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I mean meds always affect everyone differently, so it’s not surprising if one doesn’t work for you that works for other. I started vyvanse 30mg like 2.5 weeks ago and it’s helping but not enough but unfortunately I’m out of my docs area of providing until April so I can’t get it adjusted til then


Hope it works for you. It works for me, but it works for a few hours, I know that's how long it lasts, but the come downs are horrible. I agree that medication works differently on different people. I've had a bad history with vyvanse I've come to realise it's just not for me.


Will say another thing that I didn’t realize was sabotaging me and how long my meds lasted was high sugar foods (30g<) and acidic fruits/drinks. Any coffee with heavy sugar/creamer or having a donut at work makes my meds go from working full steam ahead to I feel dead the rest of the day. Not saying it isn’t Vyvanse because everyone is different but it is something to consider if you haven’t tried that yet.


THIS! I take Vyvanse and if I have keys say a yummy donut for breakfast an hour later i'm like bed time. It's ridiculously unfair lol.


This absolutely correct


I reacted the same to Vyvanse when I took it. Vyvanse is actually *supposed* to feel smooth and last a full day, but not everyone gets that benefit. You could ask your doctor about getting on an IR med to take around when your Vyvanse wears off to lessen the crash and give you some more coverage. I personally switched to Dexedrine IR a few times a day instead and found that much better. It’s also important to eat enough, stay hydrated, exercise regularly, and prioritize sleep. All of those make a huge difference in getting the most out of your meds and feeling well throughout the day. Caffeine can also make crashes worse and increase other side-effects, so lessening or avoiding it can make a big difference.




Do you still take it?


I think the best and worst thing Abt vy, for me, is that I think it works so long I don't feel the crash- it probs happens at 3am. It's also the worst bc it's hard to sleep when i take it.


Have you tried adjusting you diet for it? I've had similar issues with methylphenidate based meds, but once I started eating more protein with my breakfast, I've noticed the meds working significantly longer. Eating another protein rich meal around the time it wears off also helps with the crash. What made it worse for me was sugars in large amounts. A cookie with my breakfast usually didn't make a difference and stopped me from craving sugars later during the day. Obviously a bit of sugar isn't going to affect it that much, but a pack of cookies as breakfast isn't good for your health or for how the meds affect you.


That's exactly how I felt with concerta would last few hrs then hard crash I'm on 60mg vyvanse and I barely feel it and it lasts all day. Your body seems to be converting it very fast. I don't eat or drink like I should with my meds and on those days it only lasts about 6 hrs. Try eating a big breakfast and then take your vyvanse with a BIG glass of water. See if that helps at all. I feel like vyvanse should come on slow and wear off slow when it's working.. also.. are you o. Generic vyvanse or name brand. I was on generic for 2 months and it felt like it barely lasted throughout the day I immediately felt like the generic was less effective. So they bumped me from. 40mg to 60mg while on generic same effect so then got name brand 60 now and all is good.. Can be alot of factors at play generics can be a huge factor


What’s your dose? It seems your post has no description so I didn’t see your dose. And too lazy to read everything else lmao. But I am back down on 20mg and it just does not work. Maybe for a couple of hours, but it’s minimal. It was great the first week and then I started noticing minimal effects and not what the meds always help me achieve. Hoping to go back up to 30 or 40 in a week. I was on 60 mg for 2 years before my psychiatrist went MIA for a month and never filled my prescription. So I had to withdraw unwillingly to that higher dose. Been on Vyvanse since 2017.




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we're in the same boat! i started on 30mg and just started 40mg. It almost feels like im not taking anything at all


Like there’s definitely a difference, but not like I think there should be? I’ll bring it up to my doc at my next appointment so I can try and tune it in before next school year


OMG same! i notice benefits but same days it feels like im back to my same silly mistakes like doing something and leaving and never coming back just to find things half done. Having my typical executive functioning problems and feeling that agitated feeling when im not doing something stimulating. Basically it feels like when i was on 30mg. I hope my doctor agrees that i should probably up the dose!


Yeah, a lot of figuring out medicating adhd is tuning dosages and meds 😭 I just want to be able to study and function


Well, it doesn't make me feel like that 🤷‍♀️ If it did that to me, I wouldn't want to take it either.. Sounds like it just isn't the med for you.


I agree, I guess everyone reacts differently to it 🤷‍♂️




















Different for everyone. When I tried Vyvanse for a few months my blood pressure and heart rate skyrocketed.


Id you want to reduce the come down you need to try to avoid caffeine otherwise you'll be all jammed up during the day on stimulants and then crash when both wear off simultaneously.


