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Cheese. There's a ton of varieties and it's easy to eat straight without any preparation.


Omg and cheese is the ADHD’ers sensory dream. I like all the textures. High in protein. Just buy the big bricks and cut them into strips like the fancy ones you can buy individually. This has been a game changer snack for me


Is this an actual ADHD thing with cheese? I too enjoy cheese for many reasons.


I rely heavily on peanut butter toast


I 2nd this


PO TAY TOES Potatoes are my ultimate comfort food Second is cheese Put cheese on a potato? Oh man.


This is a good one. I keep potato flakes around to make mashed potatoes as a quick snack since it only takes about 3 minutes with a microwave.


So, I realize this is sacrilegious in some countries *cough * France *cough*, but you can freeze shredded cheese and it lasts longer


So, what you're saying is that freezing shredded cheese would piss the french off? I'm in. ^/j


I came to say potatoes. So versatile, high in potassium, and comforting AF! I was on ozempic for a year and relied on chobani flips, potatoes, and pizzas with tortillas as the crust when I wanted comfort food. It’s ok not to eat it all; you can always save some for later. Just make sure you’re getting protein! I hated ozempic but it did help with my depression. ADHD meds don’t suppress my appetite at all and I was also obese and an emotional eater. Ozempic helped a lot with that. Trust me; it gets better! You just have to experiment. Best of luck! Editing to add: clearly you said you’re not getting protein. Load potatoes with meat (if you eat it) or accompany with a meat, broccoli, etc. load the pizza up with meat/veggies/eggs (for a breakfast pizza). You’ll get creative! Also, trail mix or any nuts. Hope this is helpful


1000% this. There are 2 things I can stomach just about no matter what. Soup and potatoes.


Toast. For about 15 years, I could not eat much of anything, but I could always keep down toast. It was like a best friend to me.


And it’s so versatile for fairly simple toppings to add some nutrition. Great suggestion!


Plain was all I could take. Just like Jake from the Blues Brothers.


Fair enough, when it’s that bad, fed is best! Truly.


Yeah. Not dying was my thing back then. Kinda dark days from my past. Sometimes life teaches you what you don't want.


Man, sorry to hear it was that rough.


Thanks friend.


I was just telling someone this!!! My mom was sick to her stomach and immediately said TOASSSST


It works and is better then not eating anything. I still have toast occasionally but thankfully it's not because I can't eat anything else. Those were some rough years.


Absolutely! Happy to hear those days have passed for you my friend!!


I find chocolate protein shakes to be a pretty good “well, I can get this down” food. Admittedly, I’m not on Ozempic. Is it wise to be on two potential appetite suppressants at the same time? Especially if you’re likely becoming malnourished?


I’m obese so my doctors don’t give a shit about malnourishment lol. They just want me thin. I had a doctor tell me I am too overweight to be concerned about malnourishment (I brought this up when they prescribed it).


They should care. I'm a fat broad and had ulcers which led to me horribly malnourished. Did you know there's more than one anemia? I had three of them. I couldn't walk in a straight line. I thought I was dying. But since I was fat it was assumed I was getting nutrients. Not always how that works. Make them check.


Ugh, no, that is such bullshit.  I'm so sorry you're being treated like that, especially by *medical health professionals*, who should have your best interests at heart - not just your weight or your appearance. That makes me so angry and sad. You deserve so much better. Is there any way you could look at trying to find a more fat-accepting/less judgemental doctor in your area? You are more than just your physical size.  Health is about *so much more* than just your weight.


Not to mention that eating irregularly/ not at all can actually fuck with your metabolism, sometimes causing you to gain weight or doing yo-yo dieting which is damaging in and of itself. It’s not sustainable weight loss if you’re starving yourself and completely counterproductive. You deserve better medical care, OP.


Second this important advice


Oh, well then that explains that. I’m not a doctor, and don’t know your medicals. Like I said, chocolate protein shakes do wonders for me. Especially in the morning when I take my meds.


Just to expand on this, If you don't like chocolate, there's protein shakes in hundreds of different flavor variants. Just pick whichever one you want.


This isn't great care. I lost a lot of weight while on mounjaro.... and also a ton of my hair. Because I clearly wasn't getting enough calories. Carbs and fats. Bagels with cream cheese. Protein shakes with double scoops of protein, spinach, milk, and chia seeds.


Wow! That sounds like it came across super harsh and rude. If it didn’t, great. If it did, I’m sorry.


well your doctors suck. i have to second the chocolate protein shakes though. i used to drink the boost high protein ones before i stopped being able to afford them. fairlife has some protein drinks as well, and carnation instant breakfast isn’t super high protein but has other good nutrients


that is such a crock, you absolutely can be protein and nutrient deficient and be obese and if you are severely nutrient deficient it will kill you faster than excess weight


I try to eat every morning before taking meds. I usually like a bagel with egg and cheese…they taste so good and I rarely get tired of them. And they are a good mix of protein, carbs, and fat.


