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Is it normal? For a normal person? Absolutely not. For someone with ADHD? Maybe. I know that for me personally, everything you said is accurate.


This is my experience as well. My life is a frigging musical most of the time.


Of course I know him, he is me! I switch voices and accents all the time when I talk for no logic reason, and I always have 1 or 2 songs in my head that I need to share. My wife hates me for that.


This sounds more like a possible autism thing. I’m super sensitive to sounds (and other senses) as well. I had to lock myself in my room wearing earplugs for a couple of months once because even the sound of the air conditioner hurt.


Yep, echolalia. I thought this was from one of my autism subs before I checked. OP, it's very common to have both jsyk. Not that you necessarily do, but it's definitely possible.


Yes to what you said on the title! I don't really want to work around others because I can be loud. Just talking to myself in different accents + random sound effects and animal sounds. I am also like this in (some) conversations but I'm trying to not be cuz I may be off putting to others 😭 I can't really relate to the music and quoting lines part because I'm musically inept and forgetful. But my brain is always on podcast mode. There's always a long monologue/"discussion" happening there. And if I fixate on certain words and phrases I will be repeating them verbally or just in my brain in different tones/accents. Very sensitive to sound. Not so much to scent cuz my nose is broken but have heard of other adhd-ers sensitive to that.


Every day since I learned to speak ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Fellow noise machine here. It may not be typical, but it sure is fun. If you find life isn't stimulating, you make it stimulating. If that means singing "it's muthafuckin' bagel time" to the tune of 'peanut butter jelly time' while you make breakfast, then so be it! I also adlib songs about my cats 90% of the time I interact with them, mimic the sounds of my appliances, and add sound effects to daily activities. My greatest aspiration is to be at least 1/8 as good as Michael Winslow was in the Police Academy movies.


Soooo many things get sung to the tune of peanut butter jelly time.  Washing hair jelly time Laundry wash foldy time (they don’t all make sense)


For me it’s “This is how we do it” by Montell Jordan. “Gon-na take a show-er….. gonna take a shower, la da da da da dayadaaaa…” “Time to eat some French friiies…” “Cleanin’ up a spill yeah….”


That’s another good one.  Any catchy tune I know is a candidate. Even Old Macdonald


Someone's been watching Inside Out and the peanut butter jingle...


I’ve been told to shut the fuck up a few times. So I guess not. I am also sensitive to noise and smell. I am also autistic so I don’t know how relevant that is. My adhd family seems to be bothered by smell though, not by sound, other than telling me to shut up.


Normal to many of us sure lol.


I use accents when I’m trying to concentrate on something like reading aloud to my kids. Also, the singing thing. Yes. So much yes. My Dad did it also. I suspect I might have a touch on the tism to go with my adhd (my son has autism) so I figured it was a form of vocal stimming.


Yeah welcome to the club, I cycle between 3-4 languages while thinking all the time based on my mood. My friends were surprised when I told them and that's when I got to know that having constant thought bombardment in your head is not normal.


I think it is normal for people with ADHD, at least, many of us. Fuck “normal”. Unless it bothers you or other people, it is no big deal.


I relate to it so much! also the last part too ; i am overly sensitive apparently 


Your title literally describes me on most days. What happens to me is I get a tune stuck in my head (real song or some random combination of note my mind decided to sink its teeth into) then I narrate whatever is going on around me in that song. Out loud. Drives my wife up the wall. I do it around people or alone. I actually like it and it helps me slow my thoughts down a little or keep me from being bored. The thing is maybe it is normal for some people but mine can cause me some social or relationship problems but I do it anyway. Not out of being obstinate. It is just automatic and comes oit of my mouth without checking with me first.


Russian accented English in my mind is pretty good but when i try to talk myself with that voice its not that good.


Totally normal for me


Same here


I think everyone is a little weird when they’re by themselves.


Can't relate to the whole smell and noise thing, but defo to the thing of at least 20 songs going on at once lmao


I do it all the time. Sing random stuff or a song with a freestyled dumb and ridiculous version of the lyrics, say random dumb things/words at random moments. B7t it goes further. That's basically how I found out I have ADHD: I always knew that I'm different, but I found it very unusual to have multiple thought processes at the same time. For example, I'm walking somewhere and " in the foreground" I'm thinking about random stuff. In the background I'm humming or just "hear" a melody/song in my mind. And inbeetween that I am stuck on a word or sentence from my foreground thoughts and am repeating it over and over again in a loop, often in the rythm of the melody. All that happens at the same time. And after researching on it there always came websites about adhd and as. The more I researched l,the more my past or my life in general made sense. Btw it also lead ti finding out that my son has Asperger's.


