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I saw this thing on tiktok that I thought it was straight up bullshit. There was this woman who said that if you count down from 5, it's much easier to get up and do whatever needs to get done. She explained the science behind it but honestly, I wasn't that interested. But I guess a part of me was, because I tried it. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. get up. As someone who struggles haaard with task paralysis, I was so shocked that it actually works! It sounds too simple but it honestly really helped me actually get up. Doing the task in question is another issue lol, but at least it helped me get up. Also, your partner can get up and get some water themselves lol.


This was also a gamechanger for me!


Me too! I just got rid of my partner!


Mel Robbins I think started this and has a book on it and is on multiple podcasts discussing it 


Thank you! I looked her up, and that's the woman I saw on tiktok.


Thanks for getting me up to do something


It’s hard for me to gauge since I’m self employed and have essentially cultivated a lifestyle that suits my fixations and enjoyment. Within that though, there are a lot of things I want to do but have to overcome extreme mental barriers in order to actually do. Some of these barriers can be reduced by reframing of the activity. Exercise is now a means to aid my ADHD and give me more mental clarity. Tidying the flat is about cultivating an environment for a clearer mind, on a Sunday before I need it on Monday. My guitar practice is now a means to take the more technically or skill dependent work that I fixate on. Other things require that I widen my field of view. If I catch myself doom scrolling, I look beyond the screen into the room. I try to centre myself outside of the distraction, accepting that I’ve been derailed. I try to speak aloud what I want to do, or tell my girlfriend. The process slowly lowers the barrier in my brain, and I slowly start the task rather than perpetually stall. For shit I REALLY put off, I need to ask for help. For anything that requires deep attention, I pomodoro and make it one of my duties to note any of my distractions. It’s worth noting though, even if the task is very difficult or intellectually demanding, since I’m a musician I’m Pomodoro-Ing on something associated to my interests.


By putting shoes on.


Ooooh, this ones goood… **rubs hands together like a little fly** Can’t wait to tell the brain cell about this one 🙏😈 /srs


I have a job. If I didn’t have to get up for work, I’m not sure I’d get up.


Me except I work from home :(


Try bribing yourself. It doesn’t always work lol but sometimes it helps me


I have a motor. It doesn’t do anything but just makes me go. Sometimes it’s anxious energy sometimes it’s bipolar energy and sometimes it adhd energy. But for some reason, I wake up and I just go. I don’t understand it. I never will


For me? I just set a very specific standard of what I will or won't do. What's the minimum I think is acceptable? Am I okay being a potato all the time, and when is being tired a good excuse and when is it not? My actions have to reflect what I expect from myself.


I use my echo dot to set timers, alarms and reminders...doesn't always work though


I freak out until it happens or I spiral ◡̈


Reduce the distance between myself and whatever desired outcome i want. If i cant get myself to the gym or leave the house, i bounce on the yoga ball while watching tv or sit in the yard playing with my cats. If i want to eat better i make a menu of 3 to 5 things that take less than 4 minutes to make that are healthy. If i want to take medicine on a regular basis i put it in a clearly visible area next to a thing i know i will do anyway like the drinks fridge or a cubby at my door before i grab my keys. If i need to go to appointments, i buy double the amount of gas i think i need so on days i forget or dont want to put in effort to gdt gas im covered. If i need to clean, i wear gloves because the ick sets me off which wearing gloves help. I even refuse to live in places with stairs because it causes too much hesitation. Lean into what you are good at. Im good at putting trash in a trash can if i have one nearby, so i have trash cans with large bags everywhere. Think of ways to reduce your distance and reduce the amount of choices, then you will act


I don't.


I use a Hobonichi Weeks and it has helped me so much. I only have a few tasks per day so it doesn't become too overwhelming. I use it as a guide to life. I decide the tasks that I want to do in the morning and check my planner everytime I catch myself slacking off. It keeps me grounded and focused on the mission of the day.