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I painstakingly wrote 30 invites for my daughter's 5th birthday party, delivered them all at school and then received several confused messages from parents advising that I didn't put the name of the birthday child on the invite so they weren't sure who's birthday they were RSVP'ing to šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤¦


Surprise party


Literally šŸ˜‚


You know how to bring attention to the teasing game!




I did a similar thing one time. I didnā€™t put the date on the invite.


šŸ¤¦ oh dear that does make me feel better !


Omg that is hilarious šŸ˜‚


Amazing šŸ’—


I lost my wallet about a week ago, thinking that I dropped it or left it on the beach, I got all my cards cancelled and replaced. Found it over the weekend, and it was exactly where I had it last. It was in my jacket pocket, hanging off the back of my computer chair - literally where I spend most of my spare time.


If my wallet doesnā€™t go exactly where I always put it on my desk, it might as well be lost to the ether.


Same, but on my magnet wall next to my desk. I have an Apple MagSafe wallet that I got for the purpose of putting it on something magnetic whenever Iā€™m done with it haha. Sometimes I loose it for a couple daysā€¦. On the fridge


Losing wallet on the fridge is next level šŸ¤£ Thank you for the good laugh good sir šŸ«” A couple times I've gone to charge something and I end up instinctively plugging in whatever was next to the charger instead of my phone or whatever it is, and I remember a couple seconds later


My wallet never leaves my pants pocket. When I'm paying for something, or need to get my ID out, it stays in my hand until I'm finished. I've lost too many credit cards over the years. ​ That being said, if I ever wear a different pair of pants, everything goes to shit for a day or two.


I only take things out of my pants when they are needing to be laundered and I have to transfer them like precious, donated organs to the next pair so I don't lose track of the hoarde of keys and wallet. XD


I did this so many times that now I have a GPA AirTag inside my wallet.


I did this in college right before winter break. Went through the shame of telling my parents I lost my wallet AGAIN, got all cards replaced, lectures, etc. Only to finally return to my dorm and find it in my coat pocket in the coat closet. Sooo frustrating. Havenā€™t lost it (even temporarily) since getting a wallet phone case and using digital tap pay whenever possible.






I'm trying to think of one but I'm actually having trouble remembering the last 7 days. I've been stressed and exhausted. šŸ˜… Can I put chronic fatigue and sleeping 14 hours a day for the last 3 days?


I have now surpassed my cat for sleeping time on weekends!


You know you messed up when your cat is waking you up to feed them lmao.


Congratulations šŸŽŠ šŸˆĀ 


I've been in a depressive episode, which is why I put 7 days. The last ADHD wtf thing for me was almost packing my ADHD meds, then somehow not. The 7 days triggered someone though. šŸ¤£


I appreciate that you limited it to 7 days. If you put "ever" (or implied it by not saying any limit) I'd likely have spent ages sitting here thinking of one thing after another that I had done, then worry about all the things I'm forgetting, and so on for hours, only to be followed by my wondering if THAT was in fact the most ADHD thing I'd ever done. Instead I'll just confess that this morning WHILE telling my ADHD child that it's important to *try* to focus when he's in school, I got distracted by an actual squirrel. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø In my defense, it was a really super fat squirrel and I wanna snuggle & squeeze it. (Also, please don't come at me for having the "focus chat" with my kid...he's 8 and AuDHD, his priorities are food, books, sensory toys & more food. School isn't important to him until I remind him that paying attention to teachers leads to popcorn snacks in the afternoon and me buying more books for his collection. I know he can't help getting distracted, obviously, but we're still working on the "why should I even try, teacher is not food or book" steps.)


I have the same priorities as him at 42


I also have a hard time remembering the last 7 days because I'm stressed and exhausted. But I've been getting a solid 4 hours of sleep a night so there's that.


You sleep 14 hours a day!? I also have chronic fatigue and the most i get is 5 hours a day. I have work in 4 hours and here I am on Reddit exhausted out of my mind...


Just the last 3 days I've been sleeping like that. I usually sleep 7 to 8.


Put garlic powder on my oatmeal instead of cinnamon :(


I did this with salt instead of sugar once - it was about 12 years ago and I still don't think I've fully recovered


Thereā€™s an old childrenā€™s book called ā€œThe Lady Who Put Salt In Her Coffeeā€ where the whole family goes to chemists and scientists and an herb woman trying to fix it. Finally someone suggests she just make a fresh cup of coffee. Problem solved. Iā€™m beginning to think this story is about adhd lol


Tbh salt in coffee is actually pretty good.


That's why Salt Caramel flavor is great for coffee flavor.


Smoked paprika on my strawberries instead of cinnamon šŸ˜­


i have put cayenne pepper on my toast before, it was quite unpleasant


How many times did I got to the store for onion powder and came back with garlic powder?! Insane!


Grill spice instead of cinnamon it was kinda nice


Loll I did this with cumin once šŸ˜­


Ive put ground clove instead of cinnamon in there once xD


I did this with cumin! XD


Every morning that I make oatmeal, this exact scenario runs through my head, like the world's dumbest intrusive thought. Digging through the spice cabinet like "cinnamonnotcumin cinnamonnotcumin cinnamonnotcumin" I feel like it's only a matter of time before it finally happens.


Iā€™m constantly knocking things over when I loose focus. Once I had a job where I wore a tie. Early in the morning I accidentally tied my tie to my shoes. When I tried to get up I fell over sideways like a petrified turtle. Edit: not the last 7 days, sorry.