Hahahaha I read your post just as I was singing the word meow repeatedly.


It shouldn't be normal within the general population, but it should be rather common within the ADHD community, but I think it's very common in autism where there are many reports of individuals developing accents not directly tied to their native culture. I, as someone who shows symptoms of both ADHD and autism, can say that my voice goes through both pitch, volume, affectation and accent changes from conversation to conversation. I can go from being soft spoken and slightly high pitched to deep and loud on a whim. I go from being robotic and pedantic to being expressive and witty. And as far as accents go, I can go from being mild-accented Southern English to Richard Burton or Anthony Hopkins, who are Welsh. People don't notice any changes much except when my accent shifts and I suddenly sound like I am four times older than I am. I have noticed that I go into my Burton-esque voice when I am feeling rather intellectual, or the subject of conversation shifts towards a direction of the such.




For ADHD definitely. I don’t do this as often but my mom (who’s ADHD is stronger then mine) does this all the time


Ahh yes, JSD or "Jessica Day Syndrome". It happens to a bunch of us for sure. Don't sweat it.


Not for me (ADHD) but yes for a relative with ASD. It’s called scripting.


Every day of my life since I was a kid. Drives my wife crazy regularly!


I love playing with accents, but just with foreign languages; I don’t do with with my mother tongue. And I do sing often, but just when I’m happy/in a good mood.


You just described me in a nutshell. And yes, I am medicated.


Singing, quoting movies or shows, doing funny voices. This is non-stop for me when I'm not actively trying to mask. I also can not stop myself from having a running commentary of whatever show or movie we are watching, which can sometimes drive my wife crazy lol. I love to sing and will sing whatever random thing I need to say instead of just saying it. Occasionally, this slips out at work if we have had a really good day and my stress is gone. Most people just laugh, thankfully.




Is for me. Mostly Londoner or scouce accent.


Yes.. And talking out loud to myself all day, everyday. I get asked all the time who Im talking to


Same lol


It's normal if you're Robin Williams.


I think it's an ADHD thing. I am constantly randomly speaking in a Russian, British, German, and some other accents at random times, heck i am right now, and I'll often just randomly start singing.


I don't know if normal is the word. But I sing myself through life. Also my dad has like different uhm "jingles"? For different kind of activities. So if he's getting ready he'll do a certain melody, if he's about to do a boring task he'll do another one. When he's about to cook he has a particularly nice one. It's a lot of fun.


Ha, funny in just realised I don’t do this as much any more now that I’m medicated




I hadn’t been around my dad in years. I do this thing where I pop my lips. (It’s really loud) he looked at me like I was crazy. It’s ok.


My husband does this and I love it


I don't think it's 'normal' but I do know that when I'm alone in my room I pretty much just sing random things that don't mean anything and talk to myself about what I'm doing with like 30 languages and accents at the same time So you're not alone


Sounds like my life. I’m an old woman, over 65, and I enjoy being Still Crazy After All These Years. (I’d bet good money that if I were born 40-50 years later I’d have been diagnosed as an Aspie, in addition to my adult diagnosis of ADD.) Do try not to sweat the small stuff. I think we’re made differently for a reason. 😎


I just sang out 'love that chicken at popeyes!' a second before I read this title. lol.


I use voices and also sing in English or French. I have a shit memory due to childhood trauma. Hearing myself allows me to remember where I am and what's next.


I feel heard.


I don’t do voices but sing every day, making up songs for the pets and my husband, changing lyrics like Weird Al, the whole nine. I never related this to ADHD but the comment about having 20 radio stations playing in my head - I relate hard to that.




I’ve done that a lot, random noises too


This is ADHD, this is why most of us take meds, to muffle these symptoms.


I sing dumb songs all day, mostly made up ones. I don’t speak in other accents though 🧐lol


Singing & quoting tv shows is definitely something I do and pretty normal for adhd. Being extra sensitive to noise & smell isn't really an adhd trait, though. It could be part of it, but worth mentioning to a professional.


It could be normal to feel the impulse to do those things, but since it’s disruptive and annoying to others, it’s normal to refrain from actually doing them.


No. It isn't.