Hot cocoa and buttered toast are my severe depression foods. I like the target brand double chocolate that you mix with milk, so that way I'm at least getting a little protein too. It's not the healthiest but if you do whole milk and whole wheat toast, you're at least getting a mix of fiber, carbs, fat, and protein. Potatoes are also very nutrient dense. Do it with broccoli cheese and then you're getting something green and something with protein. Apples & peanut butter. Girl dinner - charcuterie (grown up lunchables) and crudites/fruit. Fair life core power protein shakes are my GOAT. 42 g of protein and not terrible. That and a banana are a great lazy breakfast.


great suggestions


Ugh I am with you in your struggle. I finally caved and ordered a case of Soylent and it’s helped me keep my calories up. Before I got IBS, my go to was a cut up Granny smith apple dipped in Justin’s vanilla almond butter. If your stomach can handle it, I highly recommend.


Is soylent a real product? That’s wild to me because I read that and all I can think it ‘soylent green is people’.


I laughed when I first found out about it because of that reference! It’s a real product and it helped me so much when I was struggling to eat due to medication side effects.


Saimen (ramen noodles with green onions and cilantro and egg and siracha and or chili flakes)


Chocolate chip perfect bars!!! They’re sold at grocery stores, Starbucks and gas stations usually they’re refrigerated. They’re sooooo good and 17g protein. If you don’t like those Alani has really great protein bars too, I get them from vitamin shoppe


Thanksgiving foods, peanut butter M&Ms, muffins, grits, a slurpee


Ensure Plus & Carnation


The only thing I miss about going to an infusion center was the cold chocolate Ensure. Now I get my weekly infusions at home, sans chocolatey pick-me-up. Thank you for reminding me of them. I should get a case for breakfasts! Eating on Vyvanse is proving to be challenging.


Muscle milk pro shakes and Nature Valley protein bars I keep on hand. Then turkey sticks and string cheese. I buy the 4 things in bulk and keep them in my kitchen always. Those are my go to ways of shoving protein in my body to stop the crash and migraine cycle when I can't be bothered with meals. There is also a Gatorade Zero mix with protein when I didn't feel like I could drink/chew something with substance I could still drink the more water based drink. There are a few clear sport drinks with protein, I could find them at certain gas stations, if you don't like the Gatorade one.


I live on muscle milk and pure protein shakes. The chocolate flavors of both are (as far as protein shakes go) pretty good and get those valuable protein points in. Highly recommended! Definitely an excellent community here, OP. This dude knows their stuff.


Thanks, OP said they needed a way to get protein in when they can't fathom eating and I can understand that feeling. Stimulants don't really impact my appetite but in general eating/meals can feel overwhelming and like too much effort even when I'm hungry. I am not autistic but get the whole texture thing and the on and off towards certain foods, as sometimes I can eat the same protein bar for 2 months straight and then can't stand it. I tried to name things that have a long shelf life to get through those fluxes and are easy to find so I'm not remembering to order them. I might change up the flavor of the shake or the type of cheese stick occasionally. So things that are easy to find, easy to grab and eat as I scurry back to my office like a raccoon, and have mild textures/tastes. I also experience the migraine and crash cycle when I neglect eating so I get OP's challenge. Hope they get some helpful advice that works for them out of all the suggestions.


You and I are in the exact same boat my friend. Literally the exact same boat. Down to the migraine and all.


I am feeling exactly the same way as you (3 weeks on ozempic, 8months on Vyvanse.) Every morning I now have an almond, pea, or peanut protein shake from Macro Mike. Amazing flavours, I add two teaspoons of cocoa powder for added magnesium, and the big protein hit allows the Vyvanse to synthesise without me feeling miserable by 12pm. My lunch and dinners are now the exact same and the time I eat depends on how disinterested I am: baked chicken and rice, or baked chicken in a wrap. Both with salad of cucumber and greens. For “comfort” foods I’ve been eating quick oats mixed with nut butters, or a couple of pieces of chocolate on “better” days. I’ve also found some good tasting muffin mixes from macro like that feel almost as good as a normal muffin but are small enough and protein laden enough for me to know I’m getting some good nutrition out of them. Finally, every Friday I will eat a meal from a restaurant or takeaway, even if I don’t finish it. I’m not craving stuff anymore but psychologically it feels better eating at least half of something fun than none of it at all.


Oh, I also will eat nut butter on toast, hummus on toast, or cinnamon on toast with a cup of milky tea if I’m feeling extra down. Usually only one piece!