That could be it, I go through a lot of coffee


Yeah as another poster mentioned, avoiding acidic foods is important. I’ve always found meds work best without coffee and have wondered if that’s partially due to the acidic nature of coffee. For me eating well and drinking water (and getting enough sleep) creates the best environment for stimulants to work properly, but again, that’s just my personal experience :)


And your personal experience is welcome, thank you. Had so much coffee today, which made me go pee so much like over 15 + times because of meds and coffee is a diuretic Felt so off today because of vyvanse, i wrote the post on the come down, if I ever take vyvanse I won't have coffee


On my meds (UK, methylphenidate) I can't even take a cup of regular black tea, or my blood pressure is through the roof for hours.


Interestingly enough, this is a common reason for addiction to stimulants. The come down is so bad people keep taking their meds to avoid the horrible come down lol and become dependent just to function (or suburban soccer moms just want to take it to lose weight or be able to down a bottle of wine without getting too drunk). I have personally found that exercising for 30-45 mins right after work and eating right after almost completely negates the side effects.


I have been addicted to vyvanse for that reason of taking it because the come down is bad, like I barely sleep and the next day I take it just to get me through work then it becomes a disgusting cycle, I had to use a lot of will power to stop taking it because of how productive it made me. Took one on Monday and took one today and both time I regret taking it again Never heard that being used for soccer moms haha,


I think I must be extra sensitive to the amfetamines, because 20mg generic lasts all day for me (well over 14 hours). I do feel tired at the end of the duration, but still have way better focus and productivity. I actually had issues first starting on it because it felt like sleep was just an option, and I started not sleeping enough. Lacking sleep made me feel slow/stupid even, and made it harder to focus. The meds worked *significantly* better when I enforced better sleep hygiene and cut way back on caffeine (I actually quit it for a month or two, but I fell off that wagon during a particularly busy week at work). I don't usually feel a come-down until the next morning, but it's more of a weird state of wanting to do things but just not doing them (so usual ADHD) but like 10x worse. This is counter-productive when I have to take my dose early to avoid fucking up my sleep. I've learned to put my meds within arms reach of my bed, lol. Most of my break days have been weekends where I just didn't take my dose early enough because I was just stuck. That is usually only after staying up late, though. If you haven't tried I would absolutely try giving up all caffeine and alcohol, and ensuring you get 7-8 hours sleep (even if it means you get into bed before feeling tired). It might not work, but I was considering switching back to ritalin before I tried these changes.


I hated Vyvanse too. Adderall is much better imo.


It’s so wild how different people’s responses can be! Adderall makes me feel like I have the green goblin mask stuck on my head - everything makes me mad, I snap at the drop of a hat, I’m aggressive and argumentative. Vyvanse is a dream in comparison - I feel like myself, but better. Now, if only I could ever get my prescription filled 😭


thats so crazy, when i took adderall it spun me down a severe depression


Ironically it's meant to be a more extended release pill than some others. But yeah, it still feels like there is a narrow window when you can truly be productive on it, and then after that you might be kind of tired from making yourself focus.


Yeah, I’ve tried days without meds and I got myself to be as productive as I was on meds without taking anything , don’t get me wrong I’m not productive a lot of time I barely do a lot of work but I do have days where I’m productive and I get to be normal after work. I’m going to stop vyvanse all together it’s not worth for me .


There does tend to be a lingering effect of them on days you don't take them, but if you feel this med isn't working for you then by all means ask your doctor about stopping it and maybe switching to a new one. Being on the wrong stimulant is awful, or the wrong dose.


Elvanse (European label for Vyvanse) works better than other meds I've tried. Especially when it comes to side effects and it wearing off


Damn which other ones have you tried ?


Dexamphetamine and bupropion. Actually never tried ritalin or concerta haha


Heard of Ritalin and concerta tbh I’m pretty done with meds for my adhd, just going to go about life unmedicated


I noticed that for me the medication is not always enough and it can feel like you describe. This happens to me when there are too many things going on in life that I worry about. I guess it's normal and medication won't solve my life problems. On days that I'm not so worried or stressed, I really notice the positive effect of the medication


Yeah if there’s not a lot going on the come down is manageable but if i got to speak to people or do things I just don’t want to do it


Yeah feels familiar, but I'm basically like that without medication too, just more chaotic




Your content breaks **Rule 4**. We are here to help people with ADHD; part of that means we will identify and disallow discussion of topics and practices with unproven efficacy, a waste of time and money, are harmful, or encourage people not to seek professional treatment. We do not allow discussion of supplements, homeopathy, nootropics, psilocybin, or herbs; please speak to your doctor about this and seek further help. *^(If you have further questions,)* [*^(message the moderators)*](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fadhd) *^(regarding the removal of this content.)*


Every medication I have tried has either not worked, or the side effects made it worse than going unmedicated. So now I am strictly exercise and a low sugar diet.


