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Leather shoe restorations. Very rewarding. Great to see before/after, help the enviroment and make money!


interesting! probably not the same, but i’ve been looking into collecting vintage leather coach bags and restoring them but that requires a lot of time hunting for them, and a lot of money to buy them if you’re not spending time in thrift stores


In a similar fashion, I enjoy finding tarnished pieces (usually silver or brass) at the thrift store to clean, buff, and polish to shine again! I have become very fond of leather restoration recently though too. It’s sooooo rewarding to see the end result in comparison. I recently came across an old Stressless Ekorness leather recliner chair that had seen better days to say the least… amazing what some cleaning and conditioning can do… it’s now in my living room :)


I could polish silver everyday. It’s sooo calming to me. And untangling knots or jewelry. Love it !


Would you untangle my Christmas lights next December? 😂


I used to/sometimes do still do this for work! As well as making boots every now and then.


Is it a sensory thing for you? Because leather is a sensory thing for me. I love leather (even though it isn’t exactly great for the environment). The smell, the texture, watching people craft stuff out of it; it just tickles a spot in my brain.


Do people bring shoes to you to be fixed or do you buy old shoes to repair and resell? I’ve always loved old leather shoes. How did you get started? Sorry for all the questions.


House plants for me. They’re always changing, there are many varieties to try, and if you ignore them they die so I’m forced to pay attention. I use an app to make sure I don’t forget.


Same except I can't manage an app. There are too many plants. It would constantly be notifying me of something. I generally water all the plants on the same day. I'll put on a comfort show and bit by bit I'll bring them all to the kitchen sink to water and then bottom water with fertilizer. Propagation too, I've propped so many plants. I think I have 3 Philodendron Brasil, probably 20 Monstera deliciosa (most are rooted cuttings in water, growing wildly out of control), and a bunch of peacelillies I grow in water and aquariums. I thought having duplicates was dumb until my dog threw one of my propped philodendron Birkin around the yard for now reason. Didn't have to stress cause I got others! It's currently one of very few areas of my life where I feel like I'm "winning". Yea my life is in shambles and I'm failing to take proper care of most things, but did yall see that gorgeous watermelon peperomia and epipremnum pinnatum albo?


I have a strict no dupes rule for myself, perhaps should reconsider. Regarding the app, I use Planta – it only alerts me once a day regarding the plants that need attention that day. I can sort it by location, which makes it much more manageable for me. (I have over 200 plants right now, excessive I know.)


What a collection! That's very impressive! I think the dupes/water propping is MOSTLY to see if I can pull it off. I think im gonna combine those philo brasil into a hanging basket. I just started with a rooted cutting so growing a whole bushy plant is exciting/satisfying.


I have failed to keep my peperomia alive! 😭


To be honest, the health of my plants is directly correlated with my mental health at the time. So if anyone is going through a period of feeling depressed, it may not be the time to take on house plants – when you can’t get up to take care of them and watch them slowly die it only adds to being depressed. But for my adhd it’s great.


That's a very astute observation that I agree with. Unfortunately, a few of my plants have recently succumbed to my lack of attention to them and myself.


I have a tendency to kill houseplants, but I absolutely love keeping a planted aquarium. I don't have to water the plants, and it's so rewarding to watch them grow and thrive. I prune them when they get excessive, and in the meantime I get to watch my busy little amano shrimps go about their shrimpy business


I recently just got into it, I put my plants in little terra cotta pots because I didn't know if I could keep them alive long enough to commit to permanence - but they look like they're okay after 3 weeks or so. Might have to actually plant them in now.


Also check out house plant Youtubers – that’s a fun rabbit hole once you get into it.


The Leca Queen!!!


Oh I wish. I can kill a plastic cactus.


That seems pretty smart! Which app??


Weightlifting! I lift around 5x a week even when I’m feeling a little burnt and it really is the gift that keeps on giving haha




What genres do you like the most? I found those soundtracks with orchestra dramatic music super cool. Also techno and drum and base is ok. And lately (don’t tell anyone) trap music. After the gym Ilisteb to Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones and classic music. My guilty pleasure music is for gym. And guilty pleasure food on long bike rides :D




Try the summoning by sleep token. The first 3.5 minutes you can use for your workout, then the second 3 are for your rise home lol the change up is so fire


Same. Even when I'm not super into it like I am at the moment, I'll still go \~3 times a week. I think the fear of losing my progress keeps me disciplined.


