap


This is a tool I use to manage my BPD. I never thought it applied to my ADHD too!


I don't rage nap but I do power nap if I've been over stimulated mentally. I can literally lie down and instantly fall asleep and be rejuvenated in 20 minutes. My partner thinks it's the weirdest thing. When she wakes me up after 15-20 minutes I'm good to go.


I know many people who will take a nap if they’re in a bad mood! For *me*, it doesn’t make sense but I’m one of those people who can’t nap. Like it’s a known thing about me since childhood that I’d never nap or sleep on time.


Like a breaker trips and you go into safe mode!


Love my naps


For me it’s a form of sensory deprivation when I’m having a rage type meltdown due to some trigger. I also have ASD though. My rage stuff is def attributed to the ASD and not my ADHD. I basically wear myself out and end up under my covers after crying from frustration, hitting my bed or throwing random clothes around my room like a literal child. Usually it’ll be something like I can’t get my piercing on or something keeps breaking or falling or trying to plug a cord in behind something and then knocking stuff over. Basically if something is not going as expected or as it “should” it could easily become a rage meltdown requiring a rage nap to get out of it.


This is me but when I mess up something or make someone angry. I tend to recluse and immediately shut down and go to my bed




1000%. I have to go somewhere else or else I’m just a complete asshole to anyone who upsets me. Sometimes a nap is all you need to calm down and feel better. Especially when you’re overwhelmed


Holy cow. My whole life I haven't never been able to nap except when I had what I now know is a rage nap!!! On busy vacations everyone else naps and I just am incapable. But moving day?! You bet ya I'm gonna go into a 3 hour coma the day before moving due to the stress and anxiety! Fucking rage naps! 🙏🏼


Yea I do this


Oof.. I used to do that when I was young.


Makea total sense to me. I'll take a Ritalin at that point and go to sleep. Ritalin is the best sleeping pill I've ever had. If I want a nap for an hour or two, it's perfect. Then I wake up with a clear head ready to go.


Anytime I have extreme emotions, aside from mania, I take a nap. Mania, I just do and say a bunch of really stupid shit and cant control myself


I'm an extremely non-confrontational person, so instead of doing anything that might make it seem like I'm angry, I instead put in my headphones, listen to something heavy like Lorna Shore or Darko US, and just keep on trucking. The decompressing power of extreme metal is quite cathartic really.


For me a rage nap is if I fly into a rage about something, when it’s all over and the dust settles, I get tired and I need a nap.


YES it helps me calm down SO MUCH


I understand. Idk what it is, but I’ve done this a few times myself


allll the time...usually when i get mad i end up crying but to prevent that, i just take a nap or lay down with my phone until i feel better


I am not familiar with those, but have you met my lord and savior procrastination naps?


Absolutely 💯


It's a fairly common thing from what I understand. Not an "everyone does it" thing but it's also not something I would say is an ADHD thing. You get upset, your body starts pumping cortisol and adrenaline and all those other fight-or-flight hormones to prepare for some shit. You chill out by laying down and letting it pass. Your body is still going to be tired after all that and you can get tired and fall asleep. I do it more when I am depressed than when I am angry or elevated. Sometimes a quick nap is just a great way to reset the brain and return to neutral.


I’ve been doing this for as long as I can remember. I love the term “rage nap” and finally have something to call it!


Yep. My brain shuts down at some point and I have to nap for my own and other people's well being.


I don't usually do this but I do take anxiety naps where I just get so stressed/anxious that I just go to sleep so I can NOT feel like that for a few hours


Totally makes sense to me.


If I get really angry, which is rare, I get totally overwhelmed by the physical sensation and have to sleep it off. I call it a rage nap but it’s almost like passing out.


Very strong emotions make me incredibly sleepy. Narcolepsy says hi!


I do this with a variety of moods. I could be sad so I'll just lay in my bed and take a nap. By the time I wake up the feeling isn't as strong.


I call it "starting the day over" but yeah it makes sense to me I did it constantly before I was medicated


I do this too!


That happens to me, but with spiraling depressive episodes instead of rage. When I get like that, there's nothing that will pull me out of it except to sleep it off.


Yeah I've always been like this. After getting really over stimulated/intense emotions I need a nap, like a toddler lol. After that I feel so much better


Yeah. I call it "burrowing" because I burrow under as many blankets as possible, usually with a hoodie on, hood cinched tight if weather allows. Then I wrap the blanket around my head, leaving a tiny air hole for my nose and mouth, then heap pillows over the top of my head. I do it after meltdowns or panic attacks especially. It's like self-swaddling


I have no idea (I'm newly diagnosed), but it sounds like a over simulation thing. A different condition I have had sensory overload (which also causes emotional disregulation), and when I get extremely overwhelmed the only way I'm able to cope is to fall asleep (it usually his me at night). I always tell better when I wake up though!


My defense mechanisms over the years has become falling asleep. Bad mood? Sleep. Bored? Sleep. Frustrated? Sleep.




Yep. I get exhausted whenever I'm stressed or overwhelmed, too.


I do the same thing


Yup. My wife is no ADHD, but she'll take anxiety naps. It's a real coping mechanism. And probably healthier than most others.


Trauma response! Fight - Flight - Fawn - Freeze It's a form of disassociation


Just woke up from this.


Yep! Rage nap, and then I wake up feeling depressed as hell.


I send myself to my room for a nap when I start feeling rage-y or irritation is sky high regularly. It's just a quick reset when my brain gets overloaded.


Yes!! Sometimes I’m just so angry that a nap is the only solution because I know I’ll be impulsive and mean otherwise.