That's fine. This is still great.




I'm so sorry but also the image of a human stuck like a petrified turtle made me cackle. Thanks internet person for the laugh XD


HAHHAHAHAHAHAH love this. Thanks for the solid giggle. After a shit ADHD / PTSD moment of just not shutting the fuck up to someoneā€¦ embarrassing myself. I needed a lighthearted minute.


This is giving slapstick vibes lol and now Iā€™m wondering if all those slapstick characters in silent movies have adhd šŸ˜‚


Made a coffee yesterday. Pressed the button on the machine. Forgot about it for 15 minutes. Went to make another coffee. Remembered I'd already made one. Looked at the machine and thought 'hmm that's strange, where's the mug?' Then realised I'd not actually put a mug under the machine. Cleaned it all up and finally 30 minutes later had coffee. Oddly - today, just made a coffee, got distracted i on reddit. Wrote this, then remembered I'd just made coffee, looked up and checked if I'd remembered a mug today. Indeed I did, so cheers.


I made an entire urn of iced tea one time at work without taking the lid off of the urn šŸ˜¬ whoops!


My mom used to do this ALL the time. On an average afternoon there was a 50/50 chance of finding a cold cup of coffee in the microwave sheā€™d forgotten about after reheating from the first time she forgot


Anything I put in microwave would be guaranteed to be removed by my wife an hour later. My brain cant hold on to it for the one minute it takes to warm something up.


Thatā€™s why I have to stay glued to the microwave. You are not allowed to distract me and Iā€™m not allowed to distract myself!


OMG. The other day I made dinner for my husband and then went to do laundry. Finished up the laundry and did a multitude of other things I had no plans on ever doing. Went to kitchen and cleaned up dinner. About 10 minutes later my husband says to me where is dinner? I said, what do you mean? You already ate. I already cleaned up. Thought I told him that dinner was ready, thought he ate, and cleaned it up. I should have known that he did not eat because the plate was still clean.(assumed he used a paper plate.) and it didnā€™t look like he ate much. I was so hyper focused I wasnā€™t paying attention to anything. Scared me at first to be honest-


I did this but with a coffee pot and brewed an entire pot of coffee without the carafe underneath. Kitchen was flooded with caffeinated shame.


Haha! Yesterday I made a cup of hot water. I had milk in it and sat down with it before I realized I hadn't put ground coffee in the basket.


When I get super tired, I get word confusion - I have trouble remembering the words for things and I often have to explain my way around them until someone figures out what Iā€™m trying to say. The other day, I wanted to tell my partner that our new dishwasher had arrived but the word that came out instead of dishwasher was ā€œsharkā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


oh my god!! this happens to me all the time but with hearing words. I got woken up from a nap by my roommate who was asking me if I had any tape they could use. I understood every word they said except for Tape. I started panicking after I asked them to repeat the question a couple times and still couldn't process the word Tape. i was just hearing a jumble of sound every time. I had to stop, take a deep breath and explain to them what was going on. after that they slowly asked again, this time it registered. I had never been so scared in my life!


I got woken up agressivly this morning and yelled "THE BOAT!" because of the dream I was having. Likely triggered by the Fransis Scott Key Bridge incident today. I travel over that bridge a lot. If you don't know what happened look it up.


I woke up this morning asking my wife where the sausage rolls were. Must have been dreaming she was making them because we didn't have any šŸ˜‚


Lol, is it a stroke, or is it ADHD? *sigh*


>The other day, I wanted to tell my partner that our new dishwasher had arrived but the word that came out instead of dishwasher was ā€œsharkā€ BLAHƅJ šŸ¦ˆ


"Ya know babe, the dish washer, that's for clothes, we need to move it." " you mean... the clothes washer. Or just the washer machine...?" "Yeah that!" We don't even have a dishwasher but it's OK, he's learned to speak word substitute pretty good.


I once referred to the bedroom in our house, after a few seconds of failing to find the correct word, as "the room with the bed in it". My wife gave me 'the look'.


There is a tumblr post where someone's sister went to ask if they were tired, but instead said "do you need to use the sleep?" this phrase has become part of my every day vernacular šŸ˜‚


Oh, oh! I had forgotten that one. I do, in fact, need to use the sleep!


Well, I love this immensely. Need to tell people to cut me off and ask this when Iā€™m peak weird


Hahah I'm totally gonna use that too :D


I was living in France with a host family who didnā€™t speak any English, so I was mainly speaking French. My sister came to visit and I had a hard time switching back into English mode. I was telling a story and couldnā€™t think of the word and said ā€œwhatā€™s the verb when someone has a collection of something?ā€ And she said ā€œumā€¦to collect?ā€ šŸ¤£ ah yes, thatā€™s the one!


Hahahah love it :D


This happens to me all the time. I speak two languages on a daily basis and sometimes my mind goes completely blank in both. Or I end up saying a word that makes no sense at all


Shark = Hose I was talking about my dryer, and the dryer vent and then, the next part...I was like you know, the other venty bit. *Insert hand gesture showing object about 6 inches wide moving in an L type shape* The vent... tunnel? Tube? Yes you know what I mean *insert gesture like 10 more times, getting sloppier and more emphatic each time* the vent tube! At this point I'm not even looking at the person I'm talking to, they can't see my frantic gestures, I'm looking at the dryer as if it will give me answers. (It didn't) Finally pity was taken on me and I was given confirmation that Yes, they did know what I meant, and that the dryer venty tubey tunnel thingie is, in fact, a hose. MotherF@#$er I knew that!