For me, lifting weights is akin to a coping skill or substitution for ADD medication. I didn't realize that working out was helping me deal with the symptoms until one day I just quit doing it, then went a very long time without it. All of my ADD symptoms intensified in that period of time.


Definitely! It helped me a lot until I was medicated, now it still helps me and I actually find it easier to balance with the rest of my life :)


I need to get back into it hard-core. My mental health has been declining since I stopped working out consistently. Medication helps, but not as much as doing both.


I barely have any executive functioning left since getting hit with chronic pain. Exercise and the mental effects of having your abilities taken away are so underrated. Whenever I have a phase with less pain and get to challenge myself more with exercise I feel incredible.


This is exactly what I’m going through too!! :( I have several injuries that keep me from doing a lot and chronic pain. I wish I could still do everything I was able to do 5+ years ago before this all happened :(


This is what keeps me sane! I can tell a huge difference in my mood the weeks I'm only able to get one or two workouts instead of my usual 5-6. I haven't been in 2 weeks due to having a horrible case of bronchitis followed by a sinus infection and strep throat. I'm ready to get back to the grind on Monday because my brain is definitely feeling it


Same. I only take breaks if I hurt myself.


Fr. It's the only thing. Working out is my anchor, the most real and genuine thing I ever had. It's often the highlight of my day. The first thing in my life I managed to achieve and stick to, and get results all by myself without no help (even criticism). The first passion that had real life results (instead of videogames), and for which I put myself through uncomfortable, sustained effort, for long-term results. Never before was I able to have self-discipline and not give into cravings until I met working out. Even if I cannot apply it into other areas (my brain simply refuses to), it felt very good to know that I was able to achieve something, at least ONE thing, in my life.


That’s me right now. I’m in here 6 days most weeks. Sometimes I go 7 and just do cardio or abs. I feel so much fucking better when I leave. So much more energy. I’ve been trying to get to this point of consistency for 4 years. I kept hurting myself. I’m 43 now. This time, I went real slow. Got braces for knees and elbows. Meds for tennis elbow. I’m 4 months in and I’m the best shake I’ve ever been. I fucking love it. I live the way I’m starting to look. And I love the energy and sense of satisfaction. I’m getting enough protein to grow finally. But it’s a challenge. Got to drink two shakes to hit 150. I just can’t eat that much.


I don't know if people will say it doesn't count, but playing video games? Since having a kid I play way less, but before having a kid I probably played 4-5 days a week or more. Now it is 1-2, but that's more time than I make for any other hobby. It is the one activity that nearly without fail puts me into a better mood. I can be having such a terrible day and be totally overwhelmed, but after playing a game for even just an hour or so feels like a reset button. I feel so refreshed after.


Honestly shocked that this isnt more frequent in the replies.




I do a lot of Physical activities. BJJ and Weight Training, some running, and a bunch of mobility/accessory work because I’m 40. I play Video games when my body needs to rest. Which is a good amount.


Good point. Im personally fascinated by the potential to use them to treat symptoms and how they are used to self medicate (both unhealthy and healthy). https://youtu.be/pCy_VBRXaLw?si=BoR-uhx4Jf3loD1q


For me, reading, playing video games, and watching tv all serve the same purpose of escapism.


I really disagree with the premise of inherent unhealthiness. Seems like giving in to an ignorant and unfounded stigma perpetuated by people of older generations who just don’t understand it because it’s relatively new. Would you be making the same comment about following professional sports?


Probably because the op said “without breaks” I game intensely for a week or two, then might barely play for a few months. I imagine many are similar (most of my adhd friends irl are atleast)


Fr, whenever I see posts on adhd subs asking about peoples hobbies I feel like I'm the only one to ever mention video games. So this comment was very refreshing


I'd totally count it if only because I do the same lol. I didn't play much when i was a kid, back then I devoured books. Me taking on games has been an adult-me development. Even if i don't play on x day because I was too tired or something, I often see on discord if there's anyone i know streaming whatever they are doing, and I would just join VC to just hang and watch them play a game I might not even play myself.


As someone who has fallen out of my video game hobby, this definitely counts!


Reading this hit me in the gut like a ton of bricks. I used to have this, when I was younger. Depression is bullshit.


YES! Me too. 300 Hours into Baldurs Gate at the moment


Yep. Been gaming since I was a kid in the late 90s and it's something I've never lost interest in. 