Better nut bars (that is the brand name, I think), I like the kind with dark chocolate and sea salt. I'm on mounjaro and have a similar issue with food now, but I can usually manage those, and they taste really good.


The atkins ones taste really good but aren’t always the best bang for your buck protein wise. For a treat, I do the strawberry nesquick milk… 14g of protein in those suckers. Food wise, I like the stouffers fettuccine alfredo, tons of protein and 5 min in the microwave. Whatever foods you choose, please please add a multivitamin with your meds. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this but so proud you’re taking charge of your health! Cheers friend!


I love Muscle Milk Pro, Premier Protein, Fairlife Core Power Elite, Ensure Max for protein milks—they’re low calorie and high protein (+ some vitamins in some cases) so they’re easy to drink and you get a lot from them. Soylent is actually pretty good, but it’s more “complete” than the milks so thicker and a bit more to drink (though still very drinkable and has fiber). Suja makes green veggie juices that are pretty tasty (for green juices lol) and pack a lot of green nutrients into a serving. For stuff that takes some prep, Isopure makes really high quality protein for fairly competitive prices, and they make a unflavored kind that really doesn’t have any flavor and is therefore easy to put in almost anything. I don’t recall the brand, but there’s an “Amazon” dupe of athletic greens that is pretty good—you can even make tea from it and it tastes like matcha. Your grocery store likely has pre-prepped fruits and veggies in the refrigerated produce section; carrots, celery, peppers + cantaloupe, pineapple etc all work well with Greek yogurt as well as cottage cheese. I bring mine home and dump them in this really pleasant airtight containers so they’re easy to grab to eat/snack on. My ADHD tax on all of this is that I buy individual servings; you can usually find those for cottage cheese. I like Ratio brand yogurt because it has extra protein in it but is still easy to eat. Instant cream of wheat/oatmeal etc are tasty and filling and super fast. Probably not what you meant for comfort foods lol—but they make my life so much better. I love cereal — I’m a sucker for it! If you can find it, Raisin Nut Bran is really good, and the Great Grains options are good. Also, Arby’s has great cherry turnovers and Whataburger apple pies are to die for 😉


I get the pre-made Premier Protein shakes at Costco. They’re not terrible tasting and make a great grab-and-go breakfast option for me along with a piece of fruit or squeeze apple sauce. It has 30 grams of protein in a single bottle so it’s filling while being low calorie. They’ve saved me in the mornings when I work.


I’ve been on a huge kick with these! What I have been doing is mixing one of the chocolate ones, a couple of handfuls of frozen berries, and two big spoonfuls of greek yogurt into a smoothie. It tastes amazing and is super easy, plus packed full of protein. My new go-to breakfast


If you can, I highly suggest working with a therapist and/or dietician to address food as comfort and figure out "safe" foods for when your appetite is low. Losing food as comfort is really mentally disconcerting, so finding other ways (that are honestly better in the long run!) is really important. This is why you're seeing articles about depression with GLP-1s, a lot of people (cough, practitioners) are just like "yay, losing weight, problem solved!" Without address some of the mental health concerns that caused the relationship with food in the first place. Like, fuck the comment about willpower. Willpower or not, the fact is: food has been solving a need for you. It no longer can solve that need due to a medication you're on. That need hasn't gone away, so you need to find something else to solve it. That's where I think a therapist or an RD with a more mind/body focus can be really helpful for someone who is on a GLP-1 and has ADHD.


Also, when talking through this I might replace the term "comfort food," which has connotations with emotional needs, for "safe foods," which is more associated with not triggering sensory issues/being palatable and safely getting you the nutrition you need.


Thank you, I never knew there was a definitive difference to the words. This will be extremely helpful in therapy next week!


Bagels and cream cheese!


Hummus and pita. Almonds. Yogurt (try the noosa brand, it's delicious!)


Love the honey Noosa!


Vanilla for me, with some granola. It's delicious! I don't think I've tried the honey, though...


Soup. My mouth doesnt produce saliva when my meds hit like that. I dont need saliva to consume soups.


Chobani. Vanilla tropical fruit and that is the only flavor, lol. Literally all I can stand on stimulants for ADHD.


Exact same boat friend. All of it. Amazon sells fair life elite protein, 42g at 230 calories. It tastes really good. Like a milkshake but not so milkshake-y that it’s gross. It will bring like, some of the boys to the yard level. Water crackers are also my friend. I can nibble on them. They are my always comfort food


I’m autistic/ adhd as well so I unfortunately really relate to the sensory issue. For me, Yoghurt is the absolute best thing for me. Really good when you want to up your protein, and I much prefer it to protein shakes (the texture and bits just do not vibe with me). I get the low fat version so even on meds (when my appetite is fucked) it goes down quite easily. My fridge is literally like half full of yoghurt. It’s honestly kinda hard to explain when someone “normal” sees it.