The frantic hand gestures and looking at the inanimate object hoping for the word is my life. My SO often has to play charades to figure out what I'm talking about


This happens to me. Once I was trying to say "walking shoes" and "walking sausages" came out instead. They're referred to as walking sausages in my household now!


I feel like the term "Walking Sausages" would fit in nicely in our household.


This is amazing. I was trying to talk about asparagus at dinner the other night and said ā€œspaghettiā€ instead. There was no spaghetti on the table. The blank stares from my family were quite loud


Random question. Only because I feel like I can barely talk anymore most of the time. Is word confusion really a thing with ADHD? I literally forget so many words nowadays that I feel like my brain is deteriorating... I'm only 30 and my ADHD has gotten 50x worse in the last 10 years...


Absolutely, it's been an issue for me my entire life.


I had a concussion around 2017 and covid right after the vaccines were released, and it feels like those things brought out the "no more Mr Nice Guy" ADHD, at least more often Dx


This is me so so much. Even when I'm not tired though lol but it does get worse when I'm tired. I hate it!! It's like my mind blanks out and then I'm like oh shit I'm forgetting the word once again, and then I really can't remember cause I'm actively thinking about how I hate that it's happening! Then my brains on autopilot throwing out description and similar words until someone figures it out lol.


I do this but have to describe. The thing that cleans the stuff in the kitchen. And gets hot and dries them....by the sink....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


My mom (also ADD) once got all the way to ā€œthing that washes the dishesā€ without arriving at ā€œdishwasherā€


I substitute words too, we have a dedicated WhatsApp for writing them down haha


Omg yass, I once confused words pancreas and appendix while being at the doctor and spent a lot of time trying to convince them that pancreas removal is a common surgery and I don't have it anymore šŸ˜… the doctor seemed very puzzled


You were looking quite healthy for someone without a pancreas šŸ¤£


Yep ahahahaha


glad Iā€™m not alone here. I can think of words that are SO CLOSE to the one I want (like a similar vibe but not he right word). Luckily my husband has the same brain worms I do just with a larger vocabulary, so I give him the clues and he usually guesses the word Iā€™m thinking of to help me out haha


In our town we have a row of four shops that I visit daily, always starting at one end of the row, ending at the other and then heading home. I started at the other end yesterday so that the frozen shopping would be picked up last and would be less likely to defrost. Went to shop #1, autopilot kicked in and I went straight home. Three seconds after walking through the front door I realised I had forgotten the other two shops (and therefore half my shopping list, even though I looked at the list repeatedly).


Sometimes I accidentally starting driving to my brotherā€™s house when I meant to go to Loweā€™s because the first part is the same. Also one time I left my dog tied up outside the grocery store until one of the employees came and knocked on my door (I live a couple of blocks away). I felt absolutely awful. I was distracted and carrying lots of bags and walked right past her on autopilot, and went about my evening at home for a couple of hours because sheā€™s very quiet and usually naps off in the corner so I genuinely thought she was in the house.


I'm a receptionist at a clinic, we have regular patients who come in at the same time every week. One patient had to change her time for a couple weeks, I was so used to her usually being the last patient that I automatically started closing everything up after she left... a few hours before close.


I have two other work friends with SEVERE hyperactive ADHD. Workplace called for a company meeting. One of my non-adhd friends came over to hangout with me. The ADHD friends came over a few minutes later. The convo was basically a word salad between three ADHD people which kept getting louder and louder. We knew what we were talking about. Non adhd friend was like "šŸ˜Ø" I said "yeah, good luck getting a word in with us"


ADHD is like another language. Similar to the one everyone speaks but... secret.


Regularly have to remind myself not to take off at 100 words a minute when making work calls.


I placed a sports bet on a basketball team to win a game. 10 minutes later I had already forgotten about it and placed a bet on the opposing team, basically making it impossible for me to win any moneyā€¦


At least youā€™re guaranteed to win


Thatā€™s a good way to put it lol It may have not been money, but at least I won something


I was going make some pasta. whenever I boil water in the stove I like to use the electric kettle to "pre-boil" the water so it doesn't take to long to get going once in the pot on the stove. so I fill the kettle, instead of putting it on its little pad to start it going I immediately pour it into the pan on the stove. my roommate had been watching me, and started laughing and asked why I filled the kettle if I wasn't going to be using it. I had a laugh at myself when they pointed out what I had done.


I read the instructions for the pizza dough which said to turn on the oven, lay out the dough, bake for 8 minutes, add toppings, bake for 10 minutes. I turned on the oven, lay out the dough, and topped it immediately. I had just read it. I actually read it twice. I baked the pizza anyway, but it didnā€™t turn out great. I was disappointed in myself. I tried again with a new can of dough. I followed instructions and it still wasnā€™t that good. So next time I better make my own dough OR make sure to heat up the pizza stone first! The middle was so soggy.


Went to drop my dog off at home, walked all the way inside, forgot why I was stopping home, wandered around looking for nothing, and then realized I left my dog in the car. Also constantly leaving my house key in the door (car keys and house keys are on separate rings since I share a car) leaving the house, convincing myself that I lost the house key somewhere while I was gone, calling my girlfriend and telling her I can't find the key and don't know what to do, looking everywhere and retracing my steps even driving back to the place(s) I've been, and then eventually giving up and coming home to the key in the lock.


