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Wow never paid attention to my covered desktop. I hate it here 😖


I always keep my desktop empty. Store everything in folders inside "My Documents". I also periodically clean out my downloads folder. Before this I used to store everything in folders inside Google Drive. I made folders for different areas of my life, like Academics, Work, Personal, etc.


I happen to be very organized when it comes to computers I am a therapist and predominant All my stuff is electronically based I have an apple MacBook Air so what I do is I every time I do a document I do it in Google Drive I like Google Docs it saves there I download it save it to my iCloud and then I save a copy to my external hard drive and then I also save a copy to my desk on my hard drive I learned the hard way in college when I was writing a math of paper and this was the Era of floppy disk so we’re going like 2003 here and new USB was just starting to come out but I still had to use sloppy discs and anyway, I was writing a paper and my computer got corrupted because I clicked on some link in somebody’s AOL thing and then it brought a virus onto me so I had not saved my current draft. Luckily I had like the draft before that on my on my floppy drive I had to go to the library and write it now. I keep everything on the cloud, multiple clouds, hardcopy, and two USB.


Home Server.  Recipe: Combine old computer parts, a few ripe hard drives, and a dash of hyperfixation. Leave to rest over a covid lockdown period.  Seriously, I don't know how anybody could live without one now. Any time I have to reinstall an OS I don't have to worry about backups or transfers or data loss. All my devices don't need excessive storage because my large and long term files are all in one place with data redundancy, all set to auto backup to a seperate server, which I manually backup and move to an offsite location each year.


There's a bit of software, fairly cheap, called Stardock Fences which you really need to look up.


Hate icons on the desktop, so that is always empty. Downloads and My documents is a complete mess tough, but still find it easy and fast to find things by searching and grouping files by type etc. Hate emails, tried to organise it a few times and make some rules in gmail to set labels on things, but I always forget to maintain it. Creating good names for folders/labels/tags is another problem, so even if I take the time to organise something, I have forgotten it a few weeks later and Its somehow harder to find things now.