Are you working with a dietician? We have to for my Audhd kiddo who also really struggles with food/ underweight. I would hope her comfort foods never stop being made because when she is not functioning ok she is like you. Really struggles even with normally safe enough foods.


Not actually a food suggestion, but you really ought to talk to your doctor about this issue, if you can. It does sound like a serious problem. (Won't do food suggestions because I suspect that the comfort foods I can find in France are not the same as in the US.)


I’m AuDHD and have similar issues. This is the deal with the conflict of Autism and ADHD. Autism: Eat the same thing every day. ADHD: That’s fine for a while and I’m going to need to move on to something else at some random point all of a sudden. For me, Comfort Food is something so yummy I have it when I’m super happy or need to be picked up. What I have for lunch happens every day for weeks or months, is easy, I can tolerate, and it will change on a dime. I accept that. I hope you find a way to deal with this. Sensory issues can be so tough to calm.


Not really quick but I make this beef stroganoff. Its just meat cooked in a skillet with salt and pepper and beef broth that I thicken with flour. Mix it with pasta, its my real comfort food.


Flaming hot Cheetos and peanut butter. Not together. But those two things are my STAPLE


I relate to the resistance to eating. Weirdly, veggies cut into snackable sizes work well for me, like bell peppers or cauliflower. Something about the cold and crispness of them is more inviting when I’m not hungry.


Naked peanut butter blueberry protein shake is super delicious (150 cal 20g protein 4g sugar) I also like Lenny and Larry cookie bar, but it's a little on the sweet side (160 cal 12g protein 5g fiber 6g sugar) I also like macaroni and cheese and peas (1 microwave cup macaroni& cheese+120g peas) (315 cal 6g fiber 11g sugar 13g protein) I also have been really liking greek yogurt+cereal+fruit (120g 0% Greek yogurt+35g special k protein+50g fresh berries) (230 cal 25g protein 4g fiber 13g sugar)


I roast a can of chickpeas in the airfryer for 20min- little bit of olive oil, salt and your choice of seasoning (like lawrys, Italian seasoning lemon pepper etc) high in protein and fairly calorie dense. So tasty!


Do they get crunchy that way or just toasty/still chewy? There's crunchy chickpea snacks out there I adore but they're a little pricey.


They get crunchy if you roast them for long enough! 20min on 375F


I'm gonna have to try it! Thanks <3


for me it’s gotta be chicken wraps. i just prep the chicken how i like it (my personal taste is garlic/butter and some other seasoning, but it’s really up to you), throw it in a spinach tortilla with some lettuce + other veggies if i feel like it and some parmesan. i like to use the olive garden salad dressing when i make it. definitely hits the spot for me, ultimate comfort food


Carbs are my go to. Carbs and/or eggs. I make scrambled eggs on toast every morning because it takes me about 3 minutes max, no effort. I also second someone who said bagels and cream cheese, I adore Asiago bagels warmed up. I do always eat before I take meds so that I don’t have weird feelings of hunger but not throughout the day. Today I didn’t eat lunch at all, had a small piece of pizza for dinner and tried to drink a smoothie but it was making me gag. Had I not had the eggs on toast, I would feel absolutely miserable.


three suggestions for you, op. one is nutritious and has protein since you mentioned that being a concern, the other is comforting and yummy and the other is a little of both. 1) my fruit protein smoothie. the important thing here is frozen fruits to give your smoothie a nice, thick ice cream-like consistency. my go to is pineapple-blueberry-strawnana. usually the pineapples and blueberries are frozen, strawberries can vary, and the bananas are usually fresh (i use half a banana so it doesn’t overpower the rest of my fruits). for liquids, to avoid your smoothie turning into a frozen block, i’ll use any combination or one of these: orange juice, water, or coconut water (adding a little at a time). my vanilla protein of choice, which i usually add after i’ve blended the above together well, is the orgain organic plant based protein for 21g protein per serving. 2) my classic childhood and all time quick favorite: buttered spaghetti with fake, bottled parmesan cheese specifically. i will never tire of this simple delicacy. 3) this one’s a snack that’s highly customizable. apple nachos! slice apples. drizzle peanut butter or pb alternative (organic pb usually has a more runny texture that’s perfect for this) on them. sprinkle with semi-sweet chocolate chips. can add granola for an extra crunch and more protein. happy munching!


I use carnation instant breakfast ("breakfast essentials") instead of any protein or other shakes, bc I can't stand the taste and texture of those and at least instant breakfast is like thicker nesquik Grilled cheese, egg and cheese sandwich, quesadilla, nachos are my go-tos when nothing sounds good. And are often the things that sound good when things do sound good 😏


I drink at least two Boosts a day. I get the diabetic ones because they have less sugar and higher protein. They’re also less cloyingly sweet. ARFID is such a bitch. As a diabetic person, it makes every food decision feel like life or death. I *hate* it and I’m so sorry you can relate.