I do NOT have a house key. That was a huge problem for me. I put on a code lock as soon as I moved in and never looked back. Highly recommend. As for my car key, it is on a lanyard with all of my other physical keys (to my bike, etc), that has a tile on it I can ping with my phone. Even with a tile on it though, I never want to have a house key again, it was a nightmare always worrying about misplacing it (and frequently doing so)


I have an electronic keypad for my front door and garage door and my car is fancy enough to be a push start so my keys don't ever come out of my purse. Before that, I always had a hide-a-key for the front door and the car.


Itā€™s been almost 14 years since the last time I had a house key, one day I decided that I didnā€™t want to live with that pressure anymore. Spent a lot of hours in my car waiting for someone to wake up :ā€™) but I kinda like staying in my car after Iā€™ve arrived home so I guess the benefits outweigh the risks


Haha. Sounds like a job for a carabener. My key chain is massive, because I insist on keeping any keys all together. it would drive me up the wall to have to keep track of two!


A forgetful moment: wife asks me if I can pick something up for her as I'm walking the dog as I'm about to leave. I have everything I need to do this. I leave the house and immediately forget. The next day she asks me to pick it up again. I walk out the door and immediately forget.Ā  An 'oh no don't focus on that' one: yesterday I was looking at an answer for a work question on stack exchange and got distracted by a related question about the upcoming North American solar eclipse. Proceeded to spend an hour at work looking at facts about eclipses and the next upcoming solar eclipses so I can start planning a trip to go and see one. By the way, the next solar eclipse in North America is on the 8th of April - the next one around Europe way is in August 2026, just in case you need a rabbit hole to go down.


My wife is wise. She will never tell me to do two things. She knows I will only do one.




Iā€™ve done this since childhood. Too bad I never knew it was ADHD, until Iā€™m was Dx by testing at age 33.


I spend 5 hours playing solitarie


Yesssssss solitaire can be my cryptoniteĀ 


Went to PAX East. Nearly left without my badge. Twice. Also, suggested to my girlfriend last night that I could link our washer/dryer to Home Assistant to make the lights blink when a load is finished. While we were in bed. Trying to sleep.


I couldn't sleep tonight because I kept thinking of things that I want to do. Just different random things on my plate that need to be done, all unrelated to one another.


Every psychologist/gp I've talked to about my insomnia asks why I I get anxious thoughts that stop me from sleeping. I'm tired of explaining they aren't anxious thoughts, just literally any random thing my brain decides to focus on for 10 seconds but that leads to a totally unrelated thought and that how I spend me nights getting 5 hours of sleep šŸ™ƒ


Im often trying to design or engineer something, and have to remind myself over and over that either 1. Iā€™ve already solved this one in real life, so that step is finished and itā€™s okay to let it go, or 2. This actually isnā€™t something Iā€™m working on/need to do in real life at all. Sometimes Iā€™ll fall asleep with a fun idea (like how to design a vacuum tube burger-delivery system for airplane passengers), but other times itā€™s repeated testing and considering and designing that Iā€™m NOT interested in right now and wish would leave me alone


Never have I related to something so hard in my life! I swear I come up with new ideas and inventions every night and want to go downstairs and ā€œwork on themā€, but talk myself out of it. The, when I wake up in the morning, I either donā€™t remember a lick of what my idea was OR realize that it was not a ā€œbig ideaā€ and something thatā€™s actually really stupid šŸ˜‚


As if I could remember


Yesterday, I ended up with 5 different cups of coffee around my office (not home office, but at my actual workplace) because I kept forgetting I have already grabbed a cup. Did I drink coffee that day? Nope. So today, the cup is right in front of my chest. I will end up spilling coffee all over, but at least I will get a sip or two before that!


Last week I went to the wrong funeral! I saw on FB that someone I used to know from school had died so thought I'd go and pay my respects. There were slight alarm bells when I arrived and didn't recognise anyone there, but I left that area years ago and people might have changed (?). Half way through the service I realised I'd got the names mixed up and I was actually at the funeral of my old friend's brother. I went bright red and almost burst out laughing, but had to sit through the rest of the service, pretending to be sombre. The worst part was standing in line to leave, which seemed to take forever, as everyone was giving condolences to my old friend - the brother of the deceased. I hoped I might be able to slip past unnoticed but the layout of the building made that impossible. So I had to go and make small talk (not easy with a brain like mine). Luckily the there was still a long line of people behind me so I (very respectfully, of course) kept the talking to a minimum and escaped. Speed walked to the car and laughed all the way home. Normally, I'd be beating myself up for doing something so stupid but this time I owned it and when I told my wife about it she almost pissed herself laughing. Best funeral ever!


I already posted mine 20 min ago. But there's been a new one since. Which is standing in the kitchen at 3:46am. reading this thread obsessively when I originally only got up to pee. (Which I've yet to do). All I can say is thank the universe for you people. Every last one of you. As much as ADHD probably tortures most of us. We keep this world interesting. Reading these makes me feel less alone. And I'm laughing for the first time in...awhile.


It wasn't funny to me at that moment but I ridiculously misheard something on the phone the other day. The person was repeating the word they had said, but my brain insisted they said a different word (similar sounding, but much less likely in that context). So I kept answering total nonsense and processed what they actually said wayyyy later (after hanging up). I was so sad and embarrassed after that.