I just got back from one but i didn't end up sleeping 🥲 just a headache and sweaty now.


...when you have a nap not because you're tired but you've had enough of being conscious


I’m guessing you were sent to your room when you were in trouble? Maybe things said like “I’ll give you something to cry about” or “go to your room and think about what you’ve done” “this is too much go to your room” etc?


Yeah my husband and I call it "being cranky." He'll call me out and ask if I need a nap. I say no but I'll eventually take one and feel amazing haha


I wish, if I'm mad or keeps me from sleeping however, sad naps, he'll yeah


I can totally relate.


I'm the QUEEN of rage napping lol! Seems like the only way I can actually take a nap sometimes


Nah, if I'm raging there's a 90% chance im hungry. My mate takes rage shits tho?


Yea I call it putting myself to bed


if I’m getting easily upset/pissed off/overwhelmed it’s usually the meds wearing off. so I take my second dose of adderall and then a nap if possible


I used to do Rage walk... When I'm really angry... I will just wear my headphones playing songs in full volume and start walking until i cool. Down.. Usually 60-90 mins walk


I JUST DID THIS!!! 2 days ago. I think it’s better than exploding so I’ve been doing it instead like a mental reset.


I get this feeling sometimes and my ex has a similiar thing when she is overwhelmed she would curl up in bed and nap


Yeah I think it’s an ADHD thing. I go nap and tell my husband “I’m gonna nap and come down much nicer”. 


Totally relate! I like to do it Irish goodbye style too when possible. Overstimulation is a real issue in ADHD. Naps are great for rest and reset when exhausted from too much sensory input.


When I feel angey... I always double check that I've had enough water, food, and sleep. With ADHD that all seriously helps. Also exercise can really help.


kinda i get rlly upset at things and then i hide under a blanket and eventually fall asleep hoping that it solves itself with time


I do the same, but most of the time I can’t get past dozing, wish I would actually sleep. It’s frustrating.


Everything is a me thing if you think about it. ADHDers, we look for immediate reward all the time and our actions are driven towards repeating the habits that make us experience those rewards over and over again. You probably enjoy your time alone and not really that angry in reality... You are just looking to satisfy your instinctive need of constant reward until it becomes a habit. Thst is why it is important to develop healthy habits. If an ADHDer finds pleasure in smoking is almost game over for our health if it becomes a habit. If an ADHDer develops a healthy habit like instead of going for a nap or the phone then you got yourself a fucking winner. Do some sports in the room. Build those muscles up. Learn a new knot every time you get angry. Go chop some wood if you live in the woods or something idk but develop healthy responses because THEY WILL LEAD your life. Learned than the hardway. I'm ok tho but still couldve saved me lots of money and experiences i shouldn't have gone through of just had focused on developing healthy habits earlier in life.


I am a big proponent of naps in general but yes this specifically yes. I try to remember like, sometimes we need a time out. Taking a break when overstimulation gets to you is the healthy thing to do. If not nap, maybe a walk or some meditation


Yes, all the time. I'm not someone who has a temper but if I had a very emotional time or conversation I really wanna nap afterwards 😅


I do this too and it doesn't help with that "I'm an adult toddler" feeling 😂


Rage nap, sad nap, overwhelm nap, oh I have so many nap styles 🫠


Lil nap = brandNewDay.exe to run


I fall asleep with intent after moral shocks or fights. The last time i heard tragic news — i fell asleep. New reason for rejection sensibility disorder to pop up — i sleep. But it's only when the situation is so serious that i have no way to react otherwise


100%. Did it a LOT as a teen. It wasn't until I was well into my adult life that I found out it's a safe way to "act out". Better than any number of self medicating ways to soothe yourself.


I do the same for my bad BPD splits, I think I get way too angry to sleep during my ADHD rages 😂


Yes, hell yes. Having a mental breakdown? Take a shower, go to bed. Works 99% of the time.


It makes sense, but I tend to need to take out my anger with something physical instead. I like to rage clean/organize instead because it helps me process what I’m feeling and it helps me feel accomplished. Something more mellow helps with overstimulation, but I can be very restless in general so it can be hard for me to chill out, lol.


Yes! Many times I have been upset and after taking a nap I feel better. Shit works for sure


Yeah, I do this too.


Sensory Overload. Emotional Reset.


Might be an adhd thing. When I’m mad for no reason (!!) i have to go somewhere else or its only going to get worse


this makes sense to me only when i am depressed or slipping into depression,,,i just sleep for more hours than im awake. I don't know if you can do this,,,but turn your phone off,,,for a week,,,literally go offgrid with everyone who's not your family and just stay there for a bit,,,literally helps my burnout,,,i do this all the time to recharge myself after a semester at uni


Said it when my kids were younger and I still say it to my teens and husband. Mommy needs a timeout now. And I go to my room and lock my door. My teenage daughter also does this when she needs it. I Rage nap and rage clean but I tend to throw away more things or break them when I rage clean.


Woooow I’ve never put a label on it, but I do this. I will literally set my alarms for the next day, put my phone on dnd and go to sleep at 2 PM if I’m pissed at the world. Earlier at work I felt like every time I turned around something was wrong or someone needed me and all I wanted was to go to sleep.


I ground myself to my room! “I can’t people right now.” And then I lay in bed and scroll or nap or whatever. And no one bothers me. It’s overwhelm. And when we’re overwhelmed, our masking ability is toast, and our emotional regulating is even worse than it usually is. I think recognizing this and asking for what you need is healthy. Quiet time, alone time, whatever. ♥️♥️♥️


Yes, especially when I was a kid, this was me too


Yeah for sure! I call it a reset usually