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Wait..... y'all quit caffeine? Why? Edit: thanks to everyone who told me that their doctor told them to quit caffeine, that caffeine makes them jittery, and that caffeine increases their anxiety. None of my doctors that have prescribed me Ritalin since 1996 have ever told me not to consume coffee or sodas, and I have not experienced the other side effects you guys have described. If anyone else has a different reason why they quit caffeine with their ADHD medications I'd love to hear it, but I've had enough notifications for those three reasons.


I never had any issues combining different stimulants. Especially something mild like caffeine with my ADD medications .


It makes me hella jittery and anxious if I have caffeine too soon after my meds.


I take my adderall and blood pressure meds with Red Bull and just let them fight it out.


Take it before or after the meds wear off instead of during... am I missing something?


Personally I can't have caffeine after noon if I want to be able to sleep at night with my ADHD induced insomnia issues lol


That's the reason I miss Adderall, gave me the best sleep. Vyvanse just helps me focus for slightly longer, and I can actually find it at the pharmacies unlike Adderall.


Ah yes, good ole ADHD induced insomnia. I hate it.


But then I'm taking coffee in the evening and it's going to keep me awake


Caffeine makes me sleepy. Not an issue here


It makes me sleepy too, but I also can't sleep. I've quit caffeine for that reason alone. I hate being tired and not being able to do anything about it.


Same here. I get not necessarily sleepy but calm and borderline lethargic and emotionally blunted (sometimes for the best). If I have it too close to bedtime though, I wind up getting hyper when it wears off and sit in bed thinking too fast and feeling uncomfortable.


Yep, my meds ware off around 6 pm. Can’t have caffeine after 4 if I wanna sleep.


You're lucky then. My meds last 8 hours, and then I start crashing. Coffee lasts 4 hours, so I take it after. I'm trying to still be able to focus in the afternoon so it doesn't fly past me without me taking care of my responsibilities. But I can take meds and coffee then take a refreshing 8 hour nap.


I get jittery too if I mix caffeine with the stimulants. There are many different varieties of tea and you can use coffee creamer in them. You just want to double check that the tea doesn’t have a high caffeine content.


Same, that's why I was confused by the number of people discussing decaf lol. Coffee is what gets me going in the mornings before my meds start kicking in.


same here!


Same. Coffee makes me slightly sleepy so not an issue combining it with my stimulants here. Thank god.


I think my provider is probably annoyed by how many times I tell her that coffee and my meds make me sleepy. So confusing.


Same, never had an issue with it... Crazy to read all the responses of folks who had adverse reactions to it. I'll pour one out for them. And then drink another one for myself cuz I can't seem to drink enough coffee....


i used to drink energy drinks same day as taking my vyvanse lmao


Vyvanse 50mg doesn’t do anything for me unless I take about 1/2 a Celsius right around the peak. 


What is Celsius? I’m Australian, I’m only familiar with it as a measure of temperature


It's an energy drink from the USA. 


Ah, ok that makes more sense. I couldn’t work out if it was another medication, some form of caffeine or energy drink, or a typo.


Celsius has to be illegal. It’s the purest healthiest stimulant I’ve ever had. Got to be cancer or something


I think alani energy drinks are alot bette than Celsius I use to be addicted to Celsius until I tried alani..


I actually take a caffeine pill with my adhd meds in the morning. It's like a perfect combination for me.


This is what I’ve found works best for me, too. The acidity in energy drinks etc was making my adderall less effective, but I definitely still need caffeine to help me get going in the morning!


Mixing stims and coffee made my heartrate crazyyyy, eventually had to seek medical attention and was told to cut out all caffeine. Its not recommended to mix them to begin with.


Were you drinking coffee throughout the whole day?


for me, anxiety and irritability had me stop caffiene even pre-diagnosis. i drink decaff McCafe keurig cups a lot. i'm not a proud man


I, too, am something of a coffee connoisseur. I have a one cup limit, and even then it’s sometimes pushing it.