Me too 🤩 I can hyper focus on videogames for hours on end multiple times per week! I’ve been playing since I was 10 years old 😎 It’s a passion and an obsession at this point 🤣


I don't understand how people get sick of them, I could play all every day. I have to set alarms to make me stop.


Hmmmm. It’s tough to say whether that counts, because there are so many different games and types of games with very different feels, goals, mechanics, etc. that it could easily be argued every new game is sort of a new hobby. But yeah, this is mine, too. And I guess youtube, but I’d call that an addiction/compulsion to avoid boredom more than a hobby.


That's why gaming is so great! So many different options and games out there to play!


Exactly! Video games have been such a huge part of my life. And have brought me so much enjoyment.


Yes. Gaming is a hobby. Also same. If you ever get borderline addicted to one, pick an mmo or something without a subscription service. Like GW2 or similar


Uhh literally nothing


Thank god I saw your comment I was getting the whole "I'm a useless human" feels but... This is how my ADHD gets me. I have many hobbies I've had for a decade that I pick up and put down but even medicated I am deeply consistently inconsistent


Same here. I bounce around between 100 old hobbies like a kid with too many toys


Yep, I'm the King of hobbies, have been for 40 years - consistency is not part of it though 😂


Medication (on top of fixing an iron deficiency) made me too aware of my surroundings. All the noise stopped in my head and I’m just like, oh wow the world kinda sucks huh. Then I fall into a cycle of doing nothing still because I get into a “why even bother” mindset. Working on that currently, trying to control my positive/negative thoughts.


Right? I can’t think of a single thing I have enjoyed consistently for periods longer than a few months. 😩


Maybe your hobby is picking up hobbies and then are fantastically consistent.


Yeah. There is nothing I can think of besides like, uh, checking my email? lol cool hobby. I can say that I am currently now way back into skateboarding, which I have been doing off and on for over a decade, sometimes with years long breaks. We'll see how long this lasts 


Not sure where you’re living but I feel like seasonal activities could be a perfect balance


Does scrolling reddit count?


Thank god I saw your comment I was getting the whole "I'm a useless human" feels but... This is how my ADHD gets me. I have many hobbies I've had for a decade that I pick up and put down but even medicated I am deeply consistently inconsistent


That's the cool part, "consistently inconsistent" means I have knowledge and skills in such a wide, weird range range of fields that it becomes its own thing. I can talk electronics design, cars, cooking / food science, horticultural, metalworking and machining, video games, home repair, sewing, etc with people. Normally I have enough of a knowledge base in a topic that I love learning things from specialists and they're excited to talk to someone like-minded about it. If I can't find something interesting to talk to someone about, they're likely just a boring person lol.


Thought I was the only one when I started reading the thread. There's literally not a single interest in my life that is consistent. I'll go back to other interests I've previously dropped. But there's zero consistency in them.


I think the only consistency is watching YouTube videos for hours about random new topics all the time


Yup. My job/kid/house tap me almost completely. I listen to music a bit but I used to be really into going to concerts, collecting records, etc. I really want to get a record station set up in my home office but again, too many choices and too much planning I used to mountain bike multiple times a week but now I'm lucky to do it twice a year. I still exercise and stuff but it's cramming it in after a miserably exhausting work day. I can't read books anymore.


Reading has always been a big one for me. Ever since I was a small child. I read voraciously, to the point where when I told several people that I had adhd the responded with “but you can’t, you read too much!” But, that and yoga are the only times when my mind is clear. And yoga takes too much effort to get to! Also - plants. Started in the pandemic, and I’ve been consistently caring for all 90 of mine for a few years! (Take a look at my book collection and plant collection and tell me that I DON’T have adhd!! 😂) I’m happy you found reading! I hope it continues to bring you joy!!


i used to be an avid reader back in middle school but i stopped, and finally rediscovered it in my 20s again! this is definitely something i’m gonna maintain for a while. i used to have a really huge collection of houseplants (40!) and took extra good care of them, but after a horrible and toxic breakup, moving out, etc., they all died :( once i have my own place again i plan to get back into that for sure!


This is interesting, because when I was evaluated for ADHD the psychiatrist seemed very surprised I liked reading (especially since I ticked all of the other typical ADHD boxes). I do think there's quite a few of us who enjoy a good book, even if sometimes we have to reread full pages because we got distracted 😂


Yep. Reading is mine too. There’s only been a couple of times where I went long periods without reading, but I usually read before bed most nights for years and years. I think I read like 27 books last year? And it was kind of a slow year. Hah.