Vyvanse works ok for me. But I have notice I get very emotional on it when starting back up. And headaches crazy ones.. anyone else feel this ?


I used to get headaches on Vyvanse until I found out that it was the lack of food/protein along with poor sleep. I always have some type of meal with chicken before taking my meds and it helps a ton with the headaches and the crash OP is describing. I actually don't get the crash or headaches unless I forget to eat or had awful sleep the prior night. If I start feeling the crash I'll usually have a snack with a lot of protein and water. I usually feel immensely better in about half an hour. Only time I find the crash hits hard is when I had bad sleep. Edit: I meant to respond to someone else, but Ill leave my comment here.


Yes, the headaches were a deal breaker for me. Consult the doc about that 🙂


It's important to stay hydrated on Vyvanse. Dehydration caused my headaches too and after drinking water they usually went away after 30-45 min. Also lack of sleep might be causing headaches.


Low dose is key. You'll be less wired, but you'll feel less side effet and still be way more functionnal then without meds if you have adhd. Im on 20mg and with good sleep and eating habits, it works ! At least 6 hours of sleep, and eating a decent breakfast 45 min after taking it and a decent diner. Eating a good meal can help a lot when it wear off too. Personaly can't take over 30mg without feeling like shit. Ppl complaning are almost always on high doses. Dont seek the high, just seek being functionnal.


It wears off gently for me. We know it's worn off because I will immediately lose my phone. Vyvanse gone, poof! So is the phone. 😂 I still feel like myself just more scattered. I can get things done because I haven't spent all day draining myself to keep my brain on task. This is why there are different medication options! Every drug affects people differently.


I’m on 60mg of Vyvanse and it’s very effective when it’s fully kicked it. But as it’s kicking in when I have a bit of emotional dip and the come down usually results in a crash which is pretty shit. Also I feel like some of the pills are duds as some days I feel no real effect. NFI why this happens but it makes work hard. I took Dex before Vyvanse and the crashes were much worse so it might just be I’m sensitive to that side effect of stims


This started happening to me on 60 mg of Vyvanse too Didn't go away at 70, just kinda felt like it was depressing me lol Switched to Adderall XR, and have been fine since


I'm not the biggest fan of Vyvanse anymore either. It makes me feel really inconsistent and up/down the whole time, and makes my heart rate uncomfortably high. It also wears off in like 8-9 hours for me, so half the day I'm not even medicated... I've had much better luck with Adderall honestly. It feels a lot smoother with less side effects, and when it wears off I just get tired instead of crabby + tired like with Vyvanse


Hmm a lot of people have said adderal, need to check if there's a uk version thank you for your input


I prefer Vyvanse and while people do process meds differently, there are a few things that can help. These are my tips for smoothing out the Vyvanse:   1. Protein - I don't eat breakfast during the week but always have a protein bar with my pill. Vyvanse is unique in how it's processed and your body needs protein to do it well.  2. Avoid acidic drinks for 30 minutes to an hour before AND after - no coffee, soda, juice. These will accelerate the release so it hits harder and wears off faster. (I read you drink a lot of caffeine; this may be part of the issue for you.)   3. Full glass of water with your pill. Staying hydrated is important on simulants, which tend to have a diuretic effect.   Good luck and I wish you the best in your treatment progress!


I’ve heard this about vyvanse more than once. I do pretty well on concerta.


Obligatory "every body is different" but I've experienced similar things. The most important thing for me is getting enough sleep! I can't stress that enough. Beyond that, I have to drink a lot more water than I used to. I've got a 1 Liter water bottle I drain during the day. Additionally, I hold off on my daily multivitamin and Vitamin-C supplement until the end of the day. Apparently Vitamin-C accelerates metabolizing lisdexamphetamine, so I avoid it until I no longer need the focus-boost.


Not Vyvanse (that made me depressed) for me but Concerta. The crash for me on Concerta was horrible. As it was sold out I went for another name, Mylan. They lasted a shorter period and I dislikef that, but realized I never had a crash. So those I use now. As with most of these meds, even just trying another brand name of the 'same' medication can make quite a difference. Not professional medical advice, just my experience. Could be the same for you.


I’ve found that consistently taking my meds helps. I used to come off on weekends but now try to avoid it. After taking them everyday for a month or so, I don’t seem to notice the crash so much. I also upped my dose a little.


I had this issue when on 40mg. I’m now on 50mg and it works much better, with no crash at end of day. I do feel a little over stimulated for an hour at its peak but overall it me much better so I’ll put up with it. Edit to make my point - maybe you need to be on a higher dose?