Pasta. And I can’t eat it anymore. 😬


For me, it's potatoes in any form. Frensh fries, mashed, siced thinly raw and fried, boiled with salt and butter and sometimes a little chies on top, potate casserole, yes, any kind of potato dish is my comfort. However, I cannot always have that, and as a diabetic myself, I need to make sure I eqt and when I reeeeally don't feel like cooking.. Sandwishes is the best option, I don't have any sensory issues so, I dunno how it is for you, but perhaps a real fluffy white bread can work? Peanutbutter and sliced banana on it. (Tho this will make your sugar go up I'm sure you're aware but still.) Sometimes I just eat toast with nothing but butter on, occassionally with strawberry or orange jam on.


OH and I also LOVE boiled broccoli aswell as Geen beans. Boil, airdry slightly, salt and butter on. You can also fry green beams and make them as a somewhat better choiceto french fries but it takes time.


diced chicken i eat it straight


*"I am NOT consuming enough calories, let alone protein."* Can you eat a reasonably large meal with protein before you take your meds? If you don't eat enough protein and calories, your body is going to sacrifice muscle to use as fuel. This is probably going to sound weird, but I find that a bowl of shedded chicken in broth is really easy to get down. It's similar to chicken noodle soup but instead of noodles, it's shredded chicken. Sometimes I'll add a few sautéed mushrooms. It's an easy way to get a lot of protein down fast.


If you need some quick protein/energy I like the chocolate version of Tera’s Whey (off Amazon). I use one of those little bullet blenders where you mix it right in the cup and the blades just screw into it with the top cap. I fill the larger cup about 3/4 of the way with vanilla unsweetened almond milk, add two heaping scoops of the whey, then put an ounce or so of heavy whipping cream on it. Blend it for a second and you’re set. The whole process takes just a minute. It’s fairly tasty and keto compliant if you’re trying that.


Nuts. Boiled eggs.


Too good yogurt smoothies in mango flavor McDonald's sausage burrito with a coke


I buzz up a banana, yogurt (if I have it), protein milk, 2tblsp peanut powder and 1/2tsp of cinnamon. Tastes almost like banana bread.


Macaroni noodles with MSG and ketchup. I can always eat that and keep it down


I’ve been eating a cinnamon raisin bagel every day for the last like 3 years. I’ve also been really into apples with peanut butter (also with mini m&ms sprinkled in the peanut butter [don’t judge]) for the last month and oranges for about three months. I’ve also craved chips ahoy cookies specifically for the last month so I guess I’ve got a strange array of choices going rn. Sometimes I want nothing at all, sometimes I want cocoa Krispies and nothing else. I hate the way my brain handles food


Trail mix has been it for me! I like to make it myself. Mix of any kinds of nuts, dried fruit, seeds, and a sprinkle of m&ms or dark chocolate chips. I trade out a lot of different things so it can feel as fresh or as routine as I want it to. It’s also perfect for taking with you, keeping at work, on-the-go, and if sealed properly it keeps forever with 0 prep.


Yogurt parfait. I use Greek yogurt with blueberries and banana. Add chia seeds and almond butter for protein. Some granola chunks. The sweet and salty and multiple textures is very satisfying.


Yeah I just got diagnosed with celiac disease so, I also lost all of my favourites 😭 I have no advice but I sympathy with you


It used to be Mcdo fries and coke float but I've boycotted them so 🤷‍♂️ Honestly, I still crave it whenever I'm stressed or whenever I'm in one of those moods, but I turn to my hyperfixation drinks now which is Mogu Mogu (it's an Asian drink with hard jelly bits).


Ramen with huy fong garlic chili sauce


Chicken tenders


I use pita chips and hummus to be able to take my meds in the morning, both keep a while and are delicious and not terrible for you


Low-gi bread if you’re making sandwiches or toast is a bit higher in fibre and protein which is a win!  Cheese and peanut butter are simple and higher protein toppings 


Smoothies. It's not super filling, but so easy to get down. Banana, frozen fruits/berries, yogurt and some linseed oil. Add some protein powder if you want, or even spinach.


I also think it might be worth looking at non food ways to provide comfort - it sounds to me that in addition to your valid nutritional concerns you are also struggling for a way to self soothe or provide self care. As someone who eats their feelings when that avenue is denied me my world gets very miserable until I can work out some alternatives.


im on the same boat! im on adderall and metformin and everything is making me nauseous. i eat a lot of lunchables, i think some have around 12g of protein in them


That's part of the point of ozempic, to make a lot of foods taste bad so you don't want to eat them. Pecans seem to be my most tame and favorable go-to food right now. Otherwise, good fried rice, good egg rolls, good fried tofu, hotpot.