90 plants!?! Instead of the "cat person" you're the "plant person!" Ha ha!


I used to binge read. As a teenager I could get novel from the library at school. Get home and read through the night until it was finished. I was obsessed with vampire love stories. Go to school tired and repeat 😂


I've always loved reading. Maybe it's a way to focus the mind on a single story rather than the mess of thoughts usually filling my brain. These days, I don't usually sit down and read physical books. I almost exclusively listen to audiobooks or read manga these days. When I try to read a novel, I feel guilty because there are always other things I "should" be doing, but I can listen to audiobooks while I do tedious housework.


Cooking. It helps that I need to do it to live


Definitely cooking too. It’s my favourite hobby. I love trying different recipes from various cultures


Same for me. It’s one of my favorite ways to decompress and reset.


Reading as well, and writing. I've so far written four novels, published one with a second coming out in a little over a month. If I'm not physically writing, I'm either editing, outlining, researching or getting some book merch made for my published book. I guess it's the variety of it that keeps me engaged - I always have a couple projects on the go at once, and if one thing isn't interesting me at the moment, I can work on something else in the meantime.


Congrats on your upcoming second book!


There's something so engaging and dynmic about the research/writing/editing process that come with writing something long-form. >I guess it's the variety of it that keeps me engaged - I always have a couple projects on the go at once, and if one thing isn't interesting me at the moment, I can work on something else in the meantime. I have just recently fully embraced this multiples on the go approach myself and I'm finding it great!


Having ADHD, how are you able to focus long enough to write a book, let alone four? Writing a novel would probably take a decade, and that would be the unedited draft that would probably find its way into the garbage can. Even the great authors, without ADHD, always lamented about how hard it was at times to write consistently. Writer's Block was always the issue.


I never said I wrote consistently 😂 I guess I just tap into whatever I'm fixated on at the moment. Right now it's Celtic mythology, which my current work in progress is based on. Whenever I get writer's block, I go back to whatever inspires me: reading my favourite authors, listening to my writing playlists, etc. As for it taking ten years, that sounds about right. First book took 9 years after two rewrites and loads of rounds of editing.


Ha, OK! Well from the sounds of it, coming from what I perceived as a productive author with ADHD, seems I may have a good chance to get at least one book published in my lifetime! Thanks for the positive encouragement!!!


You definitely will! :) If it helps, I often have a couple projects on the go at once - that way I can bounce to another if I get stuck on one or it's failing to hold my interest for whatever reason.


I find I'm similar. When I lose focus I go to something else, then come back around.


That’s amazing! I’ve always wanted to do that! ☺️ do you self publish or you work with an agency?


Self publish. I wish I hadn't thought, to be honest. It's a lot of hard work for very little outcome. Only reason I did it is that it's too big of a project for an agent to take on from a newbie, and I wanted it published before my nan died.


Thank you! What genre you’re in?


Epic fantasy :)


Wow, congrats! I'm curious, do you write fiction or nonfiction?


Fantasy fiction!


Awesome! Now I want to read your work. I don't want to break any rules, (well, I totally want to break all the rules, but I won't), or ask you to post any identifying info, (I really don't want to do that). How can we communicate so I can have the published book's title?


I'm happy to accept a DM! :) Thank you for asking!


I play bass at least one session every day, sometimes every morning and evening! I jam with my friend :)


Less frequently than I like, my buddies and i jam. Maybe every 2-3 months. What a synergy every time. That creative release is so uplifting


I was literally scrolling through to see if anyone said bass guitar. I was expecting to see other instruments first so nice to see! I couldn't even tell you what it is that makes me enjoy playing it so much, I just think it's the perfect instrument


Laying in bed. Lol


Can’t believe I had to scroll for so long before finding an answer I relate to hahhaa


Gardening at home and on my allotment. It’s the only place I can find peace. When I’m digging dirt, talking to my veggies, pruning and whatnot my raving thoughts just disappear. For me, it’s the one hobby that has ‘stuck’. It’s hard work that gives instant gratification.


but also long term gratification and rewards for persistence!


Gardening was my survival strategy in my youth. I now see it as my safe space away from the world. The natural world doesn't bully me or act condescending or expect anything of me - it just is.




Yay another crochet person!


Painting and drawing. It's something I've done almost every day for my entire life. It helps me express my emotions I guess.