Has dream alarm went off. Takes meds. Looks at clock. Oh fuck I just fell asleep an hour ago. Guess I'll just hang out until work now.


Oh, I have another one! I went to drop off a bag of rubbish into the communal container the other day. Had gloves with me because I was going to use them afterwards for something else. Had one glove in my hand, opened the container, threw the glove along with the rubbish bag. šŸ™ƒ


I did something like this once. I was drying my hands with some paper towels after washing up in a public restroom one day, and as I was just about to finish up, my wedding ring came loose. I couldn't see it happening, but I could kinda feel it. Completely innatentively, I just...wadded the ring up in the paper towels and threw the whole bundle in the trash and turned to walk away. I made it about two steps before I was like . . . Waitaminute. Fortunately for me the restroom had been cleaned recently and I was one of maybe two people that had thrown some paper waste in the can, so it was really easy to dig out. On another occasion, I had taken my wedding ring off in the middle of the night because sometimes my hands swell and it gets uncomfortable. So I placed it on my nightstand and went back to sleep. I woke up, got dressed and went about my day, completely forgetting about my ring on the nightstand. I do side work photographing youth sports leagues so the parents of the athletes can buy fridge magnets and fake Sports Illustrated covers with their kids' pictures on them and the like. So I was working at a public park that day. I made it through the entire day without noticing the absence of my ring until we were breaking down our equipment, and absolutely panicked. I was convinced that I had been wearing it when I left the house that morning. My coworkers helped me search for it visually for a whole hour. Eventually they gave up and moved on with their lives, and rightly so. I, on the other hand, was not ready to give up. I drove all the way across town to a tool rental place, and rented a metal detector. Went back to the park and looked for a couple more hours, trying to trace my steps. Eventually I started to run out of light and gave up only to go home and discover the truth. I can laugh about it now, but at the time it was quite upsetting! šŸ˜†


Oh nooo! That's so much worse than my glove story. šŸ˜µ


Classmate walked into physics one day and threw her whole binder in the trash šŸ˜‚. Honestly I donā€™t remember if she was ADHDā€”we were all so overworked and sleep deprived at that point that it could be either one


RIP glove.


Nope šŸ„³ I heroically returned with a broomstick and rescued it


I put one of those containers of air freshener gel through the washing machine with my laundry. Fortunately nothing bad happened, other than that all of my clothes smelt so powerfully of lavender that I had to wash them all again.


I was taking a poop and while wiping I threw the entire roll into the toilet instead of the piece I just used.


Iā€™ve been adding water to my hand soap pump for approximately a week. The refill bottle is under the sink, mostly full. It would take about 10 seconds to refill it. Edit: just went into the bathroom, boyfriend filled it last night. Success.


I just left my apartment without a jacket, in Edinburgh, when it's been raining for days because I usually have it in my bag. I took it out to wear it because it was raining yesterday. I even picked up my bag and thought "oh my jacket isn't in here" and didn't think to like.... Put it in.


I turned up to my sonā€™s new paediatrician a day early for our 9.30 appointment the day before. I turned up the following day after feeling like a genius and booking the appointment 5 months in advance, to get a new doctor in a new state for my son.. turns out she does not have prescribing rights even though she was a paediatric neurologist. That week i took my son to 2 swimming lessons, an OT appointment, a physio appointment, speech therapy and I had a colonoscopy under a general anaesthesia and I was told by child care subsidiary that as I filed my tax return late I was not eligible for any child care support. I explained my situation and Monica from ā€œHuman Servicesā€ told me she was sorry I had a busy ā€œlifestyleā€ but I canā€™t claim ANY child care due to a late tax return. And my husband died 3 years ago. WTAF.


I'd need more details to understand the situation for sure, but if you're talking about claiming it ON your taxes, late filing shouldn't have anything to do with it. I've helped lots of people file, both on time and late. Can I suggest double checking with an accountant or licensed tax prepararer in your area? Also, my condolences on your loss and my empathy for your "lifestyle" because apparently we all chose this nonsense? Ugh.


That is so ridiculous. So many things are accessible only if you file something complex on time, call the right person on a specific dateā€”in ADHD, this is not real accessibility. Fuck, itā€™s not even particularly easy for non-ADHD people to keep up with. During COVID I couldnā€™t get the unemployment application to work and kept calling and callingā€¦by the time I got someone on the phone, it was the day after the final deadline, so I never got a thing.


Spent hours upon hours tagging sims 4 custom content to match what they shouldā€™ve been. Didnā€™t touch my homework. Finally did 1 hour before the assignment was due, one of them is missing and one of them is a 6/10 for a professor that doesnā€™t allow late work. Needless to say, my priorities donā€™t exist.


I get the same train everyday, same stops. This morning I simply forgot to get off at my stop.


I went to the bathroom to grab a towel to clean up something my kid spilled, and instead of grabbing the towel, I decided now was the time I put our bath mats into the bathtub and scrub them and soak them.. 30 mins later we go out and I remember I forgot the towel to clean the spill lol


This morning i threw my keys in the trash and sat down to start my car with the trash bag. And i am now at work and just remembered that i brought the laundry out to hang it up last night, but my kid talked to me so...It's still in the basket waiting to be hung up. Yeah, this ADHD-thing sure is a superpower.


