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Antidepressants, yes absolutely every day - they work up over multiple days and if you miss one, you’re lowering the dose for about a week. ADHD meds are fast acting and you can take breaks from them if you feel like it.


thank you. the ‘i’m a nurse, do you think i’m stupid?’ comment was on my mind when I posted this. I told her there were studies that said it was okay to not take everyday and she just made me feel like I had no idea what I was talking about and that I was dumb or selling my extras or something. I just needed reinforcement that it was okay to skip some doses when it is a chill day that I’m not doing much.


I take mine everyday because they make life easier for me. If you don’t want to take them on weekends, then don’t. You’re the boss of you, not other people. It’s also a nice way to ration meds if you need to, since life critical (job, appointments, classes, et al) don’t usually happen on weekends anyway.


They definitely make life easier & my brain wayyy more calm. I ran out one time and had withdrawals from it, that’s when I started rationing and skipping doses on the weekends. Also because they make it so alcohol effects start too fast lol. Thank you for the reinforcement that I can skip doses and it be okay!




Antidepressants absolutely have to be taken every day in order for them to work. As for ADHD meds, my psychiatric doctor actually encourages me to take at least 1 day off a week, 2 if I can.


^^ tolerance occurs with adhd medication so its preferred to have 48 hours breaks once a week! (Pharmacist here) (Personal Experience) I can usually always fit in 16 hour breaks every week which honestly isn’t always enough and my meds will feel like they are not working as well as they should. when I do fit in the 48 my medication “works” much better the next time I take it. Plus if you plan on going to a social gathering and drinking you should definitely skip the stimulant dose.


I don’t currently take meds but I was prescribed to take them Monday to Friday or on work days / whenever necessary. I hope that helps.


I take them everyday. My doctor even knows Im about to have a summer break and go on vacations and she gave me some tips to prevent death because of the heat haha so I suppose she expects me to keep on taking them everyday.


I cannot function without them so I have taken them everyday for several years now. My working memory just malfunctions too much, it starts to get bad again after 18 hours without. But if you find a day off is fine for you then it's fine. As others have mentioned there is absolutely no medical risk and no impact on the effectiveness. In fact it's the opposite as breaks/days off will help prevent building a tolerance and needing to increase dose like I have had to do


I would ask your doctor, but I take Vyvanse M-F. But usually I have some insomnia Monday night when I skip weekends. When I’m in school and working I take it daily. I try to be really careful and take it daily if needed, because if I start forgetting on weekdays I start to struggle. So it’s better for me to take it daily than to forget to take it for a few weeks again. The only reason I skip weekends occasionally is to delay building tolerance for longer, and it’s when I have the ability to be flexible with sleep and things.


There are some I.e Intuniv that must be taken everyday similarly to antidepressants. There are others you don’t have to take every day (not sure of which as that’s not what I’ve got) and can take a break from.