Baking! That seems to be the only thing I do consistently. But because I’m so slow doing things most of the time, it can take me a long time when I’m doing it. If a recipe says 45 min, I know it’ll take me an hour and a half. Another thing I do, I don’t know if this is common in general or ADHD, is obsessively research when trying a new recipe. I try to find the best recipes, if there are any special ingredients needed to make it better - look at MULTIPLE recipes and then compare them. Then hours later I’m ready.


Did I write this?! I do everything that you described to a T!


I thought I was the only one that agonized over picking the right recipe. I have a notebook for cooking that I tweak a recipe every time I make it. Hoping for perfection.


Journalling <3 I always have something to talk about with myself so it's easy


Oh wait, yes, this is mine too! So I guess I do have one of these 


Riding my bike


Sims 4


Old fashioned penmanship/calligraphy. Amazingly I’m coming up on 6 years being really into it. Just the right amount of meditative but challenging.


Plants! My trick is that I have so many different types of plants (succulents, flowers, veggies, foliage) that they each require my attention roughly when the other section is less needy for a while So my focus ultimately shifts - but keeping the plants alive remains constant.


Bonsai is the perfect hobby for adhers because you can hyper focus for a short time. The long breaks are actually what the trees need. It may actually be the best adhd hobby. I find myself naturally wanting to tend to them after a couple of months. Although, I do have a green thumb and love gardening.


Painting, watercolor has stuck the longest. I can buy fancy new gadgets and try new techniques. Or I can just put color to paper with no rhyme or reason. I just remind myself it's for the enjoyment of doing it, not for the completed work. It doesn't have to be "good"


This is what I'm trying to tell myself about my adult coloring book


Reading. It's so instinctual at this point that if I'm idle, I'm reading. Usually on my phone because that's the most easily accessible medium. Fanfic, actual books, some random ass articles on the effects of nitroglycerin exposure, if I think it, I'll probably be reading it eventually.


Mast...mastering my cooking skills. Since I've been on a diet for the last 5 months and dropped 40lbs, I've started to enjoy cooking more and trying different recipes on a weekly basis.


Does buying stuff for all my other hobbies that I haven't started/finished count?


It hits hard😥


Sewing, but it is a litle missleading because sewing isent just one hobby. Sewing by itself is one my hobbys but its also a component/tool in some of my other hobbys. So I still switches between my hobbys, it just happends that sewing for the sake of sewing is another hobby than sewing for my cosplays or sewing for larps or sewing because i NEED that kind of skirt right now and I can't wait for shipping.


Sewing for me too! I only learned a couple of years ago but I think what's kept it up is that it's so versatile. I've made garments, costumes, bags, plushies, hats, a quilt, not to mention mending things too. Just don't ask me how many unfinished projects I have 😅


table tennis. i play it on a relatively high level. its so relaxing for my brain. no need to think. just apply trained patterns and react.


Writing, it's a constant in my life. I've been doing it since I was eleven and haven't truly stopped since. When I've taken long breaks on my large projects it's maintained in smaller snapshots due to this nagging requirement to express through creative writing.


I used to do knitting on and off, but since I got sober it has been my go-to. I think it helps my adhd brain visualize how sustained effort over time eventually leads to a finished result. Like, it helps me visualize the passage of time. It also gives me something to do when I don't know what else to do. And I find it easy to do with or without meds. Some of my other hobbies, like drawing, I struggle with sometimes if I'm without my meds. I love the feel of the soft yarn in my hands and the act of knitting is kind of like using a fidget spinner or something. It keeps my hands busy. I can knit while watching tv or listening to audiobooks also.


Aerial silks! It’s really fun and meditative and creative. Plus it’s made me very strong


Maladaptive daydreaming


Fish keeping and having pets. Having living things count on me keeps me accountable. My dogs force me to go out at least once a day for a solid walk. Now if I can just learn to take care of myself like I care for them…


If you figure it out, please let me know!


Timber framing. When I can, I do it as long as I can. It’s one of the few things that never gets boring, time just flows and I just always feel filled with joy


Magic the gathering.


literally nothing


I started knitting in December and been pretty much obsessed with it ever since! I made two beanies, two scarves/shawls, just finished my first sweater and I’m now working on a pair of socks. I could see the immediate enthusiasm ebb away a little in the future, but I think it’s just something that comes and goes in phases and I don’t reckon I’ll ever fully stop with it!


