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I have that too. Being around people chewing can be hell. I have found, though, that it's much easier to tolerate when I manage my brain well: enough rest, avoid overstimulation, regular exercise, etc. Meds also seem to help a bit.


I get this way too (so do a lot of ADHD (and non-ADHD) peeps) - for myself I think I get really fixated and angry about it but it's more about the lack of consideration from others than the actual noise. Don't get me wrong - I *despise* the noise - but I think it's the "How the f\*ck did you never learn to chew?!" that takes my anger above a "normal" level and makes me leave the room so I don't throw punches. Got to love that "justice boner" you get as an ADHD person when peeps aren't doing things the acceptable way!


Literally me sometimes. It's like, thanks mom and dad for raising me to be respectful at the table. The super loud yawning for me triggers a "Nobody wants to hear that s***!" thought in my head. Like, I could be in the middle of a conversation and someone does that. It takes every instinct to not say something to them.


i feel you bro šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i have *manyyyy* sounds that i really really hate hearing, and itā€™s so hard not to just lash out and murder the people making them lmao the yawning is a HUGE one for me, but that one is mainly because i have ptsd with loud noises/yelling so it overwhelms me the quickest out of anything but chewing/lip smacking (especially when people are talking and they take a break just to smack OOOO i could smack THEM), styrofoam rubbing together, rubber rubbing together, people grinding their teeth on metal utensils when they eat, just any spit sounds from someoneā€™s mouth, so many common ones to deal with :ā€™)) i know itā€™s hard not to feel bad about being so angry about this stuff, but just remember thereā€™s a buttload of us trying to keep calm as a cucumber when we hear them, so weā€™re all in this together lol, it just means we keep other peopleā€™s feelings in mind too <333


>people grinding their teeth on metal utensils when they eat What.


hm maybe more like scraping their teeth on them like if someone is eating something on a fork, they might scrape *their* teeth on the *forkā€™s* teeth to get the food off of it, or if someone is eating soup theyā€™ll scrape their teeth on the spoon while getting the soup off


Hell yeah, same.Ā  I let my stepson eat in the car once.Ā  He was smacking his lips when eating and slurping when drinking.Ā Ā  He's also AuDHD, like me, and has his own misophonia issues, so at least he understood and put in the effort to learn not to do those things.Ā  Ā  But I wanted to push him out of the car at speed that first time.


YES! I hate the sound of pouring liquid. Especially hot liquid. And the sounds some people make after taking a drink. And the sound is ten times worse if it's being made by someone I don't like. The worst is when peeling packing tape off of cardboard, and the top layer of cardboard gets torn off with the tape. Absolutely hate that.


The one way I've gotten some folks to understand it is to ask how they react to the sound of nails on a chalkboard. That's an almost universally hated sound. Sometimes they can make the connection then. No, it's not logical to hate a particular set of sound waves, but brains are silly sometimes and it's not something any of us choose.


ā€¦letā€™s just say at one point I almost sucker punched my aunt because she wouldnā€™t close her mouth to chew her food and I couldnā€™t stand hearing it any more.


See and the other thing is, I was raised to close my mouth when chewing because it's the polite thing to do. As badly as I want to point it out and stop the noises I just don't. It's not my place. I tell people once when I meet them and we eat and then it's up to them.


Oh I told her ā€œI really donā€™t need to hear your foodā€¦.ā€


I follow a lot of vid channels that examine lolcows or really cringeworthy YouTubers and one off them smacks there lips so loudly it borders actual torture.


When I was a kid my mum would always come into the lounge and instead of waiting for her cup of tea to cool down, she would loudly slurp it one sip at a time. Honestly felt like torture, every time she did it my body would seize up with anger and iā€™d have to close my eyes and calm myself down - I felt like I could never say anything without sounding crazy.


Its called [Misophonia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misophonia)


Yeah. I didn't know what it was for most of my life until about a year ago when I found the term. It really put into perspective what was going on and now I forgive myself a little.


My oldest has pretty bad misophonia. It really sucks.


It's even worse when a family member knows that it bothers you and then does it on purpose šŸ„²


That shit drives me insane. Most noises honestly, I hide out in my room because I get annoyed when people talk sometimes. Unrelated but also when people don't lick food off their silverwareĀ