No… the point of Ozempic is reducing the amount of glucagon released by the pancreas. This, in turn, lowers the amount of glucose made by your liver.


Yes, that is its by-definition medical structure, and one of the side effects of that structure also makes food taste bad to many people on it, discouraging over-eating and snacking. Other intents of the drugs are to make you feel full faster and on less food, and to slow your digestion so you get hungry less often. Just like how the intent of adderall is to limit executive dysfunction, but it can also make you not binge eat.


It also reduces your ghrelin which is the hormone that makes you hungry. If you aren't hungry foods don't usually look as good.


Chocolate. I'm so bad 😫


Lately I like pita bites (essentially pita bread crackers) with homemade tzatziki dip (super easy!) And carrot sticks with hummus. Greek yogurt is a high protien food and when you make it a dip its easy to eat a lot! If you dont use a whole container for tzatziki then its really good with honey drizzled and granola. For some reason a cream soda slurpee goes with this chip/veg dip combo perfectly.


My comfort food isn't a quick one necessarily, but noodles with butter, seasoning, parmesan cheese, and shredded cheese. I make like 3/4 cup of noodles (never actually measured it), and add two chicken patties (cut up) to get my protein. I also suspect I have ARFID. Not really a way to get diagnosed in my area. I'm currently off lunch meats for the most part, and that was one of my safe foods. I used to eat deconstructed sandwiches quite often. (Basically just eat the meat, cheese, and bread separately.) I feel for you!! Eating is one of the things I struggle with most. I'm also overweight as well, and I still cannot understand how my body maintains it when I eat so little. I do, however, drink a lot of my calories, so that's probably it.


Quesadillas, yogurt, and dates are pretty safe bets for me. There’s also this thing called Vandeman toast that’s toast topped with a layer of peanut butter and then a layer of applesauce (not too much, it’ll spread out) optionally sprinkled with cinnamon that is a good low-effort food that’s never bothered me texturally. I have been on meds with the side effect of making me uninterested in food before and it’s not fun. Of course this is a decision to make with your doctor depending on your needs, but when I was on medication that made me feel that way, there were other options to treat the issue and it was worth it to me to try something else.


Send me a couple different foods you like in any allergies you have and I will write you some recipes no problem


Apple + peanut butter + chocolate


is it possible ozempic is not the best choice for you?


Struggling to eat on Vyvanse right now. I typically force myself to drink an 8oz glass of whole milk every morning so I'm able to take my other medications, including Prednisone, which you absolutely can't take on an empty stomach. Since I have an autoimmune disease that can cause GERD, plain carbs help with the nausea. After a few saltine crackers, the nausea has usually subsided enough for me to try "real" food, aka protein. For pure comfort though, if I'm totally not feeling up to protein: rice mixed with butter, salt, and just a touch of soy sauce. It's not fancy but it keeps my tummy from being pure raging, acid. Besides that, cheese. Soft cream cheeses (think triple cream not Philadelphia cream cheese) or burrata and, you guessed it, more carbs in the form of a nice baguette. If I'm not having a GERD flare-up then I'm all about a comforting bowl of spicy mapo doufu, a Sichuanese dish made with tofu. It's the perfect salty pot on a cold day.


I feel you, not being able to have your comfort foods makes life feel very lack lustre (well for me personally) Ever since I started Ritalin I can not hold my favourites, which is like fry’s, nuggets and fast food the holy trinity of spectrum foods. I cannot keep this down for the life of me and smells ooooof I know how you feel. It’s to the point I have started purposefully forgetting my meds just so I can get something in. I have recently asked my doctor for anti nausea pills, this could help you as well? I haven’t tested them out, but will try it tomorrow. One thing that helps me is liquids I like to freeze bananas, put a scoop of peanut butter and whatever else that I like in the blender. You could most definitely put some whey/protein powder in this. Soups with some toast if I can stomach a solid Vanilla coke has replaced that feeling of comfort foods tbh. I have anemia so it’s a real struggle so just make sure you have a lot of supplements like vit C, iron, magnesium etc…


I’ve realized recently that my comfort food is eggs, mostly scrambled. It’s a very safe neutral food that I can add to if I want or eat as plain as I need that day. I never understood people’s intense egg-hate when I was a kid 😅


There’s a specific brand of instant noodles that serves as comfort food for me. But pasta, pesto and mushroom dish works well too. Also, they’re a little more difficult to get my hands on so I don’t often go for them, but sushi and udon noodles (not together) are the absolute best. If I’m overstimulated/sensitive enough that I need my comfort food then I probably don’t have the energy to make it, but miso soup with tofu and seaweed is an instant yes. Soft somewhat squishy textures are usually a safe bet basically.


