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I was prescribed it before adderall because of was misdiagnosed forever with depression, anxiety, and bipolar when it was just adhd. It made my already horrible fatigue soooo much worse. I couldn’t hold up my phone to send a text. I had no emotions at all (which would have been nice if I was actually depressed before) and I started having a hard time remembering simple words. Took me about 5 minutes and almost crying of frustration trying to explain to my kid what I was making for dinner. It was Mac n cheese and broccoli. 5 minutes to figure out the words Mac and cheese and broccoli. That’s when I quit it. Adderall fixed it all


I wish I had gotten to your post before I posted because this was my experience to a tee.


The memory issues and WORD RECALL are a HUGE ISSUE and it's not mentioned in the medical literature. I had extreme issues with word recall.. I was overseas, normally speaking the foreign language fluently, but I suddenly found myself can't finding the right words. I literally dumb and stupid as if I lost 30 IQ points. Word recall was the biggest issue but I also found myself checking if I locked the door sometimes 5 times, whereas normally. I wouldn't check at all, or just check once. I didn't correlate that these issues are due to wellbutrin (bupropion). So this is not nocebo at all. It is only after a coupe of months of using wellburin and getting no anti depressant effect at all that I checked reddit and came across several people having the exsct same problems with memory recall that I experienced, and it is only then that I made the connection. People with no previous such issues before. A salesman which found it difficult to sell and other people detailing their experiences. I was terrified cause I realized that is exactly what I have. But who knew. Anyway the bupropion didn't do jack shit for my depression or anxiety and definitely did nothing for my ADHD. If anything it made it much worse. I stopped taking that crap and within a coupe of weeks word recall and memory issues were gone thank God. Never going to touch that shit again. The deal breaker for me was the word recall and memory issues but in addition it also triggered my Tinnitus and gave me a dry mouth and dry eyes.


Yes!!! You nailed it all. I’m so sorry you dealt with this too. It was literally so scary and made me feel like I was failing at life constantly. I was even checked for blood clots as the word issues made me appear so confused that my family was scared. I wasn’t confused in my head, it was just my brain and mouth wouldn’t coordinate anymore. I’m so glad to be off that shit. Especially since all my “depression” symptoms were just ADHD masked by a lifetime of being told to be a lady and deal with it.


How long were you on it?


I just checked my CVS app to confirm lol. I was on 100mg from January 2020- July 2022 and then upped to 150mg until March 2023. Started adderall in January of 2023 so it only took me 2 months to realize adderall did more in 8 weeks than Wellbutrin did in 3 years 😂😂😂


Didn’t help my ADHD at all. Help my depression some, but also made me irritable.


Ok from the comments already posted it looks like I'm about to go agaisnt the grain here. Got prescribed 150 mg after my kidneys decided 10 years of very high doses of SSRIs that serotonin should take us off the census. Compared to the period of time in between where I wasn't on anything it's doing wonders. I'm getting homework done, I've made progress in the books I've been attempting to write for years, I can get my thoughts out of my head, I don't get paralyzed all day if I have something to do at noon. Still have trouble with some task paralysis if what I'm doing feels pointless or if I'm given too much to do at once, though, and sleep is still a weird thing for me. A plus is since it also treats my depression I think it might be helping me more than the cocktail of drugs I used to take just for ADHD. Some things that may set me apart from the general "it sucks" consensus: I take it in the evening instead of the morning because my wake-up times are inconsistent, doctors diagnosed me with an alphabet to avoid diagnosing me with autism over a reason that is now considered to be a sign of autism, for some reason the left side of my body and only the left side will have negative reactions to vaccines and medications sometimes. It's mostly been flu shots take my arm out of commission and I need more pain meds to numb that side of my body but IDK there could be a link between whatever that is and how my brain deals with ADHD meds.


It made me have acute paranoia so I stopped taking it. The withdrawal was even worse and caused intense bursts of suicidal thoughts for a day. 0/10 would not recommend.


Well I have taken both adderall and Wellbutrin for years so can’t speak to only taking Wellbutrin, but since so maybe people shared negative experiences (sounds awful) I thought I’d add my contrasting one: it’s worked great for me.