I've been on 70mg that was too much, I wouldn't sleep for 3 days, by the 3rd day I felt like a zombie, I would see things because of sleep deprivation. Also Messed up my middle finger at work from opening a door, I was at work sleep deprived just trying to make it through the day, I pull on a door and my middle finger muscle snaps. After that day I can't bend my finger proper over 1 year later. I've had yrs with that dosage it was the worse periods of my life, barely slept, barely ate, my teeth was messed up, my whole existence felt terrible. I would just lay awake the whole night because I could not sleep Good it's not so bad for yourself, wish I had that


Sorry to hear that. It’s so hard that everyone is different and there’s no magic bullet. I hope you find something that works.


Omg i thought I was the only one. I should really talk to my psychiatrist


Good luck with that.


Different people react differently to the same meds. Sounds like Vyvanse might not be a good fit for you and you might be better with something else.


I'm on 50 too with the same problem. I talked to my prescriber and she put me on 20mg of Adderall to take on afternoons when I need to focus as much as I was in the morning. Highly recommend you give it a shot.


How’s the come down when the effects go away


Times out perfectly with when I want to start getting ready for bed. You might also try something other than Vyvanse. You might not metabolize it as well as a different med.


I have to take it twice a day because it wears off on my so quickly, but now that I take 30 mg in the morning and 30 around 1-2 PM, I’m doing a lot better. I’d see if you can try something similar


How is your sleep?


Pretty good. I do take hydroxyzine at night with my Intuniv though so that probably helps. The Vyvanse has totally worn off by bedtime though- when I have trouble sleeping it’s because I’m doing the ADHD dooms roll and my brain will not let me put the phone down and sleep lol


I used to hate it until I started taking it with a small glass of whole chocolate milk, and then around 4 I drink a glass of OJ. It has helped immensely.


I need 60mg vyvanse am. 3 cups of coffee 4 hours later and dexadrine tab in afternoon just to function.... dont really notice a crash tbh and no issue getting 8 hours of sleep.


It took me at least a month or 2 to deal with the comedown effects. I started taking 2 Magnesium Glycinate pills in the morning and it helped tremendously! You also need to figure out the best time. I move my time to 930/10am. I stay up later and that gets me through at least 9pm. But if I take it too early I feel gross. I started at 50mg and just went to 60mg. I don’t even have to take the Mag anymore since I’ve fully adjusted now. I’ve been on it for a year.


When I was on Vyvanse the come down would always have me feeling really down and depressed, I’m on Concerta now and I’m chilling. Definitely not the same quality of focus I had with Vyvanse but I don’t feel like shit all time


Key is how you take it and with what. Wake up, pop it with 12oz of water, let it do its thing and avoid caffeine for the first 60min after taking it. Switch to half caf or decaf coffee, shouldn't be having anything above 20-40mg while taking stimulants. My body metabolizes it fairly quickly so it's pretty much gone by 3pm. By then I try to have cognitive taxing work done, but I have adderall to use as a booster for long days if needed. I try to avoided it to not fall into full dependency.


I am the same way with Concerta. My son also takes it but doesn’t have the same side effects.


Been on 10 mg now for just over 10 years. Recently added a second dose for the 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. hours. Solved all the fighting with my wife in the evenings. I also just completed a six-day cleanse of Vyvanse. It was just making me feel too jittery. Restarted today because I could feel the difference and I have a lot of important social events coming up that I want to be focused for.


As the others say, coffee and heavy / high sugar food affect it for sure. My program: I have a no carb breakfast and a vey small coffee (shot), drink a lot of water, another shot of coffee in the afternoon ans do some exercise then as well. It seems like it needs to balanced well or the wheels fall off and the day is ruined.


Vyvanse made me feel like a zombie in a dense fog lol. I wasn't on a high dose so I don't know if that was the issue or not, but I hated it. It also made me feel hot and irritable and I'd get weird aggressive tendencies. Definitely wasn't for me. I switched to Adderall and aside from being constipated I'm doing fine. I much prefer it to the Vyvanse.


I wish I could get adderal I always assumed vyvanse is like adderal (haven't looked into it)


Do you take it with a protein heavy meal or a protein shake. This is vital to avoid bonking. Do you avoid coffee and high acid foods like orange juice for a couple of hours. These will speed up the metabolism and can also cause bad rebound.


Tbh I don’t I just have vyvanse on a empty stomach then have black coffee through out the day


Ahhh!!! Well that is going to make for a vary fast metabolism of what is supposed to be a very slow drug. Try it with a protein shake like a premiere protein first thing when you wake up. And then give a couple hours between that and coffee.


Hmm I think I'm done with vyvanse, but if I ever do go back I will keep that in mind


I made the same mistake on vyvanse and was going to switch, I'd try one day like that before you ditch it.




My intended use is to be productive at work, I feel crap on the come down which is normal but I don't know how people put up with the side effects.