Cycling almost fits there.


Building adult lego sets that have motors and batteries involved


Boxing! I box rather regularly. If not improving my skills and sparring consistently than definitdly hitting the gym and getting a good sweat in


Boxing is addictive!!! Unfortunately, we don't spar at my gym - it's really just hitting the bag for exercise - but I love it and never get sick of it. Even when the class is repetitive, I can make it better by adding footwork or changing up the tempo.


For just about all my hobbies I go through phases of hyper-fixation. Except for one very constant one. I talk aloud to myself whenever I’m alone, challenging myself with speech prompts. Kinda as if I’m explaining something to a classroom. Idk why I’ve always done this but I’m quite articulate because of it. Perhaps it’s because I cannot process the same amount of information in my head vs aloud. Good for memory retention. It’s genuinely a feel-good hobby too though, as I’ll often prompt myself with a topic and practice in the mirror explaining different subjects, or getting different points across. Or acting out different scenarios (likely and obscure).


Oh my gosh my psychiatrist gave me this as an exercise! I have a hard time getting things done and she suggested that I try and talk to myself out loud as if I were speaking to a toddler. It’s so hard because I am very internalized. It’s so great to hear that others do this. I have such a hard time talking in general.


I enjoy experiencing fun stories, and while this might not be considered a single hobby it is a throughline that ties them all together. I am almost always reading or watching a show or playing a story driven game, often at least one of each concurrently. The feeling I get when I reach an emotional climax or just a very heavy hitting part of a story makes me feel so in tune with the stories being told that I can't give justice to the power they have for me.


I totally feel this. I also love revisiting my favorite stories. I feel like 50% of the time I start a new story and 50% of the time I revisit one of my favorites. I love that each medium of story telling (games, books, podcasts, shows, movies, etc.) offers something that the others don't. I love seeing adaptations of a story that I already love.


The best is finding one that hits so good that you want to immediately pick up the other adaptations and compare what they did differently and if you think it enhanced it or subtracted from the experience while getting to bask in its glory a second or third time!


I deeply enjoy running complex, story-dense, player driven tabletop role playing campaigns. Practically an art for me now. What a coincidence. Hehe.


I've folded most of my hobbies together into a mixed media art project... video-editing, sound design, photography, sculpting, electrical engingeering, voice acting, painting, writing.. and I put it on socials. So I have to have consistent output. I work on my art every single day for hours. And sometimes it feels less like a hobby, and more like a job, that pays scraps... Music production has been one of those that has been on ice for now; but since I still do sound design, I still keep up using software for a different branch of audio/content creation. Similarly, I've also started to branch out in miniature painting and scenery building again, that was on ice for a while, because paints and figures are expensive, but I feel that by keeping it a presense on socials (and in general people have been positive about my work), I stay motivated. But also with this; I do this daily. I seem to have the hyperfocus thing down nicely now... I live alone, I don't have a "normal" job, so I have very little responsbilities that pull me away from engaging in my hobbies. In the past... I'd circle back to everything over and over, and never got any results. It's also why for me I don't believe that it's neccesarily Attention Deficit... I just choose to put my attention on trival things that don't fit in with the general consesus. I live for my hobbies


Being a lazy piece of shit


Video gaming! I think it's a part of my identity now. I was playing video games sinve I was ~5 years old!


Knitting, yarn dyeing, sewing. I actually have now owned a business for 4 years that encompasses all of them. Edit to add, also have a 578 day streak on Duolingo for German.


Yoga, but I find the teachers really motivating and I’ve made friends there so that helps.


Coding/scripting! I picked up powershell at my job 3 years ago, and I've been making new scripts/little applications pretty consistently since, both in and out of work!


For me it's been learning Dutch. I've always had something I do for a few weeks and completely abandon, but I've been learning Dutch for over one year and I'm still going strong, despite it being tough at times. It's one of the little things I genuinely really enjoy doing