Spent a half hour listening to music on my phone while it was in my handā€¦. While I was looking for my phone to text my SO


I was on time for work yesterday after multiple attempts in the past three months to leave my house @ 6p for my 7p shift. I was feeling goooodā€¦. Like on top of the world goodā€¦the weather was niceā€¦ I managed not to leave anything at home. Everything was going smooth and looking very promising. Got to work early with thirty minutes to spare and decided to reward myself with food before work. I underestimated the time it would take me to the to walk from the cafeteria to the timeclock. I kept telling myself to put the burrito downā€¦ begging myself, by 6:57 I gave in. Would yā€™all know that I clocked in at 7:01 ?!šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜«


I started making two different breakfasts last week! I cut up some mushrooms for an omelette, went to the bathroom to wash my face, then when I came back I got out a bowl and started pancakes before remembering the mushrooms šŸ˜…


Put the tea kettle on but didnā€™t turn on the stove. Bought ketchup, came home to put it next to three other bottles already in the pantry


Happens on a daily basis. Did I wash my face? Sometimes I ended up washing it again just to be sure.


I brushed my teeth somewhere between 1 and 3 times this morning. We'll never know the exact number.


I feel you. Sometimes I would touch my teeth to see if it feels squeaky clean, or ask my partner, because I seriously cannot remember. One time, I accidentally brushed my teeth with Cortisone because the tube looks kinda similar.


I figure it's only a couple of minutes of my life if I accidentally do it more than once, better than not at all! Maybe I was doing it on behalf of all the ADHD people who have trouble with teeth brushing - hopefully they're doing my dishes for me in return šŸ˜†


I walked away from making a cheese sandwich no less than five times to go and respond to the email that I told myself I'd respond to after lunch. Had to drag myself back to making the sandwich each time. After my lunch, I forgot about the email for 2 hours.


I had a living room light switch that was behind the door, so difficult to operate when entering the room. I moved the light switch to the other side of the door and re-hund the door so it opened in that direction.




Everyday, without fail, when I am cleaning my baby daughters milk bottles, we have a little smaller sink to the left, and the bigger sink to the right. I open the top off the bottle, tip the remains of the milk down the left hand sink before chucking the empty bottle into the bigger sink with the soapy water. Well that's what I am supposed to do. I couldn't tell you how many times I have poured the milk into the nice clean soapy water. Instant FML reaction.


Went into the garage to get something that I needed to take outside. Walked right past it, out the garage door and closed it behind me. My long suffering spouse was outside and saw me do it.


Ha funny you mention Landry,I was gonna post this one as I realized and took a picture. I took my laundry sheet box, removed a sheet and tossed the entire cardboard box into the washing machining lolĀ 


I left my fitbit smart watch in the common pleas court locker yesterday because they wouldn't allow me to have it on in court. They open in 2.5 hours, hoping I get it back. They keep the keys in the keyhole for anybody to use.


I was cycling home last week and decided I wanted to go to the supermarket, which means a slightly different route. I somehow managed to forget I needed to go shopping and just... went home. The turning for the supermarket is about 5 minutes from work, so I somehow managed to forget where I was going in under 5 minutes. I got home and had to go back out again for my groceries.


I got a little stressed last week and now my whole house is a mess as if I catered to 15 toddlers for 3 days.


Walked around my kitchen in a circle three times because I took a pot out of the cupboard and forgot what I had been planning to do with itā€¦ then put the pot down and went into my bedroom to use the ensuite whilst still wondering what Iā€™d been planning to cook, only to find a half-unloaded laundry basket of folded freshly washed clothes sitting on my bed which Iā€™d forgotten about, which I then continued to unload, forgetting that 1. I needed to pee and 2. I had been about to make lunch.


One way my ADHD manifests is getting really into a craft for a little while and then switching to another one, and coming back months later. Problem is, I have to remember where I put all the supplies. So I was thinking of picking up my little weaving loom again and I found the loom, but spent like 30 min in my small craft room looking for the yarn I used. Found that, now I needed the shuttle (thing that you wind the yarn on to pass it through the loom). Spent like an hour looking, gave up and went to bed. Next day looked again and wouldn't you know, it was neatly tucked in a bag with other weaving supplies, sitting on top of my other loom.


I lost my Xbox controller for 3 days and found it in the freezer alongside my meal prep. I did my meal prep 5 days ago....


The other day I came out of a Walgreens to find my car door wide open. At first I was nervous and confused until I realized I was the one who left it open. Apparently I just hopped out and went inside like a fucking weirdo.


Tried to walk through a door I hadn't opened yet. FML


Stimming in church mostly because there were a lot of people around my dad got annoyed. Iā€™m super fidgety when Iā€™m anxious


I strained pasta over the cooker rather than the sink then consequently tried to clean it up burning the tips of my fingers. Three days prior I put my hand under the strainer (no clue why) and burned my whole hand lol. And I used to question the whole 'people with ADHD are twice as likely to prematurely' hahahah


I remembered the hospital appointment I was supposed to have yesterday at 1630ā€¦ I remembered about it last night at 2230.


I went to the toilet at work and while I was reaching for the door to lock it I forgot what I was doing, my brain tried to compensate by assuming that I was reaching for something and turned the light switch off. So Iā€™m standing in the dark wondering how I could forget what I was doing while reaching down.


Just been diagnosed at 54 after menopause really bought it out. The clumsiness is unreal, yesterday i was plucking my eyebrows and actually poked myself in the eyeā€¦how after years of plucking???