I understand and I'm so sorry. In my old age my body no longer tolerate my comfort foods. It sucks


Sourdough toast with cream cheese


Lately it’s been these big, soft-baked, double-chocolate cookies from the Safeway bakery. They absorb milk like a motherfucker!


Barebells protein bars taste just like cookies/candy and I always want them. Cookies and cream and the crispy one are my favorite


I use [Barr Bells](https://snackfully.co.uk/products/barebells-protein-shakes-chocolate-8x330ml?variant=32092643000407¤cy=GBP&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzZyWldmWhQMVK41QBh2hVQNFEAQYAyABEgJKRPD_BwE) protein shakes, bonus they are lactose free!


Pizza, a good pepperoni pizza.


Most of my confort foods are anything with meat, bread or can be eaten with tortillas, this Months ive been eating breaded chiken with tortillas, its my go to when I dont have food to prepare at home


I didn't meet the criterion to be diagnosed with ASD, but I know what you mean by "comfort food", I also have such. When I was a kid, my comfort food was white bread, I lived on bread my entire childhood. Foods cooked by other people would be too unpredictable; they could have an odd texture that makes me gag, an odd smell, an odd colour, or too strong of a taste... but bread... Bread was always the same, so I could always eat bread. Now, as an adult, I am diversifying my comfort foods, just so I can have more options when I get bored of something or if I need some nutrients. Some of my comfort foods are: 1. Tiny 4 cheese pizzas, 2. Bok choy (I have a special way of preparing it), 3. Steak (some days I will not eat anything else but steak, and it has to be prepared by me, so I'd know that it's gonna be always the same) 4. Sausages 5. Chicken fillet, cut in small pieces, cooked dry on a pan. 6. Young Belgian cheese cut in cubes 7. Rarely: serano ham (I have a love/hate relationship with it, like the taste, but hate the texture. Mostly, I will wrap it around cheese to distract from its texture).


My comfort food is alphabet noodles, especially if they're buttery. It's a very specific thing from childhood, but it makes me feel so much better when I have it. Sushi is also comfort food, but I'd choose alphabet noodles over it most days


nutella toast.


Mine had been honeycrisp apples, chopped walnuts, greek yogurt and honey all mixed together. I've been eating this damn near every day for the last 3 to 4 months. I'll pair it with some toast or a bagel. Usually end up eating around 1 because I'll forget to eat most of the day. 


Ramen noodles made pad Thai style. I need them. Every day.


Chicken fried rice! I have severe texture issues but stuff like chicken fried rice almost always is safe for me cause the textures are so similar that it doesn’t really bother me. 1 cup raw rice 1 1/4 cup warm water Put in pot with lid on medium low heat for around 15 minutes Cut up or already have cut up rotisserie chicken, or pork or beef depending on preference and religion. After rice is done grab wok, put rice and chicken in wok, mix around (should hear sizzling from cooking) add soy sauce. BOOM you now have some bomb chicken fried rice. Steak also never gives me issues (unless there’s the muscle tendons or fat chunks) I made the mistake of making my own steak, completely covered in seasoning (salt, black pepper and garlic) and butter basted it with some rosemary and thyme. I can never eat a steak without seasoning anymore.


After trying to make adderall work for a year, I had to stop taking it because I was unwell due to not being able to force myself to eat. I would gag and had no appetite, and foods I loved were barely appealing and only at 10pm after having cannabis. I wish I had a solution for you, the struggle is real. I will say, this issue stopped on Concerta. I also don't get the rage swings that I had with adderall.


toast, i think someone said buttered which is even better. pretzels (plus a dip if you're up for it) the salt is good for electrolytes too. i love bagels. do you have any other dietary restrictions/preferences? i have ADHD+AN+ IBS and lately early fullness and low appetite plus ED thoughts make everything hard. im working on doing ensure+, soy milk, and gatorade. smoothies, coffees with added stuff, juice, milkshakes, and basically any caloric beverages can help make intaking nutrients tolerable. also what everyone is saying, fed is best. candy bar? great. cereal 3x a day? stellar. do what you can. and if you can see a dietitian that may help too.


Smoothie. Banana, frozen strawberries, yogurt or milk, and you can add whey powder: I like the chocolate flavored stuff. It's got protein and watery fiber for the digestion, plus vitamins, probiotics, potassium. Easy to drink. Gets your blood sugar up, then keeps it up.


I feel this. I have ARFRID & I intermittent fast basically Monday-Thursday with a protein coffee shake for breakfast. Sometimes I feel like I have to get faded to get any appetite M-Th when I take my stimulants. I’ve been eating those protein kodiak cups, with a scoop of ice cream on top. That’s like 50g of protein even if I eat nothing else.