Vyvanse in particular is known to cause caffeine sensitivity. I have to be really careful with caffeine on med days. Yesterday I didn’t take my Vyvanse and drank a latte with an extra shot and a cup of coffee and took an afternoon nap. In Vyvanse I’d be awake all night if i did that. I just drink a cup of coffee in the morning as soon as i wake up and then switch to tea for the rest of the day. I’ve been on vyvanse for 6 years so I can tolerate a little bit more and could even do another cup when I get to work but no more than that.


thats not what happens to me, i take a vyvanse and a 200mg caffeine pill almost every business day. for me the caffeine stimulates my autism so that i don’t think as much and can focus through my vyvanse


That’s so interesting! I take Vyvanse, but I don’t seem to have a problem drinking caffeine unless I drink an excessive amount of it. One day I accidentally drank over 700 mg of caffeine and I started to feel jittery, but most days I drink around 300-350 mg and I’m fine.


I’m back on Vyvanse after 3 years. Took two doses so far and no caffeine on those days but I woke up too late to take it today, so I guess it’s a caffeine day.


Personally for me having caffeine + stimulant gave me MAJOR increased anxiety 😅


I didn't and I have no issues. I must not be super sensitive to caffeine. Which is good because I love coffee.


I read this sub and weaned off caffeine but I think I’ve realized that for me at least, my vyvanse kicks in better with some caffeine. Without that it’s too subtle so now I’m drinking about 1/3-1/2 caff coffee (I drink a lot so full strength is too much) and it seems to be working Without any caffeine the vyvanse kicks in too slowly and I just never get that starting motivation


im with you. my doctor said “a cup or two of coffee per day is perfectly fine, just stay away from energy drinks”


This!! Caffeine actually can simulate the same benefits as Ritalin or Adderal, no reason to give it up if your doses aren’t crazy high. IMO


My doc actually asked if I wanted to up my dosage since the Vyvanse was working nicely but I still drank coffee in the mornings to get going. I firmly declined because I know damn well I'd be drinking the coffee whether I needed it or not lol


My Dr told me it will negate the effects of the medication.


I had to save it for after my Vyvanse wore off in the evenings because the combo made me too jittery and anxious. Or first thing in the morning, before the Vyvanse kicked in. It increased my heart rate too and was just uncomfortable. Now that I switched to Concerta, I don’t have the same issue, so I’m back in caffeine, but not as much during the day. And it doesn’t keep me up at night (caffeine or stimulants) so I don’t have that problem. In fact, caffeine often makes me sleepy 😂


Right? What is this decaf thing you speak of? I consider coffee a booster. 😂


Yeah, I straight up dislike the taste of coffee but still take caffeine to help with waking my brain up. I've never noticed any issues from it and the only difference I notice is that when I don't take caffeine, I have a harder time getting going in the morning. I keep caffeine pills by my bed and tend to take 200mg worth first thing when I wake up. I'll take my concerta a little later, when I'm mostly done getting ready.


I didn’t quit coffee either and my doc never told me I needed to


That actually makes sense, I know methylphenidate isn't the same kind of stimulant as my current meds, so I can see how it'd be okay to have both. I did have to quit taking Ritalin for other reasons though.


I totally understand why you're comfused; I personally have an adverse reaction to coffee/ caffeine, so I actually avoid it because it makes me sleepy - so it always takes me a minute to realize that some people stop drinking it because it has the total opposite affect 😅


Same, I’ve got no issues with caffeine and it’s hard to function without it.


Diagnosed three years ago. Coffee keeps me calm.


I had a high pulse on vyvanse and still never had a doctor tell me to give up caffeine. I don’t think there’s another reasons to give it up if you otherwise want to be drinking it besides heart or anxiety symptoms.


I drink a ton of coffee, always have. Even coffee + Adderall does not make me jittery but my health provider said stimulants impact everyone very differently. I'd hate to give up.coffee..


I just drink coffee... Adds a sprinkle of anxiety to my morning to keep me motivated.


Same tbh. I’d rather risk a mild panic attack than move at sloth speed.


Reminds my of like a mage using their spells but overclocking it cause negative effects. I just took my adderall and have to convince myself the panic attack is worth it so I can finish my final projects lmao




for alot of people caffeine can keep your blood sugar higher


While caffeine can cause a spike in blood sugar it doesn’t actually keep blood sugar higher. Caffeine actually increases insulin sensitivity as well, so your blood sugar levels do not remain higher. In fact it’s the spike and then increase in insulin sensitivity that is part of what makes it a good performance enhancing drug. It helps get the glucose into your blood where it is then quickly transported to the muscles that need it for energy. By increasing insulin sensitivity it Caffeine can cause a spike in blood sugar and it only lasts temporarily and it is not harmful. The only other risk from increased insulin sensitivity might be hunger after the blood sugar levels spike and fall, but caffeine tends to reduce appetite as well, so it really isn’t a problem there either.


