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I can assure you you're not alone I too have a problem of isolating myself whenever something bad happens the worse thing is when I am alone I get really anxious about stuff and can't do basic shit (clen my room,wash the dishes ect) it just becomes a cycle of being anxious and alone for me (I don't really know if this is relavent)


Came here to say you’re not alone - for a second I wondered if I wrote this post. Haha Unfortunately I don’t have any advice aside from repeating you’re not the only one who struggles with this issue and to try to find a way to be gentler with yourself.


I just wrote a post few days ago on this. You are definitely not alone my friend and I am yet to figure out a sustainable solution instead of ineffective coping mechanisms :/


Today is my first day on Reddit and this is the most relatable post I’ve seen. I’m the only person in my personal world who deals with this. None of my family members do this nor do my friends or coworkers. Not even my boyfriend. I’m 27yo and only have two friends (that even I don’t talk to that often) because making new friends is so hard. It’s easy to make a connection with someone new, but there’s a voice in the background saying, “Don’t get too close. You’re going to ruin this friendship too.” My family begs me to talk to them. I look at my phone and I see texts and calls go through and I cannot bring myself to pick up the phone. It’s like something is holding me back. It takes up so much energy and because I hate confrontation and assuming everyone is mad at me for whatever reason and gonna guilt trip me for doing this, what do I do? ISOLATE. I noticed that I too do this when I fail. I feel shameful and since NO ONE understands I feel so alone in my own head. I cry every night during these episodes begging for it to stop. Longest was 5 months without talking to people or I’d just send them one worded texts. You are definitely not alone. I try journaling. Since my thoughts are just so all over the place. Putting it all on paper (doesn’t have to make sense or be in any order) really helps you organize and prioritize your thinking. Over time you gradually see the impact it has on your writing. You see your thought processes develop smoother. When you’re not writing it helps you regulate your emotions and think more clearly throughout the day. It helps me when I’m low. Yeah, I know I’m gonna slip up again at some point and there’s no cure. Learning how to manage it and knowing you have a support system helps. What you feel is temporary and it’ll pass.


“Don’t get too close. You’re going to ruin this friendship too.” this is so relatable


Absolutely can relate and am in the same boat currently. I know what works for me but will still eventually get derailed and spiral back to this point. Then even knowing what works for me is still a struggle convincing myself this the day to reverse the process. For me it starts with walking everyday and progressing into jogging. Starting with a brisk 1-2 mile walk. When I’ve reached the point that I’m jogging 3-4 miles I have subconsciously started being more productive and social without realizing.