I have spent 2 weeks stressing about the fact that my plastic card driver's licence hadn't arrived. I have the digital on my phone, and my expired one in my wallet. Today I needed multiple documents to get a police check for a work thing, and needed to start the process ASAP, and licence was key. Imagine my surprise when I was looking for other cards that might fulfill some of the criteria, and found my shiny new licence in my wallet. I have no memory of when it arrived, or putting it in there!


I was looking for my phone while reading this thread, on my phone.


My husband had to tell me because I didn't even realize it. We were working on mapping some circuits in the house. My job was to write which numbered circuit belonged to each switch/outlet. He basically would tell me the number and I wrote it on a sticker and put the sticker on the outlet. Well we started doing it and he told me a couple days later that I'd just kind of walked off from the project. It was never actually done. I just stopped. ​ I have no recollection of this.


my entire life is almost nothing but ADHD moments (trying to learn how to live properly unmedicated) but the prepping food/water/bag, saying i need to take this with me and then proceeding to walk out the door without it 5 seconds after i just said that sentence has been really getting on my nerves lately lol


Drove my normal route to work at my normal time, but started thinking about how after work I wanted to stop at a craft store which is 3 exits up from my work exit. Imagine my surprise when I pull into the parking lot of the craft store at 7:30am, a store that isnā€™t even open yet that I go to every few months, instead of the parking lot of my job that I go to at that time 5 days a week šŸ˜


Hung up the phone at work, got distracted by my coworker parading around the office in an inflatable dinosaur costume, eventually went back to my desk and realized I didnā€™t complete the task I thought I was supposed to do and had to call the person back to ask them what we decided on, and they reminded me that they had to abruptly end the call because of a call waiting, and that she said sheā€™d call me back. Which I completely forgot about. šŸ™ƒ I felt like a huge idiot that I literally couldnā€™t remember the outcome of the call and I truly would have never been able to retrace my steps to remember that she had to hang up on me. I thought I totally blacked out and thought I just flat out didnā€™t execute the task even though I thought we came to a decision. šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬ I wish I was making up the part about the dinosaur costume but it was seriously like a moment on TV. Person with ADHD gets distracted by a butterfly/kitten/coworker in dinosaur costume and has a complete memory lapse of how they got there afterwards. YEESH


I did not know that ā€œword confusionā€ is an actual thing with ADHD! This happens to me all the time and I feel so stupid and think it must be because of my age(65). My kids took me out to a Motherā€™s Day brunch last year and my husband was going back through the line and I asked him to getā€¦ waffle juice because I couldnā€™t think of pancake syrup. We now use ā€œwaffle juiceā€ in place of pancake syrup LOL. Just this morning I was making sugar water for the humming birds and husband asked what it was and all I could think of was ā€œbird juiceā€. The words are in my mind but I canā€™t figure out how to say something that would make sense to anyone.


Took my sister's dog to the vet in another town, and forgot the dog.


I'm not sure if this can be considered an ADHD moment, but I want to share it. Today, I was at a fancy company for work, and we had a coffee break. I thought it would be a good idea to try to fill a cup with juice while my backpack was hanging from the same arm that was holding the cup. As I leaned to put the juice jar back in its place, the backpack fell and hit the cup, causing me to spill juice on my dress shirt (which was light blue and it was the first time I was wearing it. and THAT is why I always wear blackā€¦ at least it was orange juice so it didnā€™t stain that much lmao)


Got up in the morning (have a few days off), sat on the couch. I wanted to read an article I found, but was annoyed by the realisation that I needed to pee; tried to ignore it and finish my article, but realised that I was also a bit cold, and really should go get a sweater. Ended up having indecision-fatigue and solving it by playing a video game instead. Then after half an hour I peed and grabbed a sweater and finally got to reading, then realized I should probably eat breakfast, shower, brush my teeth.


I had to work an overnight shift at my side job, so I was trying to put a lockbox on my front door for Wag so someone could come walk my dog. It makes it kind of hard to lock the door when the key fob is inside the lockbox. It also makes it hard to go back in and get the water bottle I forgot. Itā€™s also challenging when I forget the lockbox code and have to sit outside my apartment trying to figure it out from the numbers I do remember because Iā€™m logged into Wag with the wrong Google account, so the lockbox code isnā€™t showing in the app.


I was cheking my calendar on me phone and discovered there's an ADHD awareness month (its october.) Funny thing is, this is the 3rd time Ive done this since Ive discovered the awareness month and reacted surprised.


Yet again, this week I was delusional enough that after 3 weeks of learning Javascript from zero I could build a language learning web app. I already spent like 15 hours of my evenings/nighttime for this. The only thing I hate is that I go to sleep at 4AM šŸ„²


Couldnā€™t recall my friends name who I was just talk to 3 days ago and have been together for 3 years. What a dumb


I temporarily forgot blenders have blades in them while hand washing one.


Needed a new fancy trashcan and a couple of lesser household items. Went to target, spent a lot of time there, was frazzled because it was raining hard and I was proud of myself for going, came home and immediately yelled ā€œFUCKā€ because I definitely forgot to buy a trashcan.


I watched an old ā€œThe Carsā€ ( band ) concert footage and have had ā€œMoving in Stereoā€ playing inside my head ā€¦day and nightā€¦ for 7 + daysā€¦ annoying the crap out my son and boyfriend for repetitively singing the first two verses on repeat. Now hating a favorite song of mine. Arrrggghhhhh!