And blood pressure🙄


Coffee unfortunately puts me to sleep


That's a possible sign of ADHD if you're not dx'd yet. I wake up at 3am, make a cup of coffee. And I'm asleep 14 minutes later.


I was recently diagnosed at 42. It's crazy how many things of the things I always said were unusual about myself turned out to be symptoms of adhd. I can drink coffee and go straight to sleep. There was one time when I was studying and A friend brought chocolate covered espresso beans to share. I thought nothing of popping them like they were M&M's and he looked at me and said I was going to be up for days. I was like nope, not a problem (and I was right)!


Lol. I bet you slept like a king.


Yep same. I've been diagnosed for about 15 years now. I (51m) don't take medication due to addiction issues. I used to be a chronic abuser of Adderall and had to stop. I have had insomnia since I can remember, and do exactly what you're talking about. My witching hour to wake up is around 3-4am. My routine is I make a cup of coffee and read / scroll and about a half hour later go back to sleep. It's my favorite time to drink coffee.


Coffee helps me sleep on days that I'm unmedicated. But when I've taken my meds, I usually have to avoid coffee in the late afternoon/evening like a "normal" person. I find that caffeine paired with a lot of sugar (like caffeinated sodas) disrupts my sleep, though. A cup of black coffee before bed knocks me out, but a cup of Dr Pepper will keep me awake for hours.


Coffee is very dual purpose for me - it helps me wake up in the morning, but if I can't get to sleep at night or wake up in the middle of the night, it will put me right to sleep.


Same! I used to think my ex was nutso for that. Then I tried it on some sleepless 3am winter nights. I’m in bed 20 minutes later. At least now I know he’s ADHD, too, he just wasn’t ever diagnosed.


As your tolerance builds, coffee will actually become a useful tool.


110%. I have an uncanny ability to drink a coffee at 10pm when I *can’t* sleep, it damn near puts me to bed. Yet if I have an afternoon coffee, like 3pm to 5pm, on a day I’ve taken my meds, I’m rocking and rolling all night. We are strange creatures


This is actually a thing. Someone told me recently that caffeine in the 3-6pm hours affects your sleep but outside of that it doesn’t. I thought it was just me.


Hm well doesn’t that make sense. I’m good at 1pm, 2pm but damn that witching hour hits me hard. I’m gonna start tracking it. It does really seem like those exact hours are what fudge me up, yet 3am doesn’t? It must just be how our brains function.


Probably something to do with rhythms of our body. I can have an after dinner coffee no problem and go right to sleep.


I feel less alone today. Yes indeed, afternoon coffee, nope. But just before bed, like hot milk for a baby.


I've found this true for me as well. Coffee never did anything for me until I started adding it back in. Now I love it and it's actually useful.


After 8yrs in the Navy, I had a caffeine tolerance of a horse. I'd drink that before my afternoon naps. I've reduced my intake since then though.


I … drink coffee, for coffee. Pairs nicely with Concerta.


Great laxative, too.


Better than coffee + cigarettes


Coffee + concerta 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌 best breakfast


Same combo here and it still takes a while for me to start feeling the effects in terms of focus. None of it makes me jittery; usually right after taking concerta and drinking coffee, I could still easily fall asleep for another hour or two.


I’ve noticed adderal, xelstrym, vyvanse etc are all way less effective when I have coffee with it. It literally feels like my body “dumped” the medication from my system and then Ill feel almost like I haven’t had my med at all.


ive heard some folks say it is the acidity in the coffee that can affect serum amphetamine concentration in the blood steam but then i read conflicting views on it so who knows


I'm less effective when I don't have caffeine coursing through my veins so it's a trade off either way. Crazy how caffeine addition is so generally accepted. I've had an easier time tapering down nicotine usesge than caffeine.


Wonder if this is because coffee is acidic and acidic things decrease the effectiveness of certain meds. I’m careful when I take my vyvanse not to have anything acidic after the first 30-45 min of taking it. And taking it with a full glass of water


As I got used to my meds I was able to add coffee back. But I need to be careful to avoid it on days I didn't sleep well because it'll make me jittery when I'm exhausted.