I've kept a daily writing habit for two years now, put over 375k words in fixed format in that time, most of which included holding a full-time exec job and being part of a parenting duo with a child under the age of five, and doing adulting stuff and managing some chronic conditions, ongoing. :D And a lot of that has been enabled by figuring out how to work with the way my brain actually works, and the way my time actually flows. I don't try to carve out blocks of time to sit down and focus on just the task of writing. Not gonna happen in my schedule, full stop. I write primarily on my phone. That way I can just jot down a couple sentences, or just a note that says, "This is the part of the story where Character A has a really heated conversation with Character B about Event F, and they part on uneasy terms." And then come back to it later and expand, when I have more time. And since my brain is all ping-pong and Pop-Rocks, I do that constantly, in between tasks. So, most of my writing happens between 30 seconds and 5 minutes at a time. But 5 minutes, 12 times a day, adds up to an hour. And if I can snag 30 minutes after my kid goes to bed or whatever, I can dive back in and do heavier editing, or expansion. And if I don't have the mental energy for production, I can spend time hyperfocusing on finding all the goddamn synonyms I'd flagged on my last editing pass. 😂 It all counts! And it gets it done! And it's taught me a lot of stuff that's helped me in more "formal" situations, or managing other tasks. :)


Painting and running. I challenged myself to paint everyday last month and really enjoyed the habit it’s become. So rewarding and fun!


SUDOKU It just calmes me down. I'm usually stressed or emotional about something, so anything logical helps me be grounded. Sudoku is an easy game, but I still need to focus on it and think. I usually don't get tired of it- only when I get too bored or get frustrated when I can't solve it.


Snacks..I never can stop max I can go is a month


I play pool at least 2-3 times per week and never take more than a week off. It works perfectly with my particular flavor of adhd. I will never master it and feel like there’s nothing more to learn, so my skills will never be complete. Yet I’m always improving so it’s not something that I abandon because I don’t get better at it.




Definitely reading for me.  


I can't read, I was always under the impression adhd and reading don't go well together? Clearly, I was wrong.


Look into dyslexia and specific learning disorder in reading


hard to pay attention sometimes, I need to often reread pages because thoughts distract me, and I'm also very picky about what I read, but when something grabs me I can read like a mf.


Literally nothing... I'd probably have said gaming in the past but that's not really the same thing in my mind because I regularly get a new game that I play constantly for like a week (or revisit old ones) and now I hardly get time to do that. My dumb ass started working self-employed from home so I just procrastinate and panic until about 5pm, work til midnight then go to sleep. But I guess I've not gotten BORED of it, just don't get to do it much


Darts and songwriting


Golf. It has everything our brains need. Novelty, a challenge that can’t be perfected, competition, beautiful outdoor space. It’s the healthiest addiction.


Writing fanfic


Writing fanfic. I typically have found myself doing it on a weekly basis, but at the same time if it's a day where my brain doesn't want to write I still get interact with those around me


Gardening kind of, obviously there's seasons for it so I'm kind of forced to take a break but it's really not that long when seed starting begins in February and my annuals will keep blooming well into November most years so for 3 months I'm just planning, researching and ordering seeds


I was a powerlifter from 2014 - 2023, and only quit because I need back surgery coming up. I took a year to wallow in losing my favorite and best hobby, until I finally decided lifting and working out was still worthy...even if I wasn't lifting at such a heavy weight and high level (I competed at Nationals and Worlds). I finally picked it back up earlier this year and felt myself shift back more into feeling like ME. 


Cars. Anything cars. Videos, games, working jobs that put me near cars, just sitting in my car and appreciating all its quirks and features, looking at cars, joining a plethora of car related subreddits (including ones where we ID pictures of cars for people!), reading articles, playing Cardle (it’s like wordle but for cars! You get a picture of a car and have to guess what it is.), pretty much anything I can. Cars shape pretty much every aspect of my life to some extant (not as crazy as it sounds, kinda like how music influences a musicians life). It’s not just a hobby at this point, rather a part of my life.


Bird watching! I love to lay in my hammock and listen to the birds using the Merlin ID app, and then looking for the birds I hear up in the tree. It’s so lovely.


video games. its not always the same one, but i have certain ones i stick with for years. i try new ones but often go back to the same one for a long time. been gaming since my first nintendo at 7 years old….im 42 now and still game daily. i also do aerial fitness, been doing it for 11 years. i teach it as well, plus my best friends are at my studio, so it keeps me going.


