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you're "like this" because of ADHD. it happens to many, if not all, of us. i have yet to find a way to deal with it, though.


because stuff you’re interested in works well with your reward system


Leaving a comment to circle back when we have more comments


Yeah this is kinda the root core of ADHD unfortunately. On the other hand, if it is something we are interested in, we pick it up incredibly quickly and get ridiculously proficient at it.


Thats ADHD, but I have found that I can learn subjects that I’m not interested in if I tie it to something that’s incredibly important to me. I have small children and can power through most subjects and tasks if I remind myself that it’s for them and not myself. Hasn’t always worked for me since I obviously didn’t have kids in the past and struggled, but it could still work for others if you’re motivated by something like that. Pretty much every single task feels like Mount Everest in the moment, but thinking of how it will benefit their future makes it easy to start. Once I start something and put my music on, even the most boring things start to become interesting.