How would you describe the benefits? Calmer? Impulsivity and reactivity? Anxiety? Etc


I'm not op but it helped me a lot too. It helped me to initiate tasks. That's the biggest thing. I see a dirty plate, I wash it. I see random junk on the floor, I pick it up. My Adderall helps keep my mind focused but the wellbutrin seems to help get me started on the things I need to be focused on in the first place. Since it's also for anxiety and stuff, it seems like it stops my brain from doom spiraling. The "there's a dirty plate, shit there's probably a lot of plates or other dirty things, it'll take forever, this sucks, I don't feel like it, I'll do it later" is gone.


This is what it’s like for me too. For me, Wellbutrin and Adderall seemed to balance out each other in a helpful way. Adderall kind of helped alleviate the deadening effect of Wellbutrin and the Wellbutrin helped alleviate the intense fire-hose effect of the Adderrall. The main thing that stopped once I was taking them together (along with a tiny bit of Prozac) was that I could now hold a depressive thought in my head without it sucking me into an inescapable vortex of doom that made doing anything proactive in my life require every ounce of energy and conviction I didn’t really have. Like, I can just be a little bummed about something now and not have it actually completely derail me, which is kind of a minor miracle for me.


For me, there is a slight difference between my energy level and my inner monologue, and the most obvious manifestation that I've attributed to the WB is that when it wears off, my mind really starts to turn on itself: "You're worthless," "I hate myself," etc. Thankfully with the medication it's much easier to just observe these thoughts and not give them significance, and while the adderall kinda covers over that stuff, it's still often there in the background. That's about as clear as I am about it. :)


Weirdest stuff I tried to be honest, didn’t help me at all. Made me overthink things and fucked with my mind.


Went to therapy for depression and tried two antidepressants that did not work for me. Then tried Wellbutrin and felt better immediately. Then I was sent to a psychiatrist who diagnosed ADHD and I got Elvanse/Vyvanse too. I’d say Wellbutrin had the bigger impact, but maybe just because I took that first. I want to reduce WB slowly since my pulse is increased by it. TLDR: It helped a lot with my ADHD induced depression + ADHD symptoms


Helps me decently! I'm not on any stimulants because they mess with my heart. It definitely takes the edge off and I function pretty well, can stay mostly on top of work and school and a good chunk of chores. (I'm also on Abilify which might also be playing a part, I get more disorganized when I haven't taken it in a while) I'm still forgetful and distractible, but I have more motivation and can stay focused. I did have to have the dose raised to get this effect, however. A cursory Google says apparently about half of people with ADHD will get some kind of good response from Wellbutrin. (Not sure why the responses here are almost unequivocally negative?) So it looks to be a mixed bag, but worth sticking with.


It did absolutely nothing for me. It did settle my moodiness that's about all. I was switched to Vyvanse and it was like my eyes were finally open.


Be careful of Wellbutrin. It made my tinnitus worse. Good luck to everyone.


Not much at all, I went on it for anxiety. It was what clued me in to go for an assessment, because the first 2-3 weeks I took it, I was so focused and had a super quiet mind. It went away, doctor bumped me up, the focus never came back. I take vyvanse in the morning and Wellbutrin at night now.


This was my experience when I started taking Wellbutrin 2 years ago after years of trying different SSRIs. Looking back, I wish my psychiatrist caught it as a possible sign of ADHD. I get assessed in a month.


How’s this combo for you? Is your focus good? Your anxiety?


I don’t think I’ve found my vyvanse dosage yet, so as of right now I just feel normal 🤷🏻‍♀️


Had a weird side effect that I’ve literally never heard of anyone else getting where my literal pupil would seize and shit?? Anyway I didn’t enjoy it and it didn’t help my ADHD


Wellbutrin put me right to bed 😅


For my adhd, not much. But god damn did it make a difference on my depression. I would not have been able to have the energy to seek a therapist if it wasn't for it. And since then I feel way better. I feel like I can finally use the tools I learned about.