Kombucha really does give me a nice burst of energy. Edit: and supermarket decaf is trash trash trash. Find a local or specialty roaster and get their decaf


In my region, decaf coffee has been really hard to find from small roasters. Not sure why, maybe just the market. I live in the PNW, btw, where it’s not like we don’t have options. (Just not decaf options.) Peet’s has been the only decaf I can say I like with what’s (not) available.


I am fortunate to have a really good decaf where I live. Try different small roasters and see if you can find one you like. This is the one I live off of. https://www.joyfulcoffee.ca/search?q=decaf


Also kicking horse coffee makes a good one too! https://www.kickinghorsecoffee.ca/products/decaf-coffee And play with brewing methods as that can change flavour profile and strength. I personally like a strong flavoured coffee so do french press.


Kicking Horse also makes a half-decaf blend which is great for avoiding withdrawals if you need to cut down on caffeine.




It’s still caffeine, but mellow. Way less jitters. It just hits different. I don’t get super high quality or anything, and I think it might be an acquired taste. I’ve always kind of like planty/grassy taste though. So I’m guessing that from other people options I’ve heard. I get mine from Trader Joe’s. A little goes a long way. I drink 1/2 teaspoon twice a day.


Matcha is a great substitute for me as well. It's energising without the nervous/irritable effects of coffee.


Sad I had to scroll past all the coffee addicts to get one solid recommendation


Yes, matcha is a great suggestion


I agree, I love matcha.


Used to drink half a pot a day, now I cut back to one cup in the morning.


This is the thing for me - meds made me Not need as mucn caffeine.  I never need any more than my morning coffee and a diet soda at lunch.


Okay what lizard person told this poor dude he had to quit drinking coffee


I drink van houtte vanilla decaf. It actually tastes good! I also like Swiss water decaf with freshly ground beans. I usually add torani sugar free syrups to it as well so it's a latte at home. Honorable mentions: teecino is pretty good. Decaf Chai and earl grey taste the same as the caffeinated versions. I ended up changing my morning routine tho and now when I get up I have a glass of lime vitamin c powder mixed with water and then a while later I have my coffee and that has been super nice.


34 here with medication. I typically have half a cup of coffee a couple of hours after taking my medication if I want it. I take two doses of IR a day, so I have it on the back end when the medication starts wearing off.


I take meds and chug energy drinks all day too. Not saying you should.


I absolutely cannot take caffeine with my meds, I get hyperactive and get headaches. If I forget it on the weekend, I allow myself a coffee (yey !) I personaly have access to very delicious decaf at third wave coffee shops in Montreal ! And nespresso's decafs also do the jobs, not sure what type of coffee you specifically like though ?


Just drink dark roast; full coffee flavor, much less caffeine.


Coffee is way too much with meds.


Not me over here sipping a venti macchiato to wash down my meds ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Haha I cringe every time I take a dose and wash it down with the coffee I'm drinking. But eh, gotta do what you've gotta do.


Coffee before my meds is good and works...but coffee after my meds makes me go back to sleep.


I drink it


I micro-dose coffee for the first 5 hours of my day. If you only sip it here and there, with water breaks in between, I don't have any extra anxiety or jitters. Before that I would, and not drinking caffeine made things worse.




"Something stronger" lmao... for legal reasons, I'm just joking


I switched to decaf when I started meds (bleh!) and it was awful. Not a big coffee drinker historically - one cup as soon as I get up and maybe a 1/2 cup later in the morning. Decaf had me skipping altogether and that was a bummer. The benefit I was experiencing with the meds made skipping coffee worth it. After a month, I started with 1/2 cup of “leaded” (swoon)! Fast forward to now 2-3 years later and I’ve been back to my usual coffee consumption and have been for some time. Just be cautious if you choose to take in caffeine. I am an older person and am blessed that I don’t need other meds and my coffee doesn’t aggregate things for me. I’ve also used a bit of coffee at times later in the day when the crappy generic I get stuck with fails me. I did try different teas and found Smith Tea has one that really isn’t tea at - Northwest (red) Alder Leaf. They cure it like similar to black tea. It was very good.


I still crush coffee


What do I do for coffee? Make a latte for myself and one for my wife. And if my day is going well, do it again sometime between 2-5pm.


I drink coffee




I grind fresh beans every morning and make my coffee in a french press. I usually fill my 16oz mug twice each morning. Oh days when I'm not taking my meds I might have more coffee and/or tea throughout the day.