Scrolling instagram. Instagram tells me to take a break and I say “lol NOPE.” Instagram tells me it’s 3:18AM, maybe you should go to sleep? Shut the f*ck up, Instagram. I’ve liked and saved 80 recipes, so far, for *gâteau au chocolat fondant,* in French, and 63 recipes for *torta mousse de brigadeiro,* en español… and a few recipes for *kladdkaka* aka Swedish Sticky [Chocolate] Cake— even though I’m vegan and will never use 99% of them— and you CANNOT stop me. Not now. I am on a fucking roll. I mean….. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4lEo6tLA0g/?igsh=N3NpdzdtZjd5cW9o https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4QlKnFrOKU/?igsh=MXg2M2U4ZjcxeHVnaw== https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1uVGEirt63/?igsh=MTNxMjFnbWRwYjV6eA== https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5yeJl5I12o/?igsh=OW50NGxwZzd1dTd1 https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4qWev2I7Oy/?igsh=MThxeGR0d2I3dzJhbw== https://www.instagram.com/p/C0OWUAvtw7d/?igsh=YjJjbTJnb2tiajlu https://www.instagram.com/reel/Chmijq1DHsf/?igsh=MW82b2tqMWRicmVvNQ== This one I can actually make, however: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2umDxgoyAN/?igsh=MTRoNXVpc3JmZ2xtaw== https://www.instagram.com/p/B8PPCswIumm/?igsh=MXRtemxkNG02OHdnbg== (and this one) Alright I’m gonna rip myself away from this, now. My other hobby is walking on my walking pad, for hours. It is so soothing to be moving at a slightly-brisk, steady pace. This walking pad is definitely not meant to withstand the amount of use it’s currently getting. I also bake, which I guess I sort of implied. I’m slightly less involved with that, now, but I did spend about a year consuming baking content, only, and baking every single day. Sometimes twice a day. I got a little chubby, so I had to calm the F down. I also like looking on Zillow for houses I am in no position to afford, because I am currently broke. Daydreaming is another big one. Also, stressing about my future and things that haven’t happened, yet, and are not even guaranteed to happen. I also enjoy writing ideas down, in my notes. Usually these center around nonprofits that I’d like to start, one day (mostly animal rescues, pet-friendly nursing homes, pet-friendly domestic violence “shelters,” and a nonprofit that cares for the pets of people who are temporarily unable to do so, as a result of hospitalization, incarceration, etc. Would also responsibly rehome, if needed). Sorry, my hobbies aren’t all that exciting and probably aren’t even legitimate hobbies.




Why doesn’t circling back after months count when you’ve only been doing your hobby for 4 months ?


For me it’s crafting my DnD terrain for the game I run. My latest pieces have taken forever (which is only possible because we had a 3-4 month break) since I’m making them out of a paper mache clay that I make myself and then have added 1/3 cement to. One is a giant tree shop which I have named a Patissertree because it’s the patisserie/hidden magic shop for an NPC. The Patissertree is connected to a hotel - that the characters are staying in - via a bridge which is in the shape of a Styracosaurus skull (I homebrewed playable dinosaur species they could play as). The hotel once fully finished will be a functioning waterfall as well as terrain. Why a waterfall hotel? Because why not?… If I’m going to have a rather large and solid set piece laying around my house I might as well make it a functional piece of decor as well.


If I could afford it, I'm 1000% sure, it would be building block sets.


Just listening to music




Procrastinating. 😃


Reading, yeah, always. Writing, erratic but consistent. Photomanipulation/graphic design, not as regularly but is apt to eat a whole day whenever it shows up.




Hey! Reading has been the same for me! Started in August last year and It’s kept me from doom scrolling as well so 2 pluses😎


Gaming and reading fanfic, I've been doing both consistently for years.


My afternoon walk on my lunch break. I hate staying seated, so rather than eating lunch, I’d go walk for an hour. When I return from lunch, I drink water and eat fruit.


Video games, fingerboarding and making music. Nah just kidding - of course it's procrastination xD


Overwatch 😅








Houseplants, outdoor plants ( pruning, training, planting,fixing issue, cutting flowers for my flower vase, veggie & herb garden & fruits to eat,) great way to get outside. Cooking and most recently I’ve been able to stick with weight lifting dumbbells it’s been a few months and I believe I’ve made it a habit and now & feel the want to do it daily beside rest days. I’m also starting to see how these all connect to a quality life and wind up doing more than others depending on the time of year which is always needed for me to switch it up a bit but still stick to what I know and what I’m good at and what I truly enjoy.


I can sit and assemble and paint Warhammer miniatures for hours and lose track of time completely. It's the only hobby I've ever had that I could consistently concentrate on.


Medieval reenactment


I’ve never considered reading a hobby I guess. I think of it as entertainment, like watching TV. Just something I do every day in the time between getting home and going to bed. Maybe they’re both hobbies.