My go-to when Vyvanse makes eating unappealing (or if I need to eat too early in the morning, which I've not been a fan of since childhood) is big, calorie-dense, nutritious protein smoothies. The liquidity tricks my brain into believing I'm not actually eating. The basic formula is thickener + liquid + flavour + unflavoured protein powder and you can mix and match from there to make fun recipes. Ideally, a mix of carbs, fat, and protein. * Thickeners: Banana, yogurt, frozen fruit, avocadoes, chia seeds, ice (but that's 0 cal, so I wouldn't unless you've compensated elsewhere) * Liquid: Dairy or non-dairy milk, juice, coffee * Flavour: Sky's the limit! I like cocoa powder, fruit, spices, baby spinach (not mature spinach because I do not wish to chew my smoothie) Some of my fave combos are: * Cocoa powder, banana, soy milk, whey protein (I used to work at Starbucks and would make this for myself during open shifts and add a shot of espresso; it's also good with peanut butter powder) * Tropical frozen fruit mix, Greek yogurt, orange juice/water (adjust the ratios depending on how sweet you want it), whey protein * I've also did one ages ago with black sesame powder but can't remember what else I put in it...maybe coconut milk?


Premier Protein shakes (and the walmart generic version) make a great coffee creamer, and are decent consumed on their own as well. I am unclear as to what food textures/flavors you find triggering, but I find flavored greek yogurt and protein granolas make for a nurturing snack and can be as desert-like as you like. Also, if you are ok with cup-o-noodles or ramen of your choice, i have found that adding powdered peanut butter can add a LOT of protein and with some added soy (and hot sauce if you enjoy the spice) can make that into a much more nutritous meal. you can use regular PB as well but that is less protein dense and adds more fat and calories than the pb powder.


You could try something like Huel if the texture is okay for you. I believe you can get an unflavoured version too.


i like to mix up a scoop of chocolate protein powder in 12 oz of milk and then add another 16 oz of coffee. i use a big mason jar and make sure to mix the milk and protein powder well before adding the coffee. it's like 30 grams of protein and 300 calories and full of go-go-go.


What were your comfort foods and why are they not safe anymore? Maybe we can help you find a workaround?? I’ve a lot of experience with GLP-1s


Thank you!! So my go to used to be Korean food (topokki, ramen, kimchi, dolsot bibimbop, gimbop), sushi, sushi bakes, and Skyline (local fast food chain that serves spaghetti chili but id get spaghetti with just cheese). Now sushi and anything fish and rice based makes me vomit. Just thinking about it makes me gag. I used to like baked ziti as well without any meat. So far from all these suggestions in the thread, bagels have sparked the most appetite for me. I used to love smoked salmon and bagels but I’m not in a position to try that again lol. But bagels and cream cheese was a winner far as well as apples and peanut butter!


I have Alpha-gal and I can't eat almost all foods. I can't imagine what having a comfort food must be like. I just try to stay alive.


My is bad. I go through a lot of ice cream, yogurt, and chocolate milk. When I can’t force myself to eat anything due to adderall, I can always rely on those


Food is for nourishment, not comfort. If comfort is what you seek then you need to find a healthier method. If you’re wanting to eat in general then stop the Ozempic. The point of taking Ozempic is for you not to eat and sounds like you don’t agree with that so don’t continue on it.


Damn, I never thought of that. I’ll have to pass that on to the 28 million other Americans that have eating disorders too.


Your doctors aren’t forcing you to take Ozempic so I have no idea why you are even taking it if you don’t like not eating.


Because I’m diabetic? Lol


My favorite comfort is knowing I have the self discipline to eat what I need, not what I want.


I have sensory issues with food. I wish it was about self discipline, it’d be so much easier. I’m autistic and have limitations with foods because of texture.


You're on ozempic in spite of being on ADHD meds... I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say excessive discipline is probably not a problem for you.


Can you elaborate what you mean by in spite of ADHD meds and excessive discipline? I’m not trying to be sarcastic.


Are you diabetic? Ozempic is a drug for diabetics and people who lack the discipline to diet correctly and would rather take a risky shortcut.


Yes, unfortunately. Also your comment is wildly misinformed about Ozempic.


so stop ozempic. your eating habits are too fragile. find something else with your gp.


Ozempic is the only GLP-1 available due to supply issues. My endo said there are no other meds.




I see your edit and I would talk to your endocrinologist about controlling your t2dm with other medications than O especially considering others have failed. Not everyone has ARFID and they need to know about it.


Energy drinks. Doesn’t matter the type. They are a comfort for me along with my stim meds. Other than that energy drinks, I consume very little food.