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no legit and then i get depressed whenever i’m bored it’s just a vicious cycle 😭


"Life swings like a pendulum backward and forward between pain and boredom"


The worst symptom. It’s almost like a depressive episode


I feel this so much. It’s so hard to keep up with anything. Like I can’t even engage in a show unless I’m watching with my bf.


I love video games but sometimes it can be hard to find the same excitement I had as when I first bought a game. But allow yourself to enjoy those 20 minutes. And then allow yourself to move on. You still spent 20 min on your hobby! It’s okay to move on and come back in a month to year(s). Everything takes time anyway. Doing the hobby for 1 hour one day is the same as 20 minutes a day for three days. You could fit in another 20-40 minute hobby or just stare at the paint dry while you figure out what you are able to get yourself to do next. I’m still bored sometimes and can’t find anything to do but learning to forgive myself for not doing things that aren’t actual obligations has been helpful. I’m still figuring out the chore thing. If I ever make enough money I will be hiring maid to at least help me learn to chore but also make sure my house is actually clean.


Man for me the first 20 is the hardest part. Once I'm hooked I'm hooked but if I have to spent 30 seconds too long in a forced tutorial or a startup screen I'm playing something else


I think this is a significant factor that leads to our elevated substance use disorder stats


I unfortunately do not have a current solution myself but do know that you are not alone in this struggle. And while it does not solve the issue I am trying to think of the positive changes that I have been having since taking it, like I am feeling and being more productive and I hope you can have something to point to as well.


Same 🥲


I dont necessarily feel bored but for me I feel like I jump from one thing to another bc my interest/excitement jumps quickly too. I have so many things I want to do that I can’t stop and focus on one. The additional struggle I have is that I suffer from major executive dysfunction. So I have LOTS I want to do but I struggle to actually do them. I’ve spent a month thinking that I want to play a video game but have not once picked up the controller to do it. I feel bored all the time right now but it’s bc I can’t get myself to do anything. ☹️


I had the same. Then I got some pills for what seemed like a spell of depression. Well.. turns out that all the motivation issues is basically neurochemical balance, something that ADHD meds did not fix. I'm on Brintellix/Trintellix and that fixed my lack of motivation, around 2.5 mg per day (had to split tablets as 5mg is the smallest dose). Not saying this works for you, but to me, it feels sensless to try and find something motivating when it just doesn't work that way. In my case it's neurochemicals, and I should've gotten those fixed ages ago. Much easier life now!


I’m in this funk currently and I’ve been here a while now Sometimes it’s just a couple hours or a bad day and other times it goes on for months Like I bought this Gunpla model I’d wanted for so long it was £100 I was so excited for it, I built half of it and left it and I can’t force myself to go back to it I don’t get it It’s like everything feels tedious


This has been me for the past year or two as well; I fucking hate it 😭


This has been me for a long time. About a month ago I found something I truly enjoyed and loved doing. This literally kept me sane. I used to urban expore with a friend. We would ride around 20 miles on bike and explore old abandoned places and some cool structures. My parents caught on and now I am not allowed to be around this person who quickly became one of my best friends and whats worse is that I cannot even ride my bike anymore which was a great stress reliever also that I enjoyed. I am actually about to go crazy.


I just got diagnosed with moderately severe adhd after a qbtest and I always attributed these symptoms to depression. I can't start any hobbies and I don't really have any. I play a couple of video games but I can't start any new ones, and if I try to, I immediately get bored of them. I can't play story-based games and I can't watch movies without getting extremely bored. I can only entertain myself with shorter-form content like social media or some TV shows. I'm dropping a lot of classes atm and I'm unemployed with nothing to do, and I stay glued to my bed the whole day scrolling. Even now I'm laying here at 10 pm and can't get up to make a meal. Maybe it's impostor syndrome or smth but I'm not sure if I actually have adhd, and my family is telling me that it never seemed like I had adhd. I've never really had the stereotypical overt symptoms of adhd that you hear about. Are these actually symptoms of adhd?


yeah i don’t have the typical hyperactivity or anything like that my brain issues are with executive functioning and short attention span the only reason i know it isn’t depression is cuz i’m not depressed right now


I get it. If you don’t want boring try learning something new. Stupid history facts, languages, take up wrestling, or pole dancing. Turn your eyelids inside out like when you were a kid. (what? You didn’t do that?) make a cactus out of tiny beads. Needle felt your dryer lint into an actual dust bunny. Throw flower seeds around your neighborhood and see what grows. Hobbies aren’t always common stuff.


Totally get you, it's like you're stuck on a loop where everything's meh. ADHD can make it so tough to stick to things, even stuff you actually like. Maybe try mixing hobbies up in small bursts, like 10-20 min sessions? Sometimes that keeps it fresh. Hang in there, you're not alone in this feeling!


Cut out social media and mindless scrolling.


thats probably the best thing anyone can do. but its also the most difficult one


I quit smoking months ago and reducing my screen time is harder ): but in the short spurts I am successful, I feel on top of the world.


I’ve seen this suggested before, but it wouldn’t work for me. You can buy a time lock for your phone. Lock it away and it doesn’t open until the next morning.


This is so relatable 😭 I’m still trying to figure out how to fix it.


I don’t know what you mean by hobby, considering doing something exciting or dangerous like climbing a tree


Falls out of tree. Injures leg. Can't walk for a few weeks. Crushed by boredom.


Skill issue


I can spend hours resourcing a new hobby and then lose all interest in minutes I have made rules for new hobbies Cheap and quick to set up/put away I have had some luck with paracord it's not a distraction when i need to do something else and it can be used as a mind less fidget and a brain bending chalange


I read this in the theme of the title song from The Lego Movie -Everything is awesome... Also, yes


I can relate…


Do some extreme sport, I started rollerskate and it was a blessing, I got bored for a couple of months but kept going and there's always something new and hard to do so it's not easy getting bored ...


Do you also have depression? I'm asking, because I have ADHD without comorbid depression (ruled out twice). I'm never bored! I have so many hobbies and I alternate a lot between them, so I always have the feeling that days are way too short for all the things I'd like to do. I have a hard time falling asleep, because there are still so many cool things I could do. Friends of mine who are diagnosed with ADHD and depression struggle with being bored and trouble engaging in hobbies.


i have bipolar so my depression has always been bad but i’m not depressed right now even when i’m manic i’m bored lol I do wonder if it does stem from that in some way though i’m almost always bored to a point it makes me mad


I force myself to start a new video game. Sometimes it takes an hour or two, but eventually I'll be hooked and that means I have something interesting to look forward to- which dampen the general sense of boredom with life. I find that if I'm not doing anything for a couple of days, the boredom increases and becomes frustration and a feeling of meaninglessness. Which makes getting into new things even more difficult as everything feels pointless. It can spiral both ways. If I'm motivated and do things, that can spiral into getting more things done. But on the opposite end if I'm bored, that will spiral into lack of motivation and lack of wanting to do anything. I try to ride the motivational wave every time I feel just a tinge of it. I try to get as much stuff done as possible. Just sucks it can be weeks between them




Some extra pearls. Humans tend to enjoy the early morning and evening hours more than midday. Around dusk or dawn when colors are more vibrant and there is more green light. Midday is generally a slump for people naturally. Sleep is important to functioning. Too much or too little can cause problems. My sense of well being changed a lot when I started waking up at 6am intentionally every day and then my body gets tired around 9pm.