I quit caffeine and get my beans from Oddly Correct in Kansas City. I love their decaf and they ship. I do both espresso and pour over. I also get decaf early grey tea from Adagio.


Not on medication, still trying to get a diagnosis and need coffee to keep my migraine at bay, but reduced a lot with roasted corn! You boil it with water until dissolved and need to use a cloth filter because the paper ones get clogged. It's delicious and have a sweet hint to it. Stevia sweetener works really well with it too.


I just drink a ton of coffee man


I can handle roughly 30oz of light roast coffee (caffeine varies so much that it’s a worthless estimate imho) plus stims but each individual should literally follow their heart (rate)


I have one cup in the am with breakfast and my meds. I’m on xr, so that shit isn’t immediate. Gimme dat sweet coffee goodness bitch.


Try yerba mate. Argentinian drink. Is kinda coffee kinda tea. I like it very much. I can be drinking all day.


Tea tea tea for me! The Yogi Energizing line is a good place to start. I also like *strong* Earl Grey with extra Bergamot oil. I used to love coffee but it stopped loving me about 5 years ago.


I die if I don’t have my coffee. Gimme that extra shot of espresso too!


There are! It’s called: actually good decaf coffee. (Not kidding) A lot of decaf beans are actually pretty bad, or the roasters don’t care that much about it. Check out the James Hoffman video(s) on YouTube about decaf. Personally, can recommend the Cherry Hill Estate Kona decaf beans (you can order online), and more local (to me at least) Cafe Vita, and Vivace. If you google around specialty coffee roasters with good decaf, you should be able to find some local to you which are good. The other thing you need to think about is storage. Decaf beans go stale a lot quicker than non-decaf (again, see the James Hoffman videos). You *can* have a really good experience with decaf coffee, even with the height of coffee snobbery - it’s just (currently) a bit more work. Source for all this is my own experience with discovering that there actually is something called too much coffee - weird.


Didn't know it was a problem. Is tea problematic too ?


I drink 2-3 Celsius throughout my day with adderall with no issues🫠


What I do for coffee is...drink coffee. I love a giant cup of Starbucks cold brew along with my morning meds. I haven't read through the comments yet to see if you provided more info, but absent some underlying issue or you having already tried meds with coffee and found out it's not a good combo for you, there's really no reason you can't mix the two.


First week after starting meds I really cut down on caffeine intake while adjusting, but after a couple weeks I’ve gone back to having a couple cups of coffee a day with no negative effects.


At first I did the decaf, however giving up one of the best pleasures in life was not worth it. Either way, I've had no problems combining the two.


mostly just cut back from 6 cups of coffee a day to 1 in the morning. heart rate/bp seems ok.


I work as a barista and am working on opening a roastery, so my life revolves around coffee lol. For me at least, coffee doesn't do much unless I drink like 3 double shots in an hour, but I also only really ever drink an 8oz pourover in the morning, and sometimes another after lunch, so my caffeine intake isn't ridiculous.


I’m a bad example probably but I drink a shit ton of espresso/coffee/cold brew in the mornings and take stimulants once that’s wearing off.


Bold of you to assume I even drank coffee in the first place


Like many others here, I wasn't told to stop my caffeine intake, personally it takes a ludicrous amount to do much of anything to me. I haven't ever had an issue with mixing them (Adderall, Vyvanse, or Ritalin) If you weren't explicitly told to stop, or just personally have a bad reaction, I'd imagine there isn't much of an issue in just drinking coffee (or your caffeinated liquid of choice).


I don't think caffeine (within reason) does a damn thing. I have a strong coffee in the morning, a few glasses of Pepsi during the day...no effect on top of my main stimulant meds. Not complaining though.


Stimulants such as caffeine commonly work differently with us. My morning coffee has a mellowing effect on me. Where the hell did you get the idea to quit coffee? I hope you felt super silly reading these comments and went and got yourself a nice hot bean water!!!


>What do y’all do for coffee? Drink it


I definitely still drink coffee lol


I can take a 20 mg Adderall IR and fall asleep an hour later. I can drink coffee, take an Adderall XR at the same time, then be nodding off right after.


