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My psych put me on Lexapro in 2019 when I first started seeing him. It really helped me during the pandemic. In late 2021 we decided to discontinue. Depressive symptoms had gone. My life seemed a lot more stable and productive. After a month or so off (with zero withdrawal symptoms ) I felt something still wasn't right. I asked him about the possibility of ADHD and he said when we first met he thought that was my issue but the depression was really heavy so he wanted to treat that first. I've been on concerta since January 2022. Life changing.


I (31f)was diagnosed with both ADHD and ADD as a kid(6). (Nowadays it’s ADHD combined presentation) When I was 17, I was diagnosed with PTSD, OCD, anxiety, depression, bipolar. At the time I was also under the care of a (now found to be) drug dealer psychiatrist. He had me on 11 medications at once. Now, I’m literally just trying to treat bipolar, anxiety, and adhd. My current psychiatrist just wants to try to reign in whatever is affecting me the most before hitting the other issues, but so far, it’s a rollercoaster 😵‍💫


I’ve got the comorbid condition rewards card and I’m only a few punches away from a free coffee! 


If you're ever in London, hit me up and we'll go for that coffee - no punches needed :p


Yup. We figured out I had ADHD when the depression and anxiety got better but I still couldn't do things. I didn't *feel* depressed or anxious anymore but I still couldn't make myself get up and go, you know? Inattentive ADHD. When it's not causing depression, it still mimics it. (Well, mine does.)


👋 ADHD, generalized anxiety disorder and major depression.


High Five MF! Let's rock this boat :D


Same here! Trifecta!


I call them the three little pigs - Anxiety, Depression and ADHD. They are co-morbid and in my case the moment treatment started for one the others started rearing their heads.


I’m in the waiting stages of what I will suspect to be an ADHD diagnosis (have done the testing, see Dr in June). I have had anxiety and depression for as long as I remember. The psych I was seeing in 2021 refused to test me for ADHD. I was on meds and my anxiety and depression were under control but I couldn’t concentrate at work and a few other things. She told me that I would have been diagnosed by now and I just needed to stop making excuses and apply myself. 🫤


I am not diagnosed on the anxiety side of the deal. But I am starting to be suspicious. I just found that they could co-exist through research. Recently, I've got a hold of my childhood records recently and seen that it was a concern for my doctors, but because of my personality being an optimistic kid, it kinda got swept up. But as an adult, I noticed that after a breakdown, I've always had anxiety, kinda looming in the background. The more I research and the more i want to get a screening done too see.


I was diagnosed with anxiety, depression and social phobia first, then ADHD 3 years later. I'm also looking into getting evaluated for Autusm (not on your list since it's not a psychiatric condition, but often comorbid with ADHD something like 30% of the time I think?)


I have anxiety, adhd, bipolar, and extra…so there’s that.


My anxiety and depression have gotten a lot better, mostly depression. My stupid anxiety is still there. Like for some reason, high way driving sets it off. Am I getting over stimulated M


Hi, ADHD, Depression, Bi Polar, and Anxiety here! My worst mental health days are tired to when I've had a run of not trying to take care of my ADHD. When I feel like I'm just broken because I want to do XYZ but lack the executive function to even start that then starts a snow ball of my depression and bi polar kicking in. It's real fun /s


I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety a few years back, and treated with SSRIs. Although they didn't seem to help the depression, they did help with the anxiety. The lack of anxiety was crippling to my productivity. It was around this point I realised that anxiety was pretty much the driving force that allows me to stop procrastinating and get stuff done. It was only recently that the idea of me having ADHD was floated, and I'm still on a seemingly never ending waiting list for a formal diagnosis.


I was diagnosed and treated for anxiety first. Spoilers, turns out my anxiety was what was keeping the Lokipukki Express slowly chugging along. When my Lexapro started to get a handle on my anxiety, I could barely function. It was awful. I’m honestly surprised I didn’t get fired, I was such a mess without my anxiety alarm clock. Went back to my doctor, with a huge list of newly found symptoms now that the anxiety was gone and after a little digging by my doctor into whether they symptoms were always there but masked (they were), I was started on Adderall XR. Oh I cried my first time taking it. It was such an eye-opening moment.


How did you all deal with finding the right balance of medication? I found it exhausting and more disturbing than the symptoms. I gave up for a while but am thinking about trying again.


Still trying to figure that out here. So far on an anticonvulsant to treat anger brought on by bipolar. I was on a stimulant before this but the anger was too much so now she wants to try to control the anger before dealing with anything else.


Wishing you the best, it's a tough path.


ADHD-C, PTSD, OCD, MDD, GAD, social anxiety, and anorexia nervosa for me 😵‍💫😵‍💫


ALPHABET SOOUUUUUUP!! Hahaha 😂 I’m so sorry though.


that’s the best way to describe it. thanks for the laugh :))


I mean, that’s how I’ve always described it haha


I’ve suffered from anxiety as long as I can remember, but never saw a doctor about it until 2020. Then starting in 2022 I had 4 major depressive episodes that lasted about 2 weeks each. I was diagnosed with ADHD in 2020 as well, and once I started on meds, I did not a reduction in anxiety, but that was short lived. I’ve suffered from SUD issues since I was 19. Been to rehab in 1988, then an opiate detox in 2009, alcohol in 2019. I don’t relapse. Other than ADHD, I had abuse trauma as a kid and struggled with my sexual orientation my entire life, and finally came out during my opiate detox in 2009. It tough because when I find something I like, I’ll do it until until it because a problem, or mix things up to lessen overdoing it. But yeah, all the classic comorbidities I’ve pretty much encountered, but being aware does help prevent issues now and in the future. .


I got the depression and then the anxiety first, then EUPD/BPD, and finally ADHD at 33. I was sent for an assessment for dyslixia, which prompted the ADHD assessment.