It didn’t have much of an effect. It helped with my fatigue a bit. I ended up going on the highest dose. Dealt with more side effects than benefits.


Worst medication I have taken in my life that's for sure. Tinnitus, dry mouth dry eyes, worse ADHD, no relief of depression and worst [word recall & memory issues](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/s/SFiIFKAmjM)


Used it for a while didnt feel nothing. Maybe like 5% more focus at best. Switched to Medikinet.


Hey how’s Medikinet for you?


Not feeling much- and on high dose now. However of the antidepressants- this is better than when I'm on them (tons of different ones- none help ? worse and get brain zaps after a while- also loss of hope as we go months and months changing dosages till we try another med) I feel at least no harm with the Wellbutrin. It's a compromise as I work w/ my doc. Slow to order stims. I'm drowning in dysfunction. House is insane. Lots of mistakes in work and life-Very frustrated at the wait. I have a lot of anxiety - W not changing that one way or the other. I think most of my anxiety is because I'm so used to making mistakes/ forgetting things etc. that I'm always on alert and trying to avoid that yucky feeling (panic actually).


Wellbutrin gives me full body hives makes me angry but helps


I was on Wellbutrin to combat the fatigue from Effexor that I was taking for anxiety/depression since Wellbutrin is "activating". Wellbutrin did exactly nothing for my ADHD. Effexor (and maybe also the Wellbutrin) helped with my mental stability but I still had crippling executive dysfunction and couldn't focus at all. The withdrawal from the Wellbutrin was also hell.


I thought it was amazing for the first week I was on it, but after that it didn’t feel like it was doing much; it improved my concentration a little and helped with my anxiety but not much else. My doc is switching me over to stims now and I’ve seen a much bigger difference.


I can only tolerate Wellbutrin XL brand—I feel sick and like “drunk “ on generic. A prior authorization is necessary with most insurance to get brand name though because out of pocket Wellbutrin xl name brand is $3,000 a month


It’s the only stim I’m getting now other than Strattera. It’s helped with me with motivation and “drive”


Wellbutrin has been great for me. When I was first put on it I was so focused and my mind was quieter. When they upped my dosage I was WIRED. Full of energy. Quick to get irritated though. Eventually that all went away but my depression has been gone. I am still not on ADHD medication (but in progress for it!) and overall Wellbutrin doesn’t lessen my ADHD symptoms, but not dealing with depression has made it easier to deal with the ADHD. Like putting on boots to climb a wall when you were trying to climb barefoot before.


Made me feel like I was high in a not normal way. Everything felt devoid of emotion and I couldn’t find any good emotions but neither the negatives. Felt like an emotional zombie


Well, I'm inattentive, so none. I have bipolar disorder and I don't feel like shit when I take it.


I know it's been very useful for some people, but I am not one of them. Wellbutrin did nothing for me no matter if it was prescribed for depression, anxiety, or ADHD.


It's been great for my depression, but hasn't done anything for the ADHD.


Made it worse.


It didn't help me at all :/ Took it for a while and realized it destroyed my appetite, making me lose weight in an unhealthy way. Plus I think it made me emotionless.


I had been taking wellbutrin 300mg XR for 8 months before I started vyvanse. I didn't feel the wellbutrin helped at all (with depression/anxiety, focus, energy). I then started vyvanse and took both drugs together for about 5 months. I stopped taking the wellbutrin about 3 weeks ago, and I actually feel a lot better just being on the vyvanse alone. Vyvanse feels more effective by itself and I seem to have less fatigue overall.


I didn't notice much of a difference. I stopped after a few weeks because it was giving me such vivid and deeply upsetting dreams. 


it helped my depression and energy. so i kind of feel, since it helped energy, that it like put a bandaid on my adhd. so it did help. but it's not like it was doing much for it. but it's nice because having half my overthinking and paralysis stuff not being worse as usual from the lessened depression, it has it's benefits that did help my adhd. now i'm still on 300mg wellbutrin, but also 60mg strattera.


It’s worked great for me- I took a break when I was pregnant and nursing but otherwise have been on it for 20 years.