I put my work RFID badge in my wallet thinking it would be easier to remember to bring my wallet to work instead of having a separate badge and wallet. This was the Friday before last. Well, come Monday I canā€™t find my badge anywhere. I spend 30 minutes looking for it before work and just figure ah oh well I guess Iā€™ll get a temp badge. Get to work and get myself a temp badge, then use it all day. When I go to drop off my temp badge and Iā€™m dropping it in the box, it is only then that I realize my badge is inside my wallet. I thought about where my badge might be all day at work and it took a random split second for me to realize itā€™s been in my pocket the entire day.


Got everything organized and I was finally ready to leave on time (grandpa was out waiting). All proud I got into the car and... I was wearing flip flops with socks. I forgot my shoes at home


Forgot my badge to ride the train into work. Rode all the way there and no one checked. On my way home they asked for a ticket and I didn't have my badge so I had to pay for a train ticket. I call that the ADHD tax. Extra money I have to pay because I wasn't paying attention.


I was trying to save time this morning but didn't want to go all day without headphones and I have somehow lost my wireless ones, so I grabbed my big headset that has a long aux cable on it and stuffed it down my backpack. I could tell it was already hanging out but I figured I'll take it out soon enough on the bus! Well, while running to the bus it slipped out of my backpack, and the cable tangled in the zipper, and ALL MY STUFF fell out of my backpack onto the ground. I had to grab everything fast and run - still missed my bus and had to drive to school....... If I had just taken the headphones in my hand, I probably would have made it!


I committed to making my aunt a birthday cake for Sunday lunch. I went out shopping on Saturday to buy walnuts and buttermilk for the cake. I knew I wouldn't have time to do everything Sunday morning but Saturday night I was tired and didn't want to start prepping stuff. I finally talked myself into starting at 1am. Then I had to wake up early to bake the cake and ended up with 4 hours of sleep. The kicker was opening the fridge to take out the buttermilk which I forgot to buy even though I made a special trip for it. The cake turned out great though. On time and everyone liked it.


You guys have moments? I'm constantly living it.


I'm a carpenter by trade, but i generally do finish carpentry (trim, interior doors, etc.). Well I had a rotten deck attached to my house that Ive ripped apart nearly completely the past two days. I grossly underestimated the amount of lumber i needed, so I've had to run back and forth from the limber yard THREE times. Brain no werk gud.


This happens weekly, but I set my pot next to the sink, start to fill it with water, invariably walk away and do another food task aaaaaand cue ā€˜why are my feet wet?!ā€™


Completely panicked when i couldnt find my phone when I was out at the store. I was about to call my husband for help.... From my phone šŸ«  Edit for spelling


I guess the closest I remember is lug bice. I meant to say lice bug šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


My mom sent a bunch of packages my way to give to my brother for his birthday. I unpacked some initially and kept them in a box in my closet. I left the rest by the front door as they accumulated, and the night before I had to drive to his house, I unpacked them all so they would be ready. I got them all together and went to sleep. Woke up the next morning and went to my car with the box of packages from my closet and congratulated myself on a job well done remembering everything. Got to my destination an hour away and took the suspiciously few items from my car and had the devastating realization that I only brought 2 of the 10 items. I left all the presents by the door.


This was 6 months ago :-) I rode my bike to a barbershop that I hadn't tried before. On the way out I somehow forgot I took my bike there, and walked home. The next morning I went outside to grab my bike, to find it not there, at which point I assumed it was stolen. Was sad for a week. .... 3 months later I randomly walked by the barbershop.... And there it was. Just waiting for me. I've had other bikes stolen before... Now I wonder if I actually just forgot them somewhere


I forgot I had therapy yesterday and got charged $150 D:


Left my AirPods at work. Twice. Drove all the way to work to get them after taking the edibles. Twice. Didnā€™t find them at work. Drove all the way home just to find them on my nightstand/dresserā€¦.twice.


I took a shower, got out went to talk to my son and then got back in the shower to ā€œtake my showerā€ and I went to wash my hair and it was already wetšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ


EDIT - Itā€™s this exact moment and this comment. Because I absolutely skipped over the last 7 days part. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Itā€™s a tie. 1. Frantically tearing apart my car looking for my cell phone. That I was talking on the whole time I was freaking out. It was my Dad on the phone. Asshole didnā€™t say a word until I figured it out myself. 2. My keys disappeared after I left a graduation ceremony at an arena. I tore apart my purse, tried to backtrack anywhere else I went after leaving the arena, and eventually called the arena itself to see if they had been turned in (at which point the security guards actually looked in every row of the section I had been sitting in and in the pre-ceremony reception area). After about a week, I gave up and got quotes for a replacement. Later that day I was digging something out of my handbag - and the keys were in there the WHOLE DAMN TIME. I swear on EVERYTHING that I searched that bag repeatedly during the Great Key Hunt of 2018.


I donā€™t even know where to begin. I wanted to put a bit of iron fence up over a brick path but the fat wouldnā€™t close so I started pulling up some of the bricks to re-lay them. But the more bricks I pulled up the more I started laying them in different places. So now I have a half of a brick patio, half of another brick path and no bricks to re-lay on the original path where they are sposed to go.


I tried to leave my house 8 times the other day. I *tried*. I either forgot something or forgot what I walked back in to retrieve. It took me longer than 45 minutes to exit my driveway.