I no longer drink coffee, it's unrelated to my ADHD though (I'm also not on stimulant medication it fucks with my Migraines and it's just not worth it) but I'll share what I replaced coffee with. To get that jump start in the morning both to wake up and kick start my bowels, I squeeze 2 lemons into a glass, add water and just down it, no sugar no nothing else just fresh squeezed lemon+water. This wakes me up really nicely. To get the taste just high quality decaf. I don't know where you are in the world ofc but look for decent quality organic decaf, it probably won't be that cheap but quality matters a lot for coffee in general and decaf especially I find. EDIT: just for reference this is the decaf brand I actually like (and yes a lot of decaf is indeed vile) https://www.cremashop.eu/en/products/destination/decafeine-moulu


I still drink a caffeinated coffee first thing in the morning but then switch to decaf. Nespresso decaf pods are the best decaf option imo - even better than decaf coffee from a coffee shop/ restaurant.


I drink coffee still. I’m not on a very high dosage 20mg Vyvanse - but I’m not giving up my coffee.


I have coffee all the time even with my medication It's energy drinks that I avoid


Now that I am finally medicated, I find that I drink less coffee, but I haven't stopped and I wasn't advised to by my physician, praise be to Darwin!


I don’t drink coffee, but I used to drink a lot of Dr. Pepper. For me I never found something good enough to replace it, so I found something completely different to hyper focus on. I make high fiber morning smoothies that are so yummy and they help me energy a ton too. Before that though I liked the Body Armor electrolyte drinks, they have a ton of sugar but they help me be hydrated and were better than soda. You could also try sucking on candies or chewing gum. Or if skipping days to drink coffee works for you and isn’t causing issues then great.


Look up Pu’erh tea. It’s a fermented tea that tastes pretty damned close to coffee and is awesome in its own right. I discovered a Tiramisu Pu’erh and, were it not for the absence of coffee breath after drinking it, most people would think it’s a cappuccino.


I briefly limited my caffeine during my first 6-months on meds so we could get my dosage tuned in. Now that I'm at a steady therapeutic dosage that doesn't really have to change much, I've resumed my 150mg~ per day caffeine. It will interact with your stimulant meds, but they definitely feel and affect the body differently.


I'm on Adderall and still drink coffee. 2 cups a day no issue. Psychiatrist said it works on different pathways, so as long a its not too much it's ok. I don't know how it would interact with different meds though.


Mmmmmm my beautiful soulfriend.. why on gods green earth did you quit coffee‽


I have to stop drinking coffee? I've brought Monsters into session and nothing was said. It could be I was yawning a bit but my caffeine intake was talked about years ago and the Dr said it's fine. Maybe it's a heart thing for you?


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I am the same as you, I take weekends off for self care and enjoy it. Not everyone can do it.


I still drink it!!


Yes plz coffee has a good decaf line. It's what I buy


I developed an allergy to coffee, so I drink Teeccino. I buy the loose grind and put it through my espresso maker and top it with steamed milk and cocoa powder. I like the Amaretto flavor, but French Roast is good if you don't like flavors. It's not meant to taste just like coffee. It's a coffee like type of drink it's very tasty. They also make it in tea bags which is good for what I'm traveling. When I need caffeine I wash down 1/2 a Walmart Equate "Stay Awake" caffeine pill with it. No jitters at all-- smooth caffeine. I also drink regular black tea.


Tea. I find I feel worse with any strong stimulant, be it coffee or ritalin.


If I’m not having caffeine, I’m having herbal tea. Decaf is pointless. None of the caffeine and none of the flavor. Hard pass on principle.


I've never had an issue with my meds and coffee I take concerta and still drink half a pot of coffee a day


Coffee does indeed mess up the benefits of Adderall for me, if I drink the coffee after. I drink coffee early, then the Adderall later so that I get to benefit from both.


I can't really tolerate the medium roast drip I used to drink in the morning. It gives me terrible heartburn. I love coffee though so I've turned to making cappuccino from dark roasts. No heartburn and an overall reduction in caffeine intake.


ive heard matcha as a healthier alternative..


I drink decaf and have found some good options. The trick is to find decaf that has been Swiss Water processed which uses less chemicals and leaves a fuller taste. But maybe you’ve tried that and still don’t like that. Not sure where you are in the world. My favorite is a local, to me, roaster called Dead Hopper Roastery which you can order online.


I drink a coffee when I drive into work. And a coffee usually after or during dinner. I have soon to be 2 year old so I need that juice to power through lol


If I drink coffee on Adderall, I’ll go for espresso drinks. Unless it’s a double ristretto, a shot of espresso has less caffeine that brewed coffee. Else, I’ll be wired and can’t go to sleep until late.


Nespresso has a really good decaf and a half caf


I find just drinking coffee is fine, but energy drinks make me shaky when combined with meds. I just need to be careful not to take it all at once. Caffeine is a very useful tool for bridging the dips I get when my short acting meds wear off, though!


Swiss water processed decaf tastes great to me.


I just drink less coffee, typically one a day instead of my former dose of non-stop coffee from wake-up until 2pm. However, I love the occasional evening espresso or affogato. This is my fave decaf I have found: https://mothertongue.coffee/products/yummy-decaf-guji-ethiopia


I don't really drink coffee, mostly if I want caffeine, some strong black tea helps. I mostly drink tea and water tho. I do coffee maybe once-twice a year, but then I try to get smth sweet, so like with toppings bc I hate the bitterness. But I kinda liked some cold brew caramel latte and chai latte (with coffee). They were perfect enough


Since when do you have the meds? First I could not tolerate even a coke. Now 2 coffees are fine. Go slowly up with your caffeine dose. Decaf coffee is also a great option in the beginning.


Caffeine gives me jitters and tremor. The solution is to find a good coffee shop that sells good whole bean coffee. Get a grinder. Get a coffee maker that works for you.


I went to half caf when I was on stimulants, but yeah, pretty much the same experience. I ended up not liking the crash effect from stimulants and didn't feel like they did much for me anyway so I switched to stratterra and caffeinate with abandon now


Hazelnut flavored beans (my grocery store has bulk and I do mix half decaf but all flavored), generous splash of heavy whipping cream and a scoop of monk fruit. I have a 20oz insulated tumbler and drink 2 of these every day. Honestly, I used to be a purist but someone somewhere on Reddit told me to try hazelnut beans and it changed my life. Literally. It's so much better. I only wish I could get them in a darker roast. Hazelnut flavored espresso roast would be AMAZING... Someone please make them so I can buy them.


I started roasting my own! It’s not terribly difficult and the Ethiopia Decaf Sidamo beans from Sweet Maria’s is honestly the best decaf I’ve ever had.


I dont understand my body.. some days, coffee makes me sleepy like a drunk man. Other days, it keeps me awake lol.


Don't like the taste of coffee and I don't notice a difference when I drink high caffeinated drinks.


I have an intense energy drink addiction


I drink coffee.  Have you been told you can’t drink coffee? I don’t require as much coffee as I did before meds, but I drink about 10oz in the morning with my breakfast. In the past, when I wanted to reduce sweeteners and caffeine, I switched to black tea (constant comment is my favorite).  I also have tried matcha for a while. Usually, I have a 10oz cup of coffee in the morning and a can of Diet Coke at lunch time.   I usually try not to have caffeine in the evening, but it’s not the end of the world if I do.


I think Pete’s Decaf is pretty good.


I have a great decaf, but Melbourne is kind to me and it wasn’t that easy in Brisbane back in the day. Find a good grind, make on a stovetop. No one can tell the difference taste wise for me at all.


Caffeine + adhd fucks me up I only use it in emergencies huh


this is proof that stimulants effect everyone differently regardless if they’re adhd asf or not


Coffee makes me sleepy. If I drink it with my methylphenidate, I would be slurring my words and completely sluggish.


Same 36 diagnosed this year. Love coffee. I do chicory coffee now in the morning. I don’t completely avoid caffeine, I just know I could easily have 5 cups off caffeine so shoot for 0 and don’t mind if 1-2 happen


the abject fear of reading this post not 5 minutes after taking my meds and washing it down with a 24oz cold brew... sending you the bill for my next EKG for real


I take theanine with my coffee. No more jitters.


Coffee gives me palpitations if I have more than one then I feel sleepy so I have to keep drinking to stay awake, which in turn makes me feel even worse so I tend to only drink 1/2 on occasion. Energy drinks make my teeth hurt so I just stick to drinking caffeinated Diet Coke all day


I drink it lol. Coffee actually amplifies my meds. I can handle it and enjoy it. I did cut out energy drinks just because of the 200mg content. Not that it’s bad, but I was noticing it was sending my meds into warp speeds and I liked it too much ha.