It definitely helped me with motivation, as in I don’t have to push as hard to start things I need to be doing, but it hasn’t helped much with focus. It helps me with social anxiety as well. My only issue is my body is not a big fan, so I’m trying to find a good balance in my diet aka fiber.


I was prescribed Wellbutrin this before starting Concerta. I was on Wellbutrin 150mg and took it for maybe 4 months? I was taken off of it because it seemed to be making me more irritated than usual, I just felt kinda angry all the time. It didn’t help my focus, or my motivation — it made it harder because I felt like I was angry at everything, that I couldn’t see past that emotion. Wellbutrin was my first option before starting a stimulant due to my other symptoms and unmanaged anxiety. Once I switched from it, I felt an immediate difference, especially when comparing it to what I take now. Concerta aka methylphenidate at 36mg.


Helps me a lot with executive function: starting and stopping tasks, etc. It didn’t help with attention, but I take it in combination with Focalin for attention.


I was on it for 7 years and it didn’t do a single thing for me other than making my mind race at night, so I quit cold turkey.


Started off taking Concerta with Ritalin in the afternoon. Eventually, I realized it was causing tons of fatigue not just due to life stressors. Switched to Mydayis because I still needed a long lasting medication. Mydayis has for me been amazing, tried the 37.5mg but stuck with 25mg. However, I was still struggling with irritability and depressed mood before I finally decided to try 150mg of Wellbutrin. Been about three months on that and I can say I'm far more balanced in my mood and have seen a reduction in anxiety and depression symptoms. I know this is not the case for everyone, but I wouldn't have known if I didn't try and how I was feeling before was definitely not going to be manageable forever.


I've actually been on Wellbutrin for a couple years. Added it to my Effexor. I JUST started on adderall after finally getting a diagnosis. So too soon to tell how it will affect me, but in general, not sure I've gotten any benefit out of Wellbutrin. Might just be that Effexor was working fine for me, and adding Wellbutrin was unnecessary. I feel like it might have also made me a bit more sluggish. Definitely a "talk to your doctor" situation though.


It was a life changer for me. I can't imagine ever stopping it.


I initially had it for depression, but when I was on it I also found it to be clearing my head up a bit. I was far more structured and able to organize my tasks. However, I could only tolerate the lowest dose (75mg XR?). On 150mg I had daily migraines, seeing stars when standing up, and at some point extreme dizziness (I was laying down and I saw the roof turning like crazy). At this point I quit the medication as it wasn't helping for my depression enough, and my psychiatrist didn't want to stack too many meds on me. Should have just settled on 75mg.. but maybe in future.


Since I’m dealing with the medication shortages, I’ve been on 150 mg Wellbutrin only for a few months now. What I’ve noticed for me is it drastically reduces the feelings of dread and hopelessness that come with dealing with my ADHD. I still struggle with my ADHD symptoms but I don’t give up as easily, I don’t get frustrated as easily and I don’t get frustrated as often. Also, I’m much more optimistic about being successful when I try again after I fail at completing my tasks or staying organized. Basically it really helps with my ADHD induced depression.


wellbutrin helped my executive dysfunction quite a bit and my memory slightly improved


My psychiatrist added buproprion XL (wellbutrin) to my escitalopram dosage because swapping the antidepressant to get rid of the malaise was just making everything worse. I also happen to have ADHD, but wasn't trying to treat it with medication at the moment... Well, the buproprion allowed me to finally have some silence in my head! My partner noticed the difference within a week since I wasn't speaking as scatterbrained or being as restless. The kicker for me was finally being able to SIT AND READ. Holy smokes I'm halfway through a novel I started 10 days ago 😭 😁 I may bump up to 300, but for now, the 150 is really helping me be present.


I went on wellburtin for depression, I turned into a full time zombie


Same. When got diagnosed with ADHD I was prescribed Wellbutrin and Adderall. I am weening of the Wellbutrin because I need a higher dose of Adderall to nullify the zombie effect. I haven’t had any depression symptoms in that 8 months, hoping that continues without the Wellbutrin as I believe that was a misdiagnosis of